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In a moment of heated passion, Phillip makes love to Mindy in the stables. Afterwards, Mindy feels guilty for having lied about using birth control. However, she doesn't let her guilt spoil the euphoric feeling she has now that Phillip is back in her life.

However, Phillip still hasn't completely gotten over Beth. At loose ends, he decides to move in with Ross. Alan unhappily notices Phillip's distraught behavior and becomes concerned when the Dean from Springfield U. drops by to discuss the knife fight Phillip had with the local street gang. Concluding that Phillip's problems stem from his frustration over not seeing Beth, Alan orders Bradley to make sure his stepdaughter lessens her grip on Phillip -- or else!

Meanwhile, Beth confides to Annabelle that she needs help coping with her family. Annabelle suggests that she move into Bea's boarding house. At home Beth tells her mother that she's leaving home because of Bradley. Lillian becomes hysterical. When her husband comes home, she gets into a heated argument with him. Just then, Rick, who was about to knock, suddenly stops outside the door when he overhears Lillian yelling that Beth is leaving the house because Bradley is too violent to live with!

The following day, Beth packs her belongings and moves out, leaving only a note behind for her parents to read. Furious, Bradley decides to go after Phillip to "make him pay!" Meanwhile, Beth is thrilled over the warm reception she receives upon arriving at the boarding house.

Now that Mindy is sexually active, she sees a doctor about birth control. Later, she goes to the stables to "visit" Phillip. Just as he begins to kiss her, Beth enters! Shaken by what she sees, Beth sadly leaves...



Phillip becomes depressed when he learns that Beth ran away from home and didn't run to him! Since she no longer wants him, Phillip hopes that Beth will be able to find comfort elsewhere without Bradley's interference, so he asks if Alan will help. Alan lies, saying that he'll do his best to keep Bradley away from his stepdaughter.

Later, Alan tells Bradley that he wants to do everything he can to keep Phillip and Beth apart, so he offers Bradley another job -- in Vancouver -- as well as a modest increase in salary and a bonus. Bradley quickly accepts the offer and learns that Alan will follow through under one condition: that Bradley take Beth to court and request that she remain in his custody till she turns 18. Alan will arrange for the court to go along with "Bradley's" request because it will mean that Beth will be forced to move to Vancouver as well.

Bea finds Lillian at Cedars and tells her where Beth is and that she's safe. Lillian is relieved that her daughter is in good hands and, without telling Bradley, she goes to the boardinghouse to discuss his job offer and possible move to Vancouver. Beth makes it very clear to her mother that she will not move back into the house as long as Bradley is there -- whether it's in Springfield or Vancouver! Suddenly, Bradley enters, having fol- lowed Lillian, and is about to furiously drag Beth home until Tony forces him to leave.

Once home, Bradley beats his wife, which causes Lillian to contemplate divorce. Alarmed, Bradley promises to do whatever she wants as long as she doesn't file for divorce. Lillian therefore requests that Bradley not force his stepdaughter into going to court. HesistantIy, he agrees, and when Bradley informs Alan that he does not want to demand custody for Beth, Alan states that he must or else their deal is off!

Hoping that their family will get back to the way it used to be, Bradley and Lillian decide to wait outside Annabelle's class for Beth so that they may persuade her into moving back home. As they anxiously wait for Beth's dismissal from class, a policeman arrives with orders from Bradley to take Beth to court! Lillian is shocked that her husband would pull such an underhanded maneuver, and chaos develops when the two men invade the classroom intending to take Beth, but she refuses to budge.

Phillip and Rick heroically divert everyone's attention. Then Phillip grabs Beth, jumps out the window with her and the two young lovers run into the distance! Bradley screams for someone to stop them as Lillian cries for him to just "let them go!"



Bradley barges into Annabelle's classroom with a policeman, intent upon forcing Beth to make a court appearance as a runaway minor. Flashing back to the horror of Bradley's rape, Beth screams she won't go! Rushing to her aid, Phillip grabs Beth and helps her escape through a broken window. While Bradley yells at the policeman to go after them, Beth's mother Lillian moans softly, "Let them go, just let them go."

Outside, Phillip and Beth make their escape in his sports car. After trading it for a waitress' beat-up jalopy, Phillip tells Beth the only place they'll be safe is New York. "It's easy for people to get lost there," he assures her. Still, Beth is afraid that Phillip will be charged with kidnapping. Maybe it's better if she went back to Springfield, she suggests. "Forget Springfield," Phillip tells her. "It doesn't exist anymore."

Meanwhile, Mindy is devastated when Phillip runs off with Beth. She was sure, with a little more time, she could have made him fall in love with her. Unwilling to give up her fantasy, Mindy goes to Alan to help her locate Phillip. "If anyone can get him back, Phillip's father can," she reasons. Realizing that his plan to break up Beth and Phillip has failed, Alan agrees to help Mindy find him. He sets up a network of private investigators to work dosely with the police.

Nearly exhausted from driving, Beth and Phillip are exhilarated by the sight of the New York skyline. Naively, they park their car and take a walk, only to find it has been stripped upon their return! Down on their luck and low on funds, Beth befriends a street Santa Claus, who offers them a place to stay. It's Christmas, and even Christmas with a bag lady, pickpocket and abandoned mother of three children in a broken down tenement, is a beautiful time for Beth. This is the first happiness she's known since her terrible ordeal began at the hands of her stepfather.

Back in Springfield, a drunken Bradley asks Alan for help. Sparing no words, Spaulding lashes out at the pathetic shadow of a man and orders him out of the office. "You've ruined everything!" he screams. "Now get out of my sight!" Stung by Alan's viciousness, Bradley goes home to his wife and vows to get his "little girl" back. "She's not your 'little girt!"' Lillian says weakly. Flying into a drunken rage, Bradley swears she is; he'll kill that Spaulding boy when he gets his hands on him!

It doesn't take Rick long to come to the conclusion that Phillip and Beth may have gone to New York City. Rick decides to drive there himself to find them. Although he makes up a cover story for Ed, his father sees through his lie and wishes him good luck in his search for the runaway lovers. As he gets on the road, lamenting the lonely trip ahead, Rick is shocked to see Mindy pop up from beneath the quilt on the back seat. "Surprise!" she says, throwing her arms around his neck.

Without a penny to their names, Beth and Phillip are able to make ends meet and survive their first experience in New York. Unaware that Rick and Mindy are in the Big Apple looking for them, the young couple toast the new year and vow to stay together always. Tearfully, Beth says she has something to tell Phillip about why she turned away from him for so long. Yet, she can quite bring herself to do it. Gently, Phillip tells her he can wait until she's ready. There's no rush -- they have the rest of their lives.

Meanwhile, Mindy and Rick are just about to pop open some champagne to celebrate the new year when Billy and Vanessa arrive to take Mindy home. Furious with his daughter for pulling such a stunt, Billy says she's flying home with them tonight. Mindy protests -- she has to stay to search for Phillip! And Beth, Rick reminds her. Ignoring his clarifier, Mindy staunchly refuses to go anywhere. "I'm an adult. I'm eighteen years old," she asserts herself. "I don't need your permission to stay!" In reponse, Billy cuts off her credit cards. "Now let's see how grown up you are," he laughs.

After Billy and Vanessa leave, Mindy and Rick take stock of their assets, only to find that his credit card has been lifted by a pickpocket! Although Mindy pressures Rick to call Ed for money, he stubbornly refuses. "I got myself into this mess and I'm going to get myself out without having to be bailed out by my father!" he says defiantly. Giving Mindy the chance to call things off, Rick reminds her that she can still go home with her father. Together, however, Mindy and Rick make a pact to survive the same way Beth and Phillip are getting along. On a hunch, Rick phones a school friend of Phillip's, wondering if he might have gone to him for help. Hopefully, Chip Winthrop will be able to give them some inormation.



To earn enough money to stay in New York, Rick gets a job as a short-order cook. Mindy, however, reasons she can't work because one of them has to be free to search for Phillip and Beth. Harried and worried, Rick wonders aloud, "Where could they possibly be?"

Meanwhile, Beth and Phillip are surviving by having Beth sell sketches on street corners. "With your artistic skill and my salesmanship, we make a great team," he quips. Noticing the worried look on her face, Phillip asks Beth what's wrong. Timidly, she asks if it would be all right to call her mother.

Back in Springfield, Lillian is shocked to hear from her daughter. Tears come to her eyes--she's been so worried about Beth, she's been half crazy! When Beth tries to apologize, her mother stops her. Lillian understands--Beth never has to apologize again. Putting her hand to her face to try to stop from crying, Lillian tells her daughter how frightened she was to hear that she was in New York. Startled, Beth asks her mother how she knew where she was. Although Lillian says that Ed Bauer told her, Beth fears that other people may know, too, and come looking for them. As the operator cuts Beth off, Lillian says softly, "Oh Lord, please take care of my little girl. She's all I have now!"

With Phillip barking through a megaphone, Beth busily sketches the customers he brings her way. Just then, Trudie, the owner of the diner Rick is working in, spots a picture Beth did of Phillip made up as a clown and impulsively buys it. Later, Beth and Phillip marvel at their good fortune, while Trudie returns to the diner to show off her new prize.

Once there, Trudie wants to ask Rick's opinion of the drawing, but he's too preoccupied filling orders to look. She then decides to hang it over the bar. As Trudie positions Beth's sketch and steps back to admire it, Bradley is lurking in the shadows outside the door and notices the diner's latest decoration.

[Back in Springfield] Driving recklessly, Lujack regrets stealing the lockbox from Tony. Realizing he hit Tony pretty hard in his struggle to get away, Lujack panics, wondering if he's killed Tony Reardon. Meanwhile, Tony is lying on the floor of the bar with blood on the back of his head where Lujack hit him. When Floyd and Annabelle enter the bar looking for Tony, they spot his inert body. Annabelle screams, as she cradles Tony in her arms, "I can't lose you, not now!" she cries.

