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In the Spaulding household, Hope grows more and more upset with Alan. She knows he's acting like his old self, and she begins to feel that Alan's active involvement at Spaulding is going to have a negative effect on her and Alan-Michael's family life. Hope may be right, because Alan has already begun neglecting his family duties. It's evident when Phillip comes home from school, and arrives at the deserted Spaulding Mansion--Alan neglected to tell him he and Hope moved out of there months ago...

Phillip is given a grand welcome home from Justin and Eve. They cajole him into getting more into a festive mood by helping them decorate the house [for Christmas]. Phillip just doesn't have the nerve to tell Justin that he was expelled from Lincoln Prep. Alan, aware of Phillip's situation, suggests he finish his senior year at Springfield High.

When Alan informs Hope that he wants to move back into the mansion permanently, she reluctantly gives in. Alan claims that the mansion will be more suitable for his needs now that he is president of Spaulding once more.



Phillip tells Justin a phony story of how he failed physics and got expelled from Lincoln Prep. Phillip claims it doesn't matter, because Alan worked it out so that he will be able to graduate in the spring from Springfield High anyway. Concerned about Phillip failing physics, Justin speaks to a teacher about a way Phillip will be able to make up an exam before beginning his spring semester and get credit for the course. Phillip is fuming--now he has to spend his entire vacation studying physics!

Justin, also angry, approaches Alan--he wants Phillip to begin taking responsibility for his own actions and doesn't want Alan interfering. "I can't stop you from seeing him, but I'd like to stop you from spoiling him rotten!" Justin seethes.

Rick (aka Freddie Bauer) and Phillip get together and call Morgan to see if she knows of any 'in' places to go. Morgan tells them of a college hangout called Benchley's. They make plans and all go out together. Phillip is beyond psyched--he thinks Morgan is a hot item... While there, Phillip tries to impress Morgan by making friends with everyone and inviting them all over to their table. [But] Morgan suddenly leaves the table when Kelly enters.

Phillip cries to Alan about Justin's plan to get a tutor to help him with physics, so Alan tells the boy he's going to Switzerland on business and is planning on having him along. If he wants to bring his tutor, Phillip is more than welcome. That way Phillip will be able to enjoy his vacation and study at the same time!

When Alan tells Hope of his trip, she gets angry. She can't just drop everything and go with him. What will she do with Alan-Michael? Hope's growing more and more concerned about her marriage.

When Phillip tells Justin about the trip to Switzerland, he refuses to let his son go. After Alan discusses it with them both, he agrees with Justin. "It would be different if Hope were coming along," says Alan, because she would keep an eye on him. Shocked and hurt, Phillip tells Alan to go to hell!

Rick tutors Phillip in physics so that he can make up his test and graduate high school in the spring. He gets frustrated though, because Phillip always seems to find something better to do than study.

Hope invites Rick and Phillip to dinner. Phillip doesn't really want to go because he is still mad at her for telling Justin about his expulsion. If she hadn't said anything, Phillip would be in Switzerland right now with Alan! He accuses Hope of trying to push him out of Alan's life.

After Hope leaves, Phillip invites some 'fun' girls over for an impromptu party with loud music and beer. After the noise wakes up Samantha, Eve, who's over caring for the baby, threatens to call Hope if Phillip doesn't break up the party!

Rick, concerned about Hope's dinner party, suggests they leave. Phillip asks Rick if he wants to try driving his new car over there. Rick jumps at the chance and on their way, Phillip wants his friend to see how fast the car will go. The police pull them over for speeding. However, since Rick isn't carrying his license, Phillip moves into the driver's seat just before the policeman comes over to the car.

The officer takes Phillip to the station and puts him behind bars for the night on drunken driving charges! Rick goes to Hope's and explains to everyone what happened. Mike tries to talk Phillip out of taking the rap for something Rick did, but Phillip refuses to listen.

The following day, when Alan learns of his son's previous night's activity, he accuses Mike and Hope of not sticking up for Phillip. Alan doesn't believe Mike when he says Phillip wouldn't accept any help. "I should've known something like this would happen," Alan says heatedly. "You've always resented him!" Will Phillip ever feel like part of the family?



Back from London, Mike tells Ross and Alan that he is almost certain that Mark and Pasquin are the same man. Realizing it may be difficult to nab Mark, Mike hires a plainclothesman from the police department to keep a tail on him. Alan is shocked to learn that Mark may be the one behind his entire kidnapping! To keep his family free from danger, he hires guards to keep an eye on Hope and Alan-Michael. He wouldn’t want anything to happen to any of them. Thinking that Amanda may also be in danger, Ross suggests she be assigned a guard also. “After all,” he points out, “Mark spends a lot of time at Amanda’s…”

Worried about Phillip’s safety, Alan calls Justin and explains his suspicions of Mark. He suggests Phillip move in with him and Hope. After all, there are 24-hour guards posted all around the mansion, and Alan will also be there to keep a closer watch on Phillip. Justin agrees with the idea, knowing it will be the best possible protection for the boy.

When Justin and Phillip are together, they share a sensitive moment as they discuss the death of Jackie. Both father and son realize that they care about each other very much and miss the sweet smiling face of Jackie. It hurts because she is no longer with them, but they know if they stick together as a family, everything will be fine.

