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Memento Mori Act II
Written by shadowplay

ROSS: Feeling better?

JUSTIN: Yeah. It just got a little overwhelming.

ROSS: I know the feeling.

Alan approaches Ross and Justin.

ALAN: Gentlemen.

JUSTIN: Alan. I...uh...didn’t have the chance to tell you at the church that I really appreciated the kind words you said at the funeral.

ALAN: I said them because I meant them. Phillip truly was my guiding light. I never told him as much as I should have when he was here. I only hope that in some way he knew that.

ROSS: I’m sure he did, Alan.

ALAN: Justin, I...I know we’ve had our differences over the years. Particularly concerning Phillip. But, I want you to know I hold no ill-will towards you.

JUSTIN: And I you.

ALAN: (to Ross) Well, I certainly hope that you’ll use the powers of your office to get to the bottom of my son’s murder.

ROSS: (surprised and annoyed) Of course, I will, Alan. Phillip was my nephew. You’re not the only one angered by everything that has transpired. In fact, I have put all of my efforts and resources to find the person who was responsible.

ALAN: Person? More like monster. When I think of how poor Phillip must have suffered in his final hours...

JUSTIN: I prefer not think about that, Alan. If you don’t mind.

ALAN: No, of course. I apologize. It sickens me to my stomach, too. Well, I’m certainly glad to hear you’re prioritizing this. I, for one, will not rest until this...this...(full of disgust) person is brought to justice. The first people I think you should look at are Harley Cooper and Bill Lewis.

ROSS: Harley and Bill?!

ALAN: Surely, you’re not surprised, Ross. After all, these two have had it in for my Phillip since summer. You are aware that Bill aided Harley in kidnapping Zach only a few weeks ago?

ROSS: Alan...

ALAN: And I have more evidence, too.

ROSS: What evidence?

ALAN: (Pause) Now is not the time nor place. Tomorrow. At your office. Believe me, Ross, once you see this then you’ll agree that Harley should be our number one suspect. And Bill Lewis her accomplice.

Alan leaves. Ross and Justin watch him go. They both shake their heads, too stunned to speak. Alan approaches Alexandra.

ALEXANDRA: I’m afraid the witching hour is over.

She glances over at the two prison guards.

ALAN: Now?

ALEXANDRA: [shrugs] What can I do?

ALAN: (annoyed) Fine. Where is Gus?


ALAN: Without telling me? Do you know where he went?

ALEXANDRA: Oh, Alan, I’m not the man’s personal babysitter. I have no idea.

The prison guards approach Alexandra and lead her away. She has a grin on her face as she goes.

SCENE: Beth’s bedroom.

Beth is still crying on Rick’s shoulder. The two separate. Rick touches Beth’s wet cheeks.

RICK: You okay?

BETH: Yes. Yes, I’m better. It’s just that I was thinking about Phillip before you knocked...

RICK: Yeah, I know. You don’t have to explain.

BETH: Boy. If I keep at it at this rate I don’t think I’ll ever stop.

RICK: [tenderly] No one would blame you if you didn’t.

BETH: I want to be stronger. I have to be. For Lizzie and James. And I’m afraid that I just won’t make it.

RICK: What do you mean, you won’t make it? You’re the strongest person I know.

Beth turns serious of a sudden.

RICK: What? What did I say?

BETH: Phillip said that to me once. He said “I was the strongest person he ever knew.”

RICK: Well, he was right. You are. And you’re going to get through this. We both will.

BETH: [tearing up] But how can we, Rick? How can we with this thing hanging over our heads.

RICK: What thing?

BETH: The guilt, Rick. And don’t tell me you don’t feel the same way. My God, nobody knew him better than we did. We could have put a stop to this.

RICK: How, Beth?

BETH: I don’t know. There must have been something we could have done. We could have gotten him help. We could have talked to him. I...I don’t know. I blame myself and I could tear my hair out for not taking his problems seriously. Rick, we could have avoided this.

RICK: [unconvinced] Beth, there wasn’t anything we could have done...

BETH: No. I don’t believe that. And I know you don’t either. Look me in the eyes, Rick, and tell me you don’t believe that.

RICK: [pause. Angry] Damn it, Beth.

BETH: We need to own up to this, Rick. We need to...

RICK: [shouts] Why? What for? It’s not our fault. Somebody murdered Phillip in cold blood. He didn’t deserve that, no matter what he did. Nobody had the right to take his life, Beth. He didn’t deserve it.

BETH: I am not suggesting that whoever did this to him should get away with it. But Rick, if only we could have tried harder we could have stopped this behavior. We could have gotten him the help he needed. He’d be at Ravenwood or...

RICK: No. No, Beth. He would never have stood that. He hated that place. You don’t know what he said to me before he left there.

BETH: Then we could have sent him somewhere else...somewhere less...intimidating...

RICK: Beth, why are you doing this? Why are you putting us through this? We just buried Phillip today.

BETH: Why are you avoiding this? Please, Rick, don’t slip into denial. I’ve been in that place and look where it’s gotten me. I can’t be in denial any longer. I can’t. I’ve lost the love of my life. You’re the only person I can turn to, who understands what I really am going through. If I don’t have you in this, Rick. I don’t know...I just don’t know...

Rick sits at the end of the bed. He holds his face in his hand.

RICK: I keep going back to that day at Ravenwood, when I promised Phillip I was going to get him the help he needed. I promised him that I would always be there for him. [Sobs] And I wasn’t...I wasn’t there...Damn. Damn.

Beth scoots over the bed and puts her hand on Rick’s shoulder. Rick turns and hugs her. They separate, then stare intently into one another’s eyes.

BETH: It’s gonna be okay. (Sniffles) At worst, if we both lose it, at least we’ll lose it together.

RICK: [laughs] Hey. I’m the one who supposed to be telling the jokes.

BETH: Well, we can role play. When you feel like a complete mess, then I’ll be the jokester. And when I’m a bundle of raw nerves, then you can be the funny guy. Deal?

RICK: Deal.

BETH: (hugging him) Oh, Rick. I thank God you’re here. Because I honestly don’t know how I’m going to get through this without you.

MINDY: Hey. What about me? Can I join in?

Rick and Beth glance over at the door, where Mindy is standing in the threshold, her shoulder leaning against the frame. Rick and Beth open their arms and Mindy joins them. They all cry together.

SCENE: Spaulding living room.

The crowd of mourners is slowly dwindling. Alan is saying good-bye to some people at the door. India Von Halkein approaches him.

INDIA: Alan.

ALAN: India. I haven’t seen you all evening.

INDIA: Well, it was such a lovely night out, I took a long walk. The moon is full and the trees are stripped of their leaves and there’s a crisp chill in the air. It reminded me of Andorra in the fall.

ALAN: India, I want to thank you for coming. I know Phillip would have appreciated it.

INDIA: [grinning] No, he wouldn’t. He would have been mortified. I’m the last person he would have wanted at his funeral. But that was always half the fun with Phillip. I’m going to miss teasing him.

ALAN: Deep down inside he loved you.

INDIA: I know. In his own special way. I was never his Beth. But he was certainly mine. It took me a long time to accept that. And I suppose it’ll take me a long time to get over this. But I will. I’m a Von Halkein.

ALAN: [kissing her cheek] Indeed, you are.

INDIA: Well, I really must go. Do give Alexandra my love. I’d visit her in prison, but, I’m not quite sure what to wear on such an occasion. What matches with prison gray?

ALAN: [laughs] India, you are a delight.

INDIA: Thank you [Seriously] Are you going to be all right, Alan?

ALAN: I’ll be fine.

INDIA: You know, Phillip loved you too.

Alan doesn’t say anything. He nods. India leans forward and kisses Alan on the mouth.

INDIA: Do take care of yourself, Alan.

India leaves. Alan exhales deeply. Samantha approaches Alan.

SAMANTHA: Mr. Spaulding.

ALAN: Honestly, Samantha, I think it’s all right if you call me Alan.