Tony regains consciousness and tells Floyd that someone made off with the lockbox. Although it didn't have any bar receipts in it, it did contain all of Floyd's lottery winnings. "Oh well," Floyd remarks bitterly. "I guess I was never meant to be rich."

Annabelle tries to convince Tony to go to the hospital, but he's more concerned over who could have known about the lockbox money. Only one outsider knew where he kept the money, says Floyd, that Lujack kid.

Meanwhile, Lujack pulls off the road to listen to the news. When he hears nothing of the break-in, Lujack assumes Tony must be all right. Showing the strain of being on the run, Lujack picks up the box, and says, "I wish I'd never seen this damn money!"

The police put out an APB for Lujack. "The kid's got a rap sheet," the policeman tells Floyd. "If he gets convicted of something like this, he'll be in with the big boys -- he won't be a juvenile anymore." Quietly, Tony recalls hearing Lujack say something just as he passed out. "Why doesn't anybody give me a break?" is the way Tony remembers it.

Learning that Bradley is in New York looking for Beth and Phillip, Rick and Mindy call the police and ask them to help them keep Raines from hurting their friends. But unconvinced that Bradley is as dangerous as they say, the police feel they can do nothing.

Meanwhile, Phillip tells Beth that there is no reason for them to wait any longer to be married. They can go to Maryland and be wed by the end of the week. Beth stops Phillip and says he doesn't understand. "I can never marry you, Phillip," she says sadly. "Not ever!"

As Rick arrives back at the Winthrop penthouse, he finds Bradley pointing a gun at him. "I'm looking for my slut of a daughter," he tells Rick coldly. "Either you're going to help me or this will be your last day on earth!"



When Phillip pressures Beth to say she'll marry him, Beth blurts out that she can't marry him, ever. Seeing that Beth is close to tears, Phillip asks her what it is that she thinks she's done. Painfully, Beth forms the words, "He raped me, Phillip. Bradley raped me!" His face a contortion of rage, Phillip stands speechless, his actions frozen in silence. Hurling things about, Phillip vows to kill Bradley. As he turns to leave. Beth begs him to stay. Blind with anger, Phillip pushes past Beth into the night.

Meanwhile, Rick and Bradley face each other, guns in hand as Bradley demands they tell him where Beth is. When Mindy hurls a lamp at Bradley, Rick gets the drop on him and threatens to call the police. Laughing, Bradley makes them realize how foolish that would be. "I got legal rights to bring back my runaway stepdaughter," he explains. "All you two runaways are doing is obstructing justice." Holding him at bay, Rick and Mindy make their getaway. It is only later that Mindy learns Rick was holding a toy pistol on Raines.

Nearby, a now cooled off Phillip returns to his and Beth's haven only to find her gone. As Phillip agonizes over his loss, Beth returns; though she planned to leave, she couldn't. Phillip wants her to know that he doesn't blame her for what Bradley did. For the first time, Beth tells Phillip exactly what happened the night of the homecoming ball. As they both are moved to tears, Phillip holds Beth gently in his arms, telling his love he'll take care of her from now on.

The next day, Beth and Phillip put on mime makeup and entertain tourists at an amusement area. As they are finishing their act, Beth spots Rick and Mindy watching them from a balcony. Although Rick and Mindy have not recognized them, Phillip hurries Beth along to play it safe. They are so preoccupied with their escape, they don't even notice Bradley coming up the stairs after them. Recognizing them despite their makeup, Bradley rushes to overtake the couple.

Meanwhile, Lujack takes Tony up on his generous offer to work at the bar rather than going to jail for assaulting him and robbing the lock box. When Tony overhears Lujack telling someone that he heard Malloy admit to framing Ross Marler, he forces the teenager to tell the judge. Under the circumstances, Ross is cleared of drug charges.

Back in New York, Phillip manages to convince Beth to return to Springfield moments before Bradley recognizes the runaways and forces an encounter. Knocking Bradley unconscious, Phillip grabs Beth and they prepare to flee again. This time, however Phillip and Beth literally run into Rick and Mindy. Reunited at last, the foursome are happy to learn Bradley's been imprisoned. But the worst isn't over. While a newly attached Rick and Mindy head back to Springfield, Lillian posts bail for her maniacal husband, who slips by her to resume stalking his unsuspecting stepdaughter!



Having been deceived by Bradley for the last time, a heartbroken Lillian returns to Springfield and tells Mike [Bauer] to start divorce proceedings. At the same time in New York, Beth accepts Phillip's marriage proposal! Blissfully happy, Beth and Phillip call Rick and Mindy with their good news. Despite herself, Mindy survives the loss of Phillip and even accepts a date with Rick.

Back in New York, Beth and Phillip make plans to stage their own marriage ceremony before returning home for the legal version. Unaware that Bradley is still stalking them, Beth and Phillip borrow Romeo and Juliet costumes from the theater and perform a private 'wedding ceremony' on the deserted Central Park stage. Having exchanged vows they believe are binding, the young couple returns to their underground hiding place to consummate their love.

But Bradley has discovered them! Although Phillip manages to prevent him from breaking down the door. Bradley sets a fire to smoke out his victims! When the young lovers make a break for it, Bradley pursues them to a cliff where he and Phillip struggle. Suddenly, Bradley falls but manages to cling to a rock. As Bradley dangles in space, his eyes meet Phillip's. Bradley nearly falls when Phillip loses I his grip! Transfixed, Beth hesitates before helping Phillip save her stepfather. Once Bradley is safe and shaking on the ground, Beth turns to him. "Don't ever come near us again, or I'll see you rot in hell, Bradley!" Beth says coldly.

Learning that Phillip and Beth are returning to Springfield, their friends and relatives converge at the bus stop to meet them. When Ross and Alan bump into each other, sparks fly. Having spirited Karen Jensen away before she can help Ross incriminate him, a smug Alan listens to Marler warn him he won't stand by and let Spaulding ruin Phillip's life. Nearby, Lillian assures Mike she plans to insist that Beth tell her the truth about why she ran away.

At a celebration luncheon, Phillip hurts Ross by appearing to align himself with Alan. But Phillip's desire to reconcile with Alan is part of his plan to have a good life with his new "bride," Beth. Pretending to share Phillip's enthusiasm for his "marriage,' Alan is touched when Phillip calls him Dad and asks for a job at Spaulding Enterprises.

At the Raines' house, Beth's reconcilation with Lillian isn't as complete. Unable to tell her mother that Bradley raped her, Beth seeks help from a rape crisis center. Accepting Phillip's feelings for Beth, Mindy is surprised by Rick's feelings for her! Although she's not sure if she shares Rick's love, Mindy does submit to a kiss.

The masked ball honoring Alan's sister Alexandra's return to Springfield becomes a battleground of sorts. Alan is outraged when Beth arrives, wearing his ex-wife's wedding dress, which was Phillip's romantic idea. Next, Spaulding is mortified when an unexpected guest asks to meet him on the terrace, and the "guest" turns out to be Bradley. Threatening to expose Alan's efforts to come between Phillip and Beth, Raines forces Spaulding to sign a letter guaranteeing him money to start a new life.


When Lujack, who is working as a valet for the evening, enters the ballroom, he can't help but notice Beth standing alone. He takes the opportunity to ask her to dance, and she obliges. Lujack removes his mask to reveal his identity, and is pleased when she isn't afraid of him this time.



Wondering why Alex hasn't arrived, Alan searches the ballroom for his sister. But just as a woman catches his eye, Alan hears Phillip announcing his engagement! Feigning enthusiasm, Alan joins the well-wishers, who include Rick and Mindy. Hiding outside, Bradley is furious, too.

Watching Alan's winning way with Phillip, Ross becomes frustrated. "I can't keep losing like this," he tells Trish. Later, Ross is only too happy to dance with the "mystery" woman and drunkenly informs her that he hates Alan Spaulding.

Lillian's hopes to be rid of Bradley are threatened when he surprises her at home. "It's me, Lillian," Bradley greets his startled wife. But Lillian asks Bradley to leave, informing him she wants a divorce. Anxious to get out of town before Beth tells Lillian the truth, Bradley pressures Alan. "I don't think your precious son will be half as devoted to you when I tell him you were helping me keep him and Beth apart," Bradley sneers, forcing Alan to agree to help him.

Hearing that Bradley's back, Beth finally tells Lillian her horrible secret. "Bradley raped me," Beth says. "Please don't hate me!" A devastated Lillian gathers her weeping daughter into her arms.

At home, Alan lavishes Alex with affection. But after overhearing her brother agree to get Bradley out of town, Alex visits Raines and makes him a counter-offer. In exchange for a large amount of money, Bradley gives Alex the incriminating letter he forced Alan to sign. "You're such an easy mark, Alan," Alex murmurs to herself. "I'll find my son, and when I do, he'll have everything. And you'll have nothing--I'll see to that!"

Convinced that he'll soon be rid of Bradley, Alan happily accepts Phillip's love. But both Alan and Bradley are in for a shock when Beth's therapist convinces her to press rape charges against her stepfather. Lillian, who now knows the truth about her husband, vows to support Beth all the way. "I want Bradley to pay for what he did to my little girl," she tells her daughter.

Unaware that Beth's filed a warrant for his arrest, Bradley calls Alan from the airport and informs Spaulding he's on his way to Belgium. Eavesdropping on the phone, Alex hears everything, then alerts Ross to Bradley's plans. But she warns him that she must remain an anonymous informer. Later, when he's arrested at the airport, Raines uses his one phone call to contact Alan. "Get me a lawyer," Bradley demands, "or I'll tell Phillip everything I know!" Revolted to learn about the rape charges, Alan has no choice but to agree.

Outside Tony's room, Lujack tries not to blame himself for possibly causing Reardon's death.

