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An overjoyed Rick spots Beth and realizes that Phillip was right. Phillip’s doctor realizes Beth’s true identity.

Phillip calls Lillian to Willow Hills, where she is both shocked and overjoyed to at last be reunited with her daughter. Phillip is frustrated when Beth indicates that she doesn’t want to talk to him; she wants Neil. The police question Neil about his connection to Beth. Later, Blake is panic stricken when Rusty tells her that Beth may be at Willow Hills. While waiting for Rusty, Mindy snoops around in the detective’s files and learns where Beth is.

Gary tells Blake that if Phillip and Beth are together, she’d better be ready to fight. Neil takes Beth out of the hospital and Phillip discovers that she’s disappeared. Spaulding tells Lillian not to worry; he’ll find her. Alan-Michael comforts his sister-in-law, who is inconsolable over losing Phillip. Then Phillip, frustrated at losing Beth again, bursts in. He blasts Blake about Beth, then announces he wants a divorce.

At the trailer (no, actually they were renting Reva Bend), Beth, desperate to find security, agrees to marry Neil the following day. Neil calls Blake to witness the event. When she arrives, Mrs. Spaulding lambastes Beth over Phillip. Suddenly Nick arrives asking directions and spies Beth. He finds Phillip and Rick and tells them where Beth is. As Beth is about to say, “I do,” Phillip grabs her and whisks her out of the door.



Rick and Rae get closer and share a kiss.

Gary kisses Blake, who later tells Phillip she doesn’t want a divorce. She plans to string him along to get the Spaulding money. Phil learns that Blake sold the Spaulding stock he gave her. Blake is furious when she overhears Roger tell Vanessa that Blake really shouldn’t be working at Spaulding Enterprises right now.

Lillian won’t let Beth face Bradley, but when she finally does, Beth gets hysterical and claims that Bradley attacked her more than once. When Phillip hears the news, he fires Bradley from his new job at Spaulding. Bradley convinces Phillip he’s innocent, which makes Phillip think that Neil is the one who hurt Beth. Phillip fires Everhart and demands that he leave town. Neil tells an outraged Beth about Phillip’s accusations. She decides to find out the truth for herself.

Beth blasts Phillip for firing Neil. Phillip suspects Neil was involved with Blackburn, Beth’s kidnapper. Phillip visits Alan in prison and learns that Blackburn could have been the one who attacked Beth. Because he was dressed as a security guard, Beth confused him with Bradley. Beth relives the night of the kidnapping and learns that she killed Blackburn. She confesses that she stopped talking when part of her was glad that she killed a man. Now that she’s talking, Beth has a bigger problem. She’s torn between her feelings for Phillip and her feelings for Neil. She asks Phillip to rehire Neil.



Spaulding stocks plummet when Roger plants a “leak” and the news gets out that Neil is not who he says he is. Thorpe quickly buys up as much stock as he can. Neil is upset when Phillip assigns Gary the task of investigating the building collapse and Neil accuses Gary of being responsible for the deaths of his wife and children. At Beth’s urging, Neil tells Spaulding board members about the building collapse, and that the materials were supplied by Spaulding. At an emergency board meeting called to discuss the state of the stock, Phillip breaks a tie by voting to reinstate Neil.

Beth and Phillip reminisce about their love and kiss for the first time. Phillip is convinced that Beth still loves him, but she wonders whether it’s love or just memories of it. Nonetheless, Beth agrees to attend a welcome-home party that Alexandra is throwing in her honor. Beth spends the day with Rick and asks him to tell her about Phillip and the past few years, and Rick offers his point of view about what happened with Meredith and the baby. Beth is understanding. Later, Neil sends Beth on a guilt trip and she agrees to stay home from the party with him.

Ed counsels Blake to admit that she was wrong to commit Phillip unjustly. Her good intentions go awry when she goes to return Phillip’s journals and has a confrontation with Beth, so she doesn’t give him his journals. Confused, Blake wants Gary to make love to her but backs out when she has flashbacks of Phillip.

At Reva Bend and Spaulding Mansion (note: wrong—the Country Club), Neil and Phillip anxiously wait for Beth. Phillip is elated when Beth does show up at the party. As he’s toasting his long-lost love, a drunken Blake makes a big entrance. After she makes a scene, Alan-Michael escorts her home. They’re kissing passionately when Gary interrupts them. Later, Alan-Michael fantasizes about his sister-in-law.

When Phillip overhears Beth tell Neil she loves him, he mistakenly believes that Beth has made her choice. On the girders (of the Towers), Neil and Phillip face off, each believing that Beth has chosen the other. When Phillip loses his footing and almost falls, Neil saves him. Beth tells Phillip she loves him.



