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December 1983: Rick's Big Date (Springfield University’s Student Union. Rick is trying to study. Mindy is bothering him). Mindy (humming, Rick’s ignoring her) Oh, am I bothering you? I’m sorry. Go on. Study. Rick You sound like Mary Poppins, Mindy. Why is everything so wonderful this morning? Mindy Why? Rick Yeah. Mindy (Smiling broadly) Oh, because it just is. Can I have some (not clear)? (She takes a candy and puts it in her mouth, still grinning). Thank you. Rick (Smiling) Something’s up. I know it. Mindy (nodding her head) Mm-hmm…yep. Rick (confused) So? When do you ever keep anything to yourself? Mindy (Shocked) Well, now aren’t you always yelling at me for talking your ear off. Rick Oh, come on, Mindy. Mindy Yes! Oh no, I’m not going to do that any more. Rick Come on, Mindy Mindy No, you’ve got to pay more attention to these things (pointing to his homework). Rick Forget the books. Mindy (standing up and going to his shoulder) No, you are a pre-med student! Six years, mind you. Rick Yeah. Mindy You’ve got this ridiculous course load, so on with the books. Rick Okay. (Mindy leans all over him). Rick (groans) Oh. It’s Phillip, isn’t it? Right? You guys are back together again? I don’t believe this. Mindy (Leaving) I’m going to leave you so you can concentrate. Rick (Standing up and grabbing her) Mindy! Wait a second. That’s it, isn’t it? Mindy Yes! Be happy for me. Rick It’s what you wanted? Mindy (hugging Rick) Yes. More than anything in this world! We’re together again. Everything’s going to work out. I just know it. Rick Mindy, please be careful, okay? Don’t expect too much. Mindy You don’t have to understand. I don’t have to expect anything. It just happened. Phillip’s all mine. Oh, life is terrific. It’s just wonderful! (Pushing Rick back towards his homework). Oh, now you better get back over here and study. You’ve got this calculus to do. And you know, Rick, I’m expecting great things from you! (She starts to leave). Rick Mindy! Mindy, don’t expect too much! (Mindy blows Rick a kiss and goes). BREAK (Student Union. Rick is taking a break from studying and playing a videogame. Phillip enters) Phillip Rick! How’s it going? Rick Hey, Phillip. How’s it going with you? Phillip Well, I’m still kicking. (He looks at the game) Rick (looking up) Are you looking for Mindy? Phillip Yeah, as a matter of fact I was. Have you seen her around? Rick She was here about an hour ago. Phillip (nods, sarcastically) Well, I don’t want to take you away from your “studying” here, so… Rick (leaving the game) Wait a minute! What a switch! Phillip What? Rick (putting his arm around Phil, who looks at him suspiciously) Suddenly everyone wants me to hit my books and mind my own business. Phillip What are you talking about, Rick? Rick What I want to talk about it you. Phillip All right. Rick And Mindy. Phillip (groans) It’s nothing serious. It’s just a day to day thing. You know. Rick Phillip, wait a second. You can hurt her really bad if she finds out one day she’s just a temporary substitute for Beth. Phillip You worry too much. About everybody else’s love life. Gotta get you some of your own. (Punches his arm). We gotta get you a girl. I’ll talk to you later. (Phillip leaves. Rick is disgusted). Rick (chuckles, too himself) Okay, that does it. That does it. You guys can solve your own problems. Fine with me. Mindy, Beth, Phillip, out of my life. Forget it. Tania Excuse me. Rick Oh hi, Tania. How are you doing? Tania You talking to yourself because you like it, or would you rather have some company? Rick You’re right. (Putting his arm around her). Would you consider going out with an intelligent, charming, recently available guy like me? BREAK (Bauer living room. Rick and Tania are sitting on the couch, listening to Ross try to prove his innocence on television during an election) Tania Well, Mr. Marler seems to be making a pretty solid case for himself. Rick He’s a good guy. That’s not easy to be these days. Tania Sounds like one who knows. Rick I know. It hasn’t gotten me anywhere. Tania I wouldn’t say that. I’m here. (pause) I’m really glad you asked me out, Rick. Surprised, but glad. Rick Why are you surprised? Tania I always thought you were going with Beth Raines or Mindy Lewis. Rick No, they’re just friends. Besides they’re pretty crazy about Phillip Spaulding anyway. Tania Yeah, I heard something about Phillip getting in a fight with somebody over Beth. Rick (standing up) Yeah, don’t remind me. I’m pretty burnt out on the subject, anyway. Tania Getting it from every angle, huh? Rick Hmmf. Just from three. Phillip, Mindy and Beth…They’re stuck in this romantic triangle and I seem to be stuck playing “Dear Abby” all the time. Tania Why don’t you just tune them out? Rick Oh, I’ve tried. Believe me, I have tried. But all I get is this, Tania. (Kneeling down next to her, grabbing her collar and whining in his best Mindy imitation). Rick? I love Phillip so much and he loves me. I mean (big sigh) we’re meant for each other and (shaking Tania) I always get what I want, Rick, speaking of which (standing up, acting hyper and twirling around)…How do you like my new dress? Daddy got it for me with his Gold Card. Doesn’t it match my eyes? Tania (laughing) That’s very good. Sounds just like Mindy. Rick Oh, that is nothing compared to Phillip. Look at this. (Turns around and sticks his collar up in the air, runs his hand through his hair and assumes a Phillip-like stance) Rick, (sighs, points his finger) I love Beth, Rick. She’s the most important thing in my life. (Runs his hand through his hair four times and sighs. Turns and looks skyward). Hark! What light in yonder window breaks? Fitzgerald. I always loved him for that. (Loudly, arms outstretched) Blue skies and palomino ponies! Yep. Always loved that Rick, but never knew quite what it meant. (In a sign of surrender, Rick finishes his imitations and flops himself down face first into a chair.) Tania (standing up) It’s not easy giving advice to the lovelorn, is it? Rick (wiggling around in the chair as Tania sits on the step next to him) It’s driving me up the wall, that’s what it’s doing. Tania Well, see, your conscience is in direct conflict with your emotions. Rick Psych major, right? Tania How’d you guess? Rick Well, tell me something psych major. What the cure? Tania I don’t think it’s me. Rick (sighs) Oh. It’s that obvious, huh? Tania Well, I couldn’t help but notice that you don’t do any imitations of Beth. Rick Beth’s a good kid. She gets on my nerves sometimes too. Tania Seems to me, Rick, that you’re a lot more involved in this romantic triangle than you’re willing to admit. Rick Does it really show? Tania To a psych major! Come on. Rick Let me tell you something, psych major. I’m sorry. I’m not much of a date tonight. Tania That’s okay. (Gets up, hits Rick playfully) Even good guys are entitled to a slip up every now and then. I guess I better go. Rick (getting up and putting his hand on her shoulders) Tania, you’re a real great girl, you know that? Tania Just keep that in mind, okay? Rick I will. (They kiss and say good night. Tania leaves. Rick fixes his collar and looks out the window). Rick Gotta talk to Beth.