When Mindy feels sick, Rick skips class to be with her. Snuggling on the couch, Rick questions Mindy about her "past" with Phillip. Despondent but not ashamed, Mindy admits she let Phillip make love to her. "But it wasn't real," Mindy says emotionally. "I know," Rick consoles her. When Mindy's nausea persists, she submits to a pregnancy test which confirms her worst suspicions. Rushing to an abortion clinic, a torn Mindy is stunned when Rick walks in just as her name's being called. "I can't have this baby--it's Phillip's!" she cries.



Having come upon Mindy just as she was about to have an abortion, Rick begs her to reconsider. "It's a baby, Mindy. It's a real, live human being," Rick argues gently, convincing her to change her mind. When Mindy confides in Vanessa, her stepmother reluctantly agrees to keep her secret. Later, having informed Ed and Maureen about Mindy's pregnancy, Rick tells Mindy he loves her and asks her to marry him. Mindy considers the offer even as Phillip, the father of her baby, prepares to marry Beth.

Meanwhile, despite their fears, Beth and Lillian prepare to testify against Bradley. Anxious to implicate her brother, Alex gives Ross Alan's letter to use at the trial. And Bradley, unable to convince Beth to drop the charges, is furious when his lawyer refuses to let him take the stand. "I'll get you an acquittal, whether you deserve one or not," Norman tells his client. "But we'll do it my way!"

During the trial, first Ross and then Phillip taunt Bradley for not testifying. Unable to tolerate this, Bradley leaps to his feet and demands to be heard. As the courtroom breaks into chaos, Norman tries to silence Bradley. But Raines is insistent--he wants to testify. A reluctant Norman calls Bradley to the stand. During the questioning, Norman makes it seem as though his client's only "crime" was loving Beth too much. When Ross cross-examines Bradley, however, he gets the man to admit he was beaten as a child, which is why Raines felt the need to be "strict" with Beth!

As Bradley becomes increasingly distracted, Marler leads him to say even more. "No one could love Beth the way I did," Raines finally explodes. "That's why I had to mark her. I had to make sure no one else would ever want her!"

"Did you rape Beth?" Ross asks softly. Sinking to his knees, Bradley breaks down. "Oh, my God, yes ...yes ...I did it," he says brokenly.

Shaken by her stepfather's confession, Beth's eyes fill with tears. When a repentant Bradley asks for forgiveness, Beth faces him. "I can't ever forget what you've done," Beth says candidly. "All I can do is try to understand." Later, a compassionate Beth appeals to the judge, who agrees to sentence Bradley to a psychiatric hospital.

Outside the courtroom, Alan's relieved when Norman tells him that Bradley has agreed to keep quiet about their association. But determined to ruin Alan, whom she blames for refusing to fight their father on her behalf, Alex pressures Ross to show Phillip the incriminating letter. Not wanting to hurt his nephew any more than he already has been, Ross refuses to show him the letter. But when an arrogant Alan pushes Marler too far, Ross changes his mind. "Your future may depend on knowing who your real friends are," Ross tells his nephew, handing him Spaulding's letter. Stunned to learn that Alan conspired with Bradley to keep him and Beth apart, Phillip tells Alan that after the wedding, he never wants to see him again!

Having won Beth's case, Ross heads for home, where an approving Alex visits him. "You and I can accomplish so much," Alex says mysteriously. Telling Marler she wants him to help locate her long-lost son, Alex taunts Ross with promises of power. "What are you proposing?" Ross smiles. Alex laughs and they kiss passionately.

While Beth and Phillip make blissful means for their wedding, Mindy struggles to keep her composure. But when Rick tenderly pressures her to accept his proposal, Mindy reaches her breaking point. "We may be in love, but we're not ready to get married," she insists. Believing they have no choice, Rick approaches Billy with the news. Billy, however, refuses to take Rick seriously, insisting that his daughter is too young for marriage. Rick protests. "We have to get married. We're having a baby!" he blurts. Stunned, Billy turns to Vanessa for an explanation.

While Mindy berates Rick for telling her father about her pregnancy, Billy chastizes Ed for Rick's behavior. Bauer corrects him. "Phillip Spaulding's the father of your grandchild!" Ed blurts out. Enraged, Billy heads for the church where Phillip is about to marry Beth. As the wedding begins, Billy arrives. "Why didn't you tell me that Phillip Spaulding is the father of your baby?" he demands of Mindy, as Beth starts her walk down the aisle.



Alex visits Ross and informs her new lover it's time to finish off Alan. "You seem more interested in ruining Alan than finding your son," Ross observes. "It's part of the same plan," Alex counters. Coolly, Alex recounts her affair with a struggling musician whom her father paid to give up their son. "Alan aligned himself with our father when I needed support," Alex says bitterly. "My son, Brandon Luvoneczek--wherever he is--deserves his share of the Spaulding fortune!" Once Ross agrees to help locate her son, Alex steps up her plan to ruin Alan.

Standing near Mindy, Beth overhears Billy demanding to know why she didn't tell him that Phillip, not Rick, was the father of her baby. Stunned, Beth has no choice but to continue walking down the aisle. But when she greets her groom by the altar, a hysterical Beth begins pounding Phillip's chest with her fists. As the guests break into an uproar, a confused Phillip corners Beth. "Mindy's pregnant with your baby!" She lashes out at him. Staggered by the news, Phillip begs Mindy to tell Beth he never really loved her, although they made love a couple of times. Hurt, Mindy retaliates. How can she say that when she's carrying his baby--proof of their feelings for each other?!

When a heartbroken Beth rushes out of the church, Phillip tracks her down at Company, where he's furious to find Lujack comforting her. When PhiIlip finally persuades Beth to talk to him, they admit they still love each other. "Do you want the baby?" Beth asks softly. Yes, Phillip nods. Beth then suggests that they adopt Mindy's baby and raise it as their own. But when Phillip tells Rick about the idea, he's furious!

Back at the Lewis home, Billy angrily informs his daughter she's ruined her life. Desperate, Mindy claims that she wishes she were dead! But when Phillip calls to tell Mindy he wants to drop by to ask her something, the delighted mother-to-be expects him to propose! Thrilled by the thought of Phillip's visit, Mindy is hurt and humiliated when he arrives and announces he still wants to marry Beth. "I'll never give my baby to Beth!" Mindy shrieks. "It's my baby, and you can't have it! I want you to marry me, Phillip!" Mindy says with frightening resolve.

Having heard Mindy's ultimatum, Phillip insists he can't marry her. Angry because Phillip's rejecting her, Mindy becomes vindictive. "If you don't marry me, you can't be the father to my baby," she informs him. "I'll keep it, and you'll never get it away from me."

Later, hearing about Mindy's demand, Rick rushes over to reason with her. But Mindy insists she has to do the "right" thing and marry Phillip. Reminding Mindy that she'll be ruining her life, Rick suddenly realizes what's going on. "You never stopped wanting Phillip," he accuses. When Mindy tries to avoid answering him, Rick leaves. Later, Rick tells Phillip he'd be wrong to consider submitting to Mindy's ultimatum.

Feeling cornered and desperate, Phillip enlists Ross' help in fighting for custody of his child. But a visit from Billy shows Phillip that there's a chance a marriage to Mindy might work. Meanwhile, Beth confronts Mindy. "I wanted Phillip before he ever laid eyes on you!" Mindy explodes. "You never really changed, did you?" Beth counters sadly, unaware that Phillip's come to a painful decision.

Having considered his options, Phillip condudes he must marry Mindy to be a real father to his child. After shocking Mindy with a proposal, Phillip faces Beth. "I love you more than I'll ever love anyone else," he says painfully. "But I've just asked Mindy to be my wife." Heartbroken, Beth resolves to get on with her life. When Beth moves into the boarding house, without Phillip, Lujack's thrilled to have her as a next-door neighbor.

Meanwhile, the Lewis' and the Spauldings converge on Billy's penthouse to "celebrate" Phillip and Mindy's wedding. Although Billy tells his shaken daughter she can change her mind if she wants to, Mindy shakes her head. But when she overhears her groom placing a phone call, Mindy almost reconsiders. "I'll never love anyone but you," Phillip's telling Beth.



Having overheard Phillip tell Beth he'll always love her, a hurt Mindy vows to make Phillip forget he ever met Beth. "Phillip's mine, and he will love me!" Mindy promises herself. Later, after she and Phillip exchange vows, Mindy adds her own touch to the shotgun wedding by passionately kissing the groom. Once Mindy and Phillip are pronounced man and wife, H.B. surprises them by announcing he's planned a honeymoon for them at Cross Creek Lodge. But Mindy's hopes that her childhood haunt will be good luck for her and Phillip are in vain. Despite the romantic setting, there's no mistaking the strain between the newlyweds. While Phillip pines for Beth, Mindy sneaks into the bedroom to call a frustrated Rick to tell him how miserable she is.

Later that night, while Mindy and Phillip spend a disastrous wedding night in separate beds, Rick and Beth go to Company to console themselves. Noticing their depression, Lujack steps in and tells them they should be celebrating. "If anyone should be crying, it's Spaulding and his new bride," Lujack claims. "They're the ones who made the mistake." But she loves Phillip; Beth says softly. Touched by her remark, Lujack changes his tone. "Spaulding didn't know a good thing when he had it," he says gruffly.

Back at Cross Creek Lodge, Phillip and Mindy awaken and admit they're not off to a good start. "I guess this place isn't going to be magic for us," Mindy says sadly. Phillip's sorry--he really tried. Returning to Springfield, Phillip drops his new bride off at home and heads for Company, where he runs into Lujack instead of Beth. "Go back up on the hill to your rich wife!" Lujack taunts Phillip, trying to hide his own growing feelings for Beth.