Afterwards, Justin informs his son that Alan wants him to move into the Spaulding mansion till the “Mark Evans situation” is settled. Phillip refuses to go. Sensitive to how Justin feels without Jackie, Phillip confesses he’d rather be with Justin. As soon as Alan hears about Phillip’s decision, he storms over to Justin’s and accuses Justin of manipulating and coercing him into staying there. Justin is furious. He did no such thing! Justin is sick of Alan interfering. Phillip, overhearing them fight, is tired of Justin and Alan playing tug-of-war! “I’ve had enough of your shouting and arguing over me. I’m getting out of here!” he screams.

Phillip ends up at Tony & Co. and after a short while, Alan shows up. Phillip explains to Alan that he thinks Justin needs to have him around. “Justin might not show it, but he’s been miserable since Jackie died,” He points out. Although Alan feels slightly rejected, he understands. Phillip has a bodyguard so he’ll be all right!...

Phillip hangs out at a table with some pals when a “bully-type” approaches and begins making fun of him and the Spaulding name. “Doesn’t Alan Spaulding’s little boy mix with us common folks?” he taunts. Finally, Phillip gets so angry that he begins fighting with the jerk! Before long, a significant amount of damage is done to the pub and Phillip ends up with a black eye. To top it all off, when the troublemaker goes outside, he smashes the front windshield on Phillip’s brand new car!

(Synopsis courtesy of Bujack.)



At Cedar's Phillip enjoys his job as an orderly and becomes friendly with two patients who share the same room, both considerably older than him. Phillip likes the contrast between the two--Vince is the one who is friendly and outgoing, while Martin is much more private and keeps to himself. Noticing how charming Phillip is with these two men, Hillary tells Justin that he should be very proud of his son.

Rick begins to panic, probably for the first time in his life, because in order to be accepted into Springfield University's six-year medical school program, he has to pass a German equivalency exam. Both Bert and Maureen try to help him, but Rick just can't seem to get the hang of it.

At the hospital, both Phillip and Bert try to extend their kindness to grouchy old Martin. Bert learns that Martin is German and decides to lend hi some German novels from her home library. Martin acts very ungraciously toward Bert, but she's not discouraged. She wonders what his problem is...



Phillip suggests that Rick speak to Martin about helping him study his German, since Martin used to be a German professor at Springfield U. Rick must pass the German equivalency exam if he's going to study pre-med. Bert gives them both a formal introduction and Martin begins tutoring Rick.

Hillary speaks to Ed about Bert's growing concern for Martin. Since Martin has cancer and his prognosis is not good, Hillary feels Bert should be told before she becomes too attached to him. When Ed informs Bert of Martin's condition, she becomes understandably upset. But rather than cutting off her relationship with him, Bert goes back to Martin with full force and says she's going to take good care of him.

Martin learns that his condition is not getting any better--it's becoming worse. Ed suggests a new treatment for Martin's disease, which Martin complies with. Bert keeps him company, and makes sure he continues to tutor Rick so that he has something worthwhile to do. But Rick doesn't quite feel comfortable with Martin and can't understand why his grandmother is pushing him to go to Martin for German lessons. Maybe Bert has another motive...

Later, while Rick and Phillip are with Martin, he has some kind of attack, requiring emergency attention. Ed then tells his son of Martin's illness and explains some of the effects he may be experiencing. Rick becomes concerned, not only for Martin, but for himself as well. He froze when Martin began having an attack, so now he's not sure of he's cut out to be a doctor. Will he ever get over his fear in emergency situations so that he's able to help people? Ed reassures him and says not to worry--it's something every young medical student goes through.

When Bert visits Martin, he asks her to keep quiet about his illness--he doesn't want Phillip and Rick to know he's suffering. Upset over how he is suffering, Bert asks Ed if there's any other kind of treatment that can be done to put Martin out of his misery. Ed explains to his mother, that as a Martin's doctor, he is doing whatever he can and will do his best to keep his patient alive. Bert is not sure if this is what's best for Martin. Maybe Martin might be better off without all the treatments so that he can at least maintain his dignity...



At Cedar's, Martin's condition seems to get worse and his spirits are decreasing, too. He thanks Bert for all she's done and says that he's ready to die. Martin is going to begin refusing his chemotherapy treatments. When Bert tells Ed of Martin's plans, he informs her that as a patient in the hospital, Martin signed a consent form that says the doctors must keep treating him. Not satisfied with this, Bert visits Mike to find out if Martin has any legal right to refuse treatments...

Rick has a hard time dealing with Martin's illness, so he stops going for his German lessons. After a few days, though, Rick comes to terms with his feelings for Martin and finally goes back to him.



At Cedars, Martin's condition gets worse and worse. Ed finally decides to just let the disease run its course because there's nothing he nor the other doctors can do anymore. Phillip has a hard time coming to terms with the fact that his friend, Martin, is going to die, and finds that he's more attached to the old man than he thought.

At Cedars, Rick, Phillip and Bert are with Martin during his final hours. He dies peacefully and content, knowing that he has made some dear friends and that Rick has passed his German equivalency exam.

Meanwhile, Mindy Lewis, Josh and Trish's niece, arrives in style--on a bus from Oklahoma--all set to take Springfield by storm! Trish hosts a small dinner party and invites Mike and Rick, who becomes very impressed with Mindy's charm and good looks. Both Rick and Mindy go out for a drive and end up staying out all night--talking (so they say). Rick falls for her very quickly. Learning that Phillip will be having dinner with Mindy later on, Rick warns his friend to stay away from her. What Phillip doesn't know is that Rick told Mindy Phillip was a real wimp and not to expect much!