Unable to accept defeat, Neil visits Beth and gets her to agree to go to the Topping Off ceremony for the Blakewood Towers. Beth, however, is more excited about the date she’s made with Phillip. She’s surprised when Spaulding arranges a romantic picnic right on her living-room floor. She’s even more surprised when her former fiancé asks if he might resume that title. Beth tells him she needs more time before she can decide if marriage to Phillip is what she wants. Undaunted, Neil asks Beth to do a mural for his tower.

Alan-Michael seeks comfort in Blake’s arms after fighting the fire on Fifth Street that kills Pops Cooper. Sexual tension is evident and the two begin to make love. In the morning, they assure each other their tryst meant nothing. Then Phillip arrives and A-M is forces to hide under the bed. Phillip talks settlement with a surprisingly sweet Blake.

Sam is shocked by Phillip’s seemingly cold attitude toward the fire, and by the fact that Spaulding isn’t canceling the Tower ceremony. There is much tension at Pops’ memorial service, especially when the Tower is lit at the ceremony and the light washes over the service. Dylan rallies the Fifth Street crowd to have a candlelight march to the Tower. Phillip tries to smooth over a confrontation from the processional, but is challenged by Frank.

Alex admits to Phillip that she loves Roger. Gary interrupts a private time between Phillip and Beth. In an effort to win Spaulding’s trust, he offers to be the go-between for him and Blake.



Mindy comes home and is not amused to learn that Nadine spent the night with her father. Vanessa, who had refused Billy’s invitation to attend the celebration of Shayne’s birth, reconsiders at Mindy’s urging and shows up later.

After collapsing at the altar during her wedding ceremony to Johnny, Chelsea is rushed to Cedars, where Ed discovers that she’s been poisoned. Rick comforts Rae, who is falling apart with worry over Chelsea.

At the construction site, a beam is about to fall on Beth. Neil steps in just in time to save Beth from being crushed. Afterward, he mistakes her gratitude for love and thinks he has won her back.

Phillip warns a jumpy Alan-Michael about getting too friendly with Blake. Building his alliance with Phillip, Gary tells Phillip that Blake has a boyfriend, and he will try to find out more information. Alan-Michael tells Blake that, thanks to Gary, Phillip knows she’s seeing someone. Later, Blake and Gary make love. But despite her philandering, Blake is viciously uncooperative when Beth approaches her about granting Phillip a divorce.

Beth asks Neil for his opinion on an art piece. Beth knows it’s not good, but Neil raves about it. When she asks Phillip, he tells the truth and Beth realizes how much she loves him. They make love. When Phillip lets Neil know about this turn of events, Everest flies into a rage. Later, Neil invites Mindy to dinner.

Alex worries when Phillip announces that he wants complete control of the Waterview Towers.



Blake rebuffs Roger’s attempts at reconciliation and is scornful of his relationship with Alexandra. Phillip isn’t too happy about the relationship either but, for his aunt’s sake, keeps his feelings to himself.

After a few awkward moments, Neil and Mindy hit it off on their date. Mindy tells Beth later that she is starting to understand what her friend saw in Neil.

Phillip learns that the children Neil lost in the building collapse were his stepchildren. Beth tells Phillip she will testify against Blake in court.

Blake pours a bottle of black ink all over Beth’s sketches for the Waterfront Towers mural, while Gary looks on in horror. Beth finds Blake’s compact near the destroyed artwork and accuses her of the damage. In the ensuing struggle for the compact, Beth is knocked unconscious and Blake calls a doctor. Beth revives and is stunned to learn she is pregnant. Beth warns Blake against telling Phillip, then tells Mindy she’s pregnant - with Neil’s baby. But, Beth can’t bring herself to tell Phillip about the baby.



Beth requests that Blake stay silent about the baby. When Beth inadvertently reveals to a shrewd Blake that Roger is up to something with Alexandra, Blake blasts her father for ruining any chance she had of getting stock from Phillip.

Beth can’t make love to Phillip and meekly confesses she’s pregnant with Neil’s baby. Phillip asks to be alone. The next day, Beth has to convince Neil that she’s fine when she nearly faints while painting. Mindy discourages Beth from telling Neil the truth. Later, Mindy is incensed when Billy laughs at her idea to diversify Lewis Oil with a clothing line.

Gary hires a PI to watch Blake and find out who she is seeing besides him.

Blake is suspicious when Phillip warns her to keep her mouth shut about Beth’s pregnancy. Beth tells Phillip she is going to raise the baby, and he pleads with her to not tell Neil he is the father. She argues that she can’t lie about it. Beth tells her mother she’s pregnant with Neil’s baby. Meanwhile, Blake tries to find out exactly when the baby is due.



Gary knows Blake is up to something and Blake recruits her secretary, Evie, as an ally.

Beth’s doctor is concerned when she is unable to detect a heartbeat from the fetus, and she orders an emergency sonogram. Beth submits to it.