For her part, Alex becomes concerned when, once again, Jane, the Chamberlain housekeeper, appears to recognize her. Taking Jane aside, Alex coldly offers to "pay" for her silence about having known her in Milwaukee. Insisting she doesn't play games with people, Jane brings a tear to the Baroness' eye when she deocribes Alex's son as she remembers him.

Still reeling from Jane's mention of her son, Alex is thrilled when Ross turns up a lead on Brandon's whereabouts. Despite Ross' warning, Alex counts on Brandon being the 19-year-old boy she and Ross will meet in Milwaukee. "I know the boy will be my son," Alex says happily. "And I'll never lose him again!" But when Alex and Ross fly to Milwaukee, she's devastated to meet Laurence Luvoneczek, not Brandon Luvoneczek. Barely able to control her disappointment, Alex breaks down in Ross' arms as soon as they're alone.

While Mindy manipulates a "chance meeting" with Rick at Cedars, Phillip frequents Company to have some time with Beth. Convinced she must forget Phillip, Beth befriends Lujack, much to her ex-fiance's dismay. So when Lujack misses a meeting with his parole officer, Beth convinces Floyd to accompany her to the Galahad garage, where she hopes to find Lujack to warn him about Healy's visit. But Beth receives a warning of her own when Darcy, Lujack's "woman," tells her to stay away from him! Back at Company, Lujack misunderstands Beth's offer to help him with his reading. Thrilled at the thought of getting Beth alone, Lujack plans to take her to a very "private" place.


A marriage is threatened when Mindy persuades Rick to help her study for her English exam. Struggling to hide his lingering love for Mindy, Rick's guilt-ridden when they share an impulsive kiss. Back at school, a distracted Rick unwittingly agrees to take Tanya to the Spring Dance, much to Mindy's chagrin.

Unable to forget Phillip, who's out of town visiting his father, Beth's nice but firm when Lujack tries to steal a kiss. But when Beth thinks Lujack stole a drawing she did of Phillip, she becomes furious and lashes out at him. Hurt and angry, Lujack runs off to the Galahads' garage, where he finds solace in a very willing Darcy. Discovering Bea, not Lujack, removed the drawing, Beth apologizes. Following up on his offer to teach Beth how to drive, Lujack's stunned when she plows down three mailboxes.

Returning from his visit with Justin, Phillip tells Mindy he's ready to work on their marriage. But Phillip's suggestion that they start by being "friends" disappoints Mindy, who just bought them a double bed! Later, Mindy's delighted when her new husband surprises her with the engagement ring he never had a chance to buy her.

Learning Beth doesn't have a date for the dance, Lujack jokingly offers to take her. Stunned when Beth accepts, Lujack returns to the Galahads' garage to pick up some nicer clothes. Suspecting her "old man" is cheating on her, Darcy plans a surprise of her own.

That night at the dance, everyone--especially Lujack--is stunned when the Galahads, dressed to kill, stroll out onto the dance floor! Sensing trouble, Lujack corners Trimmer and tells him the Galahads are acting like clowns. Nearby, Phillip wonders why Beth came to the dance with a gang leader. Following Lujack's order, Trimmer leads the Galahads exit. But when a jealous Darcy notices Beth, she returns for an encore performance...riding back onto the dance floor on the back of a motorcycle! "Look out, preppies, the Galahads are back!" Darcy yells as a fight breaks out.

After spending the night in jail with the rest of the brawlers, Phillip's furious when Beth refuses to help him incriminate Lujack. Instead, Beth tells the detective that Lujack tried to stop the fight. Though touched by Beth's loyalty, Lujack can't appear soft in front of his gang and con- tradicts Beth, claiming he started the fight! Later, Lujack learns his probation's been extended, and Beth endures a lecture from Phillip. "The Galahads depend on me...and they're all I've got," Lujack says quietly, trying to explain himself to a frustrated Beth.



Mindy's despondent when gains three pounds, but her sullen mood changes after a visit with Dr. Sedwick, who lets her listen to the baby's heartbeat. Rushing home to Phillip, a genuinely moved Mindy murmurs softly, "We're going to have a baby!" Later, the excited mother-to-be amazes everyone, especially Phillip, by buying books on good parenting.

Despite Mindy and Phillip's growing attachment for their unborn child, they each continue to find ways to spend time with their alternate loves, Rick and Beth. But Mindy's confession that she and Phillip aren't sleeping together frustrates Rick even more. Meanwhile. Phillip fumes over Beth's relationship with Lujack.

Things come to a head at the Mr. Springfield Contest when Rick meets Mindy and admits he can't let her go. Trying to deny her own feelings, Mindy responds by saying that she and Phillip are really trying to make their marriage work. "Then why do you keep calling me?" Rick asks desperately. Mindy's unable to answer. Nearby, Phillip approaches Beth, who's sketching members of the audience, but there's an awkward beat when he asks her about her "date" -- Lujack. "You'd better go back to your wife," Beth says sadly.

Alexandra's primary attentions are on the incredible discovery that Brandon, her long-Iost son, is none other than Lujack! As for Lujack, he takes the news with characteristic hostility, responding to Alex's news by replying she's a nut case if she thinks she's his mother. "I'm not a Spaulding!" Lujack explodes. "Rich people are stupid, self-centered pigs, and the Spauldings are the worst of the lot!" Astounded by "Brandon's" attitude, a shaken Alex visits Beth at the boarding house: "You must help me get my son back, the Baroness says softly.

Alerted by Ross that Lujack's his cousin and co-heir to Spaulding Enterprises, Phillip's completely overwhelmed. At his uncle's insistence, Phillip reluctantly agrees to try to start over with Luiack, but two incidents threaten his good will. First, Darcy smugly informs Phillip that Lujack, as head of the Galahads, has a contract out on him for the scene at the Spring Dance. Next, Phillip stops by Company to talk to his cousin, just in time to see Beth and Lujack stroll in from an afternoon picnic. When a fight breaks out, Beth fears the rift between Phillip and Lujack won't mend.

After Reva's mugged by two Galahads, Josh instinctively rushes to the hospital but stops just outside the door. Inside, a still recovering Reva accepts H.B.'s gift of expensive diamond earrings, but is even more grateful when Lujack salvages Josh's high school ring from the Galahad "take."

Vowing to love each other as "friends," Beth and Phillip meet in the stables to sort out their confused feelings. Meanwhile, Mindy experiences several abdominal pains at home alone where she's trying to knit baby booties. Soon the pain becomes unbearable, so a terrified Mindy phones Rick. Rushing over to the pentouse, Rick arrives just in time to take Mindy to Cedars, where she starts hemorrhaging.



Mindy's hemorrhaging forces Claire to recommend a D and C, but Mindy's determined to keep her baby! Frusrated and angry at Phillip for leaving Mindy alone, Rick presses her to save herself. Suddenly, Mindy goes into premature labor and she's rushed into emergency surgery.

Meanwhile, Lujack breaks in on Beth and Phillip to tell them the horrible news. He's accompanied by the police who've arrested him for speeding. Anxious to avoid to a trip to the station, Lujack stuns the officers and himself by announcing that he's a Spaulding!

Having received word of Mindy's condition. Billy and Vanessa converge on the hospital just as a shaken Phillip and Beth arrive. While Billy and Rick take turns berating Phillip for leaving his wife to fend for herself, Beth struggles to compose herself. Suddenly, Claire emerges from the operating room and turns from Rick to Phillip. "I'm sorry. We did everything we could," she says gently. As the Lewis clan reacts to Mindy's miscarriage, Phillip's own grief is over-looked. But released from the hospital, Reva spots another "outsider" and takes Phillip home with her.

Rick's distraught when Mindy doesn't ask to see him. Wrestling with her own mixed feelings about Hillary and Jim, Claire suggests that Rick drop by her apartment for a drink. But Claire's comforting shoulder leads to her sharing a kiss with Rick! Taken aback by their needy attraction, the pair are even more surprised when they wind up in bed together.

Still reeling from the loss of his child, Phillip's caught off guard when Alex reminds him that he only married Mindy because of the baby. But anticipating her husband's change of heart, Mindy begs Beth not to take Phillip away from her. "We're just friends,"'an emotionally drained Beth protests. "Friends don't plan secret trysts in stables," Mindy retaliates. "I lost my baby, and I'm not going to lose Phillip too!"

Back at Company, Lujack warns Beth to stop waiting for Phillip. "Pay attention to the people who really care about you!" he fumes. Meanwhile, a numb Phillip doesn't know how to respond when a tearful Mindy begs him to promise he'll never leave her.

Tony and Annabelle live out their fantasy in the newly-painted cottage Lujack and Beth have prepared for them. "Nothing exists outside these walls. There's only now--and here...and you," Annabelle says softly. "And you," Tony adds, tenderly drawing her close.

As the news of Lujack's true identity circulates, everyone's stunned--especially an eavesdropping Darcy, who spreads the word to the Galahads. When Lujack drops by the garage just in time to hear the gang try to decide on a new leader, he's furious. "You're a Spaulding! You're the enemy!" Darcy taunts him. "You don't belong anywhere--you're nothing!" Although Lujack manages to retain control of his gang, his problems become even more pressing when Alex invites him to lunch. Refusing to have anything to do with his mother, Lujack finally agrees to go--but only if Beth goes along. Thanks to Jane, who switches Alex's elaborate menu to include hamburgers and fries, the luncheon is a success. But Beth's sensitive influence over her son isn't lost on the Baroness.

After questioning Mindy's doctor about her despondent mood, Phillip concludes the best thing for both of them would be to separate. But Phillip's decision stuns Beth. Scarcely able to believe Phillip may come back to her, Beth insists he make his decision without considering her.

Meanwhile, a jealous Mindy, spying Rick with Claire, feels she must remain with Phillip, and Lujack gruffly admits to Beth that he's "hung up" on her. Torn between Phillip's and Lujack's needs, Alex confuses her nephew by changing her mind about helping Phillip end his marriage.