While Phillip spends the afternoon at the country club caring for Vanessa's horse, Mindy shows up (coincidentally) and the two of them hit it off immediately. However, Phillip doesn't reveal his name. She thinks he is a stableboy--and a real hunk at that--so they decide to have a rendezvous later on in the stables. Mindy says she will be at the club later because she's having dinner with a real creep named Phillip Spaulding.

That evening, Mindy is shocked to learn the stableboy's true identity! The two of them keep their "appointment" to meet in the stables and become passionate in the hay...

(Recap courtesy of Bujack)



Ecstatic that her daddy has finally arrived in town, Mindy immediately begins pestering him to buy Vanessa's gorgeous horse--the one Phillip takes care of at the country club. Although Billy says no right away, Mindy knows her father will give in sooner or later--she gets everything she wants eventually.

Interested in meeting Phillip because of his daughter's strong infatuation with him, Billy requests he comes to their suite for a visit. When Mindy asks Phillip to take her to Nola's engagement party, she becomes disappointed when he says he already has a date. After Phillip leaves, Mindy throws a tantrum because she couldn't have her way with him. Little does she know that Phillip's date isn't a "real date" at all--he's going with Eve!

Unable to bear the thought of going alone, Mindy finally asks Rick if he'll go with her. Of course he says yes. Is Mindy asking him just to make Phillip jealous?



The antebellum ball is in full swing, and everyone continues having a good time. Mindy, upset that Phillip hasn't paid much attention to her, goes down to the stables and lets Vanessa's horse run free. She then throws herself on the ground and waits patiently for Phillip and Rick to find her.

In due time, Phillip and Rick arrive. Noticing the damsel "in distress," they become very concerned. "What happened?" they ask.

"Boss threw me off and I'm hurt," Mindy lies.

Alarmed, Rick runs back to the ballroom and tells Ed and Billy that Mindy has been injured. An ambulance is called, and Mindy is rushed to the hospital. When Kelly, who's working the late shift, examines Mindy, he finds nothing wrong, but decides to keep her there for observation anyway.

The next morning, Billy arrives at the hospital to see how his little girl is doing. Mindy says she feels okay and then asks her daddy if he would buy Boss for her--she really wants him so bady! Billy tells his daughter that he has to think about it.

Mindy shares her hospital room with Beth, who is the daughter of one of the nurses at Cedars named Lillian. Beth is a quiet girl who was diagnosed as having a concussion. Watching the way the doctors and nurses treat Beth, Mindy becomes jealous of all the attention she receives. But then again, Mindy realizes, Beth is really hurt...

Later, Phillip stops by. He's in between classes and thought Mindy might want some company. Phillip teases Mindy by telling her if she weren't bedridden, he would have asked her to the prom. This gives Mindy some type of incentive to "get well."

Conviently, after the doctors examine her thoroughly, they find nothing wrong! Mindy is told she will be released the following day, and she and Phillip decide to go to the prom together.

Beth informs them both that she is the one who's in charge of decorating the high school cafeteria where the prom is being held. When Phillip sees some of her sketches of how the cafeteria will look, he is intrigued by her talent. Soon Phillip learns that Beth took a bad fall, which is why she is in the hospital, and has been prone to accidents in the past. As they're talking, Bradley, her over-protective stepfather, visits and becomes perturbed to see the teenagers deep in conversation. He doesn't like Beth talking to strange boys.

The following day, Justin confronts Beth. After looking at her X-rays, Justin noticed a lot of injuries which didn't heal properly, as they should have. Beth confesses that she has had a few minor accidents in the past, but was afraid to tell her parents about them. She lies, saying that she has always been accident prone. When Lillian learns of all the injuries Beth has sustained, she and Bradley go to talk to her about it. Bradley dares Beth to reveal the real cause of those accidents.

When Rick, who is now an orderly at the hospital, visits Mindy, he becomes fascinated by Beth. He asks her to the prom and she accepts. Now, the only thing Beth has to do is convince her stepfather to let her go.

Meeting Phillip at the stables, Mindy tries to seduce him, but he refuses her advances. Even though Mindy tells Phillip she is madly in love with him, he gently explains that he doesn't feel the same way about her. They shouldn't do anything they will both regret, Phillip advises. Just then, Billy shows up! Misconstruing the situation, Billy accuses Phillip of taking a roll in the hay with his precious daughter. After telling Phillip where to "get off," Billy sends his daughter back to the hotel suite, where he informs her that she will not be allowed to go to the prom!

Rick, meanwhile, wants to take Beth to the dance, but she's not sure if her stepfather will let her go. Rick cannot understand why Bradley would be hesitant about letting his daughter go with him -- he's one of the most trustworthy people around! Beth just tells Rick that her father is overprotective when it comes to her going out on dates.

Thrilled that Beth was asked to go to the prom, Lillian decides to convince her husband to grant permission to their daughter. However, she finds it's much harder than she thought. Beth runs upstairs crying, when Bradley refuses to let her go. Determined to show her father that he's an upstanding young man, Rick has a man-to-man talk with Bradley. But he, too, is unable to change Bradley's stubborn mind. Lillian informs her daughter that she doesn't know how she's going to manage it, but she'll find a way to get Beth to that prom!

