Brown Paper Packages – Interlude - Amsterdam 
by Alexandria 


“Oh, sir, sir, I’m so sorry, I’m so clumsy,” Dru cried out as she tripped
into the man’s arms, lifting her sorrowful dark eyes to stare helplessly
into the man’s face.

“Now my dear, don’t apologize, no harm. Are you fine, seem to have
twisted your ankle. Let me help you over to sit for a bit.” The man
guided Dru to the bench and carefully sat her down, hands fussing about
her shoulders, rearranging her shawl.

“Oh, you are too kind, I apologize, I just caught my heel in the
cobblestones, please, I’m fine, now.” Dru smiled slightly, leaning in
just close enough for the man to catch a whiff of flowers.

He smiled back, caught in the depths of her eyes. “Are you sure, seemed a
little unsteady, you look a little pale, are you well, do you need
something to drink, perhaps something to eat,” he saw her eyes spark a
little at that. Embolden, he pressed on. “There’s a lovely café just
around the corner, if you have nowhere else to be, perhaps you could join

Dru just stared back for a moment, then shook her head slowly. “No, no,
I’m sorry, I can’t, have to meet my mate. But it is so kind of you to
ask.” She leaned suddenly forward and pressed a short kiss to the man’s
neck, bringing her hands to his chest. “You are such a dear.” With that,
she hopped up and scurried across the street. The man just sat there,

Spike suppressed a snort as he watched Dru bounce over to him, cradling
Miss Edith in her arms. Yet another bloke under her spell. It was a good
thing that Dru was so good at nicking wallets, their money was nearly gone
and he was sick of staying in the dank rooms that he had found down by the
piers. He may be going soft, but he wanted a bed, with clean sheets and
hot, running water.

“Hello, darling, did I do well?” Dru bounced up and pressed her lips
quickly to Spike’s.

“Of course, princess, you always do.” Spike quirked an eyebrow as he
watched Dru lick her lips. “Luv, you didn’t take much did you, too many
people about for that.” He should have known, her control wasn’t good at
the best of times and these certainly weren’t that.

“Just a nip, he tastes so lovely. Here, a pressie for you.” With that,
she handed Spike the wallet.

He let out a low whistle when he opened it. There was a large stack of
bills, pound notes at that. He knew it was a good idea to come down to
the tourist area, the people here were drunk and wealthy and the pickings
were good. He flipped through the rest of the wallet, briefly considering
taking the credit cards, then deciding it wasn’t worth the bother. There
was over 3000 pounds and that would last them for at least a few weeks.

“Pet, you did very, very well,” Spike grinned, some of the worry lifting
from him. It was hard enough to keep Dru somewhat stable when they
weren’t concerned every minute with just existing. This would give him at
least a few days respite. It was exhausting making sure that his dark
princess was happy enough not to simply kill everyone she saw. He pulled
her close, feeling a precious moment of happiness steal across him. No
matter how hard, it was worth it. He had Dru and there was no Angelus to
fuck it up, no Daddy to take her away from him.

“Is there anywhere you would like to go, princess? You deserve a treat
for being so good.”

Dru smiled up at him, the corners of her mouth tilting evilly. “Miss
Edith wants to go back to that place with the chains. She liked it, she
thought the people were so funny, dressing up like that.”

Spike just nodded and led them down the street, congratulating himself
once again on deciding to come to Amsterdam. It helped when he didn’t
have to search for places that would tolerate their idea of entertainment.
Hells, he didn’t even have to look hard, anything and everything you
could want was readily available. He had even witnessed a few things that
surprised him and it was hard to surprise a century old vampire who was a
childe of Angelus.

They quickly entered the leather bar, Spike finding a nice, dark corner
from where they could watch the proceeding. Dru clapped happily as they
saw a man being whipped by a woman dressed in a leather bustier, thong,
fishnet stockings and eight inch high heels. Spike captured a waitress’s
eye and soon was drinking down a nice pint of bitter. He relaxed,
enjoying the moment.

