Boy Meets World

Boy Meets World has atleast 6 friends towards the last 2 or 3 seasons which are Cory, Topanga, Shawn, Angela, Eric, Jack, and (coincedently)Rachel. At different points in time, Cory and Topanga are roomates, Shawn and Cory are roomates, Angela and Topanga are roomates, Eric, Rachel, and Jack are roomates, and Cory and Eric are roomates, and Topanga, Rachel, and Angela are roomates.

Friends has 6 friends that are also roomates at different points in time. Rachel and Monica are roomates, Rachel and Joey are roomates, Rachel, Monica, and Chandler are roomates before Phoebe replaces Rachel, Phoebe and Monica are roomates, Phoebe and Joey are roomates before Rachel replaces Phoebe, Chandler and Monice are roomates, Chandler and Joey are roomates, Ross, Chandler, and Joey are roomates, and for a few days, Phoebe and Ross are roomates.

Cory and Topanga get married. Angela and Shawn date. Eric shows interest in Rachel. Chandler and Monica get married. Ross and Rachel date. Phoebe and Joey seem a little interested in each other.

Cory and Topanga start out as friends then as boyfriend and girlfriend. Both pairs, Ross and Rachel, Chandler and Monica start out as friends and then become something more.

Cory gets kissed by another girl and Topanga breaks up with him. This basically makes Shawn to choose Cory as a friend over Topanga. Ross sleeps with another girl while him and Rachel are on a break and they break up. This basically makes the group have to choose sides.


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