<html> <body> <title>The Last Last One</title> <br><br><br><br><br> <font face="Century Gothic" color="#FFFFFF"> <style type="text/css"> BODY { scrollbar-face-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-shadow-color: #FFCCFF; scrollbar-highlight-color: #FFCCFF; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #FFCCFF; scrollbar-track-color: #CCFFFF; scrollbar-arrow-color: #FFCCFF;} </style> <body background="http://www.angelfire.com/tv2/friendsfanficsbykaci/images/Ross_and_Rachel_Background.JPG"> <u><center><h1>The Last Last One </font></h1></center></u> <b><font face="Century Gothic" color="#FFFFFF" size="3"> PRETEND THAT THE FINALE OF FRIENDS REALLY DID HAPPEN. HOWEVER, IT WASN’T THE FINALE. THERE WAS ONE MORE EPISODE OF FRIENDS LEFT. THIS IS MY VERSION OF WHAT THAT EPISODE MAY HAVE LOOKED LIKE. ENJOY. <br> <br> <br><br> [Scene: Central Perk, 5 years in the future. Monica and Chandler sit nervously on the couch. The twins, Erica and Jack sit between them. As the scene opens, Ross and Rachel enter with Emma.] <br><br> Ross: (As they approach the couch.) Sorry we’re late, guys. Rachel had to stop seven times to pee. <br><br> Rachel: (Obviously annoyed, angry, and pregnant.) Well, you would too if you were carrying a child that liked to play “babaloo” on your bladder! <br><br> Emma: Mommy, can I go play with Erica? <br><br> Rachel: Sure, honey, just use your inside voice, though. <br><br> Emma: Okay, mommy. <br><br> (Emma scampers off to play with the twins. Erica and Jack move to the opposite side of the table, so that their backs would be to the camera. Emma sits on the floor on the left side of the table. They begin to color. Rachel sits on the couch next to Monica, and Ross sits in the arm of it next to her.) <br><br> Ross: So, when are Phoebe and Mike getting here? <br><br> Monica: She said 3:00, but… <br><br> Rachel: Oh. Mon, when we get back home, can you come over and help me make a cake for you-know-whose birthday? (Motions towards Emma.) <br><br> Monica: Sure… <br><br> (Phoebe enters with Mike and three kids. They are triplets.) <br><br> Phoebe: (To the kids.) Now, go play quietly with Erica, Emma, and Jack. (The kids run loudly to the other kids.) Hey, you guys. <br><br> Mike: What’s happenin’? <br><br> (Assorted hellos.) <br><br> Monica: (Motioning towards the triplets.) So, Pheebs, ya been busy? <br><br> Phoebe: Only since Chelsea, Joey, and Andrew were born. <br><br> Monica: Joey? <br><br> Phoebe: Yeah. Last time I had trips, I named one of them after Chandler , even though Joey wanted me to name it after him. So, I figured this way it was fair. <br><br> Ross: What about me? I don’t get a name? <br><br> Phoebe: Andrew’s middle name is Ross. <br><br> Ross: Oh. Thanks! <br><br> Phoebe: Well, I have to pee. You ladies wanna come with?<br><br> Girls: Okay.<br><br> (The girls leave. Only Ross, Chandler, and Mike remain. After a long pause…) <br><br> Mike: So, Ross, had any good lager lately? <br><br> Ross: No, Mike… <br><br> (Another long pause.) <br><br> Mike: What about you, Chandler? <br><br> Chandler: No. <br><br> Mike: Oh. <br><br> (The girls finally return.) <br><br> Phoebe: So, you guys, what’s been going on in your life?<br><br> Ross: Well, Rach and I live next door to Monica and Chandler in “the hole.” <br><br> Monica: When I called it that, I didn’t know you’d be living there! <br><br> Ross: Whatever. And Rachel’s pregnant again. <br><br> Rachel: It’s a boy. <br><br> Ross: We’re gonna name him Sequoia. <br><br> Phoebe: But I thought you hated that name. <br><br> Ross: I did. But then Rachel let me do the thing that we never do, so I changed my mind. <br><br> Phoebe: (Raises an eyebrow and giggles) Oh. <br><br> Rachel: And that’s about it for us. <br><br> Monica: Chandler and I are trying to adopt again. <br><br> Chandler: Yeah, and our chances of getting picked again are slim to none, so…cross your fingers. <br><br> Phoebe: Okay. (Does so.) <br><br> Ross: What about you, Pheebs? <br><br> Phoebe: Oh, well…Mike and I bought apartments 20 and 22, made them into one, and we live there now. <br><br> Monica: No way! <br><br> Phoebe: Yup, and it’s still purple in honor of you, Mon. <br><br> Monica: (Getting misty-eyed.) Awww, thanks, Pheebs. Can we go see it? <br><br> Phoebe: Yeah, sure. I warn you though, it’s not as neat as it was when you lived there. <br><br> Monica: That’s okay. I can handle it. <br><br> [Scene: Apartment 20/22. It’s completely purple on the walls, same as it was before. The old living room is divided in half: part dining room, part play room for the trips. The living room is inside what used to be apartment 22. As they enter, most go to the living room. Monica pulls Phoebe aside.] <br><br> Monica: Pheebs, do you mind if I cook us dinner? <br><br> Phoebe: No…why? <br><br> Monica: I just miss this kitchen, is all… <br><br> Phoebe: Oh. Go ahead…mi casa esu casa…literally! <br><br> Monica: Thanks. <br><br> (Monica heads to the old kitchen and starts cooking. As Phoebe walks to the living room, we see that the trips, the twins, and Emma are playing in the play area.) <br><br> Phoebe: (To the adults) Hey, you guys. Monica’s cooking us dinner! <br><br> Chandler: I knew it! She misses it here. <br><br> Mike: Can you blame her? This place is great. And she did live here for over a decade… <br><br> Chandler: True…anyways, where do you guys think Joey is? <br><br> [Scene: A L. A. airport. Joey is waiting in a line. Teenage girls are running towards him, screaming] <br><br> Girls: Oh my God! It’s Drake Remoray! <br><br> (The girls mob Joey, tear his clothes, anything they can. A security guard approaches. He gets the girls off Joey, then escorts Joey to a small, private room.) <br><br> Security Guard: I apologize, Mr. Tribbianni. <br><br> Joey: Oh, it’s no problem. I’m used to it. But I really need to catch my flight. I’m meeting my friends in New York. <br><br> Security Guard: Okay, just a second. (He begins talking into a walkie-talkie.) Can you hold flight 257? <br><br> Man on radio: It has already left. <br><br> Joey: Oh no! I really have to get to New York, sir. <br><br> Security Guard: Okay. Let me see if we have another flight taking off soon. (Approaches a computer and begins typing.) Well, there’s an opening. (Joey looks happy.) And it’s in 20 minutes. (Joey looks even more pleased.) But, it’s not first class…it’s coach. (Joey’s face falls.) <br><br> Joey: But I can’t fly coach! You saw what those girls do to me! It’s not that I’m snobby, but if I don’t fly first class, I get mobbed! <br><br> Security Guard: I understand, sir. <br><br> Joey: When’s the next first class flight? <br><br> Security Guard: Not for six hours. <br><br> Joey: I can’t wait that long! I haven’t seen my friends in five years! <br><br> Security Guard: I understand. How about this? You ride coach in a disguise, with a body guard. My shift will be over then, and I’ll fly with you for protection. <br><br> Joey: As long as there’s no tearing of my clothes again, I’ll be fine. <br><br> Security Guard: I’ll do my best, sir. <br><br> [Scene: The plane. There’s a mob on Joey. The security guard is doing his best to protect Joey, but is not succeeding. Joey’s “disguise” is a mustache.] <br><br> Security Guard: I told you that wouldn’t be a good disguise! <br><br> Joey: I thought it was clever! Usually, celebrities have good disguises! I figured they’re think I was a look-a-like with a mustache! <br><br> [Scene: Apartments 20-22. They are in the living room. They have just eaten and all are stuffed.] <br><br> Monica: (Smugly.) I still got it! <br><br> Ross: Yeah, you do! Mon, I ate so much and got so full, I have a stomach ache! <br><br> Rachel: Yeah, actually, Mon, me too. <br><br> Monica: Really? <br><br> Rachel: Yeah. Kinda sporadic sharp pains. (Chuckles.) Kinda reminds me of when I went into labor with Emma…but that can’t be it. Right? I’m only 7 ½ months along. (Off their looks.) What? You don’t think I am, do you? (She stands, and her seat is wet from her water breaking. Others gasp and she turns to see it, then gasps.) Oh, my God, I am! <br><br> Ross: Come on, sweetie. We gotta get to the hospital! <br><br> Mike: Pheebs and I will stay home with the kids. <br><br> Monica: You sure you don’t mind? <br><br> Mike: No, of course