Terry's Friends Encounter

My Name is Terry and  Last Year October 20th. I was in the Audience to Watch
my 6 most Fav Friends tape the Christmas Episode of "The Holiday Armadillo!"
And was fortunate to have a Close Friends in counter!!

It was my 1st trip ever to Cali to Visit my Brother PJ who lives in Newport
Beach!! I was just psyched to be going to Cali for the 1st time . It was just
such a treat to be able to get tixs to see a taping!! My Bro's girlfriend
Lizzy was going with me and I was Psyched beyond mention!! About 2 weeks
before I was suppose to leave Liz told me that she wasn't able to get off
work! I was disappointed that she couldn't go with me but there was no way I
was going to pass up this 1 in a lifetime thing. So I decided that I would go
by myself!! So I figured if I'm goin do it I'm going do it right!!

So I rented myself a Mustang Convertible!! (I mean its Cali, Come on) I got
the directions to Warner Bros up in Burbank off the internet, had PJ check
them out for me and he said that they were pretty accurate.

So I spent my very 1st morning in Cali by gett'n up early(which is a bitch
when U are Jet Lagged) and drove up to LA. I left Newport Beach at about
9:30am and was in front of the Warner Bros lot by 11:30am!! Not bad!! And
played the waiting GAME!! The taping was suppose to start at 2:OOpm, and I
was #21 in line and there is enough seating in the Studio for 230. So I was
as good as in (or so I thought)

Well 1:45pm rolls around and we are informed that the rehearsal was running
later than expected and that before they let the General public in they need
to let the VIP's in and they weren't sure how many VIP's there were, so we
wait some more. Waiting was so bad cauz I ended up budding up w/these 2 girls
in front of me!! So it was cool!!

By 3:00pm we are informed that rehearsal is over and the VIP's are being let
in and there where quite a few. We wait some more. Finally by 3:30pm we are
told that there are 230 VIP's and anyone with a # 50 and above will not make
it in. But those of us with #'s 1 to 50 will be able to get in for the 2nd
seat'n at 6pm. So I stayed!! They gave us time for Din Din. So Me and my 2
new Friends got into my Convertible and went and got some Quick fast food and
made a stop at the NBC store!! Where I got A F*R*I*E*N*D*S Sweatshirt(and it
was a good thing I did) and my Bro's Girl friend a T-shirt (cuz I felt bad
that she couldn't come w/me).

We got back to the Studio by 5:45 and waited again until 6:15pm. Basically
they would call us by # as the VIP's left. My Friends and I were called
around 6:15. I couldn't believe it I was so psyched I was numb!! They led us
thru the lot to Studio 15 I think and put us thru security. They are very
stricted, No Camera's allowed!! Bummer!!

When we got in they were in the middle of film'n a scene. (the scene where
Rachel is play'n Joey's Drums!!) So we had to wait until the scene was
finished before we could go up the stairs to the seats!! And Basically it was
take any empty seat !! So When we were cleared to come up I got a seat in the
4th row back right in front of Monica/Chandlers apt set w/ Joey and Rachels
apt to the left of that and the Central Perk on the Right!!

I was amazed!! The 1st Friend I saw up close was Courtney Cox Arquette who
came out to get makeup touched up!! I ended up see'n 9 out of 16 scenes that
were bein shot that day!! Some of the scenes where shot 2 and 3 times and
poor David was in the Armadillo suit for over an hour!! Its amazing how long
it takes to tape for a 30 minute sitcom!!!

In between the Breaks there was a DJ play'n music and the warm up guy giv'n
away Friends Stuff!! I ended up walk'n away w/a Friends T-shirt (w/the cast
on it), a Friends Fish'n Hat, that a gave to my Brother, and a Friends Hacky
Sack, that I gave to Lee
, (my fav lil sis that I never wanted,tehe, nah she
knows I love her:) ) Which was actually thrown up to the Audience by the 2
Matts. During on of the Breaks they were attempting (and I mean Attempting,
remember Mathew was in a Santa Outfit, which made it quite difficult to get
his leg up) to play with them and the Warm up Guy asked them if they would
throw them up and them be'n the Great Guys that they are said sure. So I was
lucky to grab one that Mathew Perry Chucked up and Now Sway is the proud
owner!! I really hit the Friends Jackpot!!

During the longest break which they called the Dinner Break (if u can call it
that cauz it was at 8:30pm) they fed us Pizza and Water) and it was quite
good!! I was also a good think that I had my Sweatshirt Cuz the SoundStage
was Freez'n!! Geez!!! The whole experience was amazing!! But the best is yet
to come.

So it was dur'n the long break and Matt LeBlanc was in his Superman Costume!!
Walk'n around close to the audience so I took the opportunity to get down to
the front aisle and started to talk to one of the Assistance who let me get
as close to the rail'n. Matt was about 10 ft in front of me and I yelled in
my best Brooklyn Accent "Hey Joey, How U Doin??" Matt turned around and said
Geez that's pretty Good and smiled!! What a Great Smile he has. He Came over
and said hello and asked me where I was from and I told him NY and then
proceeded to Tell him How Great I thought he was and to Thank Him for giving
me the Greatest Gift, "The Gift of Laughter" . He thanked me and reached
up(cuz the audience seats are raised above the stages) and gave me a Hug!! Or
as I like to call it "MY Joey Love!" What a Cutie!! He is just as Cute in
Person than he is on TV!! Everything happened so fast that I wasn't able to
get an Autograph!! But that's Cool!! Cuz I got a Hug instead!!

The Girls where awesome 2 and it was actually right after Jennifer cut her
hair!! Though I have to admit that Lisa Was the most impressive to me!! There
was just that Pheobe Real quality about her.

The taping ended at 10pm!! What a Long Day, but an awesome one!! One that I
will certainly never ever forget. I drove my new friends back to their hotel
in Burbank and drove home back to my Brothers and Got home around 11:30pm. I
was beat but so so excited about the dayz events!! The way I saw it, It
doesn't get any better than that!!

So my 1st trip To Cali was Awesome!! "Dreams Really Do Come True!!"




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