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Phillip prepares for his loveless marriage by asking Ross to draw up a prenuptial agreement. Next, he informs his uncle that he wants to be named Executive Vice President of Spaulding Enterprises. Later, Phillip orders India to sign the agreement. "This is going to be the longest year of your life," Spaulding warns. Stung by Phillip's hostility, India reminds him that she expects him to act like a "decent" husband. Spaulding smiles. Why doesn't he start now? he suggests, tearing off her blouse. Throwing India on the bed, Phillip begins kissing her. Mortified, India fights to get up but, despite herself, she begins to respond.

The next morning, Spaulding refuses to have a real wedding ceremony. "It's a sham," he insists. Disappointed, India agrees to a compromise. They can be married by a Justice of the Peace, but she wants to have dinner at the country club. Suddenly, India becomes reflective--she always dreamed of her wedding day. But Phillip doesn't respond to his fiancee's wistfulness and storms out.

Despite Phillip and India's wedding plans, Beth refuses to let Lujack back into her life. "Our relationship was never based on dependency," she tries to explain to Tanya. Meanwhile, a devastated Lujack tells IQ that his only hope in reconciling with Beth lies in proving that Andy Ferris was behind the club's explosion. Fortunately, Floyd has a lead on Ferris's whereabouts. Later, Beth is startled to open the door to India--especially when the blushing bride asks her to be maid of honor. In a surprisingly sincere move, India admits she has ulterior motives. "If you're not there to give Phillip and me your blessing," she tells Beth, "our marriage won't stand a chance."

When Lujack arrives at his mother's, he's surprised to hear that Alexandra won't be marrying Warren. Covering, India explains that Alex and Warren have some "irreconcilable differences." After an amused Andrews leaves them alone, India presses Lujack to give her away at her wedding. Reluctantly, Lujack agrees and is shocked to hear that Beth is India's maid of honor. With Beth and Lujack in attendance, India becomes Mrs. Phillip Spaulding. After the loveless ceremony, India surprises her groom with a romantic setting. But Phillip doesn't feel like celebrating their wedding--now or ever!

The next day, Ross is concerned by Phillip's attitude. His nephew has become as cold and calculating as Alan. Just as Marler counsels Phillip not to change too much, India storms into the office. As Phillip's wife, she has a right to know where he spent his wedding night, since it obviously wasn't with her . "You married a company, not a man!" Phillip retaliates. As Executive Vice President of Spaulding Enterprises, business is his only concern.

Having begged Lillian to convince Beth to enroll in a school for the blind, Lujack pursues his lead on Andy Ferris's sister. Much to his amazement, Lujack discovers that Nancy Ferris is blind, too. Although Lujack doesn't like the idea of using Nancy, he has to find a way to track Andy and clear his name. With Floyd's help, Lujack gets a job as the handyman for the Horizon School for the Blind, where Nancy works.

Both Beth and Lillian are devastated when a grim Doug Champion admits that Beth's blindness could be permanent. But when Beth learns about a risky laser operation, she insists that Doug make the arranaements. Later, Beth lets IQ take her on a mystery outing. Leading Beth into the Horizon School, IQ is shocked to spot Lujack (known as Lenny) working there.



Beth's furious to discover that IQ has brought her to Horizon School for the Blind. "You had no right to do this," Beth informs her well-meaning friend. For his part, IQ can't take his eyes off Lujack who, posing as Lenny Sullivan, is frantically gesturing to him not to betray him. At the same time, Nancy Ferris persuades Beth to join her in the auditorium with the rest of the students. Left alone, the ex-Galahads confront each other. Lujack wants to know why IQ brought Beth here in the first place. IQ demands some answers, too. What is Lujack doing in a school for the blind posing as a mute handyman?

Taking his friend aside, Lujack explains that he's trying to clear his name and the only person who can exonerate him is Andy Ferris, Nancy's brother. IQ has to admit it's a good plan. But if Ferris does show up to visit his sister, Lujack had better make sure Beth doesn't blow his cover by recognizing him, IQ warns. Regretfully, Lujack says he probably won't have to worry. Given Beth's defensive attitude, it's doubtful she'll set foot in the school again.

With mixed feelings, Beth submits to Nancy's gentle efforts to assimilate her into the group, which is rehearsing for a Christmas show. Eventually, Beth is drawn in, agreeing to play the part of an angel. When Lujack hears about Beth's change of heart, he's thrilled that she will be returning to the school. Having made her decision, Beth undergoes her first laser treatment, then returns for rehearsal, unaware that Lujack is working in the same building.

When Andy does surface again, it's to torment India who, as the new Mrs. Phillip Spaulding, is now in a position to pay more for his silence. Distracted by her groom's hostile attitude, India tries to deflect Andy's threats. But when Andy accosts her in the lavish home she's just bought, India finally gives in to his blackmail. Tearing off her strand of pearls, India hands them to Andy. A grinning Ferris accepts the down payment but warns India he'll be back for more.

Meanwhile, Phillip exercises his new role as Executive Vice President by seeking favors from his attractive secretary, Liz Atherton. Willing but cautious, Liz returns her boss' amorous kiss. After all, an affair in the right place could boost her career. Later, Liz and Phillip are interrupted by Ross, who's appalled at his nephew's behavior.

India's even more outraged when she bursts into her husband's office just in time to overhear Phillip and Liz discussing their affair. Determined to be respectable, India announces that she refuses to have an open marriage "That's fine with me," Phillip says with a smile. "I hope you like celibacy." Shaken, India stalks out of his office. But her problems worsen when Lujack informs Alex of her stepdaughter's sudden marriage. "India will never be a Spaulding!" the Baroness flares. "Not if I have anything to say about it!"

Thinking of Roxie, Rick stops for a hitchhiker right before Christmas and is stunned to see that it's Nick--Beth and Phillip's guardian angel from New York! In response to the kindly old man's questions, Rick admits there's a new woman in his life--and that Phillip and Beth have also broken up. When Nick suggests they stop at the Country Club for some Christmas cheer, Rick's miffed to come upon Roxie having a drink with handsome Kyle Samson, the billionaire oilman! Unaware that Samson is meeting Roxie to discuss a business deal for Lewis Oil, Rick fumes. Meanwhile, Roxie's horrified when Kyle recognizes her from her days as a paid escort in Tulsa! "You've certainly come up in the world," Samson sneers. When the tycoon gets too pushy, Rick intervenes and knocks him to the floor! As a grateful Roxie clings to Rick, Nick--his mission accomplished--quietly slips away.

Amid the holiday season, Beth develops a strong attachment to Lenny, unaware that her new friend is actually her ex-boyfriend. For his part, Lujack's thrilled to be so close to her. Things take a complicated turn when an unsuspecting Nancy Ferris invites Beth to meet her "wonderful" brother, Andy. Recalling Lujack's insistence that Andy was behind the explosion, Beth agrees, having no idea that Lujack intends to follow her to Ferris's apartment.

India's mortified to spot Lujack and IQ lurking outside Andy's room. Having just given Andy another blackmail payment, India has no choice but to alert her nemesis about his unexpected visitors. Seconds after greeting Nancy and Beth, Andy receives an urgent phone call and slips down the fire escape. Frustrated, Lujack vows to find him again!

Although Beth and Lujack share a tender moment after his unexpected appearance at Andy's, they go their separate ways. Later, a hopeful Beth tells "Lenny" she intends to see again on Christmas day. She's had several laser treatments, Beth glows, and plans to unveil her cured eyes on the day of the Christmas pageant! Unable to express his joy, Lujack prays this is true.

Having rejected Alex's efforts to bribe her into leaving town and Phillip, India begs her husband to spend Christmas with her. Despite his hostility, Phillip almost submits to India's desperate claim that she loves him. But at the last minute, he pulls away. "You're a fool if you love me," Phillip says bitterly.

Back at the Horizon School for the Blind, Lujack sits at the piano, waiting for the Christmas play to begin. Suddenly, Beth walks in without her bandages...can she see?



Back at the Horizon School, all eyes are on Beth, who had planned to regain her sight by Christmas. But when Beth calls for "Lenny," a devastated Lujack realizes that she's still blind! Frozen in disbelief, Lujack lingers at the piano before bursting outside to release his rage. Suddenly, Nick appears and reminds a grieving Lujack that even though Beth has closed the door on "Lujack," she hasn't cut "Lenny" out of her life.

Despite Lujack's urging, Beth refuses to submit to another treatment, for fear of being disappointed again. "You have to let go," she pleads. Later, left alone, Beth is "helped" home by a young man. But unknown to Beth, her good Samaritan has followed her inside, where he attacks and robs her!

Trapped in the house by a would-be robber, Beth literally fights for her life. Suddenly, she hears Lujack's voice outside the door. But before a terrified Beth can scream for help, her attacker holds a knife to her throat and threatens to kill her if she so much as moves! Defiantly, Beth screams anyway. As the man lunges toward her, Lujack breaks into the room. After knocking out the intruder, Lujack takes a weeping Beth into his arms. "It's over," he consoles her.

Still reeling from the incident, Beth agrees to go down to the police station to identity her attacker. Having done this, Beth vows not to be a victim ever again. But when Beth announces she plans to take classes in self-defense, Lillian and Lujack have a better idea -- they want Beth to have the last laser treatment.

Although Lujack challenges Beth to follow through on the treatments, she continues to stall, claiming to have accepted the fact that she's permanently blind. Consumed by love, Lujack pleads with her to take the risk one more time. "You took a big risk getting together with me," he gently reminds her. "Take this one. I'll be there to help you through it." An emotional Beth eventually agrees.

Alex is amused to visit India and find her stepdaughter just as an irate Warren has left her--tied up in the Christmas lights! Struggling to feign some dignity, India refuses to be intimidated when Alex informs her that her days as a Spaulding are numbered! Later, Alex admits to Warren that she now believes him about the incriminating tape--he has to help her find it, the Baroness says. India's the only real threat to the Spaulding dynasty, Alex scowls.



Once Ross gets to know India, he's surprised to see how "kind" his nephew's new wife is. In fact, Marler can't understand why Phillip has taken off with his secretary, Liz Atherton, leaving no hint of where he has gone. Meanwhile, India decides to destroy every copy of the incriminating tape, unaware that a hidden Andy is watching her. When India leaves the room, Ferris sneaks out and steals the original cassette. Later, India is outraged to discover that the cassette is missing, especially when she plays back a tape and hears Andy taunting her.

Back at the Horizon School for the Blind, Beth confides in her good friend "Lenny." She's going to have the last laser treatment! Barely able to conceal his joy, Lenny/Lujack watches Beth with tears in his eyes.

Later, when India drops by for a visit, she blows Lujack's cover [to Nancy]. An infuriated Nancy orders the imposter to leave. Lujack deceived her, and everyone else at the school, just to get evidence against her brother, the blind woman flares. After hearing Lujack's suspicions, a torn Nancy finally agrees to ask Andy to pay her a visit so he can prove his innocence.

Still posing as Lenny, Lujack is thrilled when Beth returns after her treatment. But Beth has a favor to ask her new friend. She wants Lenny to be there when Doug takes her blindfold off--if she can't see, Beth explains, she'll need Lenny's support.

On the big day, Lillian is moved to discover "Lenny's" identity. While everyone waits with baited breath, Doug removes Beth's bandages. "Lujack?" Beth asks. She can see! Locked in an embrace, Beth and Lujack renew their love. When Beth asks "Lenny" to play her a song, Lujack lovingly tells her that she'll have both of them around from now on. Suddenly, Andy appears--he's come to see Nancy. But spotting Beth and Lujack, Ferris reaches for his gun.

Beth and Lujack are horrified when Andy pulls out a gun and aims it at them! Undaunted, Lujack springs into action, causing an unnerved Ferris to make a break for it. In hot pursuit, Lujack manages to corner his nemesis, who warns him not to come any closer. But Lujack issues a warning of his own. Andy's going to pay for setting him up, Lujack retaliates. Meanwhile, Beth walks in on this scene.

At the sight of Andy brandishing a gun at her boyfriend, Beth freezes. Lujack, however, instantly jumps between Beth and his would-be attacker. Once again, Ferris uses the confusion to make his getaway, leaving behind a very frustrated Lujack. "It's all right," Beth consoles him. "I heard everything." At long last, Beth knows the truth about the explosion, Lujack realizes. Even so, he won't rest until he sees Andy Ferris behind bars!

Although shaken from the encounter with Andy, Beth and Lujack give a statement to the police. Standing nearby, a distraught Nancy is forced to accept the fact that her brother is a criminal. Later, in an emotional exchange, Beth says good-bye to the students at the Horizon School. Back in her room, the exuberant young girl renews her love for Lujack. They'll never let anything come between them again, Beth and Lujack vow.

While Andy demands $500,000 for the tape from Warren, India goes on a rampage. She doesn't care about the tape, the Spauldings, or anything anymore! Since she's lost Phillip, India has nothing left and decides to leave town. But as India packs her bags, she's stunned to open the door to Phillip! Back at the Baroness's, Alex calls Andy's bluff and informs him she'll pay $5,000 for the tape and not a penny more!



