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Q&A: Grant Aleksander

SOD: 11/19/95
(Alec, AMC)

Q: What was the most surprising twist on your show this year?

A: "Alec sleeping with his mother-in-law on his wedding night gets my vote. It was one of those things that, on paper, people would have thought, 'Whoa, this is a little extreme.' But it turned out to be very engaging. And it gets the best fan reaction. I'll be walking down the street and somebody will point at me and start shaking their head and laugh and say, 'You're nothing but a dog.' "

SOD: 10/17/00
(Phillip, GL)

Q: What's the nicest compliment a fan ever gave you?

A: "The nicest compliment a fan ever gave me was that they could never get a handle on who Phillip was. They always felt like anything he ended up doing somehow would make sense--he's hard, he's soft, he's sweet, he's serious, he's funny. [Phillip] does things that seem very arbitrary, but I've taken it as a compliment that all that stuff can make sense."