Gary needles Neil about the building collapse and his hostility toward Phillip. Neil decides to find out just what information Gary has on him. Phillip offers to help with the homeless shelter, and he and Alex clash at this open support of Lewis Oil. Spaulding will build a bigger, better homeless shelter in another area of town, Roger insists. This one is not needed.

Beth is fearful for her baby when Dr. Sedwick calls and wants to see her as soon as possible. As she anxiously awaits word, Beth tells her mother that she feels guilty for wishing that she would only have ever carried Phillip’s baby. Beth braces herself for bad news about the baby, but she’s stunned by Dr. Sedwick’s news: she couldn’t detect a heartbeat because the baby was much younger than she originally thought. It’s Phillip’s baby!



Gary sets up Neil to “discover” a file that shows that Everest ordered substandard materials to be used in the building that collapsed. Neil confesses: he hated his wife, her kids and his parents. They deserved to die, he tells Gary. Beth saved him from all that and now he’s lost her too, he laments. Gary recruits Neil to his side; they have a common bond in their hatred of Phillip.

While Blake waits for Alan-Michael’s answer to her marriage proposal, she has to deflect a similar proposal from Gary and decides she needs ammunition against him is she ever wants to get out from under his control. She obtains the incriminating files about him and the building collapse. Later, Alan-Michael is horrified when Phillip tells him that Blake knew Beth was alive when she committed him. He confronts Blake.

Neil is filled with pain and rage when Beth tells him her baby isn’t his. Neil doesn’t want to hear that Beth’s baby is Phillip’s and responds badly: he barricades himself in her hospital room. Gary, listening outside the door, is afraid he’ll lose control, and enlists Phillip’s aid. They bust in and, as Beth reassures Phillip that she’s all right, Gary whispers to Neil that he’ll be sure to have his revenge.

Alan-Michael furiously confronts Blake about committing Phillip to a mental hospital when she knew all along that Beth was alive and Phillip was sane. He looks like he might waver as she tries to convince him that she did it for love, but Alan-Michael wants to know if she really loves HIM, or if for her, love means the Spaulding money and power.

To sweeten her plan to win back and marry Alan-Michael, Blake tells Phillip she will give him a divorce, no strings attached. When she shares her plan with her father, Roger warns her that Gary is set on marrying her himself and may be dangerous if crossed. Blake insures herself by gathering evidence that Gary was involved in Neil’s building collapse. Her plan backfires when Gary discovers the blackmail files and tricks Blake into going to the love nest, where he forces her to destroy the files.



Gary tells Phillip he is marrying Blake and takes credit for her change of heart about the divorce. Beth quits her job at the Towers, and an angry Neil appears to be plotting revenge.

At Fletcher’s urging, Mindy charms Roger, but reports that she doesn’t see anything amiss. However, she hands over something she picked up, which turns out to be part of a syringe containing traces of medication. Billy’s grief turns to anger when he is shown this evidence, and he warns Mindy never to go near Roger.

Alexandra wants to meet Alan-Michael’s girlfriend, so he asks Mindy to be his date for dinner. She accepts, hoping to spy on Roger. Roger invites Blake and Gary. Blake and A-M cover when Alex catches them in the study. Later, Alex overhears Blake seducing Gary. Mindy steals Roger’s apartment key.

Neil and Gary discuss their plot to do away with Phillip. Neil seeks to provoke Phillip by making a pass at Beth.

Vanessa sees Mindy show Hamp and Fletcher the key, but Vanessa appropriates it when Mindy drops it.



In his car, A-M is knocked unconscious and the incriminating video is stolen. Blake suspects Gary and is caught searching his office. He admits he has the tape, but is using it to guarantee that he has control over the timing of Blake’s divorce from Phillip.

Beth confesses to Phillip that Neil kissed her and claimed to still love her. Phillip unwittingly plays right into Neil’s plan to make it look like Phillip was trying to kill him when he goes to the Towers and allows Neil to goad him into swearing he’ll kill Neil if he goes near Beth again. The security camera records it.

Mindy arranges for her father and Roger to meet and settle their vendetta. She’s annoyed when Billy scoffs at Roger’s proposal to forget the question of Towers ownership. Roger flatters Mindy and thanks her for trying. Billy faces off with Mindy, and ends up slapping her. A distraught Mindy turns to Roger for solace and it looks as though they might make love.

A-M’s annoyed that Blake hasn’t served Phillip’s divorce papers yet. Gary questions Neil about his exact plan to blow up Phillip; he fears Beth is also in danger.



Blake and Phillip sign their divorce papers. And when Blake manages to convince Harley that she really loves Alan-Michael, Harley and A-M do too. Roger gently rebuffs a willing Mindy.

