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The Truth - Part I
Post by shadowplay

Part I

Characters: Frank Cooper, A.C. Mallet, Gus Aitoro, Detective Uzbecki

SCENE: Springfield Police Station.

Mallet is sitting at his desk, going through the case file of Phillip Spaulding’s murder. He cannot believe his eyes.

I don't believe this.

Mallet charges toward Frank Cooper's office, knocks on the door. He opens the door before Frank is finished telling him to come in. Frank glances up from his own stack of paperwork.

What is it?

Did you see this?

He hands Frank the case file. Frank goes through it briefly.

This is the Spaulding case. (Sarcastic) I believe I'm already familiar with this, Mallet.

Yeah. But did you know about this?

He pulls out a report from the file and brings it to Frank's attention. Frank reads it, then stitches his brow.

What the hell it this? Where'd you get this, Mallet?

It was in the file.

Frank (upset)
I never saw this before. Who did this paperwork?

Searches for signature of police officer's name on report.

Uzbecki. (Picks up phone) Uzbecki, get the hell in here.

Frank and Mallet wait in silence until Detective Uzbecki enters.

Yeah, Chief. You wanted to see me?

Did you file this report?

Hands him the report.

Uzbecki (glancing through it)
Yeah. (Cautious) There a problem?

Why wasn't I told that there was physical evidence found on the scene the night Phillip Spaulding was murdered?

Uzbecki (confused)
Come again?

There was a clot of blood with human hairs matted to it found on the door knob on the back door at Company. You discovered this evidence and send it over to forensics.

Well, yeah. Chief, I thought you got the full report. I figured the crime lab would've gotten back to you about that.

Frank (visibly upset)
Great! Cause I don't recall this detail.

Uzbecki (shrugs)
Sorry, chief. It was a pretty hectic time, actually. I mean, there was a backup at the crime lab and by the time they got an analysis, well, your sister was already arrested.

Frank and Mallet exchange knowing glances.

I just filed it as part of the report. We sent it up to the D.A.'s office. I figured he'd have kept you updated.

Dammit, Uzbecki. You were assigned to this case. You were supposed to keep me up to date.

Uzbecki (defensive)
Whoa, wait a minute, Chief. I was called off the case after that first night. I just wrote up the report and left it with the assigned detective. Look, I had a pretty thick case load.

Frank (rubbing hand over head)
No, no. You're right. I'm sorry.

Like I said, I thought O'Neill would've kept you up-to-date on this.

Yeah, well, the D.A.'s office hasn't exactly kept an open-door policy when it comes to that kind of stuff. Thanks Uzbecki for clearing this up. You can go.

Uzbecki leaves.

Frank (visibly upset, pounds on desk)
Damn. We could've proven Spaulding did it all along. Harley could've been spared all that...

Mallet (interrupts)
Did you read the entire report, Frank?

Frank (alert)

The lab ran a DNA analysis on the blood and hair samples. The blood was definitely Phillip's. But the hair samples came up negative.

Frank (glancing at report)
So? What the d...

Mallet (carefully)
Frank. Who do you think the lab cross-analyzed those samples with?

Frank (slowly dawning on him)
Phillip and Alan.

Bingo. And they both came up negative.

So what are you saying? That Alan didn't kill Phillip?

Now, I'm not saying that. All I'm saying is that the evidence is putting a new wrinkle in an old mystery.

Male Voice
A new wrinkle in what old mystery?

Mallet turns. Gus Aitoro is standing in the doorway, a curious but wary look on his face. Close-ups of both Mallet and Frank's faces. Fade to Black. Commercial Break.


Frank Cooper, A.C. Mallet, Gus Aitoro

Scene: Frank's Office.

A new wrinkle in what old mystery?

Gus. Uh–Mallet uncovered some evidence...

Mallet (purposely obnoxious)
That your old man might be innocent after all.

Frank glowers at Mallet. Close-up of shocked look at Gus's face. Fade-to-Black.

Scene: Frank's Office.

Gus is now sitting, going through the case file. He shakes his head.

There's gotta be some mistake here.

There's no mistake. The lab cross-analyzed those hair samples. They didn't match Phillip's or Alan's DNA.

Gus (shouts)
That's impossible. Alan...Alan...he admited he did it. He...he made Harley's life a living hell just to keep people from finding out the truth.

Frank (to Mallet)
I thought you said this doesn't necessarily prove Alan is innocent.

