NOTE: Before you answer the question make sure you have read the Rules
Also check the Positionsand the AWARD Winners


What historic stage name Joey tried to pick?

This JFP TRIVIA will have a "new" feature for people who has already participated on the JFP TRIVIA, and this is a question "what brand of cigarettes does Chandler smokes during seasons 1-4?" Who ever helps me to answer that question before Sept will gain 3 points and a special sound clip of your choice...Why am I doing this? well...I cant find that answer anywhere and I am going crazy...

This question will be also posted for people who hasnt answered the TRIVIA yet, but they will be receiving only the 3 points, and no sound.
But there is something good for all you people...if you ask a friend who is not already part of JFP TRIVIA to answer this question, and he gets it correct, they will get the 3 points , and you will get the sound


Answer 1

Answer to Extra Question


Are you a JFP Friend??
Url from webpage?

Recomended by:

Last Week JFP Trivia:
What was Rachel's new years resolution during 99?
Answer= To gossip less
by:Rach, Janet, Helen, etc...







  1. A question will be posted every week , the first person who answers it, will win 1 extra point.
  2. The person who reaches the 20 points will receive an AWARD!!!
  3. When someone reaches 19 points and truly hard question will be asked, and the others who answer it correctly will get an extra point.
  4. If you are a JFP Friendyou'll get an extra point if you answer correctly even if you were not one of the first person to answer!!
  5. If you are a JFP Friend and you are participating on the trivias for the first time, just send the answer and include that you are a JFP Friend, I'll check that you are a JFP friend and that you have the button, then I'll give you a code in order to just check once if you are a JFP Friend.
  6. The award will be specially made for each person who gets the 20 points.









  1. Helena Reis (19)
  2. Helen (18)
  3. Janet(18)
  4. Claudia (17)
  5. Jenny (17)
  6. Liz Klemp (16)
  7. Marco (14)
  8. Beth(14)
  9. Chrissy (11)
  10. Caroline Curran(8)
  11. Hila (4)
  12. Emily(3)
  13. Ziggy (3)
  14. Gem (3)
  15. Gemma (3)
  16. Dan (2)
  17. Kieran(2)
  18. Emily Eller (2)
  19. Tu (2)
  20. Shauntae (1)
  21. genaphyr (1)
  22. Eliana(1)
  23. Adams (1)
  24. Michelle(1)
  25. Sheila(1)
  26. Jamie(1)
  27. Kathleen(1)
  28. Adams (1)
  29. Anna C. (1)
  30. Yolena (-)






Winners of the AWARD:

  1. Rachel (June 2002)