“Look at them, Spike, aren’t they lovely, trying so hard. Why, that girl
there, she can almost tie a perfect knot. And look, there, see, watch her
make him crawl. Please, please can I turn one? It would be fun, have a
pet around the house.” Dru’s eyes sparkled as she watched, the faintest
tinge of pink coming to her skin.

“No, luv, sorry, too much bother. Let you play with them later, though.” 
Spike began running his hands through Dru’s hair, feeling the passion
build. It always excited Dru to see this, torture still made her
happiest. “So, having a nice time, princess?”

Dru settled back into Spike’s arms, twisting her face to meet his. “Yes,
Spike, so nice.” They leaned into the kiss, Dru turning to face him
fully. She suddenly bit down, hard, on his lower lip and the blood began
to pour down his chin and into her mouth. The kiss grew more frantic and
Spike suddenly stood, crashing the table to the floor. Dru just wrapped
her legs around his waist as Spike slammed her back into the wall. She
locked her arms around his neck as Spike moved his hands under her skirt,
hoping that she had forgotten to wear underwear again, needing to plunge
into her.

“Sir, if I may speak to you for a moment,” a quiet voice sounded in his
ear as he felt the tap on his shoulder. Wrenching his mouth away from
Dru’s, torn by the whimper his actions immediately produced, he turned his
head, not bothering to try to hide his face.

“Go the fuck away,” he hissed out, yellow eyes blazing.

“Sir, really, I don’t mean to interrupt, but if I may speak to you for
just a moment, I will be more than happy to show you to one of our upper
rooms so that you may continue on in a little more comfort.”

Spike slowly slid Dru down the wall as he turned to face the man speaking
to him, curious as to who could show such a lack of brains. Or who could
have such huge balls as to interrupt a vampire about to fuck.

“Speak fast, can’t promise I can hold her back.” Spike was having a hard
time with Dru, needing all his force to keep her from lunging at the man.

“Yes, I do apologize. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lars. You may
have heard of me.” He continued to stare straight into Spike’s eyes,
showing no fear of the vampire standing before him.

Spike’s eyes narrowed a bit as he thought. Lars. In Amsterdam. It
sounded familiar, why? His eyes opened widened when the connection hit

“Lars, eh? The bloke who runs those vampire sex shows? No wonder we
didn’t scare you, heard that old Skylar took you under his wing.” Lars,
Sklyar’s pet human. Not to be trifled with under penalty of death.

“I’m honored that you’ve heard of me.” A slight bow at that. “Please, do
sit for a moment, as I said, I have a proposition for you.”

Spike turned to Dru, holding her arms back. “Dru, please, just be quiet
for a moment. I need to speak with this bloke then I will be right back,
I swear.” Dru pouted at him for a second then nodded, her attention drawn
away by the vision of the twins who were kissing one another while rubbing
their breasts down the body of the man on the rack.

“I was impressed by your performance just now. Very nice. I happen to
run a little movie company, thought you might be interested in joining.”

“I don’t suppose I have to ask what kind of movies you make,” Spike said,
quickly lighting a cigarette. A small smile was his only response. 
“Well, as interesting as that sounds, can’t, don’t show up on film you

“Ah, that’s not quite true,” the knowing answer came back immediately. 
“You don’t show up in pictures. On videotape is quite another story. 
Trust me, the two of you would film magnificently.” Lars ran his eye
appreciatively over the planes of Spike’s face. There was a face that was
born to be in front of the camera and he was quite sure the rest of
Spike’s body would be just as perfect.

“Really, well, why would we do this? What’s in it for us?” Spike
continued to smoke, waiting to hear the man’s proposition.

“Money. I understand that you have been a bit down on your luck
recently.” Spike started to rise at that but stopped when Lars
defensively raised his hands. “It’s a small town, Master, and the two of
you are quite famous you know.”