Feeling badly that Mindy's father won't let her go to the prom, Phillip apologizes to Billy for being with Mindy in the stables. Impressed with Phillip's sincerity and honesty, Billy changes his mind and allows his daughter to attend. Naturally, Phillip is thrilled. The following day, Rick, Phillip and Mindy help decorate the high school cafeteria for that evening's prom. There is a lot of work and activity going on -- stuffing tissue paper through chicken wire, etc. -- and all are concerned with whether or not they'll finish decorating on time.

Beth soon arrives with her marvelous sketches of how the cafeteria is supposed to look and begins delegating responsibilities. Phillip and Rick are surprised to see her and are even more shocked when Beth tells them that she will be going to the prom after all. She and her mother have told Bradley that she's going to a double feature and will not be home till late. Beth and Mindy get ready together and spend a lot of time on their hair and makeup. When Rick arrives to pick them up, he has a hard time recognizing Beth...



The evening of the Springfield High prom has finally arrived. Phillip and Mindy go together, as do Rick and Beth, who looks quite beautiful. As everyone there comments on Beth, she suddenly becomes the center of attention. But it is Phillip who is most taken with her. It is all he can do to take his eyes off Beth.

Sensing how Phillip feels about Beth, Mindy tries to keep him away from her as much as possible. At every opportunity, Mindy pushes Rick towards Beth by telling him how great the two of them look together and what a nice couple they make. Rick is also enchanted with the lovely Beth.

As the evening progresses, a vote is taken to elect a king and queen of the prom. No one is surprised when Beth and Phillip take the honors. The two winners share a special victory dance, which reinforces Phillip's feelings for Beth. Upset to see the way Phillip is looking at his date, Rick confronts his friend, only to learn that Phillip is indeed crazy about Beth. Rick is angry. He is wild about Beth also and would like to strengthen his relationship with her. Phillip is torn. He doesn't want to come between Rick and Beth, but he'd like to pursue the girl himself. Confused and frustrated, Phillip goes out to the parking lot and begins drowning himself in liquor.

As the clock strikes midnight, Beth leaves abruptly, realizing that she has to be home at a decent hour. Bradley mustn't suspect she was at the prom! In her rush to leave, one of Beth's shoes is left behind, a la Cinderella. Phillip finds Beth in the parking lot where she changes from her gown into her street clothes. Before she rushes off, they share a kiss.

Afterwards, Mindy finds Phillip drunk in the car and decides to take him back to her place, where she puts him to bed -- with her in her bed! Poor Rick is left at the prom --alone.

The following day, Bradley confronts Beth about her previous night's activities. From now on, he informs her, she won't be going out with either Rick or Phillip! Beth is left powerless.

Later, while Beth is out, Rick visits Bradley and tells him that he'd like to see Beth again. Bradley lies and says his stepdaughter has no interest in him whatsoever. When Beth returns and asks if either Rick or Phillip called. Bradley lies to her. After telling Beth that neither boy called, Bradley convinces his stepdaughter to forget about them.

When the truth comes out that Bradley is trying to keep Rick and Beth apart, Beth apologizes for her father and agrees to see Rick again. Hurt to learn that Beth prefers Rick over him, Phillip decides to ask Mindy out again.

When Justin has a disagreement with Phillip, he realizes that the boy feels a tremendous lack of security concerning his family life. While discussing the situation with Ed, Justin reveals that the boy's attitude might stem from the fact that Phillip is always being thrown from one family to the other. Ed's shocked when Justin suggests that now may be the time to tell Phillip that he's really a Marler and not a Spaulding.

Graduation from Springfield High finally arrives and Phillip, Rick and Beth make their parents proud as they ceremoniously accept their diplomas. Beth gives a beautiful valedictory speech, at which time Phillip doesn't take his eyes off her.

Afterwards, Mindy greets the trio and joins them for a group picture. They decide that this is going to be the summer to end all summers...



When Phillip, Mindy, Beth and Rick go picnicking at Laurel Falls, Mindy tells Beth that she and Phillip are in love and are sleeping together. Beth is astonished and is unable to look at Phillip for the rest of the afternoon. Sensing something is wrong with Beth, Phillip asks Mindy what she said to upset her so. Mindy denies having said anything and can't understand why Phillip is so concerned about a wimpy girl like Beth anyway. This infuriates Phillip and after yelling at her, he doesn't speak to Mindy for the rest of the day!

Later, Phillip apologizes to Mindy as she begins teasing him with her sex appeal. After getting him all worked up, Mindy tells Phillip that he has to go -- she can't give herself to him till she is sure of his love for her.

Mindy can't figure out why Phillip is living with Justin if Alan's his daddy. She decides to go over to try and get some information out of Phillip and learn why, but when she arrives, Phillip is sleeping and Justin won't allow her inside. While Justin isn't looking, Mindy grabs a set of house keys that were left on the table and decides to come back, whether Justin likes it or not!

The following day, after Phillip and Justin leave the house, Mindy unlocks the door and begins to hunt for some information about Phillip's parentage. Rummaging through Phillip's bedroom, she finds a personal note written by Justin expressing his feelings to Phillip.

