Season 4

The One With The Jellyfish

Ross (David Schwimmer) dumps Bonnie, which takes all night ... she leaves in the morning. In the mean time, Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) writes a long letter to Ross that she needs him to read before they get back together he tries to read it, but falls asleep. When Rachel asks him what he thought of the letter, Ross acts as though he read it and agrees with whatever the letter says. Once he discovers that the letter asks him to take full responsibility for the breakup, Ross isn't sure if he can keep up the charade. The burden of revealing Ross' true feelings causes the couple to break up once again. Meanwhile, Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow), upset that her real mother never tried to contact her, tells Phoebe Sr. that she never wants to see her again. Ultimately, the two reconcile. Monica (Courteney Cox) , Joey (Matt LeBlanc) , and Chandler (Matthew Perry) spend the day at the beach. When Monica gets stung by a jellyfish, Joey insists that peeing on the wound will lessen the pain. Monica, unable to "bend that way," asks Joey to do the honors. In the end, Joey gets "stage fright" and Chandler hat to do the deed.    


The One With The Cat

Monica runs into Chip Matthews, Rachel's prom date and the popular boy in high school. When he calls to ask Monica out, Rachel thinks he's calling for her and makes a fool of herself in front of Ross. Unfortunately, Chip hasn't changed much since high school - while he's still cute, he also still happens to live with his parents and work at the local movie theater. Nonetheless, Monica fulfilled her dream of dating Chip ... and dumping Chip. Meanwhile, Joey and Chandler place an ad in the paper to sell their entertainment center. When a prospective buyer asks Joey to demonstrate the spaciousness of the unit, Joey finds himself locked away while the apartment gets robbed. Phoebe finds a stray cat and is convinced that it's her mother reincarnated. A poster depicting the missing cat is found, but no one has the heart to tell Phoebe ... except for Ross.    


The One With The Cuffs

Chandler runs into Rachel's boss Joanna and the two end up having quite a fling. When Rachel sneaks into Joanna's office to scope out the bonus list, Chandler just happens to be handcuffed naked to a chair. Chandler, completely humiliated, begs Rachel to free him. But, after doing so, Rachel realizes that she has tote-handcuff Chandler or else her boss will know she has a key to her office. She's no better off after handcuffing Chandler to the filing cabinet. Finally, after Chandler threatens to bust Rachel, she sets him free, but under the condition that she tell Monica and Phoebe that he's well endowed. Thanks to Joey's big mouth, Chandler's exalted reputation lasts all of five minutes. Meanwhile, Monica "pulls a Monica" when she caters a party for her mother and accidentally loses a fake nail in one of the quiches. A salesman tries to sell Joey a set of encyclopedias, but Joey can only afford to buy the "V" volume. The boys furnish their apartment with a canoe and some patio furniture.    


The One With The Ballroom Dancing

When Joey chews out Mr. Treeger, the superintendent, for making Rachel cry, he nearly gets the girls evicted. To make up for it, Joey agrees to be Mr. Treeger's practice ballroom dancing partner. Mr. Treeger needs Joey's help so as to attract the attention of a certain female at the Superintendent's Ball. Ultimately, the two make great dancing partners. Meanwhile, Chandler takes Ross with him to the gym for moral support when he cancels his membership . Instead, -Ross ends up joining as well. Phoebe breaks her masseuse's oath and gets physical with one of her clients - she ends up being fired and he turns out to be married.       


The One With Joey's New Girlfriend

Chandler meets a very attractive girl, only to discover that she's dating Joey. As he gets to know Kathy better, Chandler's feelings grow deeper. Even though Joey appears to have no strong attachment to his new girlfriend, Chandler cannot help but respect that Kathy's his best friend's girl. Meanwhile, Rachel and Ross go out of their way to make each other jealous by mentioning their new love interests. Josh, Rachel's much younger beau, ends up stealing from her while Ross turns out to be nothing more than a baby-sitter for his new girlfriend Amanda. Phoebe's cold has turned her singing voice from high-pitched and whiny to sexy and sultry. When she recovers, she desperately tries to catch another cold.    