India is stunned when Phillip, having received her letter, comes home. For his part, Spaulding is equally surprised to learn that his wife is returning to Europe. "What about the prestige of being Mrs. Phillip Spaulding?" he smirks. Completely sincere, India admits she now knows that wealth and power are meaningless without love. That's why she sent Phillip the letter--to let him know she was prepared to give him the incriminating tape. Unfortunately, India confesses, Andy Ferris stole it. After explaining about Warren and Alex's efforts to get the tape and railroad her out of town, a saddened India gets up to leave. Much to her delight, Phillip asks her to stay. There is a bond between them, Spaulding notes. Together, they can recover the tape and regain control of their lives. While Alex and Warren toast to their forthcoming good fortune, they're shocked to see India and Phillip. When the Baroness warns India that she'll have her stepdaughter's marriage annulled once she (Alex) gets the tape, Phillip sets his aunt straight. "I'll decide when and if my marriage is annulled," he says coolly. Just then Andy Ferris arrives. Seeing that he now has another buyer, Ferris has Phillip and Alex put in sealed bids for the tape.

Disappointed when Phillip opts to spend the night on the couch, India's hopes for a life with her husband are considerably lifted when Liz Atherton informs her that Phillip is transferring her to another department, thus ending their affair. Later, unaware that both he and Alex have bid $500,000, Phillip is ecstatic when Andy Ferris calls him to say he's won. "We did it!" Spaulding roars, sweeping India into his anns. But when he arrives for his meeting, Phillip is knocked unconscious by Ferris, who steals Spaulding's briefcase, then flees. Worried about her husband's safety, India arrives at the stables, and is horrified to see he's been hurt. "Don't worry," she assures Phillip as she tends to his wounds, "We'll get the tape." Realizing that his wife truly loves him, Phillip draws India into a kiss.

Meanwhile, tipped off that Andy is about to show up at AI's--a local fence--Lujack, Floyd and I.Q. wait for him to arrive. When Ferris arrives at Al's, Lujack is waiting for him. A fight ensues, with Lujack ending up victorious. Before Lujack can wring a full confession out of him, however, Ferris makes a dash for the door, a gun in hand. Just in time, Detective Saunders and Beth arrive, and the policeman arrests Ferris. Although Andy admits to blowing up Lujack's club, his lawyer arrives before he can elaborate. Meanwhile, certain that Andy has sold the tape to Alex, India resolves to leave Springfield. That's the only way she can protect Phillip from his aunt's wrath. Much to her delight, however, Phillip insists she stay. "You're my wife," he points out, "and I won't let Alex or anyone else dictate how I live my life." Phillip then leads India to bed.

As Warren and Alex anxiously await Andy Ferris's call, Beth and Lujack arrive with the "wonderful" news that Ferris has been arrested. After hearing their story, Alex breathes a sigh of relief -- obviously, the police don't have the tape. When Beth and Lujack ask for her help in nailing the guy who hired Ferris, the Baroness deftly changes the subject to a happier topic--Beth and Lujack's wedding plans!

Hoping to find out what happened to the tape, Warren pays a surprise visit to India, and immediately surmises that she doesn't have it. He delights in apprising India that Andy Ferris has been arrested, with Phillip's $500,000 on him. Now that his life with Alex has been ruined because of her, Andrews sneers, it's only fair he pay India back. But as he starts to kiss India passionately, Phillip bursts in and throws Warren off his wife. Not only does Spaulding warn Andrews to stay away from India, he also tells the slimy man that as of today, he's no longer head of the Spaulding Foundation!

As Lujack and Beth pick out an engagement ring at the jeweler's, they're surprised to see Nancy. She's here to raise money for her brother, Ms. Ferris explains. Pulling out the pearls and bracelet Andy gave her for Christmas, Nancy sells them to the jeweler, unaware that Beth has spotted a crest on the pearls bearing the initials V.H. After Nancy leaves to visit her brother, Alex arrives to take her future daughter-in-Iaw shopping. Beth persuades the Baroness to buy the pearls for her, then quickly takes off for India's. "You were the one who was behind Andy Ferris, weren't you?" she accuses her friend, showing her the necklace as proof. Suddenly, Beth realizes that Phillip was indeed responsible for hiring Andy to blow up Lujack's club, and that India has been covering for him all along.

Back at the jail, Nancy and Lujack press Andy for the truth. Who hired him? Lujack demands. "It was Spaulding, Phillip Spaulding," Ferris finally confesses.



In Springfield, Phillip walks in as Beth is hurling accusations at India. What's going on? he demands. Beth turns to her former boyfriend. "You hired Andy Ferris to blow up Lujack's club. You blinded me and let Lujack go to jail!" she charges. Although Phillip denies that he or India had anything to do with the explosion, Beth continues to press him. For the sake of the love they once shared and their friendship, he must confess his guilt. Unable to deny Beth anything, Phillip is about to admit his involvement when Lujack suddenly arrives. "It's over, Spaulding. I know what you did and I can prove it!" says Lujack. But Phillip cannot confess his crime to his rival, and claims not to know what he and Beth are talking about. Why would he blow up Lujack's club? "Because of me," Beth replies. "Because you couldn't accept the fact that I now love Lujack." Phillip may deny it, but she knows he's guilty. As Beth and Lujack leave, a desperate Phillip calls out to her, but Beth is unmoved. They had some wonderful times together, she admits, but now they're only memories.

Back at the jail, Andy Ferris is on the verge of making a statement to the police when Clarence Bailey enters and informs Ferris that the charges against him have been dropped--he's free to go. A stunned Andy returns to his apartment with Bailey, who instructs him to leave town today. Which member of the Spaulding family is hustling him out of town? Ferris wonders. "This member," Alex replies, standing in the doorway. Alexandra hands Ferris $500,000 and a plane ticket in exchange for the tape. The next day, a triumphant Alex visits India and hands her Phillip's briefcase, containing the $500,000 he gave Andy. "Consider it a going-away present, dear," coos the Baroness. "You're leaving Springfield today." When India refuses, Alex takes out the tape. If India doesn't leave town, Alex will hand the tape over to the police. Not only will Phillip be finished, but India will end up in jail as well. Realizing she's lost the battle, India acceds to Alex's demand.

As she's about to leave, however, Phillip returns home and sees the suitcases. Baffled, he demands and explanation. Learning that the charges against Andy have been dropped, Spaulding guesses that his aunt paid India a visit. "Just let me go," she begs wearily. Instead, her husband pulls her into a passionate kiss.

Beth and Lujack are shocked to see Andy, who informs them that the charges against him have been dropped--and that it was none other than Lujack's mother who was responsible! Seeing the couple's look of disbelief, Ferris apprises them that Alexandra arranged for his release in exchange for an incriminating tape India had him make, in which he admitted that Phillip Spaulding paid him to blow up Lujack's club. Shocked to learn that his mother is withholding proof of his innocence in order to protect his cousin, Lujack enlists a reluctant Andy's help in exposing the truth. He then outlines his plan to Ferris and Beth, to be put into action at Alexandra's Valentine's Day party. After Ferris leaves, Lujack proposes to Beth, who, of course, accepts. Meanwhile, Andy has gone to Alexandra's, where, watching through the window, he sees her hide the tape.

A weary India informs her husband that his aunt now has the tape, and has threatened to send it to the police unless India leaves town. Phillip, however, has concocted a plan that he's certain will convince his aunt to accept his marriage, but he needs India's help. She must come with him to Alexandra's party. A reluctant India agrees, even though she knows her husband still loves Beth. Later, Alex is stunned to see her nephew arrive with India. When Phillip sees Warren harrassing his wife, he publicly fires the man, and Alex goes along with the decision. "You'll pay for this!" Andrews snarls. But all the guests are stunned by Phillip's announcement: "My wife and I are proud to announce that we're expecting our first child!"



Stunned by Phillip's announcement of India's pregnancy, Alexandra's guests are pleased over Lujack's news--he has asked Beth to marry him. But Lujack has another surprise in store for everyone as Andy Ferris walks in! A panic stricken Phillip is furious at Ferris' arrival. If either he or Lujack plan on saying he was responsible for the explosion, he'll drag them both into court! As accusations fly through the room, Beth orders everyone to be quiet and let Andy tell his story. Much to Alexandra's shock, Andy pulls out the tape! He must have stolen it from her hiding place, she realizes. Andy thinks the guests will be interested to hear what's on it, but Clarence Bailey warns Ferris not to play the tape, unless he wants to incriminate himself.

As a frightened Andy wavers, Lujack orders him to play the tape. "If you back out on me now, Ferris, I'll kill you!" he rages. Once again Andy resolves to play the tape. But as he hits the "play" button, sparks fly, and the room plunges into darkness! Seconds later, a shot rings out. When the lights come back on, Lujack is standing over Andy Ferris's dead body, a gun in his hand! As Phillip accuses his cousin of killing Andy, Warren calls everyone's attention to the cassette. "Oh my God!" Alex cries. "The tape--it's gone!"

When the police arrive, Warren advises them to search the guests for the tape. Whoever stole it undoubtedly murdered Andy Ferris, he opines. After a thorough search, however, the tape does not turn up. Meanwhile, Alexandra identifies the murder weapon as her own gun--Lujack bought it for her a while back. Detective Saunders reluctantly detains the young man for questioning.

The next morning, Beth visits her fiance in jail, determined to get him released. Discouraged, Lujack tells Beth it's no use. "I set myself up and I'm paying for it," he says glumly. Just then Alexandra arrives to see her son, and offers to hire the best attorney to get him out. Lujack doesn't want his mother's help. She knew about the tape's existence and never told him. Then, when she got hold of the tape, Alex didn't clear him, because she wanted to protect Phillip. "It's your fault Andy's dead and it's your fault I'm in jail!" he accuses. "Now GET OUT!" Stricken, Alexandra quietly leaves. Shortly afterwards, Detective Saunders arrives. The state's filed charges against him for murder, he gravely apprises Lujack.

Meanwhile, alone in her house, India recalls the events of last night--how, as all eyes were on Dr. Champion and Ross examining the body, she quickly stole the tape and hid it in Alexandra's music box before Warren discovered it was missing. Putting her music box in her purse, India goes to Alex's house and distracts the guard by claiming she lost an earring last night. As the guard momentarily leaves the room, India exchanges her music box with Alexandra's, and puts it into her purse. Before she's able to leave, however, India has a run-in with Alexandra.

In one last ditch effort to help Lujack, Beth visits Phillip and begs him to tell the police everything that was on the tape. Without his testimony, Lujack could be convicted of first degree murder. "If our love ever meant anything to you, won't you confess your involvement with the tape? For me, Phillip," Beth implores. Pulling himself together, Spaulding once again denies knowing anything about a tape. Beth's eyes blaze in anger over his obvious lie. Whatever remnant of love she had for him now dead, Beth slaps her ex-boyfriend across the face. A stunned Phillip is in for an even bigger shock when Ross, after a visit from Alex, announces that he's going to defend Lujack!

When Spaulding comes home that evening, India greets him dressed in a sexy negligee. It's time they really made a Spaulding heir, she says meaningfully. "Make love to me, Phillip," she begs her husband, pulling him toward her. When Spaulding pulls away, India taunts, "It's still Beth, isn't it? That virgin will always have a hold on you!" Furious at the mention of her name, Phillip grabs his wife and kisses her roughly. "We're really married now, Phillip," India says later, as the couple lays in bed.



As Lujack's trial gets underway, Molly, the D.A., pulls no punches trying to prove that the defendant is guilty of murder. Phillip pleads with his aunt not to testify, but she just throws him a scathing look. "You abdicated your rights as a Spaulding when you married India. The only person I'm concerned about now is Brandon, and I'll do or say anything to clear him!" Alex apprises her nephew. On the witness stand, Alex reveals that she did indeed have a tape in her possession at one time, which attested to her nephew Phillip's involvement in the explosion of Lujack's club. Warren, without revealing his part in Alex's efforts to buy the tape, backs up her story.

Next on the stand is Gina. Under Ross's cross examination, Ms. Daniels suddenly recalls that on the night of the murder, shortly before Andy was killed, she heard music. India panics, fearing that Gina might have seen her put the tape in the music box. But Ross, unaware of the significance of Gina's statement, ignores her revelation. When India takes the stand, she smoothly lies her way through Molly's examination and Ross's re-direct. "If only India had been murdered that night instead of Andy Ferris," Alex mutters. "It would have been the perfect case of justifiable homicide!"

Molly's next witness is Phillip, and although Ross presses his nephew as hard as he can, he can't shake Spaulding's testimony, which matches India's. The D.A. then rests her case. Having no alternative, Marler puts his client on the stand, and Lujack testifies about his relationship with Beth, how Phillip couldn't accept it, and other events leading up to the night of the murder. Once Lujack finishes, Ross says, "The defense rests." Will Lujack be convicted of Ferris's murder?

As Lujack's trial draws to a close, the DA tells the jury to disregard tapes, love triangles and power struggles. Witnesses heard Lujack threaten Ferris. They saw him holding the weapon as he stood over the body. "No case could be clearer," Molly says as she demands a conviction of first degree murder. Ross argues that everyone at the party is a suspect. They all had access to the gun. The incriminating tape has disappeared and the murder happened in the dark. All this adds up to "reasonable doubt," and a verdict of not guilty.

While the jury deliberates, Ross tells Lujack, Warren and Alex that a guilty plea would reduce Lujack's sentence to fifteen years. Determined not to lose her son again, Alex stuns them by saying she killed Ferris, but Lujack sees through his mother's attempt to protect him. Later, Alex tells Warren she has a plan to save Brandon.