“Hmmm, be that as it may, what’s the offer?” Spike tilted his head,
interested. This might be the answer to their troubles. He knew that Dru
would enjoy it and, for once, he would know who else it was that she was
fucking, he would know that it meant nothing more than money. As for
himself, well, he always did fancy a good shag and it was about time
someone realized that death and mayhem weren’t his only gifts.

“Do a few films, the equivalent of four thousand U.S. dollars for each,
you choose how you want it, dollars, pounds, yen, marks, whatever. Three
points net on sales.”

Spike took a quick drink and looked the man over. “Do you think I’m a
fucking idiot. Five thousand pounds, each. Six points gross.”

Lars just smiled back, knowing that it was all over but the bartering. 
“Forty-five hundred dollars, four points, net.”

Spike grinned back, he always did like a good duel. “Four thousand
pounds, four points, gross. And I get to say what Dru does and doesn’t

“That was expected. Deal.”

“Deal.” Spike looked over at Dru, who was now entranced by the men
spanking each other in the corner. He watched her lip lick her lips and
turned back to Lars, concerned.

“Mate, your little films, you don’t use humans in them, do you?”

“Why, yes, will that be a problem?” Lars stopped, puzzled.

Spike let out a groan. “Not for me, mate, but Dru, well can’t really
trust her. She tends to bite and she doesn’t have the best control.”

Lars just nodded, understanding completely. “Well, would you do it
without her?”

“Sure, mate, not a problem. She’ll understand.” And if not, he would
make her understand. He had been forced to sit back and watch as Dru had
sex with others time after time after time. It was long past time for her
to learn what it felt like.

“Agreed.” Lars handed over a small card along with a key. “Be there
tomorrow at midnight. The key is for the second room to the left at the
top of the stairs.”

Spike nodded then pulled Dru in tight. “Princess, have something to show
you.” He took her hand as he pulled her up the stairs.

Spike entered the room quickly, Dru’s screams still ringing in his ears. 
She had thrown a huge tantrum when he told her about his plans, and he had
been forced to chain her to a wall in order to finally leave. It only
made him more determined. Bloody hell, didn’t she realize that he was
only doing it for her, only doing it to keep her in the luxury she
deserved. He let out a sigh as he rounded the corner, fascinated by all
the equipment.

“Ah, glad you came, was concerned that you might not.” Lars quickly led
him over to the set, to what appeared to be some kind of construction
site. “Just so you know, the rest of the cast and crew don’t know about
your, condition, shall we say. Forgot to mention, one final stipulation. 
No eating the cast and especially not the crew. Hot bodies I can find
anywhere, but someone who can light a set like this in an hour, now that’s
a challenge.”

“Sure, mate, not a problem.” Spike had already fed that night, preying on
a couple of teenagers foolish enough to be making out in a graveyard.

“Good. Oh, and this one is all male.” Spike just nodded at that. Boys,
girls, it made no difference to him.

Lars looked over, relieved. “Fine, I’ll introduce you. That’s Michael,
Paul and, oh, yes. This is William. William, meet,” Lars hesitated for a
moment, unsure of how to address him.

“Spike will do just fine.” Spike grinned to all in the room. Why not, he
had nothing to be ashamed of.

“Spike, hi, glad to meet you.” Spike turned his head as he heard the deep
American voice behind him.

“William, was it?” Spike grinned wider at that. He cast an appreciative
eye over the man. Tall, broad shoulders, golden skin. Dark, thick wavy
hair. Deep dark eyes. Lovely.

“Yeah, William. Please don’t call me Billy or Bill, hate that.” The
voice was deep and melodious and definitely American.

“Sure thing, just don’t call me Spikey and we’ll be fine.” The man just
grinned back at him.

“People, people gather around, time to get started. Michael and Paul, you
start to work, then start with each other. Spike, you come in, start with
Paul and then William, you pull Spike off Paul and onto you, then Michael
and Paul, you go back to each other.”