Alex tells Phil that Blake gave up easily because she has her hooks in A-M. When Phil informs Gary that Blake plans to marry A-M, Gary tells Neil that there’s no need to kill Phillip; Neil still wants him dead. Later, Neil goads Phillip into lunging at him in front of guards.

At the Towers opening, Blake and A-M announce their wedding plans and a furious Gary ties up Blake and leaves her in the boiler room with the bomb. When Gary re-watches the blackmail tape and discovers that Blake doctored her pregnancy test, he believes that Blake is tricking A-M to get his money. A guard tells Beth that Neil said Phillip called him to the boiler room at midnight.

Gary unties a kicking and screaming Blake, professing his love for her. He shoves her into his limousine and tells her he has the goods on her.

Beth heads to the boiler room where she waits for Phillip. When Neil finds her, he kisses her to scare her off. It works: Beth dashes off to tell Phillip that Neil is waiting for him. Phillip takes off for the boiler room where Neil knocks him into half-consciousness. As Neil rushes out, Gary enters and pushes Neil down the stairs, and hoists Phillip up. The bomb explodes. Neil is taken to the hospital, where he manages to say “Phillip” to a puzzled Daniel before he dies. When the police find evidence of a bomb, they label the death a murder.

Alex tells Roger to drop her at home and keep going; he goes right to Mindy. Roger tells Miss Lewis how much he wants her, but that Alex can never know about it. They make passionate love. Mindy realizes that she’s not Daddy’s little girl anymore, and she tells Roger that she doesn’t think what Billy did was right.

Ed, Ross and Holly try to discourage Alan-Michael from rushing into marriage, and A-M is forced to reveal that Blake is pregnant. Phillip also learns the facts, when A-M asks him to attend the wedding. Phillip sadly tells A-M that he can’t condone it. Alex offers Blake unlimited funds to leave A-M, but Blake counters that there’s another person involved.



Mindy wants to talk about Roger with Beth but, instead, Beth pours out her worries about Phillip’s predicament. Later, Billy tries to get Mindy excited about Lewis Towers, but she feels like an outsider and leaves with Rick. They grow close.

Phillip insists to DA Lisa Dravecky that Neil set him up, but Gary lies that Neil said Phillip planted the bomb. When Phillip and Beth get caught searching Neil’s house for evidence, Phillip is taken in. At his hearing, Daniel, Rick, Chelsea and Beth are all questioned, and each unwittingly plays into Lisa’s hands by saying incriminating things about Phillip. Phillip is indicted for murder. Beth gives Mindy a meaningful nod.

When Alan-Michael disappears on their honeymoon, Blake calls Gary, demanding to know what he did with A-M. Gary arrives on the island with no answers, and covers his irritation at Blake’s grief when the police arrive, toting A-M’s bloody swim trunks.

Mindy sets up a meeting with Roger, and Beth tells Thorpe that she will do ANYTHING to help Phillip. Phillip is rocked when Ross removes himself from the case, explaining he is too emotionally involved. He promises to get Phillip the best defense lawyer in the country.

After learning of A-M’s kidnapping, Roger promises to fly to Blake’s aid, and informs Beth, who is crazed with worry for A-M and also what this will mean re: Roger helping Phillip. Phillip feels utterly helpless when his new lawyer, Ulysses Alcott, tells him he can’t leave town, even to help his brother. Phil tells Roger he’s better get A-M back safely, but Roger retorts that without his help, Phillip may ruin his own life. Beth is forced to explain how she asked Roger for his help, and Phillip is filled with righteous indignation. Beth walks out and Phillip is forced to face his hearing without her.

Lisa, the DA, asks that Phillip’s bail be revoked, to prevent him from fleeing. Gary calls his “man,” complimenting him on the earring touch and reports that Blake’s father is on the way.



Lisa produces the note Phillip “wrote,” asking Neil to meet him in the boiler room, verified by a handwriting expert. Despite Phillip’s denials, the judge announces that he will stand trial for murder.

Rick is disappointed that Mindy is only interested in friendship.

A fearful Blake calls Gary and demands that he return to the island and find Alan-Michael. Gary arrives with the ransom money Phillip has given him. Gary pretends he is saving A-M, but when he whips off the blindfold, Gary is terrified to find Roger instead. Meanwhile, Blake and Holly find A-M at the church, and an overjoyed Blake rushes into his arms.

Phillip is furious that Beth has been arrested for breaking into Neil’s house. He loses control and punches a police officer. Ulysses warns Phillip not to react to provocation; he has played right into Lisa’s hands. Phillip is jailed and Beth quietly tells him she thinks it’s time for them to run. Justin later signs for Phillip’s release, and Phillip is worried when Beth seems to have given up hope.

Vanessa urges Billy to make peace with Mindy and they have a close talk, but Billy blows up again when he realizes she’s living in Roger’s apartment. Mindy turns to Rick for support, but Rick is looking for deeper feelings.