not! <br><br> Chandler: Okay, well, uh, just make sure not to give them any candy. <br><br> Phoebe: Okay. <br><br> Monica: Or soda. <br><br> Chandler: Or let them see you “canoodling”. <br><br> Mike: Dude, we have six kids to watch. If that’s not a canoodle inhibitor, I dunno what is! <br><br> Monica: Ha. That’s what you think. <br><br> Phoebe: Go! We’ll be fine, right, kids? <br><br> Kids: Right! <br><br> Ross: Okay, come on, you guys! We’re about to add an eigth to our collective offspring! <br><br> Rachel: Eight? There’d only be seven: Emma, Erica, Jack, Andrew, Chelsea, Joey, and now Sequoia. <br><br> Ross: You’re forgetting Ben. (Off her blank look.) Your step son??? <br><br> All: Ohhhh, yeah! <br><br> (Ross stomps out. Monica, Chandler, and Rachel follow him. Phoebe turns to the kids who look expectantly at her.)<br><br> Emma: Aunt Phoebe, what’s canoodling? <br><br> Mike: I’ll got get your guitar, honey. <br><br> Phoebe: Thanks. I have so much to teach them! <br><br> [Scene: The airplane.] <br><br> Security Guard: We’re gonna be in the news for having a riot on a plane. <br><br> Joey: Sorry. <br><br> Security Guard: It’s not your fault. But hey, at least we’re finally in the air. <br><br> Joey: Yeah, I guess. In a few hours I’ll be back home in NYC! <br><br> (Suddenly the plane shakes.) <br><br> Captain: Passengers this is your captain speaking. We’ve flown into some bad weather and have to land here in Las Vegas. Our apologies. <br><br> Joey: No!!!!! <br><br> [Scene: The hospital. Rachel is in a pre-birth room. It’s PRIVATE!] <br><br> Rachel: I hope I’m not in here as long as I was last time! <br><br> Ross: At least there’s no chance of Janice showing up again. <br><br> Monica: (From off camera, mocking Janice.) Oh, my God! (All turn in horror, to see its only Monica, and she’s laughing.) Sorry, you guys, I just wanted to freak Chandler out. His balls are probably up inside his rib cage! <br><br> Chandler: (Defensively.) They are not! (Dejectedly.) My intestines stopped them before they got that far. (He turns away embarrassed.) <br><br> Nurse: (Entering.) Okay, dear, let’s see if you’re dilated enough yet. (Does a quick check.) Yup, I’d say so…let’s get you into a delivery room. <br><br> Monica: Bye, sweetie. <br><br> Chandler: Good luck! We’re with you in spirit! <br><br> Rachel: Thanks. <br><br> Ross: Yeah. <br><br> (Rachel is rolled out of the room and Ross follows her. Monica and Chandler are left alone.) <br><br> Monica: I’ll never get to be in here. <br><br> Chandler: (Hugging her.) Sorry. <br><br> Monica: It’s okay, usually I’m fine, but to actually be in here… <br><br> Chandler: I know. I wish you could be in here, too. (Hugs her again.) <br><br> [Scene: The delivery room. Rachel is pushing.] <br><br> Ross: Push! Push! Push! <br><br> Rachel: I know what to do, Ross! Shut up! <br><br> Ross: (Sarcastically.) I love you, too! <br><br> Rachel: I hate you! You did this to me, you sick bastard. (Ross looks hurt. Rachel smiles.) Just kidding! Remember, that couple? <br><br> Ross: Oh, (Nervous laugh.) <br><br> [Scene: Waiting room. Monica and Chandler sit waiting.] <br><br> Monica: (A woman rolls by with twins.) I don’t get it! No fair! I don’t get one, and she gets two! Why? <br><br> Chandler: You have two, honey. <br><br> Monica: It’s not the same. Besides, I want more. I’ve always wanted a big family. <br><br> Chandler: (His cell phone rings.) Hello? Yes, we’re still looking to adopt. Right now? Okay! Thank you! (Hangs up. Then, to Monica.) Guess what! <br><br> Monica: What! <br><br> Chandler: There’s a woman in this hospital right now having quintuplets and she wants to meet us. We may get more babies! <br><br> Monica: Quints? As in five? <br><br> Chandler: Yeah. You said you wanted big! <br><br> Monica: Yeah, you’re right. We can handle it…I think. <br><br> [Scene: A labor room. There is a curtain blocking off the bed are where the doctor is checking the woman, Monica and Chandler enter.] <br><br> Doctor: (From behind the curtain.) You’re doing fine. Only a little longer. (The doctor enters from behind the curtain.) Oh, hello. You must be the Bings. The birth