Later, Alex's own personal life gets a jolt when Warren proposes he be named the President of the Spaulding Foundation and Maureen be named Hospital Administrator. "We can help each other in ways no one else can," Warren suggests. But when he tries to kiss her, the indignant Baroness slaps him! But unable to resist her attraction for him, Alexandra ultimately winds up in bed with Warren...



Phillip's determined to discover if Rick's relationship with Claire is the reason Mindy suddenly decided to stay married. "You still love Mindy, don't you?" Phillip presses. But Rick refuses to let either Phillip or Mindy make his feelings an issue in their marriage.

Meanwhile, Lujack's awkward insistance that he and Beth are actually "dating" so unnerves Beth that she decides to take a trip to Florida. Hoping to clear her mind, the confused girl shares a kiss with Lujack and says good-bye. Confident Beth will choose him instead of Phillip upon her return, Lujack relays this hope to his cousin. But neither Lujack nor Phillip are aware of Darcy's plan to "teach Phillip a lesson."

Having just agreed to end their marriage for both their sakes, Phillip and Mindy share a champagne toast. Meanwhile, Darcy and Lucky lead the Galahads to the penthouse for a surprise visit. While Mindy's sleeping, the Galahads cluster outside. Suddenly a rock crashes through her bedroom window. Leaping up in terror, Mindy accidentally knocks over a lamp, which instantly bursts into flames! After rescuing his terrified wife, Phillip vows revenge on Lujack's gang. As soon as Rick arrives to keep Mindy company, an enraged Phillip heads for the Galahad garage. Fortunately, Rick shows up just in time to help his friend confront the knife-wielding hoods.

Lujack's surprised to find his hangout in shambles--especially when the police arrive to arrest him. Protesting his innocence, Lujack turns to his gang and demands to know what's going on. After hearing that the Galahads "did a number" on the Lewis house, Lujack senses his moment of truth. "I'd have done everything I could to stop you," he tells his startled friends, fully realizing the implications of what he's saying.

Later, Mike and Lillian go to the police station to vouch for Lujack. "You're the kind of old lady I wish I had," Lujack tells Lillian. Nearby, Alex walks in just in time to hear her son's comment. But determined to find a way to reach Lujack, the Baroness manages to hide her hurt feelings and casually asks him to have lunch with her.

Meanwhile, Phillip receives a letter from Beth which Mindy decides to keep from her husband. After all, Mindy reasons, Phillip has much more important things to worry about--namely their divorce! Later, when Phillip and Mindy arrive at Mike's office, he somberly asks them if they're sure they're making the right decision. "Yes," they eagerly reply. Since the divorce proceedings are underway, the soon-to-be-ex-Mrs. Spaulding heads straight over to the Bauers'. Much to Rick's annoyance, Mindy demands to know if he and Claire are through. In response to Rick's comment that she should mind her own business, Mindy stuns him with the news that she'll be single again in 20 days!

After submitting to a lunch with Alex, Lujack decides to consider his mother's advice about breaking away from the Galahads to improve his chances with Beth. Lujack's confidence reaches new heights when he receives a postcard from Beth which he uses to taunt Phillip. "Face it, Spaulding, you've lost her," Lujack smirks triumphantly. Unaware that Beth wrote him a letter also, Phillip begins to worry.

Back in her motel room, Beth experiences mixed feelings about the men in her life--especially after Tanya points out that her latest drawing looks like a composite of both Phillip and Lujack. Just as Beth confesses that she is confused about her feelings, Lujack calls to tell her he misses her. Shocked by Lujack's outburst, Beth has no idea he's hopped on his motorcycle to come and get her.



Alex visits Lillian to thank her for caring about Lujack. "My son was right, you're real people," the baroness smiles. Later, Mike drops by and Alex is impressed with his straightforward manner. Suddenly deciding she needs a personal lawyer, Alex invites Mike and Lillian to dinner, then asks Warren as well.

Beth's quiet walk along the beach turns into a romantic rendezvous when Lujack suddenly rides up on his motorcycle. Overwhelmed by her feelings, Beth can't respond when Lujack asks if she's glad he came. But Tanya's announcement that she plans to leave early makes both of them very happy.

However, being alone with Beth, is much more than Lujack bargained for. For once, he doesn't know what to do. "You've messed me up bad!" Lujack yells in frustration. "I've lost everything because of you." Then, after admitting nothing matters but her, Lujack demands to know how Beth feels. "I-I don't know," she replies. Lujack moves closer. "I love you," he whispers. Amid many tender kisses, Beth and Lujack spend the night under the stars. Again, he tells her he loves her. Hesitating for a moment, Beth smiles. "I think ... maybe I ... " she starts to say, as the waves break loudly in front of them.

Phillip's first role as Mindy's 'friend' is to caution her about pushing Rick too hard. After all, Phillip reminds her, they've put Rick through a lot with their marriage. Unfortunately, Phillip's good advice isn't enough to sustain Mindy's fury when she arrives at the hospital just in time to see Claire and Rick exchange a friendly peck!

Never one to keep her feelings inside, Mindy stuns the nurses at the front desk by complaining about Dr. Ramsey's affair with Rick. Eventually, the gossip reaches Maureen, who relays the news to Ed. But Ed's reaction isn't quite what his indignant wife expected--the thought of his son having an affair with his colleague makes Ed feel old!

Still upset over seeing Rick with his 'older woman,' Mindy tries a new tactic. Mustering up all the sweetness she can, Mindy asks him to come over for dinner--which she plans to cook herself! Later, Rick arrives to find Phillip checking up on his soon-to-be-ex-wife. But Rick puts the situation to good use. Testing Mindy's resolve, Rick asks Phillip to join them ...

Back at the beach, Beth suddenly realizes she's in love with Lujack! As a token of their love, they exchange bracelets. Meanwhile, Phillip clashes with the Galahads, who follow him down the hospital elevator, holding knives and chains.

As a jubilant Beth heads home with Lujack, the Galahads jump Phillip in the Lakeland Hotel parking lot. Still sporting his tennis whites, Phillip staggers over to Cedars and collapses in Rick's arms. Suffering cuts and bruises, Phillip also learns he's suffered a mild concussion.

Upon her arrival in Springfield, Beth can barely wait to tell Lillian the news--she's in love with Lujack! Sadly, Lillian informs her daughter of Phillip's condition and as a devastated Lujack stands by, Beth rushes to see her old love.

Still hurting, Lujack returns to Company to sort out his confused feelings. Later, Alex encourages her son not to give up, even though she must also inform him that Phillip's intends to press charges. Suddenly, Beth shows up and takes Lujack in her arms--right in front of a stunned Rick and Mindy.

Genuinely concerned for Phillip's feelings, Mindy tells him she saw Beth kissing Lujack. Staggered by the thought that he's lost Beth, Phillip stumbles to his feet and leaves the hospital. When Phillip breaks into Beth's room [actually he enters normally, the door was left wide open], he finds her kissing Lujack. "Beth!" Phillip screams, as angry tears fill his eyes.

While Lujack heads for the Galahad garage to kindly end things with Darcy, Beth tries to explain to Phillip that they were children living a fantasy. "You never forget your first love," Beth says brokenly. But Phillip refuses to say good-bye, even though he leaves. Seconds later, Lujack walks in. "It's over," Beth whispers, and rushes into his arms.



Phillip's refusal to accept Beth's love for Lujack finds him at odds with Alex. "Don't make me choose between you and my son," the Baroness pleads. Tormented by Phillip's reaction, Beth's stunned when he disrupts Alex's dinner party and demands that she leave with him! Despite Lujack's efforts to reach his cousin, Phillip remains hostile.

A devastated Phillip goes on a drinking binge despite Ross' paternal efforts to console him. "I've lost everything," a torn Phillip cries. "My home, my girl, my identity...and it's all Lujack's fault!" Then, dismissing his uncle's warning that he must put the past behind him and look toward the future, Phillip calls Tanya and begs her to meet him. He wants to talk about Beth. Phillip's desperation only intensifies when Tanya reluctantly informs him that Beth really does love Lujack. Fixing an icy stare on Beth's friend, Spaulding screams at her to get out.

Then, drunk and still reeling from Tanya's words, Phillip shows up at Company to see Beth, who's just heard the wonderful news that Lujack's off probation! Despite an ugly scene, Beth submits to Phillip's drunken "request" that she draw a caricature of the two of them. After all, Phillip says bitterly, he's a paying customer. But Beth's drawing is anything but what Phillip wanted to see--she's drawn them facing away from each other.

"She's making it pretty clear, isn't she?" Rick later sympathizes. Even so, Phillip refuses to admit he's lost Beth. Later, alone in his apartment, Phillip uses a knife to cut out the profiles, which he rearranges. Reversing the positions, Phillip makes them face toward each other, not away.

The Galahads are outraged when the police make a routine "hit" on their garage. Realizing the crackdown is part of the task force Alex has sponsored, Darcy calls for revenge. After vowing to insure that the Galahads find a way to live up to their old reputation, Darcy suggests the gang choose a new leader. After the election, Darcy finds herself sharing the leader position with Lucky. But while his gang toasts their new leaders, I.Q. visits Lujack and warns him that his ex-old lady intends to make trouble!



While Lujack takes Beth's advice and approaches Ross about giving some of the Galahads summer jobs, Alex receives a threatening letter signed in blood. She must call off the task force--or else. Refusing to be intimidated, the Baroness tells her personal assistant, Jane, not to tell anyone about the letter--a directive Jane ignores.

Informed of the threat, Lujack urges Alex to be careful. Then, he confronts his old gang, warning them to stay away from his mother. Further incited, Darcy tells Lucky to show the Galahads their new toy--a gun--which they plan to take to Alex's party honoring Cedars' new wing.

