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Beacon Prologue: An Introduction!

by Maria

Truth be told, the idea for “Beacon” was planted in a long ago childhood memory. A nice, warm fuzzy one. I remember coming home from school, “burdened” with second grade homework, and looking forward to the graham crackers and milk my mother would have waiting for me on the kitchen table. I’d work studiously on my phonics and my mom would cook dinner. Every day.

My mother had another daily habit that occurred at this time - watching “Guiding Light.” For years we had lived with my paternal grandmother. She and her sister were fans, obsessing about Holly, whom they called Ollie, which was my aunt’s name. (They were Italian immigrants, so that was close enough!) My mom got hooked and continued to watch after we moved. Occasionally, she would call me to the TV to watch something special, like the hot air balloon at Quint and Nola’s wedding. Then I’d go back to my Barbies.

Then one day my mom called me to the TV to watch her favorite storyline. She wanted me to see these two young kids who ran away to a big city and were being helped by, to my young eyes, the most realistic-looking Santa Claus I had ever seen. I was seven. I was hooked.

This time I didn’t go back to my Barbies - I watched. The more serious aspects of the story were lost on me at that age, but there was plenty for me to enjoy. I wanted to eat at a restaurant that was in a basement and had a jack-in-the-box on every table. I wanted to mime in Central Park. I wanted my picture drawn. I wanted to live in a prop room. Most of all, I wanted to be on a first-name basis with Santa.

Years later, I’d find myself drawn into that story again when that same boy, now a man, had a memory flashback of miming in Central Park. And even though the girl was now being played by a different actress, the idea of a man still loving a woman so completely after believing she was dead for three years won over my 13-year-old heart. Heck, it still wins it over years later. A bona fide Phillip and Beth fan was born.

Well, it hasn’t been easy to be a fan of this couple in recent years due to, in my opinion, writers who don’t know the history of the show for which they are writing. I felt I could do better and set out to prove it with “Beacon.” I don’t really know if it’s better, but it IS what I’D like to see onscreen, so of course I enjoy it. And my not-so-secret desire is to one day be a scriptwriter. But regardless of its dramatic merit, it’s been a lot of fun.

Here’s what you need to know: The story begins the day after Beth accepts Edmund’s marriage proposal (obviously the point where I could no longer stand it!). Every thing that occurred on “Guiding Light” before that point is backstory for “Beacon” with one exception: Harley is not having Rick or anyone else’s child. I have different plans for both of them.


Chapter 1 - A Cry in the Shadows

The palace sitting room the morning after the coronation. Phillip starts to pour himself some coffee, changes his mind and pours whiskey instead. Alan enters.

Well, I hope you’re pleased with the mess you’ve made of everything.

Phillip (finishing a shot of whiskey)
Dad, can it. I feel sick enough today without listening to your delusions.

This is no delusion, Phillip. Beth agreed to marry that lunatic on international television, and I want to know what you’re going to do about it.

Well, I’m not going to lock myself in a cell with her, if that’s what you think. You know, there’s not much I can do, Dad. She’s an adult, and she’s made it clear that she’d rather be with that sociopath than in Springfield with her family. But I can tell you one thing--my kids are never going to think of Edmund as a stepfather.

(Just then, Lizzie and Beth enter. )

What do you mean, Daddy? Mommy, you’re still marrying Edmund, right?

Of course, sweetie. Now I think Grandpa Alan was going to read you a story this morning.

Why yes, Elizabeth. I was reading one about a pirate who was searching for a treasure on the beach right outside this palace.


Phillip, can I speak to you outside for a moment?

Whatever you want. (To Lizzie) Bye sweetheart. (To Alan) Just read the story, nothing else.

(Innocently) Who, me?

(Outside the sitting room)

What were you saying in there?

Not here. Lizzie’s right inside.

We need to talk about what you were telling Alan.

Okay. But the palace is huge. Let’s go someplace private.

(A corridor we’ve never seen before.)

I wonder who Edmund’s got locked up in this wing.

(Angrily) I thought we came to an understanding about the children.

That was before you became engaged to the Caribbean’s answer to Napoleon.

That’s not fair. I explained how I felt about Edmund, and you promised you would not use the children to get back at me for loving him.