They all just nodded, Spike quickly changing into the workboots, jeans and
flannel shirt the wardrobe lady handed to him.

“And, action.” 

“So, Spike, hey man, want to grab a drink?” William walked out the door
next to Spike, hands jingling change in his pocket. Spike just shot a
glance over, shaking his head.

“Sorry, mate, can’t, have to meet someone.” Spike looked up at the stars
for a moment, wondering just what they were singing to Dru, wondering just
how mad she would be.

“Sure, maybe next week.” Spike just nodded, the same conversation they
had been having the last two months. Every week, William asked him for a
drink and every week he said no. But that didn’t stop William from
asking. Spike had grown to enjoy his time with William, both on screen
and off. On screen, he had proven to be nearly the equal of Spike and
Spike hadn’t been forced to fake his pleasure. Off screen, he was a droll
and witty companion, always ready with a quip or a gag. Spike had
actually caught himself laughing at some of the human’s impressions of
their castmates more extravagant facial expressions. Although, Spike’s
forehead crinkled as he thought, he wasn’t sure that William was entirely
human. There was something, just ever so faintly off in his taste. Spike
couldn’t put his finger on it, but it was there nonetheless.

He slipped his key into the lock of the new apartment he had found for
them, someplace with high ceilings and a garden. Dru liked the echoes and
she loved the garden where she could spin round and round to the singing
of the stars.

“Dru, princess, I’m back, did you have a good time hunting,” Spike was
knocked to the ground as Dru’s slap rocked him back.

“Alone, you left me alone again, Miss Edith says you are going to leave
me. She says that you have another. The stars told me so as well. You
are going to take a childe and leave me here.” Dru’s words hissed out as
she clawed her fingers down his cheek.

“No, princess, never, love you, only you, I would never,” Spike stopped as
Dru lit into him again and again, sharp fingernails tearing the flesh from
his arms.

“The stars said, they never lie. Miss Edith said, she never lies.” With
that Dru fled into the night, racing like the wind. Spike ran after her
for a few blocks then stopped, exhausted. He should have known this was
coming, Dru had been so nice to him the past few days. He knew she was
jealous, of what it didn’t matter. When she got an idea in her head it
was true, no matter what he said. He limped to the bathroom, splashing
water on his face, the cuts already healing. He put the bulk of the money
he had received that night into the safe he had installed in the floor,
keeping some out for himself. It was high time he went out and got
thoroughly drunk.

“So, see you decided to have that drink after all,” William drawled in his
ear. Spike lifted his heavy head from the bar, trying to focus on the

“Seemed like an idea at the time,” he managed to get out, vaguely feeling
the firm arm wrap around his waist.

“Well, looks like it’s time for you to go. Nearly dawn soon, have to get
you inside.” With that William led the nearly comatose vampire out the
door. He quickly hailed a cab and arranged the slender body inside then
hopped in, giving the driver his address. Once there, he paid the man,
then pulled Spike up the stairs, practically carrying him. He propped
Spike against the wall, then carefully opened the door, leading Spike into
his bedroom. He gently laid Spike on the bed, then closed the door,
checking to be sure his curtains were completely closed. Frowning a
little, he threw a blanket over the window, just in case, then joined
Spike on the bed.

“Bloody hell,” Spike moaned several hours later, trying to make sense of
his surroundings. He knew immediately that he was not in the apartment,
but, other than that, he had no idea where he was. He felt the weight of
a body next to him, felt the warmth, heard the breathing. He scented
deeply and the familiar musk finally registered in his mind. William. He
was with William. Brief images flashed into his mind. William at the
bar. William getting a cab. William lying him on the bed. William
saying “Nearly dawn soon, have to get you inside.” Spike sat up with a
start, ignoring the pain in his head.