Beth decides that she must appeal to Phillip for help. Doesn't he realize that his lies have condemned Lujack? But when India discovers Phillip telephoning the DA, she convinces him that Beth is using him. Why should he sacrifice himself for Lujack? Phillip should fight for their future and their child. "It's true," India says--she really is pregnant now.

Against Lujack's advice, Beth meets Phillip at the stables. Surrounding herself with mementos of their trip to New York, Beth offers herself to him, but Phillip realizes that she really loves Lujack. She'd even do this to save him. Moved, Phillip promises to confess to the DA.

As the court reconvenes, Phillip attempts to talk to Molly, but Lujack interrupts. He wants Spaulding to stay away from Beth. Glaring at Lujack, Phillip returns to his seat and listens while the verdict is announced. The jury has found Lujack guilty of first degree murder! The judge remands Brandon Luvoneczek to the state penitentiary for the rest of his natural life.



Beth convinces the judge to grant her a pass to visit Lujack before he is sent to the state penitentiary. In a tearful farewell, they vow that their love will survive the injustice of Lujack's conviction, and Beth promises that she will reveal Andy Ferris's real murderer. Knowing that the only way to get Lujack released is to find the tape, Beth and Floyd decide to break into India's home and search for the cassette.

In prison, Lujack's cellmate, Bobby, boasts about his own crimes as he tries to impress "The Valentine's Day Murderer." When Lujack says he's innocent, Bobby grabs him and yells, "We're both murderers. We've got blood on our hands." Outraged, Lujack slugs Bobby and is sent to solitary confinement. There Lujack is visited by the Professor, an inmate who has gained the respect of both the prisoners and the guards. At first, Lujack refuses to allow him to enter the cell, but when he does, Lujack is shocked to discover that the Professor is Bradley Raines -- Beth's stepfather!

Lujack doesn't want help from the creep who molested Beth, but Bradley argues that he wants to make up for what he did in the past. Lillian wrote an asked him to look out for her future son-in-Iaw and because Beth loves Lujack, Bradley feels he has an obligation to protect him. Explaining the unwritten rules of the prison system, Bradley warns Lujack that friends are essential. "I'll be your friend when hell freezes over," Lujack spits at Bradley. But in spite of this outburst, Bradley promises to have Lujack sent back to the cell block.

Stepping up his war with his aunt, Phillip becomes head of the Spaulding Foundation, with plans to take over Spaulding Enterprises as well. Over India's objections, he hires Warren to help him, believing that Warren has been fired by Alex. "Phillip took our bait," Alex later assures Warren. The baroness plans to destroy India and Phillip for what they did to her son, and Warren must scare India into admitting her guilt. But despite ominous letters, threats and gunshots, a terrified India screams, "I didn't do it. I didn't kill Ferris!"

Knowing the only way to secure her position with the Spauldings is to become pregnant, India consults Dr.Lyon, an unorthodox family physician, who gives her an aphrodesiac for Phillip. Although Dr. Lyon warns her not to overuse the drug, India is pleased with the effect that the potion has on her hudband. Anxious for results, India inadvertently poisons Phillip, who is gasping for breath when Alex arrives at his office to demand the cassette. Phillip begs his aunt for help, but Alex refuses. She won't do anything until he hands over the tape...

[India finds Phillip, and] having no idea what is causing the seizure, she panics. When Phillip is hospitalized, India accuses her stepmother of poisoning him. "If anything happens to him, I'll come after you," India vows. Alexandra advises against it. "You can only get away with murder once," she warns.

Beth and Floyd successfully enter India's home. Although they don't find the tape, Beth spots the vial of aphrodisiac hidden behind a secret stone in the mantel. As they continue to search for the tape, they are discovered and taken to police headquarters. Beth convinces Saunders, a sympathetic cop, that she and Floyd were looking for evidence to free Lujack, and he has the vial tested.

When she learns that India was using a love potion, Beth concludes that India has been lying about her pregnancy. The lab analysis also shows that the formula contains strychnine! Beth visits Phillip in the hospital, hoping to discredit India, and reveals what she's learned--India has been poisoning him! At first, he doesn't believe her, but when India says that Beth planted the vial, Phillip knows his wife is lying. India protests that she loves him--she didn't know the potion was dangerous! Phillip responds to his wife's confession by throwing her out of his room.

Lujack's new cellmate, Sean, gets over his initial fear of Lujack and confides that he, too, "took the rap for somebody else." Sean explains, "Bobby runs this joint," that's why Bobby bullies him. When they return to their cell after exercise period, the pair discovers that Lujack's guitar has been smashed and his picture of Beth has been torn in half. After beating Bobby for this cruel stunt, Lujack is sent back to solitary.

Lost in a fantasy about Beth, Lujack is brought back to reality when he's returned to the cellblock. There, he's gagged and tortured by Bobby and his thugs who tell him, "You're with us -- for life!" But Bradley, a witness to the proceedings, orders Bobby to let Lujack go. When they are alone, Raines warns Lujack that he won't see Beth again unless he "stops thinking with his fists." His visiting privileges will be cancelled until he learns to play the game. This gets through to Lujack, who says that he has to see Beth--she's all he lives for.

Vowing to make a good impression on the warden, Lujack takes Bradley's advice and holds his temper while the prison official taunts him and then withholds a letter from Beth. Lujack aks for a job to occupy his time, and the Warden assigns him to the laundry room. There, Lujack is attacked by two inmates who threaten to burn him and cut him up. Although he protects himself, Lujack does not fight back. When a guard questions them about the outbreak, Lujack doesn't tell what happened--he doesn't want any more enemies. News of this reaches the warden, who engineered the fight to test Lujack's resolve. Could Lujack be becoming a model prisoner? he wonders. But when Sean tells his cellmate that the prison is holding a public benefit, Lujack sees it as more than another opportunity to see Beth--it may be a chance for him to escape!



As Floyd and Beth prepare to visit Lujack, several police officers burst into Beth's room. "They've come to arrest you!" India announces triumphantly. The charges are criminal trespassing in the Spaulding home. Although Floyd was with Beth, India isn't pressing charges against him. Beth masterminded the break-in, and she's going to pay for it--in jail!

Learning that Phillip had his wife thrown out of his hospital room, Alexandra tells Warren he can stop gaslighting India. Warren protests: he's been saving the best scare for last. The Baroness doesn't want to hear it. "Phillip has finally taken the blinders off," Alex reasons. By trying to win her husband back, India is sure to incriminate herself in the process. India will resort to blackmail, and she'll need the tape. And when that happens, Alex vows, she will be there to snatch it.

India returns home to discover a tape recorder and cassette in full view. A telegram arrives instructing India to play the tape, but when she switches it on, an electrical shock leaves her unconscious. Phillip finds her, and as India comes to, she informs him that someone is trying to kill her. Again she insists that she didn't murder Ferris, but Phillip tells her it's time she confessed to all her lies. Their relationship is over. "I'm not going to be your cuckold anymore." he says, throwing her out into a storm. Later, in a cheap motel, India formulates a new approach: "Phillip and I will stay together. All I need is the tape."

At the police station, Beth learns that Phillip claims he ingested the poison aphrodisiac by accident. Although Saunders tries to help her, Beth broke the law, and he has to go by the book. Lillian offers the bail for her daughter, but Alexandra posts the bond and has Beth released. The women decide to fight India together as Alex's limo rushes them to the prison for visiting hours. There, Alex meets with the warden, giving him a $10,000 "donation" for the prison benefit in the hopes of insuring her son's safety.

As Lujack and Beth talk through a glass partition, Bobby hassles them, offering Beth a realistic idea of what her fiance is going through. She's more determined than ever to get Lujack released, but he's uncertain how long he can last. He's lost faith in the system and now Beth could go behind bars. Choosing his words carefully, Lujack tells Beth he wants to escape during the benefit. Sensing his desperation, Beth vows to help him, and back in Springfield, fills Floyd in on the plan.

After Beth leaves, Bradley stops Lujack. "I know what you're planning," the Professor tells him, "and it's a big mistake. Nobody's ever escaped from this place and no one ever will." Bradley argues that Lujack's only hope is to play by the rules. Lujack continues to be a model prisoner, and his good behavior pays off. The warden gives him permission to perform at the benefit and the warden's assistant, Carol, gives Lujack some valuable information. The escape plan is in motion...

Floyd is happy to take the risk and help with Lujack's escape. "It's up to Lujack's friends to get him released," Floyd tells Beth, reminding her that the legal system sent an innocent man to prison. Gina blames herself for Lujack's conviction--if only she had kept her eyes and ears open, she might know who shot Ferris. Instead, she was distracted by the tinkling of a music box. "The music box!" Beth and Floyd shout, realizing that must be India's hiding place. Impulsively, Floyd kisses her. Beth is stunned. Flustered, Floyd explains that he just wanted her to know he cares for her--he's going to get the tape and India!

Although Phillip has thrown her out, India returns to their house, hoping to retrieve the incriminating cassette. However, hired security men prevent her from removing anything. Desperate, India asks Phillip's forgiveness, but he announces he's filing for divorce. "Blackmail won't work any longer," he replies to her threats. He confessed to the police, and they refused to believe him. As soon as she's alone, India takes the tape. As she places it in her purse, she is grabbed from behind by a mysterious intruder.

At rehearsal, Bradley warns Lujack of the dangers of an escape attempt. Again, Lujack denies he is planning anything, but moments later he asks the warden's secretary if she brought him the floor plan of the auditorium. It's clear that Carol is falling in love with Lujack, but after listening to him sing a love song and seeing his picture of Beth, she settles for friendship. Just before the show, Bradley discovers the floor plan, but Carol snatches the blueprint away and sneaks a key ring to Lujack. Then she takes a note from Lujack, promising to deliver it.

At the prison for the benefit, Alex and Warren sit in the auditorium as Beth waits for Floyd. Carol slips her Lujack's note, wishing them good luck, but Beth worries when Floyd fails to show up with the getaway car. The performance begins, and after Lujack impresses the audience with a tender ballad, he convinces a guard to accompany him to the men's room. There, he knocks out the guard, dons his uniform, and starts down the prison corridor. Lujack and Beth meet as the emcee announces that Brandon Luvonaczek is the first-place winner in the talent contest! When Lujack does not appear to accept his award, the alarm sounds. They have only moments to escape, and no car!

Following Carol's advice, Lujack and Beth head for an exit in the warden's office, but are intercepted by Bradley, who tries to stop them. Weakened by Beth's pleas for his help, and sensing that she forgives him for his past cruelty, Bradley is won over and directs the lovers to a window where they can jump into the river below undetected. Overcoming their fear, Lujack and Beth plunge to safety. When the warden discovers Bradley tied and gagged, he believes that Lujack escaped without the Professor's help.

Meanwhile, Beth and Lujack make their way to Springfield Port, where they hide out on Kyle Sampson's yacht. Frightened, and believing this is the last time they'll be in each other's arms, they make love for the first time.



On the yacht, Lujack has second thoughts about his escape. They're certain to be caught, and he's sorry because Beth will probably go to prison, too. Rather than running away, Lujack decides their only hope is to stay in Springfield and try to prove his innocence. They've got to get the tape, otherwise no one will believe Phillip's confession. Beth thinks Floyd may have already located it, since he was staking out India.

Following Lujack's escape, Alex and Ross worry about Phillip's safety. Now that Lujack's free, he might seek revenge for the lies Phillip told. Phillip, however, is confident that he's safe. Beth knows that he confessed to his involvement in blowing up the club, and she needs him as a witness to reopen Lujack's case. Alex and Ross are pleased that Phillip has told the truth, but are uncertain that it will do any good unless they have solid evidence to support his story. Warren soon arrives with the news that India is missing from her hotel room. "It's obvious she's on the run," he says, strengthening their suspicion that India killed Andy Ferris.

In a motel room, Floyd has gagged India and tied her to a bedpost, informing her that he's going to kill her and make it look like she took her own life in despair. Struggling to free herself, India manages to break the bedpost, then rushes to a phone booth where she frantically calls Phillip. "He's kidnapped me!" she tells her husband. "He thinks I'm the murderer and he's going to kill me!" But before she can give Phillip any further information, Floyd grabs the receiver and hangs up. Back at the cabin, Parker holds India at gunpoint, forcing her to write a suicide note in which she confesses that she killed Ferris. But when India falters, Floyd decides to dictate the letter. As he becomes emotionally involved with the details of the shooting--the events leading up to it, and the description of the gun's hair-trigger, India realizes that Floyd is the murderer!

Lujack and Beth arrive at Spaulding's, not for revenge, but to ask Phillip for his help. Lujack convinces his cousin that he has overcome his jealousy and hatred, and when he offers Phillip his hand in friendship, Phillip takes it. As they share information, both realize that Floyd must be holding India captive at a vacation cabin outside Springfield. On the drive over, they are stopped by a police roadblock searching for Brandon Luvonaczek and his girlfriend. As Phillip and Beth stall the police, Lujack slips out of the car, crawls under it unnoticed, and escapes into the woods.

When Phillip and Beth burst into the cabin, India assumes that Phillip has come to rescue her. Over her protests, Beth and Phillip believe Floyd when he tells them he has something which will prove Lujack's innocence. "It's better than the tape--it's a signed confession from India," he says triumphantly. Although she swears she's innocent, no one believes India. Beth leaves to find Lujack, and as the rest wait for the police to arrive, Floyd says the cassette is still useful--it will send Phillip to prison along with his wife. But, in an attempt to protect Phillip, India surreptitiously erases the tape, destroying the evidence forever.