I’m not planning to use the children for anything. This is not blackmail, Beth. This is protecting my kids form a monster. He tried to kill Richard and Reva’s son. You do know that, right?

He would never hurt me or my children.

(Voice getting louder and louder) Would you listen to yourself Beth? You’re not making sense. You’re not being rational. I WILL NOT LET MY CHILDREN LIVE HERE.

(At this scream, Phillip and Beth suddenly hear a young baby start to cry.)

What the...?

(He goes down to the end of the hallway and opens up the last door. Beth follows. They peer inside and see an elderly women rocking a small infant in a cradle. )

Who are you?

Chapter 2 - A Secret Revealed
Post by Admin on Jun 4, 2003, 10:42am

(Phillip and Beth have found an old woman and a baby in a remote area of the palace.)

I asked you who you were.

Phillip (puzzled)
I don’t get this.

Old Woman
Please, your yelling is disturbing the baby.

(Slyly, she pushes a hidden “urgent” button on the crib.)

Whose baby is this? A palace worker's? I don’t remember seeing anyone pregnant lately.

Phillip (sudden realization)
Oh my God...

(A detachment of soldiers enter the room and approach Phillip)

Mr. Spaulding, you are under arrest for treason and trespassing. Please come with me.

Phillip (rolling his eyes)
Oh goody, do I get my old cell?

That’s okay, Joseph. Mr. Spaulding was with me.

I’m sorry ma’am, but our orders come from Prince Edmund. Anyone unauthorized in this room must be arrested.

And I’m his fiancee. Phillip is the father of my children, who are in the palace, and I will not have them see him in handcuffs.

Gee, thanks for the overwhelming concern.

Soldier (testily)
Ma’am, until you are truly the princess, I must follow Prince Edmund’s orders alone.

(From behind)

How dare you speak to Mrs. LeMay in that tone.

Soldier (nervous)
I meant no disrespect, Your Highness. It won’t happen again.

I assure you it won’t. You are dismissed--permanently.

Yes, Your Highness.

(He leaves. Edmund addresses the other soldiers.)

Please escort Mr. Spaulding to his cell.

Edmund, what’s going on here? We were talking, then we heard this baby crying...

You sick bastard. You’re not going to get away with this, you know.

I said take him away.

(They leave)

Edmund, Lizzie’s here. You can’t lock Phillip up. And this time he really wasn’t doing anything.

Edmund (To himself)
He figured it out. I could see it in his face.


Not here, darling. In my quarters. (To the old woman) Agatha, please try to keep William calm. You followed the correct procedure. Good job as always.

Old Woman
Thank you, Your Highness.

(In Edmund’s quarters)

Edmund, what’s this all about?

Oh, Beth, my love. I’ve been wanting to tell you all about this, but I didn’t want to burden you. I wasn’t sure you’d understand. But after yesterday. Yesterday you made me the happiest man on the earth, and I don’t ever want to keep a secret from you again.

Haven’t I proved how much I love you? (Caressing his cheek)

I almost told you once. I almost told you when you came to me about the voting plot.

Almost told me what? Who were the old woman and the baby?

Agatha--she was my nursemaid as a child.

And the baby?

The infant--William--is my nephew. Richard and Cassie’s son is alive.

Chapter 3 - Seeing the Light

Otherwise known as--"It's About Time!"

William is my nephew. He’s Richard and Cassie’s son.

(Unconsciously Beth pulls away, drawing her hand away from Edmund’s)


The baby’s alive. I hid him.

But why?

Edmund (drawing closer)
Oh Beth, please don’t back away from me. Don’t think that I’m a monster. William is perfectly safe and happy.

Edmund, I don’t understand. How did you get the baby? And why? You were so concerned that Cassie would lose the baby and then the people would turn against you. Why keep him hidden?

Sit down and I promise I’ll explain everything.

(They sit, followed by silence.)

Edmund, you don’t have to be afraid to tell me anything.

I just don’t know where to begin. Okay. Cassie and Reva drove straight into my roadblock. I didn’t want that to happen. I don’t know what they were thinking. And then the wreck and the explosion. I saved their lives.

Of course you did.

Ah, but Richard didn’t see it that way. He blamed me for everything at the hospital. He never even thanked me. And then when I realized Reva was blind...