“Good afternoon, see you’re finally awake, want some aspirin?” William
turned on his back, smiling at the puzzled expression on Spike’s face.

“No, I, well,” Spike couldn’t remember being this flustered in decades. 
He saw the blanket over the window and his confusion just grew. “William,
what am I doing here?”

“I found you in the bar, incredibly drunk, singing some old World War II
song, not quite sure what it was, don’t think you knew either, it was
almost dawn and I knew you needed to get somewhere before they threw you
out on the street. Brought you back here, invited you in, put you to bed.
Didn’t think you would remember.” William yawned as he stretched then
padded out to the kitchen. Spike heard rustling in the refrigerator then
William wandered back in, drinking the milk straight from the carton.

Spike just stared at him, trying to put the pieces together. It sounded
like William knew, no, Spike shook his head, that couldn’t be. “Pet, what
do you mean you knew I needed to get somewhere?” There, a nice, simple
question with what was sure to be a nice, simple answer.

“Well, couldn’t have you lying out on the street when the sun rose.” 
William wandered back into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator door and
putting the milk back in. He turned back to the bedroom. “I mean,” a
puzzled look crossed his face, “you are a vampire, right?”

William’s eyes shot open as Spike suddenly pinned him to the refrigerator
door. He never even saw Spike move.

“How did you know that, mate?” the words were growled out. Spike was in
shock. William knew he was a vampire? How? And why did he help him? 
And why would he invite him in?

“Calm down, no one else knows, I just figured it out. You never are
around in the day, you flinched the last time we ordered in Italian and
Rosemary tried to hand you a breadstick. You are so pale and so strong. 
Besides,” William grinned as he thought of the scene that had greeted him
when he entered the bar and saw Spike sitting there alone, a bottle of
Jack Daniels in front of him. “Besides, you were so drunk you didn’t even
realize that you were sitting in front of a mirror.”

“Bloody hell,” Spike breathed out as he slowly stepped back. That would
explain it. “But, if you knew, why didn’t you just leave me, what not
afraid of the big, bad vamp?” He whirled back around, fangs down, eyes
blazing, sure that William would scream and run, prepared for the hunt.

William didn’t flinch. “Didn’t want to see you hurt.”

Spike stepped back, shocked once again. William hadn’t even batted an
eye. “Mate, think you have some explaining to do. What possessed you to
invite me in, bloody unwise that. And why aren’t you scared, you do know
that I could kill you anytime I like?” Spike carefully sat down at the
kitchen table, keeping a sharp eye out for a stake.

“Yes, I know you can kill me. Figured that you would have done it by now
if you were going to do it at all. You’ve sure had enough chances.” It
was true. Spike had actually walked him home on more than one occasion. 
William lived in a small carriage house on the end of a long road, and
Spike, though he would never admit it, was worried about his safety. They
had been alone in the dark several times, any of which would have provided
Spike with the perfect chance.

“Well, I guess I can see that, but, you didn’t even flinch when you saw
me, little hurt at that, take away my manly pride.” Spike pulled out a
cigarette as he pondered William’s response.

“Well, I have a little secret of my own. My uncle’s a werewolf, so I’m
used to seeing people with fangs. Runs in my mother’s side. Also, my
other uncle married a hag, so, well family reunions are a little odd in my
family. Last one was in the mountains in Romania, so I’m sure you can
guess what that was like.” William looked down at his hands, unsure of
Spike’s response.

Spike’s head shot up at that. Well, that would explain why William seemed
not quite human. He wasn’t. “I see. A hag, the Toscovich clan?” 
William just nodded and Spike let out a low whistle. If he was related to
the Toscoviches, well, no, a mere vampire wouldn’t scare him that much.

“Well, thanks then. I appreciate it.” Spike watched as William just
nodded again. They sat in silence for a few minutes, each lost in their
own thoughts.

“So, Spike, why the bender, something wrong with Dru?” William asked
gently. Spike had mