T.O.W.T. Wedding Week Part one

(Setting Central Perk, Everyone is there)
Monica: I can't believe i am getting married!
Chandler: It seems like only yesterday, it was Ross' Wedding.
Phoebe: Which one?
Ross: Ha ha very funny.
Rachel: Yeah, but i wonder what's going to happen this time. (She looks at
Monica.) You fell for Chandler last time.
Monica: Well, i couldn't help it.
Chandler: Did you hear that, i couldn't help it, i couldn't help myself, i
(Everyone is staring at him)
Chandler: O.K.
Phoebe: I can't wait to sing shall i sing my song.
(Every mumbles something about having to go and gets up)
Phoebe: No come on,  it'll be fun, it's my best yet.
Monica: Phoebe, it better not be that one.
Phoebe: What, oh no , but i spent ages on it!
Chandler: Well ok,

Phoebe:                       When i first met these two.
                                    I needed the loo.
                                    But now i don't
                                   So don't fret
                                   Cos i can bet
                                   They'll stay together
(They all clap)
Phoebe: Wait that wasn't all of it, here's the best bit!
                                  Cos they aren't.....
                                  Smelly Cats, Smelly Cats
                                  Cos Monica is feeding them,
                                   Smelly Cats, Smelly Cats
                                   It uuuuummm, lalalalalalala
Joey: Wow Phoebe! Brilliant
Rachel: Yeah!
Opening Credits.
(Joey and Rachels place. Ross and Joey are talking)
Ross: Come on, i've known him for ages. It's gotta be me.
Joey: How can he resist? I am the prettiest.
(He walks off, Ross realises what he said and runs after him)
Ross: But you were mine and well,
Joey: Ok it wasn't my fault
Ross: well,
Joey: Don't dis the duck. I expect it thought it was a chip or something.
Ross: A chip, yeah!
(Rachel walks in)
Ross: I am
Joey: No me!
Rachel: What, what are you fighting about?
(Joey and Ross speak over each other)
Joey: Well he thinks he can be Chandler's Best man, but i can, it wasn't the
ducks and, and,
Ross: I've known Chandler for ages and Joey was mine and it's not fair it's
even my sister!
Rachel: Wow! Amazing Flashback, What has Chandler said?
Ross: He doesn't mind.
Rachel :well you know what we have to do.
Joey: Fight?
Rachel: No, when me and Phoebe were fighting over Maid of honour, we had
auditions. Well we just do that for you. Ok
Ross: Ok sweety, what if i brought you...
Rachel: Well, you gentleman.
Joey: I'd give you a massage and dinner, and i take you to Bloomingdales and
spend as much as you want on you!
Rachel: Sorry Ross! Come on then Joey.
Joey: (Smiling) Ha!
Ross: (putting on a high voice) ha! ha! ha! ha!
Fade out to Monica and Chandler
(Chandler and Monica come out of the bedroom Phoebe is sitting there watching)
Chandler: AAAAHHHH!
Monica: What are you doing here?
Phoebe: Well i thought, that because Rachel was your Maid of Honour, that i
could be your singing bridesmaid?
Chandler: Awww that's sweet.
Monica: Well yeah if you want to!
Phoebe: Oh great, here's my dress.
(Chandler and Monica look suprised as Phoebe goes out, she brings back in a
pink polka dot dress.)
Chandler: Oh, my, God!
Monica: Oh Pheebs no!
Phoebe: No, but i saved up so much for this dress.
(Monica picks up someting on the dress)
Monica: $5.00?
Phoebe: Great, well just great.( She sniffs dramatically)
Chandler: Oh Phoebe you can wear it!
Phoebe: Oh great bye!(She runs out)
Monica: What?
Chandler: We can sneek back into her flat tonight and get it. Then we can
hide it and say we are really sorry, and buy her a new one.
Monica: Chandler that is such a......(Thinks it through) great idea!
Chandler: I know!
(Setting Central Perk. Ross and Rachel and Joey are sitting on the sofa. Joey
and Ross won't look at each other. Rachel is trying to ease is situation)
Rachel: Joey, that was a lovely meal
Joey: For you anything
Rachel: Awww, your soo sweet.
Ross: Could you remind the actor, that it's my sister's wedding and not yours
and Rachels
Joey: Could you remind the teacher that, uuummm, get over Rachel, she not
yours any more.
Rachel: So who's am I?
Joey: Well seeing your living with me, then mine nearly.
Rachel: Awww, your so sweet.
Joey: No i am serious
Rachel: Really(She looks him in the eye) Seriously?
Joey: Well you you never know
Rachel: Oh Joey (she kisses the top of his head and shakes her own)
Ross: For god sakes!
Ending Credits
(Monica and Chandler's Flat Monica and Chandler come out of their room,
dressed in black.)
Monica: Come on!
Chandler: I'm scared
Monica: She has a polka dot pink dress, which she could wear at our wedding..
Chandler: Runnn! Runnn! Runn!
(They creep across the room Chandler falls over the sofa)
Chandler: Owwww!
Chandler: Ok (They creep out of the door.)

To be continued...