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Mallet and Alan-Michael have devised a plan, but when A-M sees Eleanor knock out Mallet, he realizes it’s up to him. He tries to exchange himself for Blake, and when that doesn’t work, Roger bluffs. He, Blake and A-M almost escape before Gary catches Thorpe’s trick. Mallet regains consciousness and manages to save everyone and capture Gary. As the police cart Gary off, Swanson tells Alan-Michael about Blake’s “miscarriage.”

India bails Gary out of jail, but Mallet kidnaps him shortly afterward. Roger promises Mindy that if all goes well with his plan, they will be together forever. Alex is shocked when she is summoned by Roger to the Towers, where she is summoned by Roger to the Towers, where she watches Roger threaten Gary viciously. When Mallet breaks in to “save” Gary, Swanson breaks down and confesses to Neil’s death; Phillip is released from jail. Roger is sure it’s over when Alex silently walks away.

Mallet overhears Roger promising marriage to Mindy but leaves without letting on. Alex holds out a tentative olive branch to Blake, then tells a shocked Roger she wants their marriage to work. Alex throws a party for Phillip, where Blake makes an awkward entrance and is snubbed by A-M. Mindy is stunned when Alex enters on Roger’s arm and announces she and Roger have some healing to do and are going away for a few days.

Phillip celebrates his first night of freedom with Beth and Lizzie by panicking over normal baby noises, and he calls Justin and Lillian over for medical advice.

Away at the cabin, Alex valiantly tries to make amends to Roger, but he pines for Mindy. Roger denies it when Alex asks if there is another woman. Mindy goes to the jewelry store, intending to pawn the ring Roger gave her, and runs into Alex, who is buying a gift for Roger. Roger tells Mindy he wants to start over with her, and she agrees to marry him.


Harley tells Mindy that she didn’t get Matt Weiss’ backing and that one of her sketches in missing, and Ms. Lewis accuses her of stealing it. Mallet is upset by mysterious order from the attorney general to remain in Springfield. Mindy is glad that he is staying and is touched when he gives her a meaningful gift.

Phillip and Beth’s old friend Nick waylays Lisa Dravecky, preventing her from arresting Phillip, Beth and Rick on Christmas Eve. Later, Lisa Dravecky arrives to serve papers to Phillip, Beth and Rick.

Mindy is outraged when she sees her dress design in a fashion magazine, and bursts into the private dining room, where Josh has just asked Harley to marry him. Harley is stunned when Mindy shows her the ad and accuses her of being responsible for Weiss’ theft. Mallet tries to temper Mindy’s accusations, as Josh laments Mindy’s timing.

Mindy declines Roger’s offer to back her in her new business, and pays lip service to her need to be independent. Mindy is disgruntled when Roger promises Alex he will be at Phillip’s hearing, and he doesn’t pay enough attention to her lost sketch. She’s surprised when Mallet gives her the response she was looking for in Roger.

Vanessa works hard to convince Matt Weiss to start a satellite store in the Towers, but she fears the deal may be ruined after a confrontational introduction to Mindy. Vanessa and Billy are on the verge of signing a deal with Matt when, once again, Mindy bursts in with her accusations. Mindy appeals to Billy, who finally comes to Mindy’s defense. Matt decides not to do business with the Lewises and ignores Vanessa’s pleas to reconsider. Mindy begs Mallet to go to New York with her and get Matt to admit he stole the design, but Mallet refuses.

Ed is alerted when Lisa wants to make a deal with Rick to testify against Phillip in exchange for a reversal of the medical board’s decision. Ed feels Rick has already paid for his mistake and that Phillip will wind up with everything. Rick tells Ross he will handle his own defense, and Rick locks eyes with Phillip as they enter Judge Collier’s chambers. Rick is called to testify, but he recalls his friendship with the muskateers. He pleads guilty, and Lisa is furious. Judge Collier asks for some time to make her decision.



Mallet goes to New York to get Mindy’s design, and he and Frank retrieve it together. Mallet brings it to an overjoyed Mindy, and the two of them confront Weiss.

When an old friend of Mallet’s questions her about the necklace he gave her, Mindy becomes curious about A.C.’s past. That night, Mallet has nightmares.

Alex wonders what Blake is really up to when she videotapes a testimonial about Phillip to Judge Collier. Beth and Lillian bravely wait for the judge’s decision.

Roger and Mindy come home from a sizzling all-nighter in Chicago and realize they must act like mere acquaintances at Lizzie’s christening. Beth tells Mindy she thinks Mallet is nice, then realizes Mindy is still seeing Roger. Mindy swears Beth to secrecy when she tells her Roger plans to be with Mindy for good. The christening is underway when Ross learns that Judge Collier has made her decision.

Things look bleak for the defense as the judge begins her verdict, but she sentences them to indefinite community other communities. Phillip takes Beth to the stables and asks her to marry him. When they arrive at the christening party they announce that they will be married on Valentine’s Day. Beth tells Rick she will never forget what he did for her and Phillip, but he stops her when she tells him he will never know how much she loves him. Ed and Mo throw a good-bye party for Rick, who gives a very emotional and poignant farewell.

Roger and Mindy take Lizzie home from the christening, and Mindy tells Roger she wants to give him a son. Mindy decides to become Blake’s friend, in order to keep Roger.



Phillip and Beth ask Sam to be in their wedding, but Sam fears her upcoming surgery might prevent it. Beth is in an awkward situation when Alex presses her for information on Mindy’s new boyfriend, and is sorely tempted to tell Phillip about Mindy and Roger. Mindy hires Harley to work for her.

Beth overhears Alex warning Mindy about the pitfalls of having affairs with married men and later tells Mindy that Alex thinks Mindy is having an affair with a married man, and has pressed Beth for information. Beth begs Mindy to forget Roger, but Mindy can’t and instead pleads with Beth to keep her secret. Beth is not happy about lying to Phillip, but doesn’t let her friend down. Roger promises Mindy that by summer she will be Mrs. Roger Thorpe, and Mindy begins making plans. She’s surprised when Roger vetoes her idea to confide in Blake about their relationship. Roger gets upset when Mindy confesses that Beth knows about their secret, but she guarantees that Beth will keep quiet.


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