The One With The Dirty Girl

Chandler buys Kathy a rare copy of her favorite book "The Velveteen Rabbit" for her birthday. When Joey shows everyone his gift for Kathy, a pen that tells time, Chandler T that he can't let Joey give her a gift that's not as great as the one he got for her. Ultimately, Chandler has Joey give Kathy the book, but she knows who really bought her the special gift. Meanwhile, Monica borrows money from Phoebe so as to get her catering business off the ground. When she has trouble collecting the payment, Phoebe confronts the client for Monica -- the two realize that they make a great team. Rachel strives to finish a crossword puzzle all by herself, but really gets her answers by asking the gang random questions. Ross falls for a beautiful paleontologist -- that is until he discovers that she's a slob.    


The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line

When Chandler accidentally catches a glimpse of Kathy getting out of the shower, his frustrations reach their limit. When Joey's late for a date with Kathy because he's on another date with someone else, Chandler makes his move - the two kiss. Riddled with guilt, Chandler re-furnishes the apartment. When Kathy breaks up with Joey, he suspects there's another guy. Chandler admits that he's the other guy, which creates tension between the two friends. Meanwhile , Ross rediscovers his musical "sound," but he's actually not as talented as he and Phoebe seem to believe. Phoebe doesn't want to perform became she feels dwarfed but Ross' musical gift. 


The One With Chandler In A Box

Joey, still upset with Chandler because he kissed Kathy, decides to move out. When Chandler offers to make it up to Joey in any way possible, Joey makes him spend Thanksgiving day in one of the left-over furniture crates. When Kathy drops by to say that she's leaving because she doesn't want to be responsible for breaking up Joey and Chandler's friendship, Joey has a change of heart and lets his friend go after his girl. Meanwhile, Monica injures her eye, but doesn't want to see Richard again. She arranges to see the on-call doctor, who happens to be very cute and Richard's son. When the gang decides to draw names for secret Santa, it triggers Ross' pent-up feelings regarding Rachel's habit of exchanging gifts. Rachel makes Ross eat his words when she shows him all the momentos she kept from their courtship.    


The One Where They're Going To Party

Rachel decides to interview for a position as an assistant buyer, but Joanna, her bitter boss, ruins any chances Rachel had by lying about her character. When Rachel threatens to quit, Joanna creates an assistant buyer position for Rachel in her department instead. When she arrives at work the next day all ready to start her new position, Rachel discovers that Joanna died the night before ... of course the paperwork validating Rachel's promotion never went out. Meanwhile, Monica winds up getting a position as head chef at a local restaurant. Although Phoebe and Monica already bought a van for their catering business, Phoebe decides that Monica's happiness is more important than their joint business venture. The guys are all amped to party with their old buddy Gandolf, but he cancels at the last minute. When Joey suggests that they party without him, the evening ends short because everyone's too tired.    


The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie

Monica hires Joey to work for her at the restaurant so that she can fire him and show everyone who's boss. When Joey decides he likes the tips, he screws up Monica's plan. When he witnesses the other waiters ganging up on Monica, Joey jumps into action and gets himself fired, all the while gaining respect for Monica. Meanwhile, Rachel asks Chandler to set her up with someone from work. When Chandler's co-workers discover that Rachel isn't looking for a commitment and she's hot, everyone begs for her number. Phoebe racks her brain trying to write a song for her friends as a Christmas/Hanukah gift. Ross dates a girl from Poughkeepsie, but decides that the distance is a problem. When he takes the train to break up with her, he falls asleep and wakes up in Montreal ... with a girl from Nova Scotia.


The One With Phoebe's Uterus

Frank Jr. and Alice, having just eloped, ask Phoebe to be a surrogate mother for them. When Phoebe asks her birth mother for advice, Phoebe Sr. gives her daughter a puppy for a few days so she can see how difficult it is to give up something you love. Phoebe can't decide whether she's going to go through with the surrogacy - that is, until she gives Frank and Alice the puppy and sees how happy they are. If they're that happy over Phoebe giving them a puppy, how happy will they be when she gives them a child. Meanwhile, Ross gets Joey a job as a tour guide at the museum. At lunch Ross won't sit with his friend (the white coats don't sit with the blue blazers). Ross and Joey take a stand in the cafeteria, but they end up starting something that was better off left alone. Chandler, nervous about getting intimate with Kathy after she's been with Joey, asks the girls for advice and ends up hitting a home run.    