Back at the yacht, Lujack decides to set Beth free, and leaves her a note saying he's departing Springfield. However, the police find it before Beth does. Ms. Raines heads for Tony and Annabelle's house, hoping that Lujack will look for her there before he leaves town, but it is Floyd who finds her and offers comfort. As Beth worries that she'll never see Lujack again, Floyd confides his failures in romance and business. "You have a beautiful daughter, Stacey," Beth reminds him. But Floyd has regrets there as well: his relationship with Nola was his one real chance and he blew it.

In a Transit Lines shipping office, Lujack accepts a job on a freighter which is headed for South America. Before he leaves, Lujack finds Beth at Tony and Annabelle's. Believing that he has returned for good, Beth tries to tell him that India has been arrested and charges against him are being dropped. But she is overwrought, and Lujack tells her not to talk--instead, they make love. When Beth wakes up, Lujack has left without learning that he's been cleared.

Although Warren gloats over India's imprisonment, Phillip has second thoughts about her guilt. While Alex contacts the governor to secure a pardon for Lujack, Phillip and Ross visit India in jail. Since India has been unable to convince anyone that Floyd is the murderer, she turns to the one person who might believe her--Beth Raines. Hoping to, "nail India for all she's done to Lujack," Beth gives her ten minutes to tell her story. As she listens, Beth soon realizes that India is telling the truth.

However, before she has a chance to decide what to do with this knowledge, Floyd says he's going to help Beth locate Lujack. Tony found a shipping schedule and deduced that Lujack is planning to take the next boat out of Springfield. Putting aside her fears, which become stronger when she notices Floyd has a gun, Beth accompanies Parker to the docks. There they learn that Lujack's ship has already set sail. "I'll take Lujack's place," Floyd assures a tearful Beth. "I'd do anything for you." "Even kill?" Beth blurts out.

They are interrupted when Lujack, his clothes drenched, takes Beth in his arms. He jumped off the ship because he couldn't bear to be separated from her again. Floyd starts to leave, but Beth convinces him to admit his guilt to Lujack, who advises his friend to turn himself in. But Floyd believes that at last the "right" people are going to suffer, and he likes it that way. Parker announces that he's running away, and when Lujack tries to stop him, Floyd pulls out his gun. The weapon goes off accidentally and Floyd sinks to the floor in tears. Sobbing that he's become "a monster, a madman," Parker allows Lujack to take the pistol from him. When the police bring Floyd in, Lujack comforts his former partner telling him, "You were a victim of circumstances." Floyd says the situation is hopeless, but Tony arrives to remind him, "Nothing is hopeless so long a you've got friends."

At his mother's house, Lujack learn that he has been pardoned and they reconcile, as Alex promises not to interfere in his life again. Meanwhile, released from jail, India tracks Phillip down at the Country Club where he is announcing their divorce to newswoman Alicia Rhomer. Determined to hang on to her husband, India reminds him of their prenuptial agreement.



Having exhausted his trust fund, Lujack refuses money from his mother and lands a job as an orderly at Cedars. There, during a chance meeting with Phillip, Lujack informs his cousin that he doesn't intend to press charges. A grateful Phillip has good news for Lujack as well. "It's over with Beth," Spaulding admits--the events of the last few weeks have made him a changed man.

In the course of his duties at the hospital, Lujack befriends Mr. Lile, an elderly patient who fantasizes illnesses and relationships out of lonliness. When Lile is released from Cedars, Lujack suggests that the old man move into Mrs. Reardon's boarding house--a plan that convinces Bea to abandon her recent idea to sell the house.

At Company, as Lujack strums his guitar, he unconsciously begins to sing in full voice, attracting the attention of the restaurant's patrons. When they receive his improvised performance with enthusiasm, Lujack and Beth decide to postpone their wedding so that they can concentrate on their careers--his in music and hers in art.

Later, Lujack auditions for a spot in Warren's Andrews' new club, The Blue Orchid. In spite of his obvious talent, Warren won't hire him because he knows that the Baroness doesn't want her son to pursue a career in pop music.



In an effort to discourage her son's interest in rock music, Alexandra asks her former lover, the famous singer/songwriter Locke Walls, to come to Springfield. As they reminisce, Locke reveals that the pressures of his career drove him to booze, drugs and near insanity. "You have to make Brandon understand," Alex begs him, and Walls agrees to meet with Lujack at Warren's club.

Locke explains to Lujack that he knew the Baroness years ago, when she was searching for Brandon. "Maybe Ma and I have more in common than I thought," Lujack says, hoping that the famous musician will listen to some of his meterial. But Walls refuses, saying, "The best advice I can give you is to stick to classical music--the kind your father plays. The rock world will burn you out!" But Lujack is more determined than ever to make the world listen to his songs. Several days later, Locke stops by the hospital to have a checkup, and he overhears Lujack singing to a patient. "The kid's got talent," Walls murmurs. "It's going to be hard to discourage him..."

Hoping to impress his idol, Lujack again auditions at Warren's club. Although Lujack's singing moves him to tears, Locke says, "Give it up, Brandon. Give up your dream before it kills you!" Lujack knows that Walls liked what he heard, but he can't get Locke to admit it. "You won't stand a chance as a musician," the star scoffs. "Marry Beth. Give yourself real happiness." Later, on the verge of a relapse, Locke checks himself into the hospital.

While Lujack tries to figure out a way to get through to Locke, Beth suggests another approach into the music business--a video contest sponsored by one of the record companies. "Rock videos are clearly the way to go," IQ agrees, "but they cost lots of bucks. Where will we get it?" Beth thinks she knows someone who'd be willing to look at the project as an investment, and despite Lujack's indifference, she contacts Phillip. Although he's interested, he tells Beth he can't become further involved until he talks to Lujack...



Lujack explains to Beth why Locke's approval is so important. "That guy and his music filled a void in my life all those years I was alone. He touched my soul. That's what I want my music to do." Meanwhile, at the hospital, Walls' condition is serious. Although the doctors have prescribed rest, when the singer receives a letter from Alexandra (who's out of town) reminding him to save Brandon from a life of pain and disappointment, he vows to help. Later, Rick visits Locke's room and reveals how much Lujack idolizes the star. "I've got to make Lujack realize there is nothing to idolize," Walls mutters, then announces that he's going to make his comeback at the charity ball at the Blue Orchid.

Checking himself out of the hospital, Locke shows up at Warren's club in a belligerent mood. As the elegantly dressed guests arrive at the ball, Walls swigs straight booze, boasting that he has to be "flying high" to perform. A concerned Lujack tries to intervene, but Locke continues to taunt the crowd. "It's time you heard the boy who's determined to follow in my footsteps--Brandon Luvonaczek!"

To cover the tension, Warren orders the orchestra to begin playing. Backstage, Locke is drinking again. When Lujack grabs the bottle, the singer announces that there are other ways to get high, and pulls out a syringe from his pocket. Knocking it to the floor where it shatters, Lujack rushes out.

Returning to Springfield, Alex learns of the price Locke paid in order to keep his promise to her. His collapse, into what appeared to be a drug induced unconsciousness, was actually just the opposite. The injection Walls was about to give himself was insulin, and without his medication, he slipped into a diabetic coma. His act was meant to discourage Lujack, but it took all of his remaining strength. When the Baroness arrives at the hospital, she learns that Locke's illness is terminal...



New to Springfield, Suzette Saxon confides to (her lover) David Preston that she hopes to get to the top of the music business by creating a new star, but she can't find any new talent. However, when Beth plays a tape of Lujack's music for Suzette and then shows her a photo of him, the executive of Delilah Records agrees to meet with Lujack.

Unintimidated by this opportunity, Lujack tells Suzette he'd like to be her company's entry in the nationwide music video contest. "I have a story to tell," he says, referring to his life on the streets. "That's not exactly news in rock 'n 'roll," Suzette points out. Then she reminds him that he's got a great angle--he was the Valentine's Day Murderer! However, Lujack refuses to use that part of his past to make a name for himself even when Suzette threatens that she won't promote him any other way. Lujack politely informs her that he intends to make the video with or without her help. Impressed by his confidence, Suzette tells him she'll let him know what she decides. But after Lujack leaves, she calls Jackson, a rock promoter, and tells him she's found a star!

Alexandra's devotion to Locke increases when she learns that his condition is fatal. Although Lujack argues that the singer will interpret her love as pity, Alexandra is determined to marry Locke. However, when Walls rejects her proposal, the baroness goes along with Lujack's suggestion that Locke needs his strength and dignity restored through a comeback. When Walls agrees, they make plans for him to perform before an audience at Warren's club. Then Locke thrills Alex by asking her to marry him the day after his comeback.

Warren is busy preparing his club for Locke's performance, when Walls, Alex, Lujack, Beth and IQ arrive in high spirits. The evening will be a triumph for each one of them if all goes well. Backstage, Lujack tries to calm Locke's nervousness. Once he is on stage, Walls regains his fire and sings with passion. But the effort is too great for him, and he begins to weaken. Summoning Lujack to join him, Walls introduces his young admirer as "a singer who's enough like me to be my son." They sing together for a few bars as Lujack puts his arms around Locke to support him, and then Locke walks slowly toward the wings, leaving Lujack to entertain the audience alone. Offstage, Walls collapses into Alex's arms and as they profess their love for each other, Locke dies in peace.

With Lujack's help, the baroness accepts the fact that her lover has died. In her pain, however, she lashes out at India and Phillip, who try to offer their condolences. "How dare you talk to me about love," she seethes, telling them they know only one thing--how to use people. India tries to deny this, but Phillip hears the truth in his aunt's words. Stung, Spaulding and his wife talk honestly about their marriage for the first time and realize that they do care about each other. They decide to stay together and Phillip celebrates by placing his divorce papers on a silver platter and igniting them.

When Alex goes into Warren's office to compose herself, Andrews presents her with a letter that fell from Locke's pocket when he collapsed. She is comforted by Walls' words of love and his assurance that her son has all the talent and strength to succeed in the music world.

Meanwhile, Lujack mourns Locke's death. Standing near the spot where his idol died, Lujack realizes that tremendous talent can lead to destruction. For the first time, he sees why Locke tried to caution him. "Do you want to forget about the whole thing?" Beth wonders. Lujack assures her he doesn't, but more importantly, he doesn't want to lose her. "We've got to make our future together," he tells her as they embrace.

When Lujack meets with Suzette the next day, she offers to produce his rock video--if that is a success, a recording contract may follow. Asking Beth to leave the office, Suzette praises Lujack's talent and makes projections about his further success. However, she warns him that a girlfriend is not going to fit in with the image Delilah Records wishes to cultivate for Lujack. Not wanting to do anything which might spoil Lujack's chances, Beth accepts Suzette's decision politely. But when Suzette decides to hire IQ as a back-up singer, Beth feels even more left out.



Beth's plans for a romantic anniversary celebration are upset when Suzette keeps Lujack at her office for a late meeting. Realizing that he is hours behind schedule, Lujack brings Ms. Saxon to Beth's apartment to explain that it was work that kept him away. But before he arrives, Beth mistakes Jackson Freemont for Lujack and invites him to join her in her sleeping bag! After overcoming her initial shock, Beth explains that she was expecting her boyfriend.

Jackson takes the situation in good humor and he and Beth are becoming friends when they hear Lujack arriving. Freemont immediately hides in the closet, but when he hears Suzette's voice, he emerges! Lujack is angry and confused as Suzette introduces the legendary rock promoter who takes Lujack's hand and says, "I'm going to make you a star!" As the lovers make amends, Freemont and Saxon slip away. Later they admit that they are each developing a personal interest in the couple--Suzette finds Lujack just as attractive as Jackson finds Beth!

Locke's death has made Alex more determined than ever to guide her son's career and life. She urges Lujack to marry Beth and secure his happiness now while he still has the chance. But none of the Baroness's arguments can sway Lujack's resolve, not even her offer to buy him a record company of his own. Insisting that he must make it on his talent, Lujack continues to plan the rock video with Suzette. Desperate, Alex appeals to Kyle as the head of Sampson Industries and Delilah Records to have Lujack dropped as a contestant. Sympathetic, Sampson discusses the matter with Ms. Saxon who insists that she'll protect Lujack--not only from the pitfalls of the music business, but also from an overprotective mother.

In the meantime, Lujack wants to show Beth the studio where he'll be rehearsing. He picks the lock and, carried away by their own excitement, the couple make love on the crate containing David Preston's stolen money. They are interrupted by Preston's return but manage to hide before they are discovered. After David leaves, Beth begins to sketch some designs for the video--unconsciously incorporating the symbol of the double rings which she saw on the crate.



Distracted by the upheaval in his personal life, Kyle doesn't interfere with Preston's investigation into the kidnapping. But David himself is unaware of certain developments in the case. Unbeknownst to him, his secretary Catherine recorded some of the serial numbers on the cash delivered to the kidnappers. She tells detective Jeff Saunders that in the rush to get the money she marked a number of the bills without Preston's authorization. Now she's afraid that if David learns she didn't follow his instructions exactly, he'll be furious with her. Saunders agrees not to mention what Catherine did, although he is grateful for the valuable information. Afterwards, the detective questions Preston, hoping to find some clues to the identity of the organization which abducted Kyle. However, David deliberately lies, saying that he never even saw the tatoos.