As her eyes widen with curiousity, the door suddenly bursts open. "What the hell are you doing?" asks Justin, standing in the doorway. Justin, who doesn't like Mindy very much as it is, accuses her of breaking into the house and tells her to get out. Mindy leaves crying and threatens to tell her father about the way Justin treated her.

Instead, however, Mindy goes to Phillip and makes up a story (which Phillip believes!) about how she was going to leave a present for him in his bedroom, but Justin found her and accused her of snooping around. Angry at Justin for treating her that way, Phillip takes Mindy back to the house and tells Justin to apologize.

When Phillip gets Beth a waitressing job at the country club, Mindy becomes jealous over the attention he shows her. They call each other a few nasty names, then Phillip leaves. Meanwhile, Vanessa and Billy are spending the evening together, and their almost passionate moment is interrupted when Mindy arrives, crying that Phillip was being mean to her. Billy takes his daughter home, feeling frustrated because his evening was cut short.

Following the incident with Mindy, Phillip informs Justin that he's thinking of moving out and that Alan felt it was a good idea. Upset, Justin goes to Alan, accusing him of trying to steal Phillip away. If Alan doesn't stop telling Phillip what to do, Justin threatens, he will tell Phillip whose son he really is!



Elsewhere in Springfield, Justin feels it’s about time Phillip learned some responsibility. After all, he is going to have to pay for the damage he did to Tony & Co., so Justin gets him a job as an orderly at Cedars.



Maureen and Ed return from their sunny honeymoon and face Rick, who is still confused as to how he is going to fit into their lives.

With Lesley Ann out of the apartment, Phillip becomes concerned that Eve will be too lonely. He suggests to Justin that maybe it would be a nice idea if they asked Eve to live with them. After all, they have plenty of room, Phillip points out. Eve accepts the offer with great excitement...



Mindy, Beth and Rick realize that the reason Phillip is not acting like himself lately is because his family life is so unstable. They all decide to show him extra love and support in order to fill the void his family isn't filling.

Mindy overhears a conversation between Phillip and Beth about his history and about his mothers Jackie and Elizabeth. Sensing the pain Phillip is having, Mindy tells Justin that Phillip is miserable because he doesn't have a solid home life! When Mindy suggests that Justin allow Phillip to live on his own, he vehemently opposes the idea. Mindy is a bit taken back by his adamance. Questioning him further, Mindy figures out that his relationship with Phillip is a lot closer than he's revealing. Mindy then goes to Rick and tells him that she's put a lot of the pieces together and thinks that Phillip is really Justin's son!

Now that Mindy's put the idea into his head, Rick asks Maureen what she thinks about Mindy's idea that Phillip is really Justin's son. Maureen doesn't say anything definite but because of her awkwardness, she gives him the impression that Mindy is right -- Phillip really is a Marler! When Rick tells Mindy about Maureen's reaction, she gets excited. Up till this point she was only putting pieces together -- now she knows definitely! Rick makes her promise to keep it a secret and she agrees not to tell anyone -- unless she has to...



Phillip is upset when he must spend the night in jail because the guy he got into a fight with at Company a few days earlier decided to press charges. He didn't want to call Alan or Justin so he phones Mindy and she and Rick bail him out.

Anne Jenkins, a reporter from "Finance" magazine, spends the day at the Spauldings to do an in-depth interview with Alan. The whole family is present (except Phillip) and everyone is trying to make a good impression. As the interview progresses, Phillip finally arrives with Billy and explains to Alan that he got into a fight at Company and had to spend the night in jail. Alan is enraged. But he does his best to keep civil, since he doesn't want the reporter to find out where Phillip was. Anne leaves, satisfied that she got a good interview and Alan and Hope seem pleased with it, too.

At Spaulding, Alan asks Ronnie, the guy who got into a fight with Phillip at Company, to drop the assault charges. They both discuss how the fight was provoked and Alan learns that Bradley fired Ronnie. Believing he was wrongly let go, Ronnie reveals how incompetent Bradley is as a security supervisor. Alan then agrees to re-hire Ronnie if charges are dropped against Phillip. Later, Bradley is fired by Alan. Frustrated, Bradley goes home in a foul mood and takes his anger out on Lillian and Beth.

Knowing that Ronnie was responsible for him getting fired, Bradley goes to Company to wait for him. When Ronnie arrives, he and Bradley almost get into a fist fight, but are asked to leave. As Bradley is about to walk into his house, he overhears Mindy and Rick talking in the living room about Phillip being Justin's son...



Alan receives a cassette with a recorded message saying, "I know your secret, Alan. Do you want Phillip to know?" The following day, Alan finds a mysterious note on his desk saying, "Phillip Marler." Panicking, Alan immediately orders extra security for his family and office until he learns who's terrorizing him.

At the Raines' home, Bradley doesn't mention his being fired and becomes extremely cruel to Beth. He calls her a slut and makes insinuations about what she and Rick do when they're alone together. Beth's plans for an evening out with Mindy, Phillip and Rick quickly change when Bradley refuses to allow her to leave the house. Instead, he invites the gang to spend the evening in with him. Rick and Phillip think it's a fine idea, till later on when Bradley begins making snide remarks about Phillip and "his father," Alan.