SAMANTHA: I know. Old habits die hard. Anyway, I was wondering where Alan-Michael was. I haven’t seen him since the funeral.

ALAN: He said he had some other business to attend to. I don’t know where he is. Did you have some business with him?

SAMANTHA: No. Not really. It’s just...well...I haven’t seen him or Harley in years. I just wanted to catch up before I left tomorrow.

Alan grimaces at the mention of Harley’s name.

ALAN: I certainly hope you’re not to going to meet up with that woman. After everything she did to your brother.

SAMANTHA: [diplomatically] I know Phillip and Harley had their differences prior to his...

ALAN: Yes. I have trouble acknowledging it too, Samantha. But one thing I have no problem acknowledging is Harley’s responsibility for it.

SAMANTHA: [shocked] Mr. Spaulding, you don’t honestly think...

ALAN: Samantha, I know. And I won’t rest until that woman is brought to justice.

Alan walks away, leaving Samantha stunned.

SCENE: Spaulding doorstep.

Olivia and Bill Lewis arrive. They are both bundled up in winter clothes. Neither looks happy to be there.

BILL: Are you sure you want to do this?

OLIVIA: I have every right to be here, Bill. Phillip was my husband. Was the father of my child. I have a right to be here, even if the Spauldings don’t think I do.

BILL: All right. I’m with you every step of the way.

Olivia smiles sadly.

OLIVIA: You are, aren’t you?

BILL: Of course. I’m your husband, Olivia. When are you going to start trusting me when I say that I want to be with you.

OLIVIA: I know. I just...sometimes I have trouble believing that at times.

BILL: Well, believe it. So. Ready?

Olivia nods. Bill rings the doorbell. Nolan, the butler, answers.

BILL: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lewis. We’ve come to give our condolences.

SCENE: Beth’s bedroom.

Beth, Rick and Mindy disengage themselves from their embrace.

MINDY: This feels weird. I mean, Phillip should be here.

RICK: Yeah, he should be.

BETH: No. Phillip is here. He’s here with us. I can feel him.

RICK: Yeah. In a way. He’s probably smiling down at us, wondering why we’re putting on the waterworks.

MINDY: I swear, I can still hear his voice. “Mindy, your stuffed dolls are driving me crazy.” [Laughs] Remember that? He hated my stuffed dolls.

Rick and Beth laugh.

RICK: Yeah. Life being married to a Lewis wasn’t his cup of tea.

MINDY: Well, that was only because he only had eyes for Beth. And, of course, I hated you for that.

Beth laughs.

BETH: It’s hard to believe we were ever that young once.

RICK: Yeah, now we’re a bunch of old farts.

MINDY: Speak for yourself.

They laugh again. Then they grow serious.

BETH: I need to get out of here. This’ suffocating. I mean, the only reason I stayed here was because of Phillip and the children...

RICK: If you want to leave that’s fine with me.

MINDY: Me, too.

BETH: Good. Let’s go. Let’s go somewhere. Anywhere...

MINDY: Phillip’s grave. I...I wouldn’t mind going back there. I mean, we should say a proper good-bye. Just the three of us.

RICK: Beth? Are you up for that?

BETH: [thinks it over] Yes. Yes, let’s go.

Mindy, Beth and Rick set to leave. While they’re in the hall, Beth runs into Lillian.

LILLIAN: Honey, where are you going?

BETH: Out. For a little while. How’s Lizzie?

LILLIAN: Honey, I think we need to talk about Lizzie.

BETH: [concerned] She’s fine, isn’t she?

LILLIAN: I took her to her room. She’s sleeping now. Honey, she’s under so much stress.

BETH: I know. I know. And I’m going to get her help.


BETH: Yes, Mama. I’m not going to deny Lizzie’s problems anymore. Phillip taught me that lesson the hard way. Tomorrow, I’ll get her help. But, she is fine? I mean, right now? And James?

LILLIAN: Yes. They’re both sleeping. Although James cried himself to sleep.

MINDY: Poor thing.

BETH: [turning to Rick and Mindy] I’m going to say good-night to Lizzie and James. Meet you both downstairs?