mother asked for you specifically. <br><br> Monica: Really? (To Chandler.) Do you think it’s Erica again? <br><br> (They open the curtain.) <br><br> Woman Behind Curtain: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! <br><br> Chandler: Oh MY God! <br><br> [Scene: Phoebe and Mike’s apartments. Mike has Joey on his lap. Phoebe is sitting in a chair, playing her guitar. All are seated in a circle around her, listening.] <br><br> Phoebe: …Sometimes men love women, sometimes men love men, and then there are bisexuals, though some just say they’re kidding themselves… <br><br> [Scene: A Las Vegas airport. Joey and the Security Guard enter.] <br><br> Joey: What now? <br><br> Security Guard: I dunno…slots? <br><br> Joey: I mean, how can I get to New York? <br><br> Security Guard: Oh. Well, you could drive. <br><br> Joey: That’ll take too long! <br><br> Security Guard: Well, it’ll be awhile before the storm passes. <br><br> Joey: Then…we’re stuck here? <br><br> Security Guard: For awhile… <br><br> Joey: (Sarcastically.) Great. <br><br> Security Guard: So…slots? <br><br> Joey: Sure…why not? <br><br> [Scene: Ross and Rachel’s delivery room.] <br><br> Ross: Come on, Sweetie! You’re almost done! <br><br> (Rachel pushes. A baby crying is heard.) <br><br> Rachel: Sequoia! (She is handed a beautiful baby boy. She starts crying.)Hello, Sequoia Ross Geller-Green. <br><br> Ross: He’s beautiful! Now we have two beautiful children: Emma Karen and Sequoia Ross Geller-Green. <br><br> Rachel: Yeah. I can’t wait to introduce Emma to her baby brother! <br><br> Ross: I know. Hey, don’t forget, Ben’s coming over this weekend. <br><br> Rachel: I know. Ross, I still get the feeling that he doesn’t like me… <br><br> Ross: Rach, of course he does. It’s just, he’s already got two moms, now he’s got three… <br><br> Rachel: So? <br><br> Ross: That’s too many women in his life. Or that’s what he thinks. <br><br> Rachel: I guess so. <br><br> Ross: I know so. (Kisses her forhead.) I love you, mother of two of my three children. <br><br> Rachel: No, I’m trying to be mother to all three of them. <br><br> Ross: (Hugs her.) I know. It’ll happen. <br><br> Rachel: I hope so. <br><br> [Scene: Monica and Chandler are in Janice’s pre-delivery room.] <br><br> Chandler: Janice? <br><br> Janice: Hey Monica, hey Chandler. <br><br> Monica/Chandler: Hi. <br><br> Janice: So, do you two want these? (Points to her belly.) <br><br> Monica: Uh, maybe… <br><br> Chandler: So, uh, Janice, why are you giving them up? <br><br> Janice: Well, when Sid found out that there were five, he couldn’t handle it and left. And I can’t afford to raise all five…so, I’m giving them to the only couple I knew would take care of them as well as I could’ve. So…uh…(Monica and Chandler look touched.) it would be an open adoption, and I’d love it if you named a girl Janice. <br><br> Chandler: Uh, Janice, can you excuse us? We need to talk. <br><br> Janice: Oh, sure. <br><br> (Monica and Chandler exit into the hallway.) <br><br> Chandler: What do we do? <br><br> Monica: What do you mean? We take the kids! <br><br> Chandler: But they’re from Janice! <br><br> Monica: I don’t care! This may be our only chance to have another child! <br><br> Chandler: Mon, remember the first time Jack and Erica laughed? <br><br> Monica: Of course. It was the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard. <br><br> Chandler: Well, these kids are gonna have Janice’s genes. Imagine their first laughs. (Imitates a baby doing the Janice laugh.) <br><br> Monica: Maybe you’re right…I mean, we’d be tied to Janice for the rest of our lives. <br><br> Chandler: Yeah… <br><br> Monica: Okay, let’s go tell her. (Monica heads for the door, Chandler stands still.) <br><br> Chandler: Mon? (She turns.) I don’t care. I still want them.