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"Here's the Dish Before It's Dirty!"
Daytime TV
March 1994

Judi Evans is a well-traveled soap star. Not only does this Emmy winning (for her role as Beth Raines, GUIDING LIGHT, 1983-'86) actress move around, but when she does land a role she likes, she stays for a while. In addition to her 3 year stint on GL, she was Adrienne on DAYS from 1986-'91 and has been appearing as Paulina on AW since 1992.

You've always shown a very sexy and sensuous body on TV. Do you envy those real skinny actresses?

Are you kidding? I love my body and I like to eat! As a matter of fact, one of my favorite dishes is my mom's liver and onions. I wouldn't make it for myself. I just don't like the look of uncooked liver. Funny, because I never ate liver as a child, but my mom made it for me a few years ago and I loved it! Actually, I'm a real potato person too. I love liver and onions with garlic mashed potatoes. I love homefries too.

Do you ever diet?

Of course. Sometimes I diet real hard. I thought I was a little bit out of shape when I started on AW, so I put a gym in the house and started working out more. I lost 7-8 pounds. Remember when I was on GL and DAYS? I played "nice" girls. Then I got to Bay City as Paulina and the first day they had me in a dress that showed...well all of a sudden I've got these things up front, wow!

Did you mind showing more of yourself. Feel exploited?

I didn't mind showing off. It was such a difference for me, and no I never felt exploited. There is never any nudity involved. Look, God gave them to me for a reason. He said, "You have breasts." Then he went to someone else and said, "You have a nice butt." He didn't give me a nice butt, which I've always resented, but we'll negotiate that later!

You're pretty outspoken, aren't you?

Sure. I always tell people the worst things about me. When I tell them the worst, they can't talk behind my back. I'd rather talk to people openly about things. Then there's no secrets. I don't like secrets, so you might as well know the worst about me up front.

How about an example?

Well, let's see. I recently had a barbeque dinner party and Jensen Buchanan (Victoria) and her husband were over. I was dieting hard and hadn't been drinking. But then I started drinking too fast - it wasn't like me - and I got the spins. Jensen said, "Put your head down." I said, "No, I'll fall asleep if I do." She said, "So, go to sleep." And I did. At my very own party! The next morning I went to work before Jensen got there, and I told everybody what happened. That way, nobody got to hear about how Judi got drunk at her own party, although I know Jensen would never talk that way about me.

Has your family been watching you on AW?

Oh yes. But they can't watch all the time and I'm not very good at explaining storylines. When I was Beth on GL, they'd ask me what kind of girl is she? I'd try to tell them: She was raped by her stepfather...she had him thrown in jail...then fell in love with the richest boy in town...he got another girl pregnant...she told him to marry her...she fell in love with this gay man...turned out to be the long-lost heiress...was blinded and kidnapped a few times...then she left. Then, of course, there was Adrienne on DAYS. She was raped by her father...she shot and killed him...her brother Steve took the rap...she got her brother off because she remembered the details just before he went to jail...then she fell in love with the richest boy in town...he was involved in the Greek Mafia...they got married...they were always fighting...I love you - I hate you - I love you - I hate you...she had a miscarriage...they got divorced...she started her own company in competition with him...they got back together...they remarried...had kids...then she left!

Whew! No what about Paulina?

Well, she sure knows what she wants...she tries to get it any way she can...she's always getting into trouble because of her actions...she has to dig her own way out...the locket with Mac's hair in it proved she was a Cory...she found out the day of the first wedding...she was upset with Iris...If she knew this much earlier, she never would have shot Jake...she had to marry him or he would have told that she shot him and she could have gone to jail...and it goes on and on! #

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