Mallet (smiling, glad to see Gus riled up)
It doesn't. But it does prove that somebody else was at Company the night Phillip was killed. And this person had contact with Phillip's blood.

It could've been a witness. Somebody who saw Alan shoot Phillip, but kept quiet about it this whole time.

That's a possibility, Mallet.

Yeah, well. There's something else you ought to know. Officer Krim fielded a call this morning from a woman who claimed she had some new evidence regarding the case. Now, Krim didn't follow up on it because the case was closed. But I overheard him and got curious. I called her to ask her what info she had.

Frank (raises eyebrow)
New info? Well, what did she say?

This lady, she lives nearby Company. She swears she overheard two men behind Company arguing the night of Phillip's murder.

Gus (incredulous)
Wait...wait...wait a minute here. She told you what?

Mallet nods and raises his eyebrows in confirmation.

Did she say what they were arguing about?

She couldn't hear everything, but she did say she heard one of the men shout: "You shot my son!"

Frank and Gus exchange glances.

She's sure about that?

That lady did sound up in years. I thought she might have misheard.

Well, there you go. She's old and senile. I mean, it doesn't even sound like she knows who Alan is.

Maybe. But, I decided to go look at a case file and lo and behold...the lab analysis. It got my spidey senses tingling.

Frank (concentrating)
Mallet, I want you to follow up on this. Something here stinks to high heaven.

Oh, come on. Wha...why are we dredging this up now? Alan did it. He shot Phillip in cold blood. We don't need anymore evidence. He admitted it himself. Why would he lie about something like this? Especially this.

That's what doesn't smell right. Mallet, call that lady...(reaching for a name)

Mrs. Potter.

Mrs. Potter. Bring her in for more questioning.

Mallet departs, leaving Gus and Frank alone.


Gus (approaching desk)
Frank. Frank. We can't do this. All right. We can't bring all this stuff back up again. Harley and I have moved on. And...and do you really want to remind her of one of the worst periods in her life?

I have no intentions of bringing up bad memories for Harley. But I can't just ignore this either.

Gus (shouts)
Why not? Why not? Look, even if Alan didn't do this...he knew who did. And he let that person go. under the law that makes Alan an accessory. And let's not forget about all the other stuff he did.

What are you getting at?

What am I getting at? Look, Frank. Do you know what this will do to Harley? Huh? I mean, do you understand the implications here? About Harley? What she did?

Frank, who has been staring hard at Gus, softens and exhales deeply.

Yeah, I know. This info would've come quicker to our attention if Harley hadn't tried to frame Ruth Karloff. Dammit, Harley.

That's...that's right. But you remember what it was like for her, don't you? She was scared. She panicked. Now, Frank...Frank, listen to me. Harley paid. She paid in her freedom and time.

Frank (frustrated)
Yeah, yeah. I know. It's just...if only she just...if she just didn't take matters into her own hands and trusted the system. Hell. (Rubs hand over hair). Who am I to talk? I let this slip through my fingers. Dammit. (Kicks chair, it rolls violently to side). When I think of everything Harley went through. And it all could've been avoided.

Yeah, that's right. Harley went through hell. Why drag her through all that again? She's doing fine at Spaulding. She's getting her confidence back. She lost so much of that back during the trial. (Intense) You remember what she was like then. She was lost, Frank. Working at Spaulding has done a world of good for her. She's confident, she's assertive again. She's not gonna let anybody kick her around anymore. That's the old Harley I fell in love with. And dammit, Frank, I don't want to lose her again. Do you want to see her lose it again because that's what's going to happen if she finds out how much she impeded the investigation. I know Harley.

Frank (insulted)
And you think I don't? 'Cause I knew her a helluva lot longer than you, buddy.

No. No. That's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying that for everybody's sake maybe we should just bury this.

Close-up of Frank's face, shocked. Fade-to-Black. Commercial Break.

Scene: Frank's Office

You gotta lot of nerve, you know that, Aitoro? I'm a cop. I swore to defend and protect the laws. Now, if there is somebody still running around out there who murdered Phillip, then it's my responsibility to find him and bring him...or

Gus (contrite)
You're right. You're right. I overstepped my bounds.

I don't believe you. You haven't changed at all.

Gus lowers his eyes, embarrassed. Mallet barges in.

I called Mrs. Potter and she's coming in.

Well. We'll find out what really happened that night, won't we?

All three men exchange glances as twinkling music plays on the soundtrack. Fade-to-Black.


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