Beth grows more embarrassed when a drunken Bradley becomes progressively rude to Phillip. Growing increasingly uncomfortable, the young man finally leaves with Mindy. When Bradley and Lillian go up to bed, Rick suggests to Beth that when they start Springfield U. in the fall, he would like to be the only one who takes her out. "I'm falling in love with you," Rick whispers as he begins kissing her.

Even though Mindy figured out there was going to be a surprise party for her at the country club, she does a good job of acting surprised. During the affair, Alan and Justin discuss the blackmailer's latest note, which says he wants $10,000 to keep Phillip's "background" a secret. Afraid that Phillip might find out the truth accidentally, the men agree the time has come to tell Phillip everything. But since the young man is having such a good time at the party, Alan decides to discuss everything with him tomorrow.

Alan greets Lillian and Bradley and apologizes for firing Bradley. Hearing this upsets Lillian and Beth, since they had no idea Bradley was out of work! Seeing Beth look hurt and feeling kind of low himself, Phillip suggests they go down to the stables to talk.

Once there, Phillip confesses that he loves Beth and always has. Beth tries to make him stop but Phillip continues, saying he can't help the way he feels, although he knows it's wrong. It's not fair to Rick or Mindy, so he won't be seeing Beth anymore. Unable to hold back her love for him any longer, Beth gives herself to him as they kiss...

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Bradley appears and orders them to break it up. He sends Beth away and tells Phillip how much he detests him and everything he stands for. They both fight and as their heated argument continues, Bradley wounds Phillip by saying, "You're not a Spaulding! You're no better than the rest of us!"



While everyone is singing "Happy Birthday" to Mindy, Phillip walks into the country club dining room and confronts Alan and Justin with the shocking news he just heard. "Is it true?" he yells. The singing dies down and all eyes turn to the trio as Justin reveals that he is indeed Phillip's father. A loud argument begins with Phillip growing more and more upset. With the tension mounting, everyone's partying spirit diminishes, so Billy suggests that everyone go home and leave the three men alone to talk everything out.

As the evenjng progresses, Phillip finds out more and more about his parentage and becomes angrier. He can't believe Justin is his real father or the fact that Jackie was his real mother! Phillip doesn't consider either Justin or Alan his dad. " A real father wouldn't have done what you did!" he bitterly tells them as he quickly walks out.

The following day, after Phillip calms down, he and Justin are finally able to talk further but are suddenly interrupted because Samantha must be rushed to the hospital! Alone, Phillip still can't believe what Justin hid from him all these years or get over the fact that Jackie was his mother. "I never had a chance to call her mom!" he cries, looking at an old photo of her. Dejected and confused, Phillip packs his things and leaves.

Later, at the hospital, Bradley introduces himself to Justin and is relieved to learn that Phillip didn't mention anything about Bradley revealing the truth the night of Mindy's party. Meanwhile, Phillip visits with Samantha, who is being kept at the hospital due to breathing difficulties. When Rick finds him, Phillip starts a fight with his friend, since Rick knew all along that Justin and Alan were lying to him. That's no way for a friend to act! To spite Rick, Phillip blurts out that he is in love with Beth -- she is really his best friend in the world, not Rick!

On a rampage, Phillip goes to Alan, who greets him warmly. Alan apologizes for lying to Phillip for so long and says that nothing has changed -- he is still entitled to the Spaulding fortune when the time comes. But Phillip has a hard time forgiving Alan and leaves abruptly to see Beth.

After confessing his love for her, Phillip begins to kiss Beth, but before things go any further, she stops him. Phillip leaves, telling her he's leaving Springfield for good! Frantic, Beth calls Mindy.

Phillip makes one final stop at the stables to say good-bye to Boss. Suddenly, Mindy appears -- prepared to travel with him! Phillip can't believe Mindy would still want him since he's no longer a rich Spaulding. It makes no difference to her, says Mindy -- she loves Phillip no matter what he is. Mindy and Phillip make love in the stables. Knowing what his reaction would be, Mindy never mentions to Phillip that she knew who his real parents were all along.

Later, Rick comes by and convinces Phillip to delay his plans to leave Springfield -- Samantha isn't doing well, and neither is Justin. It seems Justin is refusing to see Samantha because he's afraid she'll sense his hurt over Phillip, which could worsen his daughter's condition.

At the hospital, Phillip runs into Alan and is sullen. Phillip doesn't want to have anything to do with him or Justin! Beth and Mindy are the only ones he can trust -- they're the only ones who wouldn't have kept Phillip's identity to themselves had they known the truth. As soon as Samantha is well, Phillip tells Alan, he and Mindy are going to live together!

Rick and Phillip finally make up and get everything out in the open. Phillip understands now that it wasn't Rick's place to tell him who his real parents were and they are both glad to be best friends again. However, tension arises between the two friends once again when Phillip admits that he loves Beth.

When Alan tries to convince Phillip to remain in Springfield, the young man is surprised that Alan even knows of his plans to leave. Upon learning that it was Mindy who told him, Phillip becomes upset. He can't trust her anymore! Coming to Mindy's defense, Alan says Mindy can indeed be trusted -- she proved it by not mentioning to anyone that she knew Justin was Phillip's father. Phillip is stunned -- all the time he thought Mindy was one of the few people who didn't know.