Beth's concern over Lujack isn't ill-founded. Having visited the Galahad garage and witnessed their dangerous mood, Lujack has decided to go back to the gang. Planning to go undercover to fight Darcy's leadership, a torn Lujack goes home to steel himself for the confusion his decision will wreak.

Lujack's strange mood isn't lost on Beth, who is desperately afraid to lose him. Coaxing Lujack onto her bed, an adoring Beth softly tells him she wants to make love. Lujack is overwhelmed, but tenderly tells Beth they're not ready for that step yet. Fighting tears, Beth submits to his gentle refusal and sadly watches Lujack go out again.

Lujack's energetic insistence that he wants to rejoin the gang doesn't go over well. Neither Lucky nor Darcy are willing to believe their ex-Ieader is really fed up with the rich Spaulding life. Standing nearby, I.Q. is puzzled by Lujack's change of heart. "I never should have left," Lujack claims. Darcy demands he prove his loyalty by accompanying her to Alex's, where Lujack will ask his old lady to call off the Commission. Meanwhile, a concerned Warren surprises the Baroness by hiring two bodyguards, who arrive seconds before Lujack and Darcy. Forced to put on a display of hostility, Lujack informs his devastated mother that if she goes after the Galahads, she's going after him!

Back at the Galahad garage, a determined Beth arrives and demands to see Lujack. Shaken by I.Q.'s puzzled confirmation that Lujack's back with the gang, Beth leaves a note for her boyfriend. Upon returning to the garage, Lujack struggles to hide his feelings about Beth's visit from everyone but I.Q. Unfortunately. Lujack's plan to tell Beth the truth backfires when a jealous Darcy follows him to the boardinghouse.

Cornered, Lujack is forced to tell Beth the "truth" while a gloating Darcy stands by. "It was all wrong from the start," Lujack manages to say. "Darcy and I are back together. Everything's the way it used to be--the way it's supposed to be." Beth shakes her head in disbelief, forcing Lujack to become crueler. "I love you!" Beth calls as a torn Lujack leaves with Darcy.

Crushed by Lujack's words, Beth allows Phillip to console her. Meanwhile, Darcy wants more proof of Lujack's commitment to the gang and sexily pulls him toward her. Realizing he must win Darcy's confidence, Lujack responds.


Beth bursts in on Lujack just as Darcy prepares to seduce him. Determined to protect Beth, Lujack keeps an eye on Darcy's gun and orders "Blondie" to leave. Phillip arrives and taunts Lujack and Darcy. Lujack struggles to keep Darcy calm and from aiming her gun at Phillip or Beth. As they do begin to leave, Darcy aims her gun at Phillip's back, but Lujack stops her from firing. Lujack sends I.Q. to fill Beth in on what's really happening, but Phillip picks a fight with the Galahad, and I.Q. is arrested.

Later, a vulnerable Beth accepts Phillip's "sympathy" and agrees to have dinner with Rick and Mindy. But Mindy's snippy comments about Lujack infuriate her. After listening to Beth, Rick decides to defy Phillip and find out what I.Q. was trying to tell her. But I.Q. will only talk to Beth. Once Beth learns the truth, she rushes over to see Alex and begs her to get I.Q. out of jail to back up Lujack, who's really trying to disband his old gang!

Meanwhile, Darcy's outraged to hear that the gang has turned on her, thanks to Lujack. Realizing she's been betrayed, Darcy turns on her ex-Iover. "I loved you," she cries, pulling out her gun, aiming it right at Lujack!

Back at the party, Beth confronts Alex with the staggering truth about Lujack's infiltration of his gang. "Only I.Q. can save him," a distraught Beth insists. Defying Phillip, Alex heads for the jail. Outraged by Rick's interference, which has turned Beth against him, Phillip begins drinking heavily. Ross' gentle rebuke incites Phillip to admit he is bitter and he'll never trust anyone again. Nearby, Mindy accuses Rick of taking Lujack's side over his best friend's.

Meanwhile, a severely wounded Lujack lies in the Galahad garage. "You shouldn't have hit him so hard," a panicked Lucky chatises Darcy. Torn by the sight of Lujack's bleeding head, the head Galahad becomes increasingly unreasonable. Suddenly, a bulletin comes over the radio--the police are searching for all three of them! Clutching her gun, a paranoid Darcy decides to move Lujack to a deserted boathouse.

Having insured I.Q.'s release to get help for her son, Alex loses heart when the police break into the gang's hangout and discover it's empty. Spotting blood, a horrified Beth falls into Alex's arms when tests show the blood type matches Lujacks.

An anguished Darcy refuses to let Lujack die and calls Rick, demanding he meet her at a diner. Hearing that Lujack needs medical attention immediately, Rick takes off, cautioning Phillip not to involve the police and threaten his cousin's life. But just as Darcy is about to lead Rick to Lujack, Phillip interrupts them. Stiffening with rage, Darcy levels the gun at Spaulding and prepares to shoot. Desperate to prevent a killing, Lucky intervenes. The gun goes off, and a devastated Darcy sees her main man crumple to the floor. Recovering, the deranged girl takes Rick hostage as Phillip stands by helplessly.

Having flown to Washington with Warren to plead Jim's case, Alex manages to get Reardon reinstated. But the Baroness' return to Springfield is marred by more bad news--I.Q. and Beth have failed to turn up anything. Despite a tip from a rival gang member, I.Q. and Beth arrive at the boat house seconds after Darcy moves Lujack again--this time to her mother's tenement apartment.

Not without some difficulty, Rick manages to bandage Lujack's head, but the pair are desperate to escape from Darcy. Ripping off the bandage. Lujack weakly calls Darcy back into the room as blood spills over his face. "He has to get to the hospital," Rick repeats.

At Cedars, everyone's stunned when Lujack and Rick stagger in. While Mindy rushes into Rick's arms. Beth and Alex follow Lujack into his room, unaware that Darcy is stalking them. Recognizing Darcy, Warren yells at her to stop, but she wheels around and shoots him!



Having shot Warren, a deranged Darcy continues her deadly plan to paralyze Cedars while she seeks out Beth and Alex to exact her revenge. Chaining the doors to the West Wing shut, Darcy slips into the control room and shuts off the circuit breakers feeding the elevators. Smiling, Darcy realizes no one will be able to stop her now! Then, for a bit of extra fun, she causes a blackout downstairs at the party celebrating the hospital's new wing...

Back in Lujack's room, Beth makes her lover swear he'll never leave her again. But, disguised as a nurse, Darcy alters Lujack's medical charts, which finds an unsuspecting Rick escorting the former Galahad downstairs for an X-ray! Meanwhile, Darcy accosts Beth and forces the terrified girl to accompany her to Jim's deserted lab. Poised over Beth with a gun, Darcy coldly informs her rival that she intends to kill her!

Mo's suspicions that the blackout signifies real trouble are intensified when there's an explosion in the lab. As the guards rush to investigate, Darcy stows Beth in the basement and forces her to write a note to Alex. Learning that Beth wants to see her, the Baroness steps off the elevator--right into Darcy's mad hands. Since the security guards are occupied, Darcy has plenty of time. "Which one of you wants to die first?" she asks shrilly, playing Russian Roulette with one bullet left in her gun.

When Mindy locks Rick in a broom closet to prevent him from playing hero again, Lujack is forced to rely on Phillip to help him locate Darcy and the hostages. Stumbling on a bound and gagged Katie in the stairwell, the unlikely team learn that Darcy is in the basement, out of her mind with hate. Desperate, Lujack begs the arriving SWAT team to let him go in alone. Spotting Lujack, Darcy hysterically tells him he's going to watch Beth die! Gently, Lujack appeals to his ex-lover, who finally falls into his arms and surrenders.

Later, the Galahads converge on Alex's home to celebrate Lujack's heroism as Lujack himself visits Darcy in prison. An emotional Darcy is happy to hear her former lover promise to stand by her. Meanwhile, pleading a change of heart, Phillip cleverly enlists Ross' help in convincing Alex to turn over his share of the Spaulding Trust. But Phillip's idea of starting over isn't what it appears to be...

Phillip's new attitude finds him conducting himself like a young Alan Spaulding. Upon meeting his cousin at the bank, where both young men have come to draw out money from their trusts, Phillip continues his friendly charade. At Alex's urging, the bank manager, Preston, agrees to invest her son's money the same way he invests Phillip's. Masking his displeasure, Phillip sizes up the unsuspecting Lujack and decides to find another way to make sure his "cousin's" money is all tied up while he makes powerful investments.

At the Founder's Day picnic, Phillip continues to ooze charm, even when he spots a rapturous Beth hugging Lujack. When Lujack pays Floyd back the money he stole from him last year, an excited Parker wants to open a nightclub--and he wants Lujack to be his partner!

Phillip's frustration surfaces when he tries to lure Tanya into the gazebo for a passionate interlude which she isn't ready for. Taunting the girl, Phillip accuses Tanya of being an uptight, middle-class virgin. Later, a stunned Ross tries to comfort his nephew's date, who dissolves into tears as she explains what happened.

Meanwhile, Beth and Lujack spend some romantic time alone at the gazebo. In between kisses, Beth asks Lujack if he's going to go in on the night club project with Floyd. He has other things on his mind, Lujack says. Like what? Beth asks. Lujack tells her he wants to take her back to their beach--right now. With that, he scoops up his lady love and carries her off...

Unfortunately, the picnic doesn't alter Phillip's dark mood, which inspires him to woo Gina. Hoping to get to Lujack through his friend, Pretty Boy, Phillip continues to romance the smitten ex-Galahad even on the job at Spaulding Enterprises! Gina is unable to resist Phillip's flattery, but Ross' new receptionist is headed for trouble when she breaks a date with Pretty Boy to meet a smooth-talking Spaulding...