Well, that gave Richard and Cassie all the more ammunition and drive to attack me. And that’s when I decided to take the baby. I thought their baby’s supposed death would kill Richard and Cassie’s spirit.


How did you get him?

I placed a doctor loyal to me in the obstetrician's office. When Cassie went into labor, he switched William with a child stillborn earlier that day. (Pause) You think I’m horrible, don’t you?

No. I think you made a terrible mistake.

How so?

Richard and Cassie will never stop trying to hurt you, now that they blame you for their baby’s death. Edmund, remember last year when Lizzie was sick? I cannot describe how terrifying the thought of losing my child was. It consumed my entire life. And if I thought it was anyone’s fault, I would never have forgiven them.

Maybe I did make a miscalculation.

Beth (caressing his cheek)
You just have to make it right.

What do you mean? I can’t just give him back.

We can set up an elaborate scenario. Have you look like the hero.

Richard and Cassie would see through that in a minute. I would simply infuriate them more. No, William must stay where he is.

You named him after your brother, the true heir.

Ironic, isn’t it? Don’t worry Beth. I’ll never hurt him. He’ll grow up with Agatha raising him and be a ward of the palace.

And what about Phillip?

Well, I don’t quite know what to do with him. He did figure it out. For the time being he’ll have to stay where he is.

(Beth stands up and turns away. Edmund walks around to face her.)

You do understand why I had to do this?


Edmund (kissing her)
I knew you would, my dear. I knew you would.

(Giving her a hug, he leaves the room. Beth slowly sits down on the bed and glances at the picture of Lizzie on her nightstand. Sighing, she puts her head in her hands.)

Oh Edmund. I do understand. I just can’t accept it.

Chapter 4 - The First Step

(The palace sitting room. Alan sits on the sofa, one leg crossed over the other, reading the Wall Street Journal. Beth opens the doors quickly, spots Alan, and slows down.)

Alan (looking up)
Why, hello Beth.

Beth (trapped)

Looking for your fiance?

No, actually. I was looking for you.

Really? (Throws down his paper) Finally coming to your senses and going back home to Springfield where you belong?

Not quite. I need you to take the children home tomorrow.

Without you ?

There’s a lot of planning to be done with the wedding approaching. I just think they’ll be better off in Springfield. Lizzie will be able to concentrate more on her schoolwork. She missed so much last year.

What does Phillip think about this? Where is he?

Lillian (entering)
Yes, where is Phillip? He was very upset after the coronation.

I know. We spoke. (To Alan) He agrees that the children should go home tomorrow. He has some business to conduct here for Spaulding and will go home shortly.

Well, I’m happy to do anything for my grandchildren. I guess I should go pack. (Leaving, he whispers to Lillian) Try to talk some sense into your daughter.

I intend to. (Alan leaves. Lillian turns to Beth) Sweetheart, I know Edmund is charming, but what are you thinking? Phillip will never allow the children to stay down here...Beth?

Beth (startled from deep thought)
What, mom?

Lillian (annoyed)
You haven’t been listening to a word I’m saying. Your decisions right now will affect the rest of your life and your children’s...

Beth (Grabbing her mother’s hands intensely)
Mom, I need your help.

Lillian (alarmed)
What’s wrong?

More than you can imagine. (Fade to black.)

(After commercial break)

I know it’s dangerous and I hate to ask you, but you’re a nurse, and I don’t want anyone to get hurt.

Say no more, honey. (Pause) Beth...

No, please. Don’t say ‘I told you so.’

I wasn’t. I...

And pity’s worse. I’m just doing what any mother would.

And I’m so proud of you. And relieved. As long as we all get home safely...

Home? I’m not going home.

Lillian (upset)

Mom, I can’t just turn my feelings for Edmund off. I love him. He’s been hurt before and I’m not going to betray him like this without an explanation. He deserves that much.

Absolutely not. I am not going to leave you on this island.

Mom, you are going to get the baby out of here and leave the rest to me. I have to get Phillip out of here too, you know.

I don’t like this at all.

I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes lately, but you know this is the right decision. Just trust me. I can handle Edmund. (They hug). Trust me.

(Final shot on Lillian’s very concerned face.)

More to come!

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