Hoping to gather background information about Lujack, Jackson pays Beth an unexpected visit. Finding her working on a seascape, he tells her, "You have artistic talent, too bad you don't know how to use it." Beth protests. The picture is perfect; it's just like the beach where she and Lujack fell in love. But Jackson says her work is like her life--too conservative. Beth needs to be more impulsive, he adds flirtatiously.

When Lujack is late for a meeting with Suzette, she snaps, "I want you at my beck and call every hour, every minute, every second of every day, or I don't want you at all!" Realizing that he has to devote all of his time to jthe video, Lujack quits his job at the hospital. Again Alex attempts to stop Lujack's involvement with Delilah Records, but Suzette doesn't give in to pressure from the baroness, and David warns her that she's made a powerful enemy.

Suzette's control over Lujack becomes even more evident at a photo session where she carves out his new image. At first, Lujack wants Beth and IQ to be in the pictures with him, but Ms. Saxon insists that Beth is distracting her client. Jackson takes Beth downstairs to lunch at the Blue Orchid where she shows him sketches she made for the video, and he advises her to think about her own career, not just her boyfriend's. Alex is disturbed to see Beth without Lujack, and troubled when she learns that he is being photographed in the upstairs studio.

Meanwhile, Lujack begins to relax in front of the camera, and Suzette gets the "hot photo" she wants for Lujack's promotional campaign. To celebrate, the photographer opens champagne, and Lujack takes a swig from the bottle as a worried Alex looks on.

Since his appointment to the City Council, Phillip has neglected his work at the Foundation to concentrate on his social life. Delegating important business decisions to India, Phillip lunches at the Blue Orchid with idle friends from the Country Club who share his latest passion--polo. Shocked to see India in control of the Spaulding Foundation, Ross warns his nephew not to trust her. Phillip defends his wife's astute business sense and his own carefree Iifestyle. However, India herself has begun to worry about Phillip's disinterest in the Spaulding fortune, and she considers manipulating her husband into giving her power of attorney--then she can run the Foundation without pretense. She wouldn't have to chase a preoccupied Phillip all over town in order to obtain his signature on legal documents. ...

Beth is delighted when Jackson offers her a job on Lujack's video, but she is taken aback by Freemont's attitude toward work. He informs her that creative people have to "stay loose," and suggests they brainstorm over a picnic lunch in his exotically decorated loft. As they work out ideas, Jackson lavishes praise on Beth who is beginning to hang on his every word.

Suzette is not pleased when she learns that Freemont has hired Beth as his assistant. Jackson questions Suzette about her reasons for this--perhaps her interest in Lujack is not strictly professional? Despite Suzette's denial, it's clear that she is becoming attracted to her client. She and Lujack become even closer when they discover a body outside Preston's door! Lujack calms Suzette and calls the police, who arrive moments before David. Preston identifies the dead man as one of the kidnappers. Secretly, David is satisfied that his plan is working--the men are fighting among themselves. Now all Preston has to do is dispose of the ransom and convince the other kidnappers that he doesn't have the money! However, Detective Saunders is concerned for the safety of everyone at Sampson Iundustries. He wants round-the-clock security for all the officials of the company.

Since David doesn't want to be under surveillance himself, he convinces Jeff that precautions will be taken through a private security firm. Then he makes plans to fly to Switzerland where he plans to place the cash in a hidden bank account. But Preston's confidence is shaken when he learns that Saunders has a new lead in the case--the dead man had a tattoo.



Mindy (at Cross Creek with the Lewises) is depressed about Kurt's phony green card and hurt by what she believes were his false attentions to her.

(Springfield) Kurt tries to reassure Roxie that he married her because he loved her--not to obtain a green card as Rick has suggested. When Corday learns that this theory was supported by lies from his lawyer, he confronts Aarons. The lawyer denies giving any information to Bauer, but when Kurt threatens to call Rick and the police, Aarons admits the card is a forgery. Corday announces that he wants his money back. At first Aarons says a refund is impossible, but when Kurt reminds the lawyer that he could go to jail for fraud, Aarons hands him the cash. Then Kurt demands that Aarons turn over the money that Rick paid him as well. Intimidated, Aarons pays, but after Kurt leaves to find Mindy, the lawyer rushes to his file cabinets. He's got to destroy his records before that Canadian gets him into real trouble!

In the meantime, Rick goes to the Immigration Office and questions the officers there about the procedure for deporting illegal aliens. After they convince him that it is his duty as a citizen to report people who are breaking the law, Rick tells them what he knows about Kurt's forged green card. The next day, immigration officials visit Company looking for Corday, but Roxie tells them that Kurt has left town for a few days. Not realizing that Corday has gone to Cross Creek to explain things to Mindy, Rick decides the Canadian has fled Springfield to avoid being deported! Although Roxie tries to remove Bauer's suspicions about Kurt, Rick is still convinced Kurt is a user.

Alex continues to try to persuade Beth and Lujack that their mentors, Jackson and Suzette, are "piranhas who'll eat them alive." But Beth defends the promotors, and asks the baroness not to interfere with Lujack's career. Alex agrees to stop fighting the couple if they'll get married as soon as possible. Lujack agrees to set a date, but when he and Beth try to decide when the ceremony should take place, they realize they can't plan a wedding right now--the video is taking up all of their time. They decide that they'll wait until after the video is completed and then have an enormous storybook wedding--the kind they've both dreamed about. They vow nothing will interfere with their love, and when Suzette criticizes Lujack's involvement with Beth, he threatens to walk away from the video. Ms. Saxon promises to ease up on his girlfriend, but privately decides to confront Beth. Meanwhile, Beth is working hard with Jackson, incorporating the infinity symbol into the design for the video.

Although it's clear that Mindy cares deeply about Kurt, she's still angry and confused by Rick's theory and what she witnessed between Corday and Roxie. However, when Kurt arrives at Cross Creek he explains everything and the two are reunited. For the first time, Mindy opens up and talks about her own fears and dreams, as Kurt falls asleep next to her on the sofa. But when Billy finds them in each other's arms he questions Kurt's intentions. Corday assures Mindy's protective father that he cares deeply about her and the couple decides to return to Springfield to face Kurt's problem with immigration head on. On her part, Mindy has concoted a scheme which she believes will solve Kurt's problem--she'll marry him and then he can stay in Springfield! Without consulting Corday about this plan, she begins preparations for a simple wedding at the boarding house...

Beth's meeting with Suzette is a standoff. Arguing that Beth's presence on the video is distracting and harmful to Lujack, Ms. Saxon attempts to persuade Beth to drop out of the project. Rejecting the notion that Beth is an artist in her own right, Suzette says Beth should stop interfering in Lujack's career. But Beth doesn't back down. She's tired of being condescended to, and accuses Suzette of going after Lujack herself. "Give it up," Beth tells Suzette, "because you're not going to get him!" Then Beth storms out of Saxon's office.

Furious, Beth bursts into Jackson's loft and starts to destroy the storyboards for the video. Freemont manages to prevent her from tearing up her work, pointing out that if she does, Suzette will win. Instead, he advocates relaxation and a cool head. As he massages Beth to get her to calm down, he tells her that together they'll prove Suzette is wrong about Beth's talent by assembling a brilliant video.

Acting in what she believes are Lujack's and Beth's best interests, Alex pays Suzette an unannounced visit. The Baroness invites Ms. Saxon to a party at the Blue Orchid to celebrate the start of the video and to announce her son's engagement to Beth. But after Alex leaves, Suzette vows, "The wedding won't happen!"

Max (An Infinity lackey) continues to follow David, hoping he'll lead him to the ransom money. Instead, Max tracks him to the Blue Orchid where the party for the video is taking place. There, Beth inadvertently stumbles into Max during an argument with Lujack. The double circles of Infinity are beginning to involve more and more people in Springfield...

(Synopsis courtesy of Bujack)



Still determined to keep Beth out of Lujack's rock video, Suzette sets an immediate deadline on the storyboards, hoping that Beth will collapse under the pressure. However, both Jackson and Beth continue at a feverish pitch, working throughout the night, and making the last-minute changes based on her ideas. In fact, they become so involved in the project that neither of them sleep, and finally, an exhausted Beth drops off after Freemont gives her a backrub.

Unfortunately, by this effort to prove herself, Beth inadvertently forgets that Lujack's recording session is in progress. An anxious Lujack is unable to sing without her, even though Suzette tries to encourage and pamper her star. It's no use--Lujack needs his inspiration and he walks out of the studio to find her! When he arrives at Jackson's loft, he discovers Beth asleep and Freemont clad in a bathrobe. Completely misreading the situation, Lujack assumes that Beth and Jackson have made love--an impression that Jackson does nothing to correct. Without saying a word, Lujack decks Freemont and storms out of the loft. Returning to the studio, Lujack works off his anger as he lays down the perfect vocal tracks for the video.

Meanwhile, Beth dreams that she and Lujack are separated, and though she tries to go to him, Jackson keeps holding her back. Upon waking, she realizes that she's missing the recording session and she rushes to the studio where she innocently joins Jackson and Suzette in the sound booth. When Lujack spots them, he tells Suzette to get them out--he can't perform in their presence. A hurt Beth lets Jackson take her to the Blue Orchid where he surprises her by offering her a permanent job as his assistant. There's only one catch: Jackson's home base isn't in Springfield, it's in Hollywood.

As the recording session reaches a spectacular conclusion, Ms. Saxon couldn't be more pleased with her star--especially when he confides in her about Jackson and Beth. Feigning sympathy, Suzette suggests Lujack cool down and concentrate on his public--they're waiting for him at the Blue Orchid at a surprise celebration she's planned in his honor. Reluctantly, Lujack agrees, and he and Suzette arrive at the club just in time to see Beth dancing with Jackson! Stung, Lujack ignores his fiancee and concentrates on the young fans who surround him. Deliberately avoiding a confused Beth, Lujack allows himself to be tempted sexually by Jenny, a young reporter who makes advances toward him. Giving her an exclusive story, Lujack makes it clear that he's available. When a puzzled and hurt Beth reads Jenny's interview in the newspaper, she assumes Suzette must be behind it...

Although Suzette is impressed by the design for the video, she is troubled by the presence of the Infinity symbol--the double rings are tattooed in David's back. David reassures Suzette that it's just a coincidence. In fact, he'd prefer it if the symbol were left out of the video entirely. Ms. Saxon agrees, mentioning in passing that Lujack and Beth have been using the S.I. studio for rehearsals. David immediately becomes worried about the marked crate and rushes to the loft. But he arrives too late--Lujack and IQ have already taken the crate down the elevator. Since he and Beth are still arguing, Lujack didn't want to work in the presence of that momento of his feelings for Beth.



Still believing that Beth slept with Jackson, Lujack agrees when Suzette suggests that the Infinity symbol be removed from the video. Immediately, Ms. Saxon informs Freemont and Beth that Lujack wants the double rings dropped from the project. Hurt by her fiance's continuing rejection, Beth is more susceptible than ever to Jackson's advances, but when her mentor kisses her, Beth refuses to let it go any further.

Meanwhile, overwhelmed by the events of the past few days, Lujack decides he needs to talk to his girlfriend. After he reveals what he has learned about the money, the tattoos and the shoot-out, he tells her about his suspicions conceming Jackson. Beth assures him that she never slept with Freemont--Lujack simply jumped to the wrong conclusion. As the lovers reconcile, they decide to see what else they can learn about the organization their symbol represents. Arriving at the studio, Lujack and Beth overhear Suzette and Jackson brainstorming about a promotional idea. As Ms. Saxon makes references to "ten big ones" and the "coup they've pulled on the industry," Beth and Lujack mistakenly assume that Suzette and Freemont are talking about Infinity and the ransom money. Actually, the promoters are working out a plan to distribute jukeboxes containing Delilah records to nightclubs across the country. The "ten big ones" are the top ten hits on the record charts--a "coup" that would make them the biggest company in the music industry.

Shocked at what they've heard, Lujack and Beth decide that Jackson and Suzette must be involved with the kidnappers. But before they can go to the police, they need proof. As they begin to search the loft for the ransom money, a huge ceiling fan crashes to the floor, narrowly missing them. Through the skylight above, Preston watches. Moments later, David "discovers" Beth and Lujack in the studio and he suggests that they leave. To protect his stash, he orders the janitor to change the locks, and announces that only he will carry a key. Later, Preston arranges to have the loaded jukebox delivered to his apartment for safe-keeping. To confirm their suspicions, Lujack and Beth decide that they will each try to get Suzette and Jackson to incriminate themselves. But their efforts fail as the promoters agree to restore the symbol to the video. Clearly, neither of their mentors is connected with Infinity, Beth and Lujack realize.



At the Blue Orchid, the confrontation between Kyle and Phillip escalates as Sampson orders Spaulding to stay away from Reva. But Reva insists that she is no longer a part of Kyle's life, and she leaves to go joy riding with Phillip.

(Suzette and David are nearly suffocated in a sauna by Largo. Preston manages to get Suzette out, but he is then shoved back inside by Largo, who orders Preston to deliver the ten million dollars or prepare to die.) Preston rushes to his suite to obtain money from the interior of the jukebox, but the machine is missing! Unknown to Preston, Suzette gave Lujack the jukebox, and he's brought it to Company...

Lujack and Beth's attempts to prove a connection between the kidnappers and their mentors have had only one result: Both Suzette and Jackson are falling in love with their proteges. Still intent on uncovering evidence, Lujack and Beth decide to continue their ruse of being separated.

