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Excerpts from various magazines surrounding GL's 60th anniversary in 2002

TV GUIDE, June 22-June 28
by Michael Logan

At the GL Studio on East 44th Street in Manhattan, a scene is being taped that is the very essence of soap opera: Rick Bauer, the menschy medic played by longtime fan favorite Michael O'Leary, is dying in the hospital of a degenerative heart ailment and is being visited by three of his dearest friends - Phillip (Grant Aleksander), Beth (Beth Chamberlin) and Mindy (Krista Tesreau, returning to the show after a 13-year absence). Rick has only weeks to live but no one directly addresses this. Instead, the characters poignantly reminisce about the good ol' days (and indeed they WERE good - in the mid-80s, the adventures of this quartet, known as the Four Musketeers, electrified GL, bringing the show legions of new, young, and very rabid viewers). As the scene progresses, Rick and his buddies laugh, trade barbs, share poignant silences and stifle tears. The ache they feel is palpable, but so is their joy at reuniting after so many years.

"A lot of our stories are way out there, but THIS is what GUIDING LIGHT does best," O'Leary says during a break. "It sounds corny but when you get right down to it, the appeal of our show is and always will be family and friends and relationships. Basic values. People pulling together in times of need." Adds Aleksander: "The viewers really love it when we give 'em Norman Rockwell. And the show really suffers when we don't."

CBS SOAPS IN DEPTH, July 2, 2002

What have been your favorite storylines?

Michael O'Leary:
"The Rick, Phillip, Mindy and Beth storyline in Central Park ... When Charita Bauer (Bert) had her amputation and they wrote her storyline around her real-life struggle ... The Ross/Blake/Rick triangle and the twins ... When Amy Ecklund got her hearing back and so did Abby was really powerful."

"Looking Back"

Krista Tesreau:
"Honestly, working at GL was unlike any other feeling that I had working on any other show I've ever been on. It was so much a family."

Vincent Irizarry:
"My first stint on the show, as Lujack, was supposed to only go for three days, and it turned into a two-year contract. That was a significant turning point in my life. I'll always remember the time we went out to Montauk (NY) to shoot these beach scenes with Lujack and Beth, in my black leather jacket, I follow her out there to tell her that I love her. This golden palomino horse just appeared on the beach like Pegasus, and we jumped onto its back and were racing down the coastline. And in the background was the song "Almost Paradise." It was very romantic."

Judi Evans Luciano:
"The remote in New York was fun, but it was so cold! I remember I had to run home at one point to put my feet under hot water because I felt like I had frostbite! I couldn't move my toes!"

Paulo Benedeti (ex-Jesse):
"Michael O'Leary and Grant Aleksander told me that I was going to be doing a remote in Italy, where Jesse became this gay, Speedo-wearing painter. They had wardrobe give me a pink Speedo, and even the senior producer was involved. I almost bought it enough to try on the Speedo."


Robert Newman (Josh):
"I think of Krista Tesreau (Mindy) crawling across the floor during a fight sequence with Frank and Josh and some oil guys at the diner. She crawled across and punched this 300-pound guy. It's not about the scenes. It's about the people."

Grant Aleksander:
"Chris (Bernau) and I were very close," says Aleksander of his late co-star. "I learned a lot from him, and I miss him a lot. He taught me a great deal early because we worked so much. Almost immediately we developed a closeness, and that worked on-camera. You'd really have to not be paying attention to not learn from the people I was working with. Chris, Beverlee McKinsey (ex-Alexandra Spaulding), Bill Roerick (ex-Henry Chamberlain), Larry Gates (ex-H.B. Lewis), Jerry ver Dorn (Ross)..."

Beth and Blake battled over Phillip in 1989. "Sherry was such a pleasant person to work with," says Grant Aleksander, referring to Elizabeth Keifer's predecessor, Sherry Stringfield. "She would come in and work hard and be so committed to what she was doing. I've always been happy for the success she had when she left." As for his current leading lady, Beth Chamberlin, Aleksander raves, "She has the ability to do things in her work where I'm not sure she knows how good it is sometimes. Also, she is one of the kindest-hearted people I know."

Judi Evans Luciano:
"The whole remote in New York, when Phillip and Beth ran away, is my favorite memory," shares Luciano. "It was very touching and dangerous. It was very cold, too. I had to my apartment and put my feet under hot water, because I thought I was getting frostbite. I could still move my toes, so I don't think it was frostbite, but at 18 you think, 'Oh, my god.'"

Luciano adds, "Jim Rebhorn, who played Bradley Raines, was so funny. He played this dark character, yet he was the sweetest, funniest man. He had a great sense of humor. He and Larry Gates were always cracking everybody up. Always telling jokes - a joke upon a joke. I adore Tina Sloan (Lillian); she was like a second mom to me. I miss her a lot. I spent a lot of time over at her apartment with her son. Those were really good times."

Beverlee McKinsey:
"Favorite Memories form the show? Oh, my goodness," chuckles Beverlee McKinsey. "Well, any scene that I did with Jay Hammer or Grant Aleksander or Vincent Irizarry." #

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