A weak Alan-Michael tells Blake that Roger set him free, as Gary begs Roger not to kill him. He forces Gary to resign from Spaulding. Roger admits to Holly that Blake isn’t pregnant and Gary has proof. Holly breaks the news to Alan-Michael and Blake that Phillip has been indicted on Murder One charges.

Rick has a date with Mindy, but is disappointed that the two cannot have an intimate evening without cracking up. Mindy tells Rick that she is not attracted to him, and he storms out. Later, Mindy patches things up.

Gary enters and shocks Phillip by announcing his resignation from Spaulding. As Gary gives Phillip his resignation, Alan-Michael arrives home and there is an emotional reunion between the brothers.

Mindy is out of her element when Rick takes her on a camping trip, but she tries to be a good sport. The trip ends in disaster when she discovers that Rick was testing her durability in an attempt to get her to need him. But when Mindy returns to Springfield and hears about Reva’s death, she only wants Rick’s support. Rick is jealous of Mindy’s affection fro Rusty, who is home for Reva’s memorial.

Phillip despairs when Ulysses informs him he may go to jail if he doesn’t agree to a plea bargain.



After battling is out with Holly, an aggravated Roger turns to Mindy, who wants to talk about her relationship with Rick.

With A.C. Mallet’s help, they can get a guilty plea from Phillip, Lisa tells Flynn. Phillip and Beth decide they have no alternative but to stage Phillip’s “death,” and they enlist a reluctant Rick to assist them. Rick soon locates a “John Doe” body that matches Phillip’s. The trio decide they can’t let Mindy in on the scheme.

There’s no turning back for Rick and Phillip as they sneak “John Doe” out of the morgue and to the lighthouse. When Mindy arrives at Beth’s unexpectedly, she misreads their reactions and leaves in a huff. Beth and Phillip apologize to Rick for causing problems with Mindy. An upset Mindy finds Roger on her couch and doesn’t resist his passionate advances.

Ross and Lisa Dravecky attempt to select a jury. Beth accuses Lisa of making Phillip a scapegoat. Phillip resigns from Spaulding.

A.C. Mallet, a special investigator that Lisa has hired, introduces himself to Mindy as a journalist who wants to write a book about Phillip. Phillip begins his elaborate plan by creating a “drunken” scene with Lisa and Flynn and jumping in his car and driving off. Moments later, Phillip watches the car burn with the body inside. The police arrive to break the news to Beth. A-M is telling a secretly relieved Alex that Blake just called and told him she lost the baby, when the police arrive with news of Phillip.



Blake faints when she returns home and learns that Phillip is dead. With Lisa’s encouragement, Mallet begins investigating by telling Mindy he’s a writer. Ross wonders how the bow tie he lent Phillip ended up in Ross’s box of mementos.

Blake resents Harley’s closeness to A-M as they reminisce about Phillip. Beth accepts Alex’s offer to come live with her. Blake, jealous of the attention Beth is getting, tells her husband is would be best if they moved in too. At dinner, Mindy introduces Rick and Beth to Mallet, thinking Beth would want to talk to him about Phillip for the book. Mindy is flustered by her friends’ negative reactions, and it causes more tension between Rick and Mindy. Mallet later manipulates Mindy into letting him escort her to Phillip’s funeral.

Sam decides to attend her brother’s funeral in a wheelchair. Alex is furious when Roger laughs and tells her Phillip is not dead, but confronts Beth at the memorial service as Mallet eavesdrops nearby. Beth is startled when Ross gives her the bow tie as a keepsake, and Mallet carefully watches as Ross misreads Beth’s upset as sorrow. Meanwhile, in Corsica, Phillip nearly runs over his ex-wife, India von Halkein.

Alex maintains that Phillip is dead to Roger because she’s not sure of his motives. But she continues to question Beth, who insists Phillip is dead. Rick declines Mindy’s offer of a getaway, but Beth convinces him that Alex wouldn’t do anything to hurt Phillip and urges him to go to Mindy. Meanwhile, at Mindy’s apartment, Roger shows up at the door and they make love. She throws him in the bedroom when Rick arrives, and is stunned when Bauer proposes. They fall into a passionate kiss before she remembers that Roger is in the bedroom, and Mindy is forces to push Rick out the door. Rick tells Mindy he knows she was with Mallet, and Mindy, in order to protect Roger, gets Mallet to pretend he’s her boyfriend. Rick warns Mallet not to take advantage of Mindy.

Phillip gets very upset as India makes herself right at home in his hut. He realizes that, contrary to her story, she is flat broke, and he treads a fine line trying to convince her he wants to be friends and help her financially. When India puts the moves on him, he tells her Beth is alive. India gets suspicious of Phillip’s urgent need for complete seclusion.