<br><br> Monica: Really? <br><br> Chandler: Yeah. I mean, we wanted them before we knew there were Janice’s, right? <br><br> Monica: Yeah. <br><br> Chandler: So why should we feel any differently now? <br><br> Monica: Because they’re the spawn of Janice. <br><br> Chandler: I know. But…I still want them. <br><br> Monica: Me too. <br><br> Chandler: So, we’re taking them? <br><br> Monica: Yeah. <br><br> Chandler: We’re taking Janice’s quintuplets! <br><br> (They hug, then walk back into Janice’s room.) <br><br> Chandler: Janice? <br><br> Janice: Yeah? <br><br> Chandler: (Takes Monica’s hand.) Janice, we would be happy to adopt your children. <br><br> Janice: Really? <br><br> Monica: Really. We feel honored that you trust us to raise your children. <br><br> Janice: You two are the only ones I do trust. <br><br> (The doctor enters, does a check and she is wheeled out of the room. Monica and Chandler follow her.) <br><br> [Scene: Rachel’s post-delivery room.] <br><br> Ross: (Entering from the hallway.) I still can’t find Monica and Chandler. <br><br> Rachel: Maybe they went back to Phoebe and Mike’s. <br><br> Ross: Maybe. <br><br> Rachel: Hey, call their cell phone. <br><br> Ross: Good idea. (On the phone.)Hey! Where are you guys? (Pause.) Oh! That’s great! (Covers the receiver, then to Rachel.) They’re adopting quintuplets! (Pause.) They’re whose? (He freezes, Rachel takes the phone from him.) <br><br> Rachel: Congrats! (Pause.) They’re whose? (Hangs up.) <br><br> (Ross turns slowly to Rachel.) <br><br> Together: JANICE??? <br><br> [Scene: Janice’s delivery room. Janice is holding one baby. Monica and Chandler are each holding two. <br><br> Janice: This is the one I want to be named after me. <br><br> Monica: You got it. <br><br> Janice: So what will you name the other four? <br><br> Monica: Well, I have two boys. I want this one (Motions to the baby in her left arm.) to be Chandler junior, and this one (Motions to the baby in her right arm.) to be (Thinks.) Charlie. <br><br> Chandler: And this girl should be (Thinks.) Chasity. And this boy should be…(Thinks.) Jeffery. <br><br> Janice: Janice, Jeffery, Charlie, Chandler, and Chasity. I like it. <br><br> Monica: Thank you, Janice. These are five gifts I will always cherish. <br><br> Chandler: Yeah, there’s nothing we can ever do to thank you properly. <br><br> Janice: You can take care fo and love them as much as I would’ve. <br><br> Chandler: We’ll try our best. <br><br> (Ross enters.) <br><br> Ross: Hey Mon, hey Chandler. Hey…Janice. <br><br> Janice: Say hello to Janice Junior! <br><br> Ross: (Shoots a look to Monica and Chandler.) And who are these…four? <br><br> Monica: (Motioning to each as she names it.) This is Chandler and Charlie. <br><br> Chandler: (Motioning to each as he names it.) And this is Chasity and Jeffery. <br><br> Ross: Well, they’ve released Rachel. So we’re ready to leave whenever you are. <br><br> Monica: Okay. Can you just give us a moment alone with Janice? <br><br> Ross: Sure. (Exits.) <br><br> (Monica and Chandler each put their babies in the little baby bassinets, then walk to Janice. They stand, one on each side of the bed.) <br><br> Monica: Uh, Janice. I want to tell you just how much we appreciate what you are doing for us, but I just can’t find the words. But I want to promise you that we will love these children and treat them as well as you would’ve. We will raise them as our own, but we will tell them about the wonderful sacrifice you’re making for them right now. <br><br> Chandler: Yeah. And you can see them if you’d like. <br><br> Monica: Yeah, of course. <br><br> Chandler: Janice, I can’t find the words to thank you enough. <br><br> Janice: Don’t worry guys. I can see it in your eyes. <br><br> Chandler: We really are thankful, though. <br><br> Janice: I know. Just love them, okay? <br><br> Monica: No problem. <br><br> (Monica pokes her head out the door.) <br><br> Monica: Ross, can you come help us? <br><br> Ross: Sure. <br><br> (Ross enters. Monica and Chandler pick up the babies they were holding before. Ross walks over to Janice. She kisses the baby on the forehead.) <br><br> Janice: (Whispering to the baby.) I love you, little Janice. <br><br> (She hands the baby to Ross. Ross walks on out into the hallways. Monica and Chandler reach the door, then turn back to see Janice crying softly.) <br><br> Monica: Thank you, Janice. <br><br> Chandler: We’ll do our best. <br><br> Janice: I know. Good-bye. <br><br> (Monica and Chandler