Confronting Mindy, Phillip screams at her for lying to him for such a long time. Even though Mindy claims she loves him, Phillip cannot believe anything she says ever again. "I don't want to see you anymore!" he says angrily. In tears. Mindy tries to chase after him, but Rick holds her back and makes her calm down. Realizing that Phillip will leave Springfield for good if they don't stop him, Mindy and Rick drive over to the one place he would probably go before he leaves: Beth's house.

Meanwhile, Phillip tries to persuade Beth into running away with him but doesn't succeed. Just as Phillip is about to walk out the door, he stops himself, saying he can't leave. They jump into each other's arms for a passionate embrace when suddenly Rick and Mindy appear in the open doorway...



Rick & Mindy sneak away from the Raines' house as Phillip & Beth continue kissing. When Bradley realizes the new status of his [step-]daughter's relationship with Phillip, Phillip makes a deal. He won't tell Alan that Bradley was the one who revealed the truth about his parentage if Bradley agrees to let him see Beth.

Mindy is heartbroken over Phillip, but becomes hopeful when she sets a date to talk everything out with him. When they meet, Mindy admits she's been scheming for the past few months so that he'll keep going out with her. Mindy hopes that honesty will make Phillip forgive her. But the plan backfires when he says she can stop trying to win him back -- his heart belongs to Beth.

To be free of Alan and Justin, Phillip decides to live in the stables. When the country club manager balks at letting him stay, Alan -- unbeknownst to Phillip -- goes to the manager with money to cover all expenses.

Since Samantha's asthma demands that she live in a warm climate, Justin decides to take his daughter to Arizona. Sensing that Justin wants him to do something sensible with his life, Phillip goes to the University to register.

The first day of school begins and Mindy is a little uncomfortable being in the same class with both Phillip and Beth. After class is over, Mindy starts flirting with a jock named Jim to get Phillip jealous, but to her distress, he takes little notice. In the student union, Mindy feels a little out of place when she can't contribute to the "intellectual" conversation Phillip and Beth are having with the other students and quickly leaves. As the week progresses, Phillip & Beth become closer and confess their love for each other. When Mindy and Rick see them together, both couples ignore each other. However, Phillip really misses Rick's friendship.

At the Raines house, Bradley throws a fit -- he feels Lillian's been talking down to him since he's been unemployed. Lillian, frightened yet compassionate, just wishes her husband would get a job and stop spending his free time in front of the TV with his beer! Soon an argument develops. Frustrated and angry, Bradley hits Lillian and kicks in the TV set! "Everything was fine before Beth started hanging around those rich friends of hers," he sneers to his wife.

When Beth comes home and sees her mother's bruise and the damage in the living room, Lillian insinuates that Beth is the reason for Bradley's outrageous behavior. Lillian accuses her daughter of ignoring the family since she's been dating Phillip. Feeling guilty, Beth promises to spend more time at home.



Springfield U. gets prepared for Homecoming weekend, and Beth and Mindy both find themselves nominated for Homecoming Queen. Everyone knew Beth would be nominated since she had already taken the honors at Springfield High. But she doesn't seem to care one way or the other about the contest. Mindy, however, is thrilled to be in the running.

After classes, Beth and Phillip meet in the student union and discuss their courses. Beth says how happy she is with her art class and how terrible it is that Bradley won't allow her to do any sketching in the house. Knowing how much art means to Beth, Phillip tells her he knows a place where she can draw in private.

Realizing what a hard time Beth's stepfather has been going through since he's been unemployed, Phillip asks Ed if he could find a job for Bradley at the hospital. Not only would the Raines family be happier, but it would also make his relationship with Beth much easier, Phillip confesses.

Later at the stables, he shows Beth some art supplies he bought and invites her to come over every day to sketch. Phillip wants the two of them to spend as much time together as possible, because he eventually wants to marry her!

The following night, Beth feels guilty about spending the early part of the evening with Phillip since she had to lie in order to get permission to leave the house. Meanwhile, when Mindy sees Bradley at the hospital, she reveals that Beth is probably at the stables -- and she's not doing schoolwork!

Furious, Bradley sneaks over to the stables and spies on the young couple. After watching them kiss and talk, he leaves, without the young lovers knowing he was there.

Patiently, Bradley waits at the house for Beth's return. Hiding in Beth's room, Bradley watches as Phillip kisses her good-night. When Beth turns on the light and sees Bradley standing there, she is shocked...

Bradley becomes slightly violent with Beth when he confronts her with where she's been. He accuses Beth of being a tramp and going "all the way" with Phillip. Although she denies the charge, Bradley humiliates his stepdaughter by forcing her to undergo a gynecological exam to prove her virtue! Beth promises to keep her doctor's appointment from Lillian, but as soon as she sees her mother, she begs for them both to leave Bradley! Furious at the negative way Beth talks about Bradley, Lillian slaps her daughter across the face!


Word spreads about Mindy being the one who dressed as Springfield U's mascot at the opening football game, and everyone comments on what a good sport she was about it. She's the target for a lot of jokes because the mascot costume looked like a chicken suit! Since Mindy was such a good sport about the costume for Homecoming Queen, Mindy gets interviewed for the school newspaper. Afterwards, Mindy sees Bradley at the hospital and, acting like a concerned friend, informs him of his precious stepdaughter's extra-curricular activities with Phillip at the stables.

Once there, a furious Bradley threatens Phillip (with a gun!) if he doesn't stay away from Beth. Beth, who is standing nearby, hears her stepfather's threats and afterwards tells Phillip she must go home and fix this situation. Although Phillip tries to persuade her to stay with him and never return home, Beth is certain that doing so will only make things worse.

Mindy, who followed Bradley and also heard the argument, tries to comfort Phillip, but he wants to be alone. Still angry over Beth's new social life, Bradley becomes irrational and fights with Phillip at the nurses' station. As the two of them are rolling on the floor, Warren enters and fires Bradley on the spot. Furious over her husband's immaturity, Lillian yells for Phillip to stay away from Beth because of all the trouble he's causing their family!

At home, Bradley is furious with Beth and informs her that she'd better tell Phillip not to show his face around their house or else he'll blow Phillip's head off! Not wanting her stepfather to do anything silly, Beth arranges to meet Phillip at the student union before the Homecoming Game.

That evening, Mindy and Phillip wait anxiously for their dates. Mindy is a little apprehensive because Billy said he would fix her up with-someone since Rick wasn't able to be her date for the night. She hopes her daddy doesn't find some nerd for her! The surprise is on Mindy when Richard Todd, the quarterback for the N.Y. Jets arrives, ready to escort her! She is on top of the world because of this slick move Billy pulled and garnishes the honor of Homecoming Queen. However, her thrill of victory is cut short when Richard must leave early.

Phillip grows concerned because Beth never shows up. He doesn't realize Bradley's preventing her from leaving the house. Beth is scared as her stepfather drinks himself into a stupor but when he passes out, Beth makes her move to escape the confines of his authority. Just as she's about to open the door, Bradley suddenly becomes coherent and violent, and knocks her to the ground.



Alone with his stepdaughter, Bradley rapes her! As soon as her ordeal is over, a horrified Beth quickly gathers her things and runs upstairs to take a shower. Phillip arrives (a little late), pleading with Bradley to let him see Beth, but he refuses. When Lillian gets home, she speaks to Beth about the "misunderstanding" with Bradley -- Lillian is under the impression that her daughter and husband only had an argument. Little does she know that he attacked her!

The following day, Phillip forces his way into the Raines' house but Lillian informs him that Beth refuses to leave her room. She then hands him back the graduation necklace he had given Beth. Sadly, Phillip leaves, believing Beth no longer loves him.

Later, when Beth and Bradley are alone, he pretends nothing's wrong. Beth, however, warns her stepfather that if he comes near her again, she'll kill him! After telling Rick about Beth's strange behavior, Phillip asks if he'll go over and talk to her. Rick agrees and Phillip tags along, hiding in the bushes, so he can hear for himself that Beth doesn't want to see him. After some hesitation, Beth comes to the door and informs Rick to tell Phillip not to come by anymore. When Phillip hears this, he jumps out of the shrubs and begs her to change her mind; but she refuses. Phillip thinks Bradley is forcing her to act this way, but Beth stoically states that her stepfather has nothing to do with it. She then asks him to leave and never come back.

Thinking that the main reason he's not allowed to see Beth is because Alan fired Bradley, Phillip asks Spaulding to a rehire him. Now aware that it was Bradley who told Phillip the truth about his parentage, Alan creates a job for Raines where he can be closely watched.

Although Mindy and Rick advise Phillip to stay away from Beth until she's ready to talk, he won't listen. Seeing her at the student union, Phillip tells her how much he still loves her. But Beth, thinking about the painful rape she experienced, solemnly tells Phillip that she doesn't want to see him again.



Hoping to see Beth, Phillip goes to the Raines' house, but her parents wont let him in. When Phillip refuses to leave the house, they call the police to have him physically removed. Phillip, in a state of fury, punches one of the cops and ends up spending the night in jail!

Since no charges are brought up, Phillip is released the following morning. When Alan hears of his son's trouble with the Raines family, he decides Phillip should stop seeing Beth. Hoping to keep the young couple apart, Spaulding persuades Bradley to charge Phillip with harassment.

Before class. Phillip forces Beth to hear how much he loves her, but the frightened girl tells Phillip not to speak to her again or else he'll get in trouble with the law. Phillip is shocked at Beth's attitude and goes to Company to dull the pain.

Mindy throws a party at the country club and becomes uncomfortable when she sees Beth working as the waitress for the evening. When Phillip arrives and notices Beth. he tries to communicate with her but is reminded by Ross that he's not supposed to "harass" Beth -- court orders. Phillip's frustration finally peaks. "Could you just tell me why you are killing me like this?" he shouts to Beth.

Humiliated, Beth storms out with Phillip following. She is unable to resist as he holds her in his arms. When Beth apologizes for the way she's been treating Phillip, he starts to kiss her. But Beth imagines herself kissing Bradley instead. Repulsed, she scratches Phillip and tears away from his grip.

At Springfield U, the Galahads, a street gang, invade the student union and begin harassing Beth. Phillip immediately runs to protect her. Lujack, the leader, pulls a knife on Phillip. During the confrontation, Rick lunges at Lujack, causing the weapon to fall. Phillip grabs it, at which time a dean enters and reprimands him for threatening the other students! After explaining the circumstances, Phillip is put on disciplinary probation instead of being expelled. Later, Mindy tries to comfort Phillip as he cries openly about his love for Beth. No matter how hard he tries, he can't get over Beth! Mindy assures him that she will help him out.



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