Mindy tries to break it off with Roger; she wants Rick back. Rick learns Mallet has been questioning the pathologist about Phillip not having an autopsy. Ross is determined to clear Phillip’s name.



Mindy is devastated when Rick tells her that it’s too late for them. She tells him she loves him, but Mallet arrives before he responds. Roger is surprised when Alex asks for consolation, and he tries to convince her not to despair about Phillip. Beth tells Rick she thinks Alex knows the truth, but Rick is distracted by thoughts of Mindy. Mallet overhears Beth announce her departure from Springfield.

Rick warns Alex about Mallet, and she tells Ross to put a legal stop to his unauthorized book, while Mallet plants a bug in Rick’s phone. Ross tells Alex the insurance company should be her real concern - they’ll stop at nothing to avoid paying the policy. Later, Beth gets dizzy when an investigator questions Phillip’s death, and she musters up false anger at Phillip, who, she “admits,” killed himself. Ross is horrified when Beth relinquishes all benefits; he begs her to reconsider.

Phillip’s nervous behavior arouses India’s suspicions, and unbeknownst to Phillip, she calls Ross and discovers Phillip is “dead.” Roger learns that Beth is leaving town, and tries to stop her, fearing she will lead Mallet right to Phillip. Roger races to the airport, arriving in time to see Mallet boarding the plane.

Just before takeoff, an ill Beth is removed from the plane against her wishes. Roger warns Rick that Mallet had followed Beth onto the plane, and Rick breaks the news to Beth that her trip is off until after the baby is born. Mallet tells Lisa that Beth’s behavior confirmed his belief that Phillip is alive, and Flynn allows him to continue the investigation. Meanwhile, Roger tells Alex that Mallet is an investigator. Roger finds it hard work to convince Rick, Beth and Alex to trust him, even when he uncovers the bug Mallet had planted in Alex’s phone. Later, Roger proves to Alex that Beth is being followed, and a shaken Alex is forced to admit that Roger is right. As Beth is about to reveal to Rick where Phillip is, Alex enters and tells them Roger was right about Mallet. Finally, Beth admits to Alex that Phillip is alive.

At Alan-Michael’s request, Blake makes a feeble attempt at being friends with Beth. Learning Alex and Roger are no longer sharing a bed, Blake hopes that her parents will reconcile. Upset to hear Mindy has agreed to do THE LOVE BUG, Roger says he’ll do whatever it takes to make her his.

Roger convinces Alex she should go on a long trip to lead Mallet on a wild-goose chase after Phillip. Thorpe devises a plan for Rick and Mindy to confuse Mallet, and A.C. panics when he discovers Roger was a secret agent, and his men have lost track of Beth.

India is intrigued to learn of Phillip’s “death” and Beth’s pregnancy, and she realizes this information may be worth a goldmine. Phillip obtains some herbs from a local woman that are guaranteed to put anyone to sleep for a long time, and plans to feed them to India on the night of Beth’s scheduled arrival. The plan backfires when India inadvertently feeds them to Phillip in a salad. He wakes up a day later, frantic about being late to meet Beth. As Phillip stands on the dock calling Beth’s name, a figure emerges from the mist.



Phillip’s hope are shattered when he realizes that the woman approaching him is India, not Beth. He quickly realizes that India know everything, and demands to know if he can trust her. Phillip is panicked over Beth’s no-show. India agrees to go to Springfield to find Beth, for a price. Gary is unnerved when Lisa wants him to clear up some discrepancies in Neil’s murder, and he fears Blake has been talking. Blake is shaken when Gary threatens to destroy her marriage. Gary decides to talk when Mallet pays him a visit asking questions about Blake and Roger.

Lillian is hurt when Beth tells her that Rick is going to be her Lamaze coach, and she worries about the unnatural closeness between Rick and Beth. Rick warns Billy and Vanessa that Mallet is using Mindy, but Billy assumes Rick is acting like a jilted suitor. When Mindy shows up at Rick’s to profess her love, Rick drops a bomb: he and Beth are married.

Mindy’s shock turns to anger over Rick’s marriage to Beth. Mallet comforts Mindy, while a heartbroken Beth and Rick reassure themselves that they’re doing the right thing. Mindy runs to cry on Billy’s shoulder, and everyone at the party is shocked by this latest turn of events, especially Ross.

Alan-Michael responds to Blake’s machinations and asks Beth to move out of the mansion. Beth visits Mindy to try to explain but Mindy accuses her of telling Rick about her affair with Roger. Mindy gets Beth to admit that she will always love Phillip, and Mindy confronts Rick about being fair to himself.

Flynn tells Mallet the case is closed, but A.C. manages to wheedle twenty-four more hours out of him. Lisa adds a stipulation; stay away from Mindy Lewis. Mallet ignores this demand, and spends an emotional evening with Mindy that ends when Mindy realizes Roger is waiting for her in her apartment.

