JFP Speaks out


Adams talks about the Season Finale

I loved the season finale, I think it was my fav. episode from all the season, it was really funny like the part when Monica and chandler wanna make a baby and when they start , she says " Oh, wait, do you have a condom?" , you're like okayyyy, when Janice comes, it was hilarious, the part when I got mad was the last part, for those who watched it, u know what I'm talking about , you have one opinion in that part :"oh,my god". For those who hasn't see it, you have to see it. The name of the baby is EMMA for those who didn't know. To sum it up, you have to see it because if not, you're gonna regret it. I'll give u one clue: Someone "proposes", and is the least person u think it is" Thank u for taking time to read this. See ya later

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