Phillip is stunned to hear from Gina that Lujack returned Floyd's stolen lottery winnings and, as a result, has been offered half partnership in Parker's new night club. Wheels turning, Phillip verifies the story with Floyd, then makes plans of his own--by the time he makes his move to take over Spaulding, his cousin Lujack won't be in the picture anymore!

Billy has a drink with Phillip at the country club. After observing his ex-son-in-law's "new" attitude toward business and women, Billy accepts a call from Hudson, who has an update on Josh and Reva.

Meanwhile, Phillip screeches his car to a halt when he spots a girl on the road. "Beth," he murmurs...

Phillip is surprised when the girl waving him down by the side of the road isn't Beth. Without waiting to be asked, the girl slips into the front seat and regally tells Phillip he can get the rest of her bags. Then, while a drenched Phillip loads his car with her suitcases, the aloof stranger relaxes, switching his radio to a classical music station.

Back in his apartment, Phillip unsuccessfully attempts to learn more about his mysterious guest. Hoping to make her more comfortable, Phillip offers her a drink. She'd like some tea, she replies, clearly used to giving orders. While Phillip leaves the room to do her bidding, the girl decides to take a shower, once again without bothering to ask.

Upon returning to the living room, Phillip is mystified by the girl's presumptuous behavior. Delighted when he finds himself alone for several minutes, he reads the name tags on her expensive luggage: "India." When she joins him again, the girl remains evasive, so the ever charming Phillip pours out two glasses of wine. Politely, she observes the wine's still a bit young to drink.

Unsure of what to do next, Phillip inquires whether she's ever been to India. "Several times," the amused girl replies before posing a series of questions about Springfield and Spaulding Enterprises, having no idea of Phillip's name. She then "suggests" that Phillip take his turn in the shower.

While Phillip's in the shower, his guest opens the door to a startled Tanya. Noting the other girl's discomfort, Spaulding's guest calmly explains she was just leaving. Later, Rick is amused by Phillip's frustrated insistence that he's just curious about his unusual visitor--not obsessed by her...

Meanwhile, the mysterious girl knocks on Alex's door and awakens a disgruntled Jane. Much to Jane's bewilderment, the girl strides right into the house after admitting that the Baroness isn't expecting her. "One doesn't have to make an appointment to see one's mother," the girl says coolly. "I'm the Baroness' stepdaughter, India Von Halkein."

The next morning, Alex is stunned by India's unexpected appearance, especially when her stepdaughter presents her with a gift. Unaware that India pawned her fur coat to buy the necklace, a deeply touched Alex believes India's claim that it's a treasured family heirloom. While Alex tries to cope with India's arrival and Lujack's shocking announcement that he plans to become Floyd's parter in the nightclub business, India surveys her surroundings. Much to her amusement, India spots a picture of Phillip--her unknown rescuer!"

(Synopsis courtesy of Bujack)



Despite his misgivings, Floyd submits to his partner's plan and accepts Lujack's proposal that they turn the Galahad garage into their new nightclub. Later, Parker is intrigued upon meeting India, who has dropped by the garage with a bottle of champagne to help celebrate her stepbrother's business venture. But India's thoughtful gesture is actually a ploy to find out all she can about Lujack.

Beth and Lujack attend a karate tournament that Tony Reardon is participating him. Unfortunately, Tony is a target for murder, due to a mystery surrounding his and Annabelle's new cottage.

At home, Annabelle continues to experience strange happenings when she hears the sound of muffled sobs and looks up to see her portrait of mystery woman Victoria shedding a tear. Next, a vision of a black woman appears, and she's crying, too.

Still reeling from the apparition of the weeping black woman, Annabelle's stunned when Beth and Lujack arrive with the shocking news [about Tony]. Learning her husband was nearly killed, a frantic Annabelle rushes out. Left alone in the cottage, Beth and Lujack reminisce about the day they painted the place for Tony and Annabelle's wedding present. Suddenly, their loving memories are interrupted when the portrait of Victoria slips and crashes to the ground. When Beth takes the portrait to have it repaired, they learn their is another portrait underneath and Annabelle's stunned to recognize the woman who appeared to her.

The new semester finds Mindy opting for a major in film, while Beth encourages IQ not to give up on school. Meanwhile, India prepares for her 21st birthday party. India's "preparations" include a teary-eyed claim that she's always thought of Alexandra as a mother figure. Having pierced her stepmother's heart, India sets her sights on Lujack, who's only too willing to foot the bill for his "sister's" new, expensive wardrobe. Later, she pays a surprise visit to Phillip, who immediately starts kissing her. Without revealing her name, India asks Phillip for her scarf, but when he returns she's gone!

As a reluctant guest at Alex's party, Phillip's stunned to see the guest of honor is India, his mystery lady! Gauging Spaulding's obvious liking for her, India continues to charm him. But Phillip doesn't intend to let India play games with him forever. From now on, they're going to be playing by a new set of rules, Phillip murmurs aloud...



While India lies sleeping, Phillip slips into her room and begins kissing her! But before submitting to her passions, India pulls away. "I -- I'm a virgin," she admits, much to Phillip's astonishment. India explains that she was brought up in the "old world" tradition, and that her father would be devastated if she wasn't a virgin bride. Phillip understands. Family means a great deal to him, too. Deeply touched, India murmurs her appreciation. After a tender kiss, Phillip leaves India alone. "I'm going to make you forget Beth Raines ever existed," India promises herself.

During their first lovers' quarrel, Lujack accuses Beth of refusing to put the past behind her. After all, he observes, she still hasn't thrown out a necklace and a book of poems his cousin gave her. Gently but firmly, Beth explains that they're part of her life. As far as Lujack is concerned, however, Phillip still has some hold over Beth and always will!

Upset over her argument with Lujack, Beth is even more disturbed when Phillip decides to sign up for Annabelle's class, too. Next, Spaulding manages to become part of a class project which requires him to work closely with Mindy, Rick, and Beth. Determined to prove that they can be just friends, Beth ignores Phillip's ploy. Fortunately, she's spared the responsibitity of telling Lujack about this latest development since he's too involved with the construction details of his new nightclub to listen to her.

Later that evening, Beth is caught off-guard when she discovers Phillip has arranged to have her meet him in his apartment a half-hour before Rick and Mindy are due. Beth awkwardly tries to steer the conversation away from anything personal, but the tension is obvious when Phillip recites some lines from a play to emphasize his true feelings. Nevertheless, Beth has no idea Phillip is planning to cause even more trouble by hiring a contractor, Andy Ferris, to sabotage Lujack's night club.

India's surprised when Armand, the European banker who handles the von Halkienfinances, visits her at Alex's. It is obvious that, contrary to her earlier confession to Phillip, India is no virgin--she and Armand are lovers. Armand informs her that the von Halkiens are bankrupt! India has to step up her plans to snare a rich husband or a share of the Spaulding fortune. When Armand suggests she ask Alex for a $10,000 loan to tide her over, India replies that she has a better idea--she intends to marry a Spaulding...but that takes time.

With an alarming amount of cool, India seduces Warren, then blackmails him into giving her $15,000 unless he wants Alex to find out about their tawdry night together! After packing Armand off with his $10,000--which will see the von Halkiens through their present crisis--India uses the rest of the money to stage an "enchanted evening" with Phillip--an evening which ends on a passionate note.


Determined to destroy Lujack's night club, Phillip anonymously buys the liquor license his cousin was planning to purchase. Although Lujack's frustrated to learn about the license, he doesn't suspect Phillip of trying to sabotage him. However, Lujack does blame Spaulding for insinuating himself into Beth's life.

That night, when Phillip walks into his apartment with an amorous India in tow, he's outraged to find Lujack waiting for him! Instantly on guard, Phillip expects Lujack to confront him about the license. Instead, a furious Lujack warns his cousin to stay away from Beth. Sensing a rift between Lujack and Beth, Phillip can barely hide his delight. "It sounds to me like you're not sure anymore that you're the one Beth loves," Spaulding observes. Nearby, India seethes, realizing that Phillip's heart still belongs to Beth.

After clashing with Phillip, Lujack turns on Beth. Doesn't she realize Spaulding isn't to be trusted? Beth is furious. "Stop trying to fight my battles for me," she warns her boyfriend. "That's what Phillip tried to do, and he lost me!" Beth asks for Lujack's trust, but he's not sure he can give it. "Then we have a lot to think about," Beth flares.

Wanting Phillip for herself, India counsels her stepbrother to compromise. Otherwise, he'll drive Beth right back into Phillip's arms. Torn, Lujack admits to IQ that he's afraid he's losing Beth to Phillip. Meanwhile, Phillip orders Andy to take bigger steps to insure that Lujack's nightclub never opens.

When India, feigning concern, alerts Alex to Beth and Lujack's fight, the Baroness arranges an unexpected meeting between the young lovers. Even as Lujack and Beth vow not to let anything come between them, however, two hired thugs break into his night club, and destroy the place. Hearing a suspicious noise, IQ flicks on the light and sees the destruction. But before he can call the police, IQ is knocked unconscious!

Alex, too, is pleased when her romance with Warren takes a twist. Despite India's rude reminder of their tryst, Andrews stuns the Baroness by asking her to marry him! Although Alex only agrees to consider the proposal, she's very happy to see that India has taken a liking to her nephew. Phillip and India would make a perfect pair, Alex beams.

Determined to cause trouble for Lujack and Beth, Phillip "apologizes" to them for causing the couple to fight. "I'm sure you two will live happily ever after--if you can keep your temper under control," he taunts Lujack. The minute Phillip leaves the room, the couple gets into another fight when an insecure Lujack demands that Beth never see Phillip again. Furious at her boyfriend's attempts to own her, an angry Beth stalks out, while Lujack punches his cousin! India, who witnessed everything, advises her stepbrother that if he continues to let Phillip manipulate him, he'll never win. To prove to Beth that he's better than Phillip, Lujack steps up his plans to open his nightclub.