Gary finds Phillip’s will in India’s wall safe, and learns she is Phillip’s heir. Gary calls a loan shark to get some quick cash to impress India with while she visits the Spaulding mansion and announces to an astonished Roger and Blake that she is Phillip’s heir. Blake is furious when Roger asks India to dinner. Gary, trying to discover why Lisa has been calling him, asks Rick and Beth if any new evidence has come to light in Neil’s murder case.

Beth is overjoyed when India shows up with news from Phillip. India demands Spaulding stock in exchange for keeping Phillip’s cover, just as A.C. Mallet arrives at the door.



Rick is devastated when Mindy tells him she has accepted his marriage to Beth. Later, Mallet and Roger face off when Roger asks Mindy to dance. Mindy is stunned when Roger tells her Mallet is a cop. Meanwhile, Rick calms Beth down when she is overcome with frustration at being separated from Phillip. They fall asleep exhausted, but are startled awake by a figure climbing in the window. They attack him, but realize it’s Phillip.

Mallet tells Mindy he thinks Phillip is alive, and runs after her when she goes to Rick and Beth for answers. Meanwhile, Phillip lunges for Rick when he misunderstands the situation, and Beth blurts out they’re married. He doesn’t have time for the truth before the police arrive. When Mallet searches the house, Phillip is gone.

Gary tries to impress India in front of Roger, and India becomes livid when she realizes Roger is not going to have Alex announce her. Distraught, Mindy turns to Roger for some answers, and they are about to kiss when Alex walks in. India is terrified when she gets home and is startled by an angry Phillip.



When Alex catches Roger embracing Mindy, he covers. Mindy begs Roger to come back later. Blake is shocked when Mallet bursts in waving a search warrant to search for Phillip. Roger warns Mallet to stay away from Alex. Mallet searches Mindy’s apartment next, and accuses her of being back with Roger.

Phillip accuses India of betraying him, then hides when Gary shows up. Phillip hears Gary send Blake a threatening telegram and is intrigued. Later, Beth convinces India to switch places with her for the evening, and Beth and Phillip have a long-awaited reunion. India spends the evening with Rick and grills him about his feelings for Beth.

When Mindy and Dylan run into Mallet and Lisa at Company, she pours a drink in his lap. Mallet arrests them both; Ross bails them out. Blake is upset when she gets Gary’s telegram, and tries to hide it. But A-M finds it and shows it to Ross. Mallet realizes India is masquerading as Beth.

Beth wakes up happy in Phillip’s arms, but realizes she had better head home. She covers her nerves when Mallet calls out a casual greeting as she sneaks back into the house. Later, Rick rushes Beth to the hospital when she thinks she’s going into labor. He almost calls Phillip, until he notices a suspicious orderly lurking nearby.

Mindy and Dylan confront Billy about his problem, but he angrily denies that he’s drinking.

Alan-Michael confides his doubts about Blake’s honesty to Sam, as they give Ross the threatening telegram that Blake received. Later, Beth tells Ross that she knows that Gary sent it, but won’t reveal her source. Holly worries when Ross suggests Blake may be involved in Neil’s murder. Ross threatens to tell A-M about the “miscarriage” if Blake doesn’t tell him the truth about the telegram.

Roger is shocked when Mindy asks him to leave Alexandra, but he surprises her by announcing that he wants to set her up in her own business. Mindy is very interested to learn Roger will be taking a trip with Holly, and wonders who her real competition is.



Blake is angry with Alan-Michael for giving Ross the telegram, but A-M tells her she’s withholding evidence that could clear Phillip. A-M, Ross and Sam realize that Gary wanted Phillip dead so that he could share Blake’s inheritance. India pressures Alex and Beth for stock in exchange for news of Phillip. Beth urges Mallet to investigate Gary.

India manages to throw the police off her trail, allowing Beth and Rick to leave to meet with Phillip. Phillip is thrilled by their arrival, but Rick has a hard time dealing with his feelings and abruptly announces they have to go.

Over dinner, Mindy tells her father she’s leaving Lewis Oil to go out on her own and Billy storms out.

Mallet interrogates Blake about Neil’s murder. She tries to implicate Phillip. A-M does some sleuthing of his own and learns Gary swiped Phillip’s original letter requesting Beth be made his heir. He wants to find out if Blake is involved.



Beth unwittingly discloses to Mindy that Phillip is alive. Later, unable to get rid of Mallet, Beth hides heavy labor pains from the persistent cop. She finally collapses. A shocked Mallet, seeing it’s too late for an ambulance, plows through a blinding snowstorm to get Beth to the hospital. Rick springs into action when a bedraggled Mallet staggers in with Beth in his arms. Beth cries out for Phillip as she gives birth to their baby daughter.

