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FULL NAME: Brandon Eric Luvonaczek

BIRTHDATE: January 19, 1961 (1965 also given)

Vincent Irizarry: Dec. 1983 - Dec. 1985

We got our first glimpse at Lujack in the Springfield University student lounge, where he and two of the Galahads challenged Rick to a video game.

Lujack died from injuries suffered in an explosion. He died in Beth's arms at Cedar's Hospital. Shortly after his death, he appeared to Beth in a dream, helping her move on with her life.

Lujack grew up on the streets. After his mother left when he was three, his father, Eric Luvonaczek, kept them on the move. Eric was a musician and often left young Brandon with relatives. He eventually left home and hooked up with the Galahads.

In 1984, Alexandra Spaulding returned home with a plan. She wanted to find her son, who was taken away from her when he was three. Her search led her to Lujack. Along with his new mother came a cousin--Phillip. There was no love lost between the two young men--especially when they both fell for Beth. Lujack never got to know his uncle Alan, nor did he meet his cousin, Alan-Michael (on-screen), his half-brother, Simon (by father Eric), or his long-lost twin brother, Nick McHenry, who came to Springfield in 1991.


DARCY DEKKER: Darcy was Lujack's "old lady" in the Galahads. She didn't like him being away from the gang when he was sentenced to work at Company. She also grew jealous of Lujack spending time at the boarding house with Beth. When Lujack decided to quit the gang and start a life with Beth, Darcy snapped. She proclaimed herself the new leader of the Galahads and set out to cause some trouble. Instead of the usual pranks, she set more destructive plans in motion. Her main targets were Beth and Lujack's long-lost mother, Alexandra.

Lujack got wind of his ex's plans, and went back to the gang in hopes of breaking them up once and for all. When Darcy learned what he was up to, she held him at gunpoint. Once he was free, she went after Beth and Alex, taking them hostage at Cedar's Hospital. Recalling their past as kids, Lujack convinced her to give up, and he stood by her when she was taken into police custody.

BETH RAINES ~ Coming Soon!

Lujack was hospitalized after being kidnapped by his ex-girlfriend, Darcy, and being knocked unconscious. In December of 1985, Lujack was injured in an explosion on a tanker where Beth was being held hostage. He later died from his injuries at Cedar's Hospital.

Lujack was in and out of the juvenile court system growing up. In the winter of 1983, he stole Floyd Parker's lottery winnings from Company and seriously injured bar owner, Tony Reardon, in the process. Tony actually kept Lujack from going to prison by having the gang leader paroled into his custody. Lujack was arrested and/or detained by the police several times after that, but never charged.

In 1985, he was convicted of murdering Andy Ferris. He was innocent, but went to prison and labeled the "Valentine's Day murderer." He enlisted Beth's help to escape and they briefly went on the run together to clear his name.

Lujack worked off his debt to Tony Reardon by waiting tables and tending bar at Company. He and Floyd Parker worked to open a nightclub in 1984. When that plan was sabotaged by Phillip and Andy Ferris, Lujack set out to clear his name. Part of that entailed working undercover as a mute handyman at the Horizon School for the Blind, which Beth was attending. Once he was released from prison in 1985, he got a job as an orderly at Cedar's Hospital. He quit that job to pursue a music career and entered a music video contest with the help of Delilah Records.

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Forever Young ~ Characters/Lujack