RICK: [rubbing Beth’s arm] Okay, honey. Take your time.

Rick and Mindy hug Lillian, then leave. Beth goes to say good-night to her children. Lillian is alone in the hall, a worried look on her face. [V.O. of Lizzie’s voice: “I wish I was dead. I wish I was the one you buried today!”]

LILLIAN: Oh, Lizzie, baby.

SCENE: Spaulding living room.

All eyes turn in the direction of Bill and Olivia Lewis. Alan is livid, while Billy also can’t contain his contempt. Billy marches over to his son.

BILLY: Bill, what the hell is that woman doing here?

BILL: Well, hello yourself, Dad.

OLIVIA: I came to give my condolences, if you don’t mind.

Olivia approaches Alan.

OLIVIA: Alan, I wanted to let you know how deeply sorry I am about Phillip. I know you probably don’t believe me, but this is the last thing I ever wanted for him.

ALAN: Yes, I’m sure you are sorry, Olivia. Sorry that you weren’t married to my son when he died. You could have stood to inherit quite a pretty penny.

A hurt look crosses Olivia’s face, but she contains herself.

OLIVIA: I’m going to let that slide because I know you’re in terrible grief...

ALAN: You have a lot of nerve coming to this house.

Olivia glances around her. Everybody is staring at her. She suddenly loses her self-confidence.

OLIVIA: You know, Alan, you’re not the only one who loved Phillip. I loved him.

Alan glances over Olivia’s shoulder and sees Bill.

ALAN: Well, I see you’ve brought your latest sugar-daddy in tow. [To Bill] Tell me, did the both of you come here to see your handiwork?

BILLY: Now, Alan, that is enough.

BILL: What the hell are you talking about, Alan?

Ross and Justin edge forward. Blake moves over to Ross, while Mel and Samantha stand in the background.

ALAN: Oh, of course, you know exactly what I’m talking about. You and Olivia. This is what you wanted, wasn’t it? Phillip dead and out of the way? So you can put your claws into his fortune?

ROSS: Alan. Now is not the time nor the place. Remember, this is about Phillip.

OLIVIA: I agree, Ross. We shouldn’t let our petty squabbles ruin the remembrance of this day. I came here, Alan, to bury the hatchet. I wanted you to know I don’t bear you or Phillip any grudges.

Alan laughs cruelly.

ALAN: No, grudges? You are amazing, Olivia.

BILL: Alan, we came here out of good will. Do you really want to make a scene?

ALAN: Make a scene? That’s quite amusing, Bill. You come to my home, after I buried my dear beloved son...and you accuse me of making a scene?

JUSTIN: Alan, listen to him.

BILLY: You know, Spaulding, you talk a big game about manners and all, looking down on us Lewises. But this takes the cake. Son, you ain’t got to prove nothing to him. You’re the big man here.

ALAN: [purposely ignoring Billy] If anyone here has the right to bear grudges it’s me, considering how you’ve come to this family and ripped it asunder.

OLIVIA: Ha! I ripped it asunder? This family was already torn asunder when I came into it. I have never met a group of more dysfunctional people than you.

ALAN: [snidely] Really? Does that include your new family, Olivia?

BILL and BILLY: Hey! Watch it!

OLIVIA: [grinning slyly] No, Alan. Your’s wins the grand prize. many of you have been in prison now?

ALAN: That certainly didn’t stop you from marrying me.

OLIVIA: Ha! After you blackmailed me to have sex with you.

An audible gasp rises in the room. India, who had left, returns, searching for her wrap, overhears the public squabble. She edges over to Mel and Samantha.

INDIA: (amused) What on earth?

ALAN: Yes, and you still married me. Which proves how determined you were to get your claws in my family’s fortune.

OLIVIA: Or proves how desperate I was.

BILL: Stop this, Alan. I’m warning you.

ALAN: You, Olivia, have singlehandedly ruined this family. Shall I enumerate your crimes? Let’s see. First you sleep with my son while you were married to me. Then you tell Phillip that his own daughter was dead...

OLIVIA: [livid] I am so tired of having to explain that. I was protecting Emma from that nutty granddaughter of yours...

ALAN: Yes, Olivia, you are starting to sound like a broken record. One with a very bad tune. No one believed your excuses then, and we don’t believe you now. You took the first opportunity to use Emma to get to Phillip’s money. That’s why you tricked my son into a loveless marriage and tried to take away his shares at Spaulding. You used a poor, helpless child for your nefarious deeds. You are a sick woman, Olivia.

BILL: All right, dammit! THAT’S ENOUGH! Nobody insults my wife.

Fist raised, Bill heads toward Alan but Billy cuts him off, holding him. Alan backs off as Bill struggles against his father’s grip.

BILLY: He ain’t worth it, Bill. This piece of scum ain’t worth it.

ALAN: I would like to see you try. I’ll have the law down on the both of you so fast you won’t know what happened. Do you see this, Ross?

ROSS: [ironically] Yes, I see quite clearly, Alan.

BETH: What the hell is going on here?

Everyone turns. Beth, Rick and Mindy are standing near the fireplace, their faces registering with shock. Mindy immediately goes toward her father and brother, placing a protective hand on Bill. She turns and stares at Olivia with disgust in her eyes. Beth’s eyes are firmly planted on Alan.

ALAN: I apologize Beth that you had to see this, but...

BETH: See what? See all of you have a pity party. A contest about who’s the most guilty for what happened to Phillip? Well, let me inform you, that there’s no winner in this contest. This is a statistical dead heat. Alan, you have the audacity to stand here, to stand right here in front of all these people and accuse Olivia of using her child, when that was what you’ve done to Phillip his whole life.

ALAN: [shocked] Beth!

BETH: What do you think this was all about? Do you think this was a game? Do you seriously think that this was business all along? [Shouts] It wasn’t, Alan. Phillip was in pain. He was torn apart, trying to be the person you wanted him to be. A Spaulding. He spent his whole life with a divided soul, and because of what YOU did. Because of the lies, the manipulations. All of it.

OLIVIA: [sotto voce] Well, I’m glad someone’s finally said it.

BETH: [stunned] And you, Olivia. You come here and play like a victim. But you're no victim. Unless you’ve been brutalized by a man who was supposed to be your father, your protector, then you don’t know what being a victim is. You married Alan Spaulding and deliberately pursued Phillip. You tried to make Phillip into something he wasn’t. You tried to turn him into Alan. The last thing he needed to be. Then you took advantage of him in Ravenwood. He was a broken man, Olivia, and all you could think about was your selfish ends.

OLIVIA: [teary-eyed, irate] I won’t stand for this.

BILLY: Why not, Olivia? Truth hurt?

Olivia glares at her father-in-law, then turns to look at her husband and sister-in-law. Bill stands by helplessly, while Mindy looks on triumphantly.

OLIVIA: I am so sick and tired of being blamed for this family’s shortcomings. I did whatever I needed to do to protect my child and I am not going to apologize for that.

BETH: Then, why, Olivia, why did you come back to Springfield? If you thought that my daughter was such a threat to you and Emma, why did you come back? Or put a restraining order on Lizzie? Or, God knows, you could’ve threatened to go to the press and tell them every little dirty secret about this family like you did when you published my diary. You weren’t helpless, Olivia. You never were. Oh, oh, but believe me, I blame myself as much as I am everyone else. (Emotional) Phillip was my love and he was in pain. He was in deep pain and I ignored him. I went about my life and all my petty, selfish needs when Phillip needed me and I ignored him.

JUSTIN: [gently] Beth, this isn’t your fault...

BETH: I bear some of the blame. I know that now. [Stares intently at everyone in the room] If you loved Phillip as much as you say you did, then you’d realize that, too. If you leave this house without changing your way of thinking, then Phillip’s death will have been in vain. And I refuse to let that happen. Because his life wasn’t a waste. It was beautiful and sweet and full of hope and promise. And as long as I’ve got breath in my lungs and a memory that’s still strong, then Phillip will live. He’ll live in his children. And he’ll live in my thoughts. And no matter what happened over these past few months, he will always be...[sobbing]...he will always be my Phillip. My knight in shining armor. My hero.

