Read this fanfic and think about a good ending for it.At the end you will be able to write how you think it should end...Also if you want to be a judge instead of writting an end for the fic just writte I WANT TO BE A JUDGE in the form.THANKS!
Current Judges: Zillie,and me


Written by: Jeniffer

This fanfic is located in the seventh season, Monica, and Chandler are at one apartment and Rachel and Joey are in the other; Ross and Phoebe on their own apartments. Any comments about how is it just e-mail me at:

Disclaimer: This fanfic script is based on the characters and settings of the TV show "Friends", which is the property of Warner Bros. and Bright Kauffman Crane Productions, Their use is not intended for profit, only for entertainment."

Special thanks to the JPF Friend "P-Chan" who helped with a few ideas.

[SCENE: Central Perk , Joey enters excited everyone is there]

Joey: Hey there! Guess what? The "DOOL" people just gave me my own cell phone!!

Ross: Way to go Joe!! Do you know how to use all its functions yet?

Joey: What? No, but look how small

(The cell phone rings and he answers it with a fake manly voice)

Joey: Hello?? Ok...yeah I'm going to be there in 15 minutes ok?

Monica: And you are not going to pay anything for it?

Joey: No , if I give this one back hen I buy my own one.

Chandler: Ok, in that case I think I must warn you that this time I wont borrow you any money of you anything happens to it.

Joey: Ok...fine.

Credits/Comercial Break

[Scene: Silver Cup studios Joey enters making everything he could to show everyone his new cellphone]

Joey (to the producer) So, when is my scene?

Producer: is the script if you want to take another look to it, but Im afraid that another scene went bad and your scene is going to be later, so why don't you go home and we'll give you a call. I mean you have your new cell phone right?

(Joey go back to his apartment and when he is about to open the door he falls with the step and his cell phone crashes against the floor)

Joey: Please turn on...please turn on....(it doesnt) Oh...crap!!

[Scene: Central Perk; Joey enters ; Chandler, Ross and Rachel are there]

Joey: Hello Everyone!

Ross: is your new cell phone?

Joey: Good...I guess...

Ross: Why? I mean haven't you seen all the functions yet?

Joey: ...Kind of...

Ross: Can I see it please?

Joey: Okay...(He gives Ross the cell phone and just waits for his reaction. Meanwhile Rachel is curling her eyelashes and holding a mirror, Ross is pressing all the buttons on the cell phone but it doesn't seems to work)

Joey: Dude! Why does it seems that you have broken it?!!

Ross: Im sorry Joey!, but it seem to be something wrong with it, I just tried to turn it on!

Joey: It seems to be broken, and you'll have to pay for it...!!

Rachel: Are you sure that it wasn't broken Joe?

Joey: Oh...! Come on! Who would be THAT stupid!

(Chandler takes Rachel's mirror and puts it in front of Joey so he could reflects there)

Joey: A mirror can't do that!!!...Wait a minute are you saying it was me?! Yeah...fine I did it...

Ross: I knew it! Its the same thing that happened with your fridge!!!

Joey: Ok, but you don't need to throw all that stuff into my face ok?

So what do you think this fanfic should end? Fill in the next form and let me know it!!! The best ending for this fanfic is going to be posted and will be the winner of Jeniffer's Friends Page Fanfic Contest!


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