The One With The Embryos

Phoebe goes to the hospital to get fertilized with Frank and Alice's embryo. Because Frank and Alice can only afford to pay for the one session with the doctor, they decide to up their chances by implanting all five embryos. Feeling the pressure to conceive, Phoebe spends the rest of the day with her legs in the air. That night, a pregnancy test confirms that Phoebe is indeed expecting. Meanwhile, the guys challenge the girls to a trivia contest where the subject matter is ... each other. With the game tied, Monica ups the stakes by betting and losing their apartment to the guys.


The One With Rachel's Crush

Ross and Chandler go to see Kathy perform in a play, but they didn't expect to see her physically "perform." A jealous Chandler begins to wonder if there's something going on off stage between Kathy and her handsome co-star. When Joey theorizes that poor chemistry on stage translates to major chemistry off stage, Chandler accuses Kathy of cheating, even though he can't really prove anything. When everyone laughs at Chandler for listening to Joey' s theory, he goes to Kathy's apartment to make up with her, only to find her in bed with her costar. She explains that nothing was going on, but since Chandler dumped her, she figured what the hell. Meanwhile, Rachel wants to desperately date a client at work. The guys tell her to entice him with something he can't refuse ... like tickets to a basketball game. When she tells him she has tickets, the client accepts them and takes his nephew instead of Rachel.    


The One With Joey's Dirty Day

When Rachel's boss asks her to take his niece to the opera, she suddenly finds herself in a bind because Joshua, her crush, just moments before finally asked her out. Desperate, Rachel begs Ross to take Emily to the opera for her. Upon meeting her, Ross falls head-over-heels for the British beauty and the two find themselves spending the weekend together at a bed and breakfast in Vermont. Unfortunately, when Rachel tries to hook up with Joshua at his club that night, she gets turned away at the door. Meanwhile, exhausted from a recent fishing trip, Joey oversleeps for his big day acting on a Charlton Heston movie. Not having time to shower, Joey heads to the set and figures that he'll shower there. It just so happens that the only shower on set is the one in Charlton Heston's trailer. Joey goes for it and gets caught in the act by Chuck himself Monica and Phoebe take Chandler to a strip club to help him get over his break-up with Kathy. 


The One With All The Rugby

Ross and Emily run into a couple of her friends from London - they invite Ross to partake in a "friendly" game of rugby the next day. Because one of the guys makes a point of mentioning his past fling with Emily, Ross feels determined to play and kick ass (particularly his ass!) While Emily warns Ross of the dangers of rugby, he goes for it anyway and nearly dies in the process. With a couple of pointers from his girl, Ross pulls some smooth moves and ends up proving himself with a vengeance. Ross realizes more than ever that he truly adores Emily and would do anything for her. Meanwhile, Chandler runs into a divorced Janice and she immediately assumes her old post as his obnoxious girlfriend. In an effort to get rid of her once and for all, Chandler lies and says he's relocating to Yemen for work. When Janice sees him off at the airport, Chandler must do one of two things: either fess-up or fly to Yemen ... he boards the plane. Monica tears the apartment apart while tracking an electrical wire that leads to a switch without an outlet.    


The One With The Fake Party

In an act of desperation, Rachel hastily throws together a going away party for Emily as an excuse to invite Joshua over. Even though Ross has a romantic evening planned for his last night with her, Emily enjoys the party and doesn't want to leave. Rachel spends the evening persuading Joshua to stay by performing one humiliating stunt after the other. When Rachel confesses to Joshua that she's only trying to seduce him he reveals that the feeling is mutual ... except for the fact that he's just getting over a divorce and it's too soon for him start dating again. When Joshua leaves, Rachel sulks to Ross who is also disappointed - his big night with Emily was ruined. Rachel reminds Ross that the night is still young. Just then, Joshua reappears and Rachel invites him in for coffee and... Meanwhile, Phoebe is convinced that the baby needs meat because all other foods are making her nauseous. When she can no longer resist the temptation, Phoebe makes a deal with Joey if he abstains from eating meat for the rest of her pregnancy, than Phoebe can cat his meat and it won't be so wrong.    