Finding IQ unconscious at the club, Lujack rushes his friend to the hospital. When IQ later learns that Lujack and Beth are on the outs, he asks his friend to tell Beth about his accident, hoping to bring the couple back together. Learning from IQ that Lujack intends to open the club tonight, Beth is surprised until IQ explains that Lujack stepped up preparations to prove that he's just as good as Phillip.

When Phillip casually mentions to Andy that it would be fine with him if The Garage never opened, Ferris interprets his comment as an order and instructs his thugs to take drastic action. Later, Phillip becomes a bit concerned when he learns of IQ's accident and the vandalism at the club. Dropping by The Garage before the big opening, Spaulding becomes worried when Ferris is nowhere to be found.

While no one's around, Ferris's thugs break into the club, place a box near the bar, and turn on the gas valve. A few minutes later Beth arrives, looking for Lujack. Meanwhile, Phillip locates Ferris, and demands an explanation for the vandalism and IQ's accident. He never wanted Andy to go so far -- all he wanted was for Lujack's club to be closed for code violations. Ferris shrugs -- it doesn't matter anymore, since the club will never open anyway. "The place is going to explode tonight!" Andy smirks.



Still upset about his argument with Beth, Lujack half-heartedly prepares to attend his club's opening. Even India's words of encouragement aren't enough to soothe her stepbrother. Finally, a frustrated Lujack announces he won't be going to the party after all. "It isn't worth it without Beth," he says morosely.

Meanwhile, Phillip is frantically racing to the club, knowing it's been rigged to explode. Desperate to insure that no one's hurt, Spaulding attempts to enter the club but is overpowered by Andy's two goons. Inside, an unsuspecting Beth waits patiently for Lujack, unaware that a cigarette is burning closer and closer to the gas leak. Phillip regains consciousness just as the bomb explodes!

Struggling to his feet, Phillip races inside and is horrified to find a body among the debris -- it's Beth! Phillip sweeps the wounded girl into his arms and, without waiting for the ambulance, rushes her to the hospital. At the sight of her bloody daughter, Lillian breaks down. Later, a grim Dr. Champion tells Lillian some shocking news -- Beth has been blinded. Hearing this, a devastated Phillip realizes what he's done and fights to contain his tears.

Resting under the stars, where they've shared a friendly chat, Lujack and India are jolted into reality by a radio announcement about the explosion at the club. Converging on The Garage, which is swarming with police, Lujack is staggered to learn that Beth was wounded in the accident. As Lujack races off to be at Beth's side, Andy takes Jonason the building inspector, aside. Later, Jonason informs the police that Lujack and Floyd had pressured him to open the club before it was safe.

Beth grows hysterical when she hears she may never regain her eyesight. Clinging to Phillip, Beth grows even more dependent on him after learning that Lujack has been arrested for criminal negligence. Feeling bitter and betrayed, Beth stuns her boyfriend by refusing to see him after India posts his bail.

Wracked by guilt, Phillip confronts Andy, unaware that India is listening. After pleading with Phillip to step aside for Lujack, India takes another tact. With Ferris's help, she plans to make an incriminating tape of Phillip's involvement in the explosion. Desperate to resolve things with Beth, Lujack dons an orderly uniform and slips into her room. Beth, depressed because she may be permanently blind, recognizes Lujack's voice and asks him to leave. Lujack refuses, and Beth becomes hysterical. An irate Lillian rushes in and orders Lujack to stay away from her daughter.

Deeply hurt, Lujack confides in IQ. Every day he and Beth don't talk, Phillip gets closer to her. Lujack can't let up, or he'll lose her. Meanwhile, at Lillian and Dr. Champion's bidding, Phillip keeps a bedside vigil at Beth's side. But even her ex-boyfriend can't soothe the distraught girl. "I'm blind. I'll never see again!" Beth cries.

After a visit with Andy, who promises to testify on his behalf, Lujack is convinced his legal troubles are over. Next, Ferris records an incriminating meeting with Phillip, who finally agrees to pay for his silence. But Andy's not finished yet. When India arrives to collect the tape, he demands more money than they agreed on. Having no choice, India pressures Warren into giving her more money. But India's desperation convinces him she's up to something, so Warren follows her to Andy's room.

After witnessing India and Andy's business transaction, Warren returns to the mansion and proposes to Alex. Stunned and moved by Andrews's proposal, the Baroness accepts. When India comes home, she's greeted by the happy couple who can't wait to share their news. Later, India and Alex are called out of the room, leaving Warren all alone. Spotting India's handbag (which contains Ferris's tape), a smile spreads across Andrews's face...

Determined to wed Phillip, India drops by his apartment, and, still pretending to be a virgin, begs the startled young man to marry her. Gently but firmly, Phillip admits he doesn't feel that way about her. Undaunted, India tries to play on Spaulding's protective instincts. But even India's attempts to seduce Phillip are in vain. "I can't marry you," Phillip tells her. Down but not out, India produces the tape. But India's shocked when the tape begins to play easy-listening music!



When Andy Ferris doesn't show up a the trial, Lujack and Floyd are found guilty of criminal negligence. After paying the fine, Lujack will be flat broke! A broken Lujack resolves to make amends with Beth, who, after a talk with India, is more receptive to him. But when Lujack mentions his suspicions about Phillip, Beth becomes hostile. "Phillip saved my life!" she lashes out, ordering Lujack to leave.

When India visits Warren to retrieve the cassette he stole, she is forced to sleep with him to get it back. While he's in the shower, India, dressed only in a slip, searches his apartment and finds the tape. Suddenly, India freezes as Alex walks in on the tawdry scene!

Unaware that Alex has discovered them, Warren calls for India to join him in the shower. Hearing this, the Baroness slaps her former stepdaughter in the face. Seconds later, Warren sails into the room and is stunned to find his fiancee glaring at him! After pocketing the tape of Phillip's conversation with Andy, India informs Alex that she doesn't love Warren. Barely able to control herself, Alex orders the girl to move out of her house. "India was just sex," Andrews blusters when he and Alex are left alone. Revolted, Alex slips off her engagement ring and leaves.

Determined to make India pay for ruining his life, Warren becomes enraged when he can't find the tape. Later, he's relieved when Alexandra decides not to fire him. But the Baroness' contempt for him devastates Andrews, who'd hoped for a reconciliation. Vowing to destroy India's chances with Phillip, Warren bursts into Spaulding's apartment where India, teary-eyed act and all, has fled for refuge. While a shocked Phillip tries to absorb Warren's news about India's plan to blackmail him, Andrews continues to taunt his ex-Iover. If all else fails, Warren tells India, she can take her dream-boy Phillip to bed. "She's good, real good," Andrews informs Spaulding before exiting. After destroying the tape, however, Phillip learns that India has extra copies. "What do you want?" he demands. "Your hand in marriage," India coolly replies.

Meanwhile, an emotional Beth confronts Lujack with her painful decision: Their relationship is over. Lujack's reckless streak isn't compatible with her new handicap, Beth says brokenly. Staggered, Lujack realizes the only way to fight Phillip's hold on Beth is to prove that his dear cousin sabotaged the club. At the same time, convinced that Phillip will see things her way, India consoles her ex-stepbrother. But when she phones the Raines home, India receives a shock--Beth and Phillip have run off together!



When Lujack and India race to the Raines house, Lillian confirms their worst fears. Phillip and Beth have disappeared together, the distraught woman cries. Racking their brains, Lujack and Lillian suddenly realize there's only one place the runaways could have gone...New York!

Rushing to the airport, Lujack is just in time to spot Phillip sneaking into the ladies room to retrieve Beth's purse. Angrily, Lujack confronts his cousin. After Phillip smugly announces that Beth's waiting for him on the plane, the rivals square off. But India's sudden appearance gives Phillip the chance he needs to catch Lujack off-guard. In the confusion, Lujack is knocked unconscious, leaving India to face Phillip alone. As determined as ever, India blocks Spaulding's way. Phillip tries to reason with her. Edging his way to the door, Phillip insists he plans to take Beth to a doctor who will be able to restore her eyesight. "You really love Beth, don't you?" India whispers. Phillip nods. Suddenly, India starts screaming for the guards to stop Phillip from boarding the plane! With minutes to spare, Phillip manages to slip into his seat before the plane takes off.

Upon their arrival, Phillip takes Beth to the renowned Dr. Rubin. After examining her, Rubin doesn't make any promises but he asks to see Beth again for more tests. Unaware that a desperate Phillip has been lying about trying to reach Lillian, Beth can't understand why her mother hasn't phoned her at the hotel. Meanwhile, Dr. Rubin calls his Springfield colleague to discuss Beth's case. Alerted by Dr. Champion to her daughter's whereabouts, Lillian shares the news with Lujack. Hopping the next plane to New York, Lujack and India track Phillip and Beth to their hotel room even as Phillip tries to figure out a way to convince Beth to relocate.

As Phillip feared, Lujack and India burst in the hotel room before he has a chance to spirit Beth away. "Are you all right?" Lujack asks, rushing to Beth's side. Torn, Beth finally agrees to talk to Lujack alone even as India corners Phillip. "You have to pay for what you've done," she tells Phillip. Trapped, Phillip responds by writing out a check. But India wants more than money -- she wants him! Whether he likes it or not, Phillip has got himself a bride! After all, she still has the tape, India reminds him.

Later, India and Phillip join Beth and Lujack in the hotel restaurant, where the ambitious Ms. von Halkein announces, "Phillip and I are going to be married tomorrow!" White with rage, Phillip submits to his "fiancee's" request that they dance. But when Phillip squeezes her too hard, India complains. "The worst is yet to come," Phillip warns. "You're going to regret trapping me like this." Furthermore, Phillip has some ultimatums of his own. He'll stay married to India just long enough for her to have a legal claim to a generous settlement.


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