Alan-Michael tries using champagne to loosen Blake’s tongue. Tipsy, Blake makes A-M promise not to leave her. On the verge of telling him about Gary, Blake recalls Gary’s threat against A-M’s life and decides to keep mum.

Gary panics when he overhears India on the phone and realizes Phillip is still alive. Blake fantasizes about seeing Gary dead; Gary arranges for Phillip’s murder. As Gary’s hit man arrives to rub out Phillip, Phillip finally figures out who killed Neil.

India returns to Phillip’s cottage with news of the baby, only to discover his bullet-ridden bedroll and a suicide note. Phillip, out of desperation, tracks down Rick for information on Beth and tells Rick that Gary tried to have him killed. Phillip realizes that Rick has fallen in love with Beth. Gary celebrates what he thinks was a successful hit on Phillip, and is stricken when Phillip shows up at his door announcing it’s time to settle the score.

Mindy shows up at a community business meeting, dressed to kill, and tantalizes Roger. At the end of the meeting, he pulls her into a hot clinch and she demands to know what went on in Acapulco. They are interrupted when India arrives, privately gives Roger the suicide note and tells him Gary tried to kill Phillip.

Blake is terrified for Alan-Michael’s safety when their brakes fail as he is driving her to work, and she recalls Gary’s threats. Blake is even more upset when she calls Gary to tell him he has gone too far, and he laughs her off. Blake takes out her gun and puts it in her purse. Meanwhile, Gary regains his composure and tries to act shocked by Phillip’s accusations. Phillip promises he will get him, but after he leaves, Gary smugly makes an anonymous phone call to the police, announcing that Phillip is alive and well.

Mallet and Lisa dust Phillip’s cottage for prints and learn Phillip was recently there. A.C. sets out, determined to find him. Beth is overwhelmed with emotion when Phillip walks into her hospital room as she is nursing the baby. Mindy and A-M are stopped in their tracks by the sight of him, and Mallet meets Phillip face-to-face. After sizing each other up, Mallet lets Phillip go as they finish investigating Gary.

A pall is cast at a Bauer dinner when Rick arrives and is compelled to explain the “hoax” to everyone, admitting that he stole a body from the hospital morgue. Ed fights back tears, as he forces himself to make a difficult phone call.


Lisa fires Mallet when she realizes he believes Gary is guilty. Just as Alex signs over Spaulding stock to India, Phillip walks in. India overhears Roger call the police, and Lisa arrests Phillip.

Blake confronts and threatens Gary, who tells her nobody would believe her story. When he continues to threaten A-M, Blake pulls out her gun. Mallet arrives just in time to see A-M accidentally take the bullet. Mallet helps a horrified Blade get A-M to the hospital. Sam tells Alex that Daniel can perform the risky surgery A-M requires.

Phillip is stunned when Blake is placed in the cell next to his, and he vents his fury at her. Later, she plays comatose and is taken to a psychiatric ward, where she makes her escape to the hospital. There, Holly and Roger beg Blake to tell the police everything she knows about Gary. Eleanor, the loan shark from whom Gary borrowed money to impress India and whom he has now recruited to his side, overhears them and brings in a phony cop to take Blake’s statement. Blake is scared witless when Gary reveals himself, then calls Roger to tell him Blake was kidnapped.

Rick visits Phillip in jail and tells him he confessed to stealing a John Doe. Phillip asks Rick if Beth knows that he’s in love with her, just as Beth enters singing Rick’s praises. Beth doesn’t understand the awkwardness she’s caused. Rick seeks friendship from Mindy...Roger tells Mindy about his prenuptial agreement, and she says she loves him.

Frank realizes Harley needs a job and, knowing that the diner isn’t the answer, suggests she goes to Mindy. Frank convinces Mindy to give Harley a chance, but Mindy tells Harley that she needs someone with experience. Harley takes Mindy’s sketches and decides to prove herself to Mindy.

Mindy begs Mallet to stay in town and find Gary Swanson. When he questions her relationship with Roger, she blurts out that Roger loves her. Roger and Mallet face off at the hospital, each hoping to get information from Alan-Michael. Mindy is shocked that Alex has frozen all Roger’s assets, and she advises him to go straight to the board of directors - or to Billy. Gary calls Roger at the appointed time, and Roger doesn’t have the money.

Rick tries to be brave about his hearing, but a worried Mindy asks Alex to intervene with the review board. Rick refuses preferential treatment and gives an emotional speech about what it felt like to see Phillip falsely accused. Beth realizes that Rick is in love with her and is unable to offer comfort when the review board ruling bars Rick from practicing medicine. Ed and Mo feel helpless. Mindy asks Rick to come and work for her.

Alan-Michael comes to and tells Alex it was an accident, and defends Blake to a speechless Alex. A-M learns that Gary has Blake, and he escapes from the hospital to seek help from Mallet, who has discovered where Gary is keeping Blake.


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