exit, the camera pans to Janice, silently crying. She holds it in one more second, then burst out sobbing loudly.) <br><br> [Scene: Phoebe and Mike’s. The kids are all still listening to Phoebe singing.] <br><br> Phoebe: (Singing.) …now your mom and your dad said she moved to Peru, but the truth is she died and some day you will too…lalalalalalalalalalala… <br><br> (Monica, Chandler, Ross, and Rachel enter with the 6 babies.) <br><br> Phoebe: (Turning to see the kids.) My God Rachel! You looked so little! How’d you fit all them in there? <br><br> Rachel: These aren’t all mine. Only this one. (Motions to the one she’s holding.) This is Sequoia. <br><br> Phoebe: Then…oh no. Monica, did you steal those children!!!??? <br><br> Monica: No. We uh, ran into Janice. <br><br> Phoebe: So? <br><br> Chandler: She had to give up her quintuplets and asked that we adopt them. <br><br> Phoebe: Quintuplets!? <br><br> Chandler: Yeah. These two are (Motioning to each.) Chasity and Jeffery. <br><br> Monica: These two are (Motioning to each.) Chandler Junior and Charlie. <br><br> Ross: And this one is Janice. <br><br> Mike: Wow, that’s a lot of kids! I’m glad I don’t live next door to you two. <br><br> Ross: (Under his breath.) Tell me about it. <br><br> Monica: Jack, Erica, come say hi to your new siblings. <br><br> Rachel: You, too, Emma. <br><br> (Jack, Erica, and Emma run to see their new siblings.) <br><br> Ross: Two houses, nine kids…the adventure begins. <br><br> Monica: Good thing we built on to the house last summer!<br><br> Ross: Hey, if you need more room, you can build over into our yard. That’d just save me the trouble of mowing it. <br><br> Chandler: Thanks. We’ll figure something out. <br><br> Rachel: Good luck! <br><br> [Scene: A Las Vegas Casino. Joey and the Security Guard are playing the slots. Joey sees a Days of our Lives costar and joins him.] <br><br> Joey: Hey, Danny! <br><br> Danny: Hey, Joey! What are you doing here, Joe? <br><br> Joey: I was on my way to New York and we ran into some bad weather. <br><br> Danny: That sucks, man. But hey, the weather’s cleared up now. <br><br> Joey: Yeah, but the next flight leaving from here to NYC isn’t for a few hours. And I’m kinda in a hurry. <br><br> Danny: Oh. Hey, I have an idea. I have a jet. I can fly you out there on mine. <br><br> Joey: Really? <br><br> Danny: Yeah, I have my pilots license and everything. <br><br> Joey: Awesome man! <br><br> Danny: Yeah, let’s go! <br><br> [Scene: Mike and Phoebe’s apartment. Emma, Erica, Jack, Andrew, Chelsea, and Joey are playing in the playroom. Monica and Chandler are each holding two babies, Ross and Rachel are each holding one. The adults look bored.] <br><br> Phoebe: Hey, you guys, you wanna go get a cup of coffee? <br><br> All: Sure. <br><br> (Monica, Chandler, Ross, Rachel, Phoebe, Mike, Jack, Erica, Emma, Andrew, Chelsea, Joey, Janice, Jeffery, Chasity, Chandler Junior, and Charlie exit.) <br><br> [Scene: The coffeehouse. Monica, Chandler, Ross, and Rachel are sitting on the couch. Mike is sitting in the chair on the right, and Phoebe is sitting at the table on the left. Jack, Erica, and Emma are sitting at the table on the opposite sides of the couch, their backs to the camera. Rachel is holding Sequoia, Ross is holding Janice, Chandler is holding Chasity and Jeffery, and Monica is holding Chandler Junior and Charlie.] <br><br> Monica: This was a great reunion, you guys. <br><br> Phoebe: Yeah, it really was. <br><br> Chandler: It felt like something was missing though. <br><br> Ross: Yeah. I just wish Joey had been here. <br><br> (Joey enters, doesn’t see the group, and runs to the counter to ask Gunther if he’s seen them.) <br><br> Chandler: Every time! Ross, you must be magic or something! <br><br> (Gunther points out the large group and Joey turns. Everyone begins saying hello. Joey sees the large group of babies.) <br><br> Joey: Hey, what’s been going on? (Motions to all the kids.)<br><br> Monica: Oh, Joey, there’s so much to tell. <br><br><br><br><br><br> Got a Rant? Got a Rave? Send them to <a href="mailto:FriendsFanFicsByKaci@yahoo.com">me</a>. </font></b> </body> </html>