On their parts, Rick, Roxie, Mindy and Kurt are having a difficult time maintaining the appropriate relationships for Immigration. Bea's boarder, Daryl, continues to snoop into their lives, and they are sure his suspicions have been aroused. In spite of the secret passageway connecting their rooms, the lovers can't seem to get out from under his watchful eye. Matters go from bad to worse when Daryl sees them enter one room and emerge only minutes later from the adjoining room!

After the incident with Daryl, Kurt and Roxie are nervous when Helen arrives at Company. But she surprises the couple by presenting Corday with a legal green card. Mindy innocently asks what the repercussions would be if the Cordays divorced, and the Immigration official informs her that their marriage would be subject to further investigation. If it was determined the marriage was invalid, Kurt would be deported. Rick fumes as he realizes that Roxie and Kurt must continue their charade a while longer.

When Preston learns that Suzette gave his jukebox to Lujack, he assumes that Lujack knows the machine contains the ransom money and has figured out David's connection to the kidnappers. But rather than suspecting Preston, Lujack and Beth continue to think their mentors are responsible. In order to get proof, Beth pursues her relationship with Freemont while Lujack tries to grow closer to Suzette. In the meantime, David, Lujack and Beth are searching frantically for the cash. Ironically, the money is stashed safely inside Company's jukebox, even though Mindy accidentally knocks the machine open during an impromptu dance audition for Lujack's video.

While Preston searches Lujack's room, Beth and Lujack look for clues in David and Suzette's suite. Finding nothing, they move on to Jackson's loft where Beth discovers a picnic basket filled with money. Although she thinks this is proof of Freemont's guilt, later, when she discreetly questions him about the cash, he tells her that he simply doesn't trust banks. Besides, there is only a few thousand dollars in Jackson's "personal bank account." Pressing him further, Beth asks what he would do with millions. Jackson envisions a future which would include Beth, but does nothing to confirm her suspicions. She manages to avoid making further commitments to Freemont when an admirer of his arrives, giving Beth an excuse to question his intentions. After she leaves, Jackson admits that, in spite of himself, he's fallen for an "old fashioned girl."

Meanwhile, finding nothing in Lujack's room, David returns home. When Suzette demands an explanation for his strange behavior, Preston insists that she is looking for an excuse to have a relationship with her new rock star.

(Synopsis courtesy of Bujack)



As the day for the shooting of Lujack's video draws closer, Beth and Lujack become more determined than ever to prove that their double ring symbol connects Jackson and Suzette to the kidnappers. Although Ms. Saxon has announced that she wants the symbol out of the video--along with Beth--Jackson refuses to accommodate her and quits. Suzette has to hire a substitute director whose ego threatens to ruin the project. Finally, Beth convinces Jackson to return to the video and Suzette happily accepts him. Later, Beth sneaks onto the set and spray paints the double ring symbol in obscure spots. Although Suzette does not notice this, Jackson makes sure that the camera picks up the symbol, making it an integral part of the video. Throughout their investigation, Lujack and Beth have tried to maintain their charade of being apart, but on the last day of the taping, Jackson sees them embracing.

As they prepare for the party celebrating the completion of Lujack's video, Mindy, Kurt, Rick and Roxie realize that the time has come to straighten out their relationships. Wanting a divorce as soon as possible, Kurt and Roxie decide to tell Helen the truth, hoping that the Immigration official will understand. But before they have a chance to do so, Mitch and Helen spot the couples embracing. Now convinced that she has been duped, Helen announces that Kurt will be deported. Corday pleads for a chance to tell her the whole truth about the foursome, and he explains their complicated, intertwined lives as Helen listens silently.

In the meantime, Mindy makes a startling discovery. As she cleans up after the party at Company, she kicks the jukebox in frustration and discovers the money stashed inside. Uncertain of what to do with it, she hides the cash in the supply room. Unbeknowst to her, David has finally traced the missing jukebox to Company, and is thrilled by the notion that he is about to retrieve the ransom. When he finds the machine empty, his is devastated, and resigns himself to the fact that he must kill Kyle.

When Jackson confronts Beth with what he saw, she finally admits that she is still in love with Lujack. Feeling guilty about the charade, Beth tells Jackson about the kidnapping and her suspicions. Hurt and betrayed, Freemont refuses to believe that Suzette was involved. Beth begs him to keep their secret and retain the symbol in the video. Although Jackson resents being used, he agrees to make two versions of the tape--one with, and one without, the double rings. They'll premiere the video with the symbols at the art auction and show Suzette the other one. However, he warns Beth and Lujack that their games have already cost them his trust and have also jeopardized Suzette's seven year relationship with David.

(Ed and a very pregnant Claire have been on the run inasmuch as they are suspects in the death of Charlotte Wheaton) Meanwhile, Ed and Claire are becoming exhausted by their attempts to remain hidden. As they practice exercises for natural childbirth, Ed admits he feels he has failed as a parent. Claire urges him to call Rick, and during a brief conversation with his son, Ed reveals where he is. Immediately Rick decides to go to his father. Unfortunately, Rick is followed by a detective who notifies Saunders and Taque, and soon after Rick's arrival, Claire and Ed are arrested.

(Synopsis courtesy of Bujack)



Beth and Lujack continue their plan to uncover those connected to the kidnapping by watching who reacts to the Infinity symbol in the video when it is shown at the art auction. In order to get Suzette to agree to a preview of the tape, Lujack pretends to be having doubts about his future as a singer. No longer able to conceal her true feelings, Suzette tells Lujack she has fallen in love with him. She will do anything to reassure him he has talent!

Kurt, Mindy, Rick and Roxie anxiously await Helen's decision about Corday's status as a legal immigrant. After Kurt's final plea, Helen decides to close the case--Kurt can stay in the U.S. even if he and Roxie annul their marriage. As the foursome prepares to celebrate, Hawk Shayne arrives in search of Roxie. Although they share a tearful reunion as Roxie shares her childhood fantasies about him, she informs her father that he has come to her too late. She doesn't want or need him anymore.

Since discovering the cash in the jukebox, Mindy has secretly used part of it to pay off some of her father's debts. Insisting that the money is her salary from her dance work on Lujack's video, Mindy continues to spend lavishly. "This is just the beginning," she tells Kurt, as she fantasizes about her impending stardom. Corday, putting Mindy's enthusiasm in perspective, makes her joy complete by proposing to her. Thrilled, Mindy accepts. They will announce their engagement at the art auction, Mindy decides, but first she insists that they stop at a swanky boutique where she buys them both stunning evening clothes.

Meanwhile, when Suzette checks the videotape, she discovers the ring symbol has been reinstated and demands an explanation.

Arguing that the symbols strengthen the video, Jackson suggests that Suzette look at this version before rejecting it. She insists that she is scrapping the entire project, until Lujack calms her down. "I hated the idea, too," he tells her, but the double rings turned a good video into a great one. Why not show it at the art auction and let the public judge? "It would mean a lot to me," he adds gently. Suzette softens. She can't say no to Lujack, in spite of the fact that she knows her decision to allow the symbols to remain will infuriate David.

Beth, Lujack and Jackson are puzzled when Ms. Saxon's resistance to the double rings disappears after the crowd responds enthusiastically to the video. They had hoped to flush out the kidnappers with the Infinity symbol--and their prime suspect was Suzette. Deciding that Ms. Saxon objected to the rings for personal reasons--probably out of jealousy of Lujack's relationship with Beth--they feel they have reached a dead end. None of them think it is strange that Preston opens the bidding on the video cassette and pays a high price to win it, nor do they associate Billy Lewis's strange behavior with the showing of the tape. Billy becomes flushed and confused while the video is playing, but his family merely thinks he is coming down with the flu.

Preston is badly shaken by the presence of the Infinity symbol--it fouled up Billy's "programming" and spoiled his carefully calculated plan to murder Sampson. Just as Lewis was about to shoot Kyle, the video began and David had to shake Billy back to reality before he went on a killing spree. Preston confronts Suzette, demanding to know why the symbol was reinstated. Naturally, he can't tell her why he is so upset, so she attributes his mood to jealousy. Deciding it is time to level with David, she tells him that she has fallen in love with Lujack. Their relationship is over--she's moving out of their suite as soon as possible.

Hawk's arrival in Springfield has also shaken Roxie's self-confidence. Although Kurt's problems with Immigration have been resolved and she is free to marry Rick, Ms. Shayne is uncertain if she can handle the commitment. What if she turns out to be a drifter like her daddy? Eventually, Roxie decides to move in with Rick, only to discover that it may jeopardize his medical career. Bauer has been accepted into an accelerated medical school program which would allow him to complete his M.D. in six months. Since married students are not eligible, Rick and Roxie decide to postpone their marriage until after his graduation.

On the other hand, Kurt and Mindy's wedding plans are moving full speed ahead. Still insisting that she has large amounts of cash from the video, Mindy is making arrangements for a lavish reception. However, her father's accountant, Lyman Howell, realizes that she is lying about the source of her income. Mindy covers with another lie, explaining that she has signed a contract with a television studio which has given her a large advance.

Following her argument with David, Suzette returns to her suite and begins packing. Reflecting over the seven years they spent together, Ms. Saxon gazes at a picture of herself and Preston in happier times--they are both in swimsuits and David's double-ring tatoo is clearly visible. Suzette decides she must speak with Lujack, but during their brief visit, Suzette is spotted by Largo, who by now has been revealed to be none other than Daryl. He has been watching Lujack and Beth, not spying for Immigration as the others suspected!

Shortly after, Largo meets with David on the bridge. Preston has failed again and he must pay with his own life, Largo threatens. David begs for another chance and tries to explain about the video and how the symbol spoiled his plan, but Largo isn't interested. He wants Sampson Industries and he wants Kyle dead. If that doesn't happen soon, David will die. Largo agrees to give Preston one more chance. "But no more slip-ups," he warns. "If anyone gets in your way this time, kill them!"

Later, Lujack tries to let Suzette down easily, but he is unable to tell her what she doesn't want to hear. Later, as Kurt and Mindy celebrate their engagement at Company, Lujack realizes that he must talk seriously with his mentor. When Lujack fails to join the party, Jackson and Beth decide to meet up with him at Suzette's suite. There, Jackson and Lujack help Ms. Saxon pack, leaving Beth alone in Suzette's suite. Beth spots the picture of David and immediately notices his tattoo. "It was David all along," she gasps, realizing Preston was the connection to Infinity. But just as she is about to leave the suite, David discovers her there, holding the picture. Largo's menacing words echo in Preston's ears as he drags Beth out of the suite...

One nitpicky note: The recapper got part of this last section wrong. Jackson and Lujack do not help Suzette pack at the same time. Beth and Jackson do leave the engagement party and go to Suzette's suite because they are concerned that Lujack hasn't shown up. By the time they get there, though, neither Suzette nor Lujack are there. As they are standing in the suite, they hear Suzette approach, and Jackson goes out to her, leaving Beth in the suite, so that Suzette does not see her. Jackson gets Suzette to go somewhere with him, so that Beth can escape. While she is waiting, she spots the photo. In the meantime, Lujack has arrived back at the party, only to find out Beth has left.

(Synopsis--and corrections!--courtesty of Bujack)



Following Largo's orders to get rid of anyone who gets in his way, Preston takes Beth to the bridge with plans to kill her. She saves herself by saying that she knows where the ten million dollars is hidden. Anxious to recover the ransom money, David waits for further instructions from Largo before proceeding. When the head of Infinity arrives, he agrees to keep Beth alive and hidden until further notice.

In the meantime, Lujack and Jackson realize that Beth is missing. Since she was last seen at Suzette's suite, Lujack suspects that Ms. Saxon may be involved in Beth's disappearance. But Suzette denies knowing anything about Beth's whereabouts. Although Freemont believes her, Lujack's suspicions increase when he finds Beth's bracelet in Suzette's apartment. As Lujack angrily confronts her, Ms. Saxon realizes his break-up with Beth was a ruse. Hurt and bitter, Suzette demands that they leave, then decides to reconcile with Preston. But when David returns home and Suzette questions him about the symbol, his evasive answers make her uneasy.

Their concern for Beth draws Lujack and Jackson together as uneasy allies. Certain that she must be in danger, Jackson insists that they notify Saunders, who issues an APB. Back at the boarding house, "Daryl" pretends to be sympathetic when he learns of Beth's disappearance, but moments later he phones David and warns him that the police know about the kidnapping. "You know what you have to do with Ms. Raines..." Largo instructs Preston ominously.

As they continue to search for Beth, Lujack and Jackson decide to concentrate their efforts on Suzette. Enlisting Alex's help, they reassure Ms. Saxon with kindness and gratitude. Finally, she is able to be more objective about their concern for Beth, and Suzette sees the connection between the symbol and the kidnappings. Finding the evidence against her lover overwhelming, she decides to move out. While she is packing, she discovers Largo's signet ring. Horrified, she examines it as David walks through the door...

After watching Phillip at Kurt and Mindy's engagement party, India realizes how distant she and her husband have become. Her jealousy increases when Phillip offers Roxie a job at the foundation so that she can help support Rick while he is in medical school. At home, Phillip senses how much of life he is missing by staying in a loveless marriage. Although India tries to rectify the situation by seducing him, Phillip rejects her. "You care only for the Spaulding name, power and money--you know nothing about who I really am!" he tells her as he moves into the guest room. India tries to get revenge by going behind her husband's back and withdrawing the job offer he made to Roxie.