Beth breaks down completely. Rick and Mindy go over to her, one arm around her shoulder as they lead her to the front door. Everyone else stands in the living room, too stunned for words. Alan watches Beth, Rick and Mindy leave. He looks at Olivia, Bill and Billy.

ALAN: Get out of my house.

Alan turns on his heels and leaves his guest. Bill puts his arm protectively around Olivia. She looks at him, hurt, then leans into his body. Bill leads her toward the door. Billy calls out to his son.

BILL: I’m taking my wife home, Dad.

Billy shakes his head incredulously as Bill and Olivia leave. India, still standing beside Mel and Samantha, grins amusedly.

INDIA: Well, that was certainly...stimulating.

Ross, Blake, Justin and Lillian approach them.

JUSTIN: That was not the way I wanted to remember my son.

ROSS: Yes, I know exactly how you feel. But Beth did have some food for thought, I must say. One, I hope, everyone takes to heart.

SAMANTHA: What was all this about Lizzie being a threat to Olivia?

BLAKE: It’s a long story, Samantha. A very long one.

A look crosses Lillian’s face, one that suggests she has been caught with her hand in a cookie jar. No one, though, notices it.

SCENE: Spaulding doorstep.

Mel races outside, calling Rick’s name. But it is too late. The headlights from Rick’s car flashes across her face and the sound of a car speeding away is heard.

MEL: Rick! Dammit! Rick, stop locking me out.

She shakes her head, then turns back toward the mansion.


SCENE: Spaulding crypt.

Rick, Mindy and Beth arrive at the crypt. It is cold and the two women are shivering in their coats. Dead leaves are swept along the floor of the crypt by a chilled wind. The trees in the cemetary knock about, creating a lonesome and forlorn sound. Beth goes over to the place where Phillip has been interred. A plaque has already been put in place. She touches it and starts to weep.

BETH: Oh, my. This makes it all so real.

She leans forward and kisses the plaque.

BETH: [whispers] Good night, sweet prince.

Rick puts his arm around Mindy. Mindy has already started sobbing like a baby. Beth looks at the plaques surrounding Phillip’s. There’s Brandon Spaulding’s. Penelope Spaulding’s. And there is Brandon Luvonaczek aka Lujack. She touches his, too, and smiles.

BETH: You know, when I lost Lujack, the one person who helped me heal was Phillip. I always thought that, no matter, what happened, Phillip would always be there for me. I never imagined a time when I would have to say good-bye to him, too.

RICK: Oh, boy. You know, when I thought I was dying...the thing that kept going through my mind was what you guys were gonna do without me. [Laughs] You know, you were always such a mess.

Beth and Mindy laugh through their tears.

RICK: Especially Phillip. Man, was he a job. I mean, being his friend was a real job. [Pauses, tears up. Mindy grasps his hand] But it was a job I wouldn’t take back for anything in the world. There were times he hurt me...hurt me bad. But I could never be mad at him for long. For the longest time I never understood why. Why do I keep letting this guy get away with a murder? And then I realized that...that...he was my brother. My brother.

MINDY: Phillip was my first love. Oh, I know, he never felt for me the way I did him, but that doesn’t change what I felt. He was the first boy I thought I could spend the rest of my life with. [To Beth] I hated you so much because Phillip loved you in a way I wanted to be loved. But now, when I look back on those days, I am so glad you were there for him, and he for you. I was so inspired by the two of you. The both of you...[To Rick]...and helped me grow up. Be a woman. Be the best person I could be. I don’t know what kind of person I’d have been without having known all of you...and Phillip. You all inspired me.

RICK and BETH: [touched] Oh.

All three hug each other tightly. Then, with one arm around a waist or shoulder, they turn to Phillip’s crypt. They smile sadly.

RICK: To the Four Musketeers.

BETH and MINDY: [softly] The Four Musketeers.

A wind blows through the crypt, scattering the dead leaves about the floor. The whole world is reverently silent as the three, smiling, crying, say their final farewells.

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