The One With The Free Porn

Emily must go back to London, and Ross doesn't know what to do. When Monica convinces him to dash off to the airport, meet Emily at the gate, and pledge his love to her, the plan backfires on Ross -- Emily replies "thank you" and then gets on the plane. Monica, being the romantic that she is, encourages her broken-hearted brother not to give up hope. But, when Emily calls Ross, she reveals that there's "another man" in London. On a whim, Ross flies to London to fight for his girl. In the meantime, Emily shows up at the boys' apartment in search of Ross. While waiting outside of Emily's flat, Ross overhears a message playing on Emily's answering machine. As it turns out, Emily calls herself knowing that Ross may be listening and pledges her love for him as well. Ross calls Emily from a pay phone and says 'thank you." Meanwhile, the boys discover an X-rated channel on cable and decide not to turn the TV off, for fear of losing the free peep show. Phoebe learns that she's carrying triplets. Frank and Alice, who are initially thrilled at the idea, begin to panic when Phoebe reminds them of the great financial burden this will pose. In an effort to help, Phoebe contrives a plan for her and Frank to make extra money -- she'll massage people in the back of her old catering van while Frank drives-, hence, the "relaxi taxi."    


The One With Rachel's New Dress

In an attempt to sweep Joshua off his feet, Rachel serves her new beau a romantic dinner cooked by none other than Monica for their third date. The night is off to a wonderful start ... that is until the duck and the rooster appear. Joshua, traumatized by a childhood encounter at a petting zoo, suggests that they move the party over to his parents house, which is vacant for the time being. When Rachel decides to slip into "something a little more comfortable," Joshua's parents appear out of nowhere - their trip out of town was cut short. They make Rachel's acquaintance when they find her sprawled out on the couch in nothing more than a skimpy nighty. Trying to save face, Rachel insists that her outfit is actually a dress -- working in fashion, she's required to try out potential trends. And from the expressions on Joshua's parent's faces, Rachel knows this particular dress won't be a trend any time soon. In the end, a humiliated Rachel returns home to her apartment ... alone. Meanwhile, Alice asks Phoebe to name one of the male triplets. When Chandler decides to change his name after Joey convinces him that it's dumb, Phoebe encourages him not to when she decides to name the baby after him. Emily shows Susan a good time when she's in London shooting a commercial. A paranoid Ross convinces Carol that history may be repeating itself... are Emily and Susan an item?  


The One With All The Haste

The girls are desperate to get their apartment back. When they offer the boys season tickets to the Nicks, Chandler decides that that's not enough (although it's tempting). Rachel throws out the idea of holding one more contest, but this time it's all or nothing. When the score is still tied at zero/zero after numerous rounds of silly games, the girls call it off and offer the boys one last chance at taking the tickets and giving them back their apartment. When Chandler and Joey appear to be content with watching the Nicks game on TV in their apartment, a frantic Monica suggests that not only will the boys get the season tickets if they so choose, but she and Rachel will indulge their lesbian fantasy and kiss in front of them. The boys move out of the apartment with enormous smiles on their faces. Meanwhile, Ross can no longer contain his deeply felt love for Emily. When he admits to the guys that he has an impulse to ask her to marry him, Chandler and Joey talk him out of it and encourage him to fight the urge. Finally, Ross can't stand it anymore and he proposes to a surprised Emily, who eventually says "yes." When Ross breaks the news to the gang, everyone immediately looks to Rachel for a reaction. Rachel,. doing a fine job of hiding her shock and disappointment, congratulates Ross to everyone's relief.    


The One With The Invitation

When sending out the invitations for their wedding, Emily questions Ross' notion of including Rachel-, after all, won't it be awkward for the ex-lovers? While reminiscing about his past with Rachel (with help from clips), Ross concludes that he must invite her - she's been a huge part of his fife. When everyone receives their invitation, Phoebe begins to feel a bit left because she's too pregnant to fly anywhere. Rachel uses Phoebe's pregnancy as an excuse for her to stay home, too _ Phoebe may need her help. When Monica confronts her about the real reason she won't go, Rachel confesses that it would be too painful to watch Ross get married. Monica sympathizes with her friend, but encourages Rachel not to be too hasty in making her decision. After reminiscing about her past with Ross (with help from clips), Rachel decides against going to the wedding.    


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