Still plagued by a guilty conscience, Mindy wonders if she should turn the cash that she found over to the police. Visions of poverty convince her that she is better off keeping it, especially if she can use it to help people. With that in mind, she gives Rick ten thousand dollars, saying that she sold her horse and inherited money at the same time. However, Rick is used to Mindy's lies and demands to know where she really got that much money. Cornered, Mindy is at a loss for a better explanation.

When Kurt and Mindy go to Nottingham's jewelry store to pick out their wedding bands, Mindy spots an antique necklace that reminds her of her mother. Following Rick's suggestion, Kurt decides to exchange some wedding presents for the necklace. Among the items to be returned is a silver soup tureen--which Mindy is secretly using as her current hiding place for the ransom money. When Ms. Lewis returns to the boarding house and finds the tureen missing, she thinks she has been robbed and calls the police.

As Harlan and Billy test his mettle with cigars, bourbon and war whoops, Kurt is officially welcomed into the family and presented with a generous cash dowry--only to be arrested by the Springfield police seconds later. The misunderstanding is cleared up quickly, but Kurt still does not understand why Mindy is so attached to that ghastly tureen.

When Suzette confronts him about the signet ring, Preston weaves a plausible story about a secret business organization. Ms. Saxon spots a number of inconsistencies, forcing David to confess that he is involved with something so dangerous that if she reveals any of what he has told her she will be signing his death warrant. Then he promises that within the week he will pull off an enormous business coup which will end his enforced secrecy.

Meanwhile, after reviewing all the circumstantial evidence, Lujack and Jackson conclude that David is the key figure in the kidnapping. Lujack accuses Ms. Saxon of covering up for her lover, unaware that David has a gun aimed at him during the argument. However, Suzette blocks David's aim, and Lujack leaves unharmed, vowing to track down Preston. Suzette is more worried than ever, and David, realizing that he has to keep her quiet, drugs her.

Although Jackson struggles valiantly, Largo's men overpower him at his loft and bring him to the tanker where they are holding Beth prisoner. There, Beth lets him know that in order to stay alive she has had to pretend that both she and Freemont know where the ten million is located. Jackson immediately tells Largo's men that the money is in the trunk of his car, but when they discover he is lying, Largo decides to resort to hypnotism to learn the truth. Beth succumbs to the trance, but Freemont manages to avoid going under by silently repeating a mantra. When their stories conflict, Largo becomes suspicious and decides to use physical torture to uncover which one is feigning hypnosis. If he can't learn anything useful from them, he will "dispose of them." Jackson undergoes his painful trial without flinching, but when Largo takes a lighter to Beth's hand, Freemont involuntarily shows signs of tension as Largo carefully observes him...

After notifying Saunders of Jackson's disappearance, Lujack returns to Suzette's apartment. He revives her and takes her to safety on Sampson's yacht. There Suzette confides what David has told her about Infinity--which does not include anything about Beth. However, the new information allows Lujack to realize that the "business coup" David is planning is the takeover of Sampson Industries. Although Suzette is disillusioned by David, she still insists that he is not a murderer and refuses to tell the police what she knows, even when Lujack tries to convince her that several people's lives are in danger. Fearing for Sampson's safety, Lujack leaves a message for Kyle to come to the boat as soon as possible--saying it is a matter of life and death. But unknown to Lujack, Suzette has a revolver in her purse which she stares at, as if in a daze...

(Synopsis courtesy of Bujack)



Deciding that the best wedding present she can give Kurt is to bring his parents to Springfield for the ceremony, Mindy flies to Canada to invite them personally. However, when she arrives at the Corday farm, she learns that Kurt's father Elliot, is a stroke victim who cannot speak. At first, Mindy is uncomfortable with her future father-in-law's disability, but that disappears as she watches how he wordlessly expresses his love for his wife, Molly. Mindy is enchanted by the warmth of their household, and when Kurt arrives the next day, the bride and groom decide to re-enact the simple wedding Kurt's parents shared years before.

Back in Springfield, Kurt asks Rick to persuade the Spauldings to sell him the property adjoining the church. Phillip is happy to oblige his friend, and Corday is overjoyed to know that he will have the spot he wants for his dream house.

In spite of his nervousness, Rick does well on both the written and oral entrance exams he must pass for acceptance into the accelerated med school program at Cedars. When Ed learns that the hospital has awarded his son a fellowship, he suggests a celebration with Roxie, Phillip and Mo. It also gives Phillip a chance to convince Roxie to accept his job offer at the Spaulding Foundation--an action which further alienates India, who resents her husband's ties with his old friends.

India's inability to fit in with Phillip's crowd is even more evident at the surprise Halloween shower for Kurt and Mindy. Later, she tells her husband that she's tired of competing with his past--she is taking the corporate jet and going out of town for a while. She hopes that Phillip will try to prevent her from leaving, but he accepts her decision without an argument.

Joining Lujack and Suzette on the yacht, Kyle learns of Preston's betrayal and his involvement with Infinity. Deciding not to go to the police, Kyle plans to set his own trap for David. Meanwhile, back at Suzette's apartment, Saunders questions Preston. The detective reveals that new evidence connects someone in Sampson Industries with Kyle's kidnapping. David pretends to be shocked, but Saunders calls his bluff. "As soon as I talk to Ms. Saxon, you'll be under arrest for the disappearance of Beth Raines and Jackson Freemont," Jeff tells Preston. David continues to feign innocence, offering alibis for the circumstantial evidence against him. And when Saunders learns that a coat containing Beth's ID was found floating in the Hudson River, Preston is temporarily off the hook since Jeff must go to New York to investigate. However, David is unaware that he is now the object of Largo's suspicions and is being followed closely by Grossman, who is prepared to shoot him at the first wrong move.

Back on the tanker, Jackson cannot stand seeing a hypnotized Beth being burned by Largo. Knocking the lighter out of Largo's hand, Freemont blows his cover. On the way out, Freemont steals Largo's lighter and uses it to start a fire. The diversion works, and Jackson manages to knock out their captors as he and Beth escape. Ducking into the ship's infirmary, they pretend to be new seasick crew members. The doctor accepts their ruse and inadvertently hides them from Largo's search party.

While in sick bay, Jackson notices a lifeboat hanging directly outside the room's porthole. His plans for a get-a-way are complete when he overhears the doctor use a ship-to-shore radio to order medication. Ushering Beth out the window, Jackson tries to get to the radio before his is discovered by Largo's goons...

Since Sampson plans to change his will, he calls a meeting with Billy and Preston--a decision that panics David. Already distraught over Suzette's disappearance, Preston fears for his own safety as he watches Sampson make amends with Billy. If Lewis's hostility for Kyle disappears, Billy won't follow through with his programming and kill Sampson at Mindy's wedding! Although Kyle doesn't realize his own life is in immediate jeopardy, he savors his revenge as he plays a skillful game of cat and mouse with David. Later, as Kyle and Reva plan their wedding, Sampson promises that he'll expose Preston and the secret organization before they can take over Sampson Industries.

Depressed about her dying relationship with Phillip, India boards a train headed for Seattle. As she sits in her private car, a handsome young man named Simon, who is a steward on the train, is fascinated by this sad, mysterious and obviously wealthy young woman.

Beth and Jackson are confident that they will be rescued when a ship arrives in response to their S.O.S. However, Grim, one of Largo's men, convinces the Coast Guard to leave by pretending that he sent out the distress call while he was drunk. Beth and Jackson watch helplessly as the Coast Guard sails away.

While Largo swears that "no one escapes Infinity," Beth and Jackson find a new hiding place on the tanker--a big closet connected to a secret passage which leads to Largo's cabin! They overhear Largo talking on the phone with Preston about Infinity's plans to kill Kyle at Mindy's wedding reception. Beth and Jackson decide they must call Kyle at the Country Club and warn him before it is too late.

Full of anticipation, Mindy can't sleep on the night before her wedding. She wishes Kurt were with her, and her dream is fulfilled when he arrives on her doorstep and takes her to their land. In the moonlight, they break ground for their new home, make love for the first time, and fall asleep in each other's arms.

All preparations for the ceremony progress smoothly until the wedding party arrives at the church. They discover another ceremony has been scheduled for exactly the same time--and the other bride is marrying royalty. Phillip saves the day by suggesting that the Cordays be married at the Spaulding's summer retreat, a picture perfect setting. Mindy's wish to have a wedding "that would make Princess Diana green with envy" comes true when Kurt discovers that he accidentally took the other groom's formal war from the church. Instead of his tux, Kurt dons a ceremonial dress uniform, which transforms him into Mindy's Prince Charming.

Lillian continues to be very worried by Beth and Jackson's disappearance. She is so preoccupied by her concern for her daughter that when her sister, Calla, announces she is coming to Springfield, Lillian accommodates her without question. But Calla wants her own daughter, Jessie, to have what Beth has--friends, a rich boyfriend, school and a stable life. And when Calla and Jessie arrive at the airport, Calla insists that Lillian bring them to the Lewis wedding. There, Jessie attracts Phillip's attention, but her mother insists that she should go after the "eligible Spaulding"--Brandon.

Although he as been hiding out at Ross's, Lujack decides to make an appearance at the wedding. He plans to contact Kyle and assure his mother that he is still safe. Finally realizing that Lujack's suspicions about David are true, Suzette decides that she may be able to convince her lover to confess. However, when she overhears Preston plotting to kill Kyle, David knocks her out and locks her in the trunk of his car. Then he goes to the country club where he plans to program Billy for the murder. He arrives just in time to intercept Jackson's phone call to Kyle. Calling from Largo's ship, Freemont thinks he is speaking to Sampson, but he mistakenly tells David all he knows about the murder plot.

Meanwhile preparations for the reception are in full swing at the country club. The caterers, Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman, are putting the finishing touches on the buffet when Lujack arrives looking for Kyle and is mistaken for a waiter. He overhears David's conversation, but not wanting to arouse suspicion, Lujack follows the Hoffmans' orders. Then, Lujack tells David that Suzette has proof against Infinity. However, when Preston scoffs at this news, Lujack realizes that David has taken Suzette prisoner and he rushes to find her.

Mrs. Hoffman complains to her husband that there is something unorthodox about the way the Lewises pay cash for everything--she feels they should use credit cards like other rich people. Later, when she spots a note from the FBI asking restaurant owners to check the serial numbers on large bills, she examines the money Mindy has given her. Shocked to see that many of the numbers match, she immediately calls the police.

As the reception begins, David attempts to set Billy up for Kyle's murder as he gives Mindy the rock video as his wedding gift. However, Billy's attitute toward his half-brother has been undergoing a gradual change and he is resistant to the ring's power. Kyle finally confronts David and fires him. Outside, Rick and Phillip are decorating the newlyweds' car when they hear Suzette struggling in Preston's trunk and free her.

Back on board Largo's tanker, Grossman's discovery of Beth and Jackson's hiding place launches a frantic chase through the ship. David has had time to alert Largo to the fact that his prisoners have discovered the murder plot. Just as Beth and Jackson attempt to escape by jumping into the water, Grossman shoots Jackson in the back. "Jackson!" Beth screams, as Freemont falls overboard...

(Synopsis courtesy of Bujack)



As Preston watches from the crowd at Mindy's wedding reception, the tape of Lujack's video begins to work on Billy. In a hypnotic state, he points his gun at Kyle. Billy is about to shoot his half brother when H.B. shouts his name and Billy fires at David instead. Collapsing, Preston pulls out a revolver and in an attempt to finish what he started for Infinity, he aims at Kyle. However, Maeve sees what is about to happen, throws herself in front of Sampson, and takes a bullet in the abdomen. Horrified by David's actions, Suzette picks up Billy's gun, fires at David and leaves the reception in a state of shock. Because of the chaos, Fletcher is the only witness to this shooting, and a dying David, as an act of love, doesn't reveal to Lt. Saunders that Ms. Saxon fired the fatal bullet.

Billy is arrested for David's murder although he is obviously disoriented and does not remember anything. A distraught H.B. blames himself, and the lie he and Sally told, for the bloodbath, while Vanessa argues that her husband was not himself during the shooting. The situation worsens when Mrs. Hoffman presses Saunders to arrest Mindy for passing marked money. Confronted with the evidence, Saunders complies and the new Mrs. Corday is taken to the police station with her father for conspiracy in a kidnapping. The case against Billy mounts when Lujack presents Jeff with papers he found in David's apartment. Outlining the takeover of Sampson Industries, the documents incriminate Billy just the way Preston had planned.

Visiting her husband in jail, Vanessa connects his actions to the spells he has suffered in recent weeks, but Billy refuses to defend himself. He is convinced that his own subliminal jealousy and hatred of Kyle got the better of him and he plans to plead guilty to the murder charge. In a nearby cell, Mindy tells Kurt how she found the ransom money in the jukebox. Her husband reassures her that he loves her and will stand by her. Realizing that Billy needs a good defense laywer, Vanessa convinces Ross to take on her husband's case.

Meanwhile, Maeve is rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Kyle, overwhelmed by her unconditional love, is at her side as she fights for her life. Risking her own position as hospital administrator, Maureen gives Ed permission to operate, and Maeve survives. However, the fate of Ms. Stoddard's unborn child is still in question.

Back at his apartment, Fletcher is stunned when Suzette appears at his door. Obviously still in shock from the trauma at the wedding reception, she asks if David is dead. When Reade answers yes, Suzette goes into the kitchen and starts to slit her wrists! Fletcher manages to intervene before Suzette seriously hurts herself, and with his help, she faces the fact that she killed the man she loved and agrees to accompany Fletcher to the police station, where she makes a full confession.

