JFP Speaks out

Jeniffer's Friends Page Speaks Out!

This time issue:Who is the Father of Rachel's baby??

All around the "friends webs" this is the most disscussed issue: Who is the baby's father?

We have a lot of things here that are suspicious

Well there might be two reasons:

1.-The groom is not suposed to se the bride 24 hours before the wedding, so Rachel could stayed at Monica's and Chandler at Joey's.
2.-If(notice the if)Joey was the father of the baby she could't be able to take the pregnancy test at her place.

1.-No, because when she was trying to entertain Monica so she didn't notice Chandler was missing she said something about just going to have some meaningless sex with...Joey!; she wouldn't be kidding with that if she had really slept with him.
2.-Yes,in the beggining of this Season Rachel was a little upset about not being married, and she almost slept with Ross for this reason, so as roommates "accidents" like those could happen

1.-No, because Ross haven't had sex in a lot time before the wedding so the "time" wouldn't match...unless they made some magical moves on the "tv universe", also because their whole history
2.-Yes,in the beggining of this Season Rachel was a little upset about not being married, and she almost slept with Ross for this reason,they never had their "bonus night" and he never closed they possibility of getting back together (enough reason to make Chandler cry)

1.-No, again because of the whole timme thing if you make counts of then last time we saw Rachel and Tag together ,if she wouldn't notice she was pregnant by this time?I mean she would be more than one month pregnant, but as I said before they could make changes, also that would totally ruin her plan
2.-Yes,as the last known partner he has a lot of chances of being the father in case we didnt saw them getting together on a "goodbye" kind of thing

1.-No,I mean he is like SO gay, he got divorced and turned himself into a woman!, this is makes him like the last guy in earth for a possible father,that would be a weird turn to the storyline, and Rachel didnt know him until the wedding , remmember she confused him with "A-man-duh!"
2.-Yes, being the last guy we would think could be a possible parent, the writters could surprise us...but I should accept its kind of ...not possible

1.-No, because it wouldn't fit in the history,he would show up as a fling she had we've never heard about...I don't think this is what the people would like, and also NBC and Warner Bros. wouldnt pay that much if they had a better way to tie all the loose ends
2.-Yes,he could make a guest appeareance as a favor for her wife; and if she is pregnant in real life as the "gossip" has been heard well who knows how could that end ...

The Option of Chandler's Dad was a sugguestion by:Lianne

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