My banner

OK...welcome to the banner might be wondering...Banner section??? you can see the terms and conditions for having my banners in your page...

Ok,here we go...down there is the banner...yeah the cute ones down there

One easy way to have my banner on your page is to copy and paste the HTML codes given there(Just don't change ANYTHING on them please.

If you need anything else about me and my page, like adding the banner of your know what to do; Just send me a mail!!! Or fill in the form:


Name of the webpage

E-mail address?

location of the banner

Url from webpage?

These are the banners

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This site is powered by the ICQ Banner Exchange Panel © 2000 ICQ Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The use of the ICQ Banner Exchange Panel is subject to the ICQ Tools Notice
and the other ICQ Terms of Service documents.