As Kyle learns more about Infinity from Lujack, he vows to personally stop the terrorist organization. Checking with Saunders about the progress the police are making on Beth and Jackson's kidnappings, he witnesses Suzette's statement. She reveals that the head of Infinity is named Largo and that she overheard David plotting with Largo to kill Kyle. However, Suzette has never seen Largo and can't help them identify him. Saunders tells her she is free to go, but shows her a bag of David's personal effects, asking if anyone else should be notified of his death. "David had no one but me," Suzette says as Fletcher leads her out of the interrogation room.

Meanwhile, Saunders and Lujack examine the symbol ring that was in the bag. Since no one has ever seen Largo, they wonder how they will locate him. Saunders checks the computer as Lujack stares at the bonded rings. Just then, Kurt enters to protest Mindy's extended stay in jail. Demanding to know when they are going to free his wife, Kurt promises to return all the money somehow. But Saunders informs him that the charges against her include murder as well as grand larceny, and Mindy is suspected of belonging to a crime organization called Infinity. Kurt asks Lujack to explain to Saunders that Mindy could never be involved in something so corrupt. Seeing the ring Lujack is holding, Corday is taken aback. "How did you get hold of Daryl's ring?" a puzzled Kurt asks, explaining that Daryl was a boarder at the Reardon rooming house...

In spite of India's growing attraction to Simon, she is wary of his attentions and accuses him of being interested in her only for her money. With seeming sincerity, the steward denies her charges and takes India by surprise by suggesting that she doesn't think highly enough of herself. With his friend Pamela's help, Simon plans a romantic dinner in India's private car. Playing on India's insecurity, Simon successfully seduces her, but his real intentions toward Mrs. Spaulding remain a mystery.

After Jackson falls overboard, Beth's spirit seems to be broken and Largo uses her vulnerability to his advantage. Offering her death or a life with Infinity, Beth chooses life--as Largo's prisoner and companion. He is telling her how he plans to share Sampson's empire with her, when Grossman enters their cabin with the news that Largo's plot against Kyle has failed. Largo immediately orders the ship back out to sea. Momentarily left alone, Beth searches for a means to escape. Finding none, she quickly removes the label from Reva's portrait which hangs in Largo's cabin and stuffs it into an empty bottle along with an Infinity symbol. She tosses the bottle out a porthole just as Largo returns with the art supplies Beth has requested. As he smoothes her hair, he tells her he hopes she will be happy now that she is "a part of Infinity..."

After their rendevouz, India shocks Simon by telling him that she is leaving for Springfield to settle things with Phillip. Unwilling to let her go or let her take control of their budding relationship, Simon unhitches India's private car from the rest of the train. Mrs. Spaulding is amused by his romantic gesture, but after Simon falls asleep she returns home. Although India has made up her mind to leave her husband for good, Phillip surpises her by admitting that he has missed her and wants to try again.

When Billy and Mindy come before the judge for their arraignment, the judge refuses to grant Billy bail and stuns the Lewises by setting Mindy's bail at $100,000.00. Saunders senses that Kyle, Lujack and Kurt are conspiring to take justice into their own hands, and so he asks to have them put under protective custody along with Suzette. Sampson protests, and the judge says he will take Saunders's request under advisement. Meanwhile, H.B. posts bond for his granddaughter who is confused by her husband's mysterious behavior. She wants Kurt by her side, but he tries to protect Mindy by telling her nothing about his clandestine activities against Infinity.

The bottle which Beth tossed overboard washes ashore and comes into the hands of William's brother, Thomas. He brings the bottle and its cryptic contents to the Blue Orchid where he asks his brother's advice on what to do with it. Overhearing their conversation, Warren, who has spotted the Infinity charm, tells them to take the articles to Kyle Sampson immediately.

As Kyle, Lujack and Kurt examine the contents of the bottle they conclude that Beth is still alive and being held prisoner on a ship somewhere in the harbor or beyond. Using his computer, Kyle discovers the existence and location of the S.S. Infinity--Largo's ship. After notifying the Coast Guard, Kyle begins to make plans of his own to overtake Largo's tanker. A warning light on his phone signals that his line has been tapped...but by the police or by Infinity? Realizing they are being watched, the men decide to take immediate action, and without any explanation, they enlist the help of the women who love them and plan a luncheon at the Blue Orchid. Although the women don't know it, they are being used as a cover to allow the men to escape their police bodyguards.

Meanwhile, Lujack reconciles with Suzette and informs her that he won't rest until he has freed Beth and stopped Largo. Then he invites Lillian and Calla to join him and his mother for lunch at the Blue Orchid. Calla senses something serious is at stake and presses her sister to accept Lujack's invitation. When they do, Lujack hands Lillian a letter which he asks her to give Beth along with his bracelet. Mindy is puzzled that Kurt wants to "celebrate" at such a public place, but Corday eventually convinces her to accompany him to the restaurant.

Reva, however, plays her part exactly as Kyle requests. After hearing Kyle vow "to make things up to Maeve" when he was at her bedside in the hospital, Reva knows that some secret plan is underway, and she does her best to be supportive. So when Warren announces he has prepared a special surprise poker game for the men in the back room, Reva prevents Mindy from overreacting and tipping off the undercover police who are following the men.

As Saunders, the women and the bodyguards wait in the dining room, Lujack, Kyle and Kurt meet in a back room and prepare to make their escape. Dressing like seamen, they arm themselves and slip unnoticed out of Warren's club and board Sampson's yacht, the Delilah.

After several hours, Saunders' suspicions are aroused and he demands that Warren admit him to the poker game. Andrews stalls, asking to see the search warrant. Looking for another source of information, Jeff approaches Lillian, Calla and Alex for an explanation. A frightened Lillian weakens, and having already read Lujack's note, she tells Jeff all she knows. He contacts the judge and obtains an order to put Lujack, Kyle and Kurt under protective custody, but it comes too late. When the detective enters the back room at the Blue Orchid, the men are nowhere to be found.

Largo continues his seduction of Beth over a private dinner, but she responds by strying to stab him with a steak knife. Just as he is about to tattoo her with the ring symbol, the Delilah rams into the S.S. Infinity. Largo's men bring three seemingly lifeless seamen aboard, but once they are in sickbay they quickly recover. Overpowering the doctor, Kyle demands to see Largo, while Kurt and Lujack search the rest of the ship. Kurt discovers that a hole in the tanker has caused a flood in the boiler room--as a result, the ship could explode at any minute! He locates Lujack and Beth who have been reunited and searches for Kyle who is confronting Largo. "What did you do to turn Billy against me?" Kyle demands. Largo, seizing his last opportunity to hurt Sampson, lies, saying that he didn't do anything to persuade Billy to go after Kyle. "He hates you and wants you dead," Largo sneers before he takes his own life with a cyanide pill. As a rescue helicopter hovers above the ship, Lujack urges Beth to climb up the ladder while he goes below to free some trapped crewmen. Seconds later, the tanker blows up!



At the Blue Orchid, the women learn from a Coast Guard report that Largo's tanker blew up and three men were rescued. As Lillian beomes even more frantic about Beth's fate, Kurt and Kyle appear and explain that the other survivor was rushed to Cedars in critical condition. Hoping that it might be Lujack, Alex rushes to the hospital, accompanied by Lillian, Jessie and Calla. At Cedars, they discover Beth, who was rescued by the helicopter. During a tearful reunion they learn that Lujack was admitted to the emergency room and immediate surgery is needed to halt massive internal bleeding. While the situation is extremely grave, Lujack is still conscious. Alex and Beth are allowed a few minutes with him before the operation, and although he cannot talk, Lujack gives Beth their matching bracelets for safekeeping.

The surgery reveals that Lujack's internal injuries are worse than expected, and although he survives the operation, his condition is still critical. Alex realizes the severity of the situation, but Beth and Lujack seem oblivious as they rejoice and plan their future together. They have been through so much, they are certain they will triumph over this latest crisis. Things seem even more optimistic when Suzette arrives, apologizes to Beth for their long-standing feud, and tells Lujack he won the video contest! Caught up in their mood, Alex promises her son and future daughter-in-law a wonderful wedding.

India insists upon visiting Maeve in the hospital. As India and Phillip are about to leave her bedside, Maeve comes out of her coma and calls Kyle's name. Completely disoriented, Maeve believes she is still at the wedding reception, and she struggles hysterically to "save Kyle." The Spauldings summon Ed, who calms Ms. Stoddard and warns her to quiet herself--not only for her own health but for the safety of her baby as well.

(Reva, uncertain of her future with Kyle, has gone to Rio for a quickie divorce from H.B., with his blessing--he even offered her the Lewis jet for the trip.) Needing emotional support, Reva asks Roxie and Hawk to accompany her. When Hawk orders a tropical Thanksgiving dinner in their hotel suite, Roxie, though still suspicious of her father's intentions, softens towards him.

Meanwhile, Kyle and Kurt are taken under protective custody by Lt. Saunders, who is disgusted by the outcome of their rescue mission. Pointing out that other members of Infinity may still be at large, Jeff says that Sampson and Corday must be sequestered until the Lewises' trial is over.

As Ross reviews the evidence against the Lewises, he concludes that a plea of temporary insanity may be the only way to argue Billy's innocence. At first Vanessa and H.B. object because they are frightened that Billy will be committed to an institution, but eventually they realize it is his only chance for acquittal. Despite their current problems, the Lewises vow to spend Thanksgiving together and they shock Saunders by arriving at the jail with a complete turkey dinner. The family shares a touching reunion but the mood is shattered when Kyle refuses to share a meal with "a man who tried to kill him." Although Billy swears he didn't purposely try to shoot Kyle, Sampson chooses to believe Largo's dying words that Billy hated him and wanted him dead.

As Phillip explains the shootings at the wedding and the events which led up to them, he admits that he is surprised by how much he still feels for India. Recognizing the fragility of life and love, he proposes that they try to make their marriage work. India is hesitant, but Phillip, by finally saying all the things she wanted to hear for months, wins her over. Just as her husband is carrying her into the bedroom, the doorbell rings, and India decides to answer it. Although she promises Phillip she will get rid of their caller as soon as she can, India is shocked to see Simon on her doorstep! After a passionate embrace, Simon refuses to leave--even after India offers him money to get out. Simon finally agrees to take fifty dollars for a hotel room, but he assures her he's not leaving Springfield. It's clear that India enjoys Simon's persistence but is torn by her feelings for Phillip...

As Beth keeps a vigil by Lujack's bedside, his condition worsens. Louie realizes that another operation will be necessary to stop the internal bleeding, but before Lujack can be prepped for surgery, a major blood vessel explodes and Lujack dies in Beth's arms. At first, Beth can't believe that her fiance is really gone, but gradually deep grief replaces denial and she collapses in tears. Alex, however, responds to the news of her son's death with dry-eyed fury. She holds Kyle Sampson and the Lewises responsible and vows revenge. Phillip is concerned that his aunt is not mourning for Lujack, and he urges her to release her true feelings. But the baroness has already begun her campaign to destroy Sampson Industries, and she buries herself in business schemes while Lujack's friends prepare a memorial for him.

At the service, Beth is in a daze. As each individual shares stories and memories of Lujack, it becomes too much for Beth and she rushes from the church. After the memorial, Phillip tries to comfort Beth, but she doesn't know how she can go on without Lujack. Telling Phillip she needs to be alone, Beth prays for strength and a sign from Lujack. Just then, the church doors open and the silhouette of a man appears. Thinking it's Lujack, Beth rushes to him, then faints! Disoriented, Beth wakes in Jackson's arms and gradually comes to grips with the reality of the situation. Jackson is alive and the answer to her prayers--even though it wasn't the answer she expected. Grateful he is safe, Beth listens as Freemont explains that he was rescued by a fishing crew who tended his gunshot wound and brought him to a village where he was nursed back to health. Only yesterday was he well enough to travel to try and find her.

Simon interrupts India's mourning for Lujack with another surprise visit. Almost against her will, Mrs. Spaulding again finds herself confiding in Simon. Although she continues to fight her obvious attraction to him, her resistance is growing weaker and the two share a passionate kiss before Phillip returns home.

As Billy and Mindy's trial begins, Ross warns Vanessa that they are in for a hard fight. When asked if Sampson is his son, H.B. lies under oath, as Neville Scott, the prosecuting attorney, establishes the history of the feud between Kyle and Billy. Next, Marler argues convincingly that the half brothers were on the way to a reconciliation in spite of Billy's shaky mental state. But Ross's defense loses strength when Kurt is forced to testify that he witnessed Billy's previous attempt on Kyle's life at the charity ball--evidence which discredits the plea of temporary insanity. Sally is called to the stand to corroborate Kurt's testimony but, in an effort to protect Billy, she lies and says Kurt misunderstood what he saw. Both Kyle and Reva are puzzled by Sally's seeming alliance with the Lewises, and Reva vows to get to the bottom of it. Her suspicions that Sally is hiding something increase when she sees Ms. Gleason with one of Billy's baby pictures.

When Kyle testifies, he reveals Largo's dying words and what he believes to be Billy's connection to the assassination plot. Since Billy still has no memory of the attempted murder at the wedding reception, Marler is at a loss on how to proceed with the defense. He needs more evidence against Infinity, and the only person who can provide him with that is Beth Raines. Marler asks for a recess in order to locate her.

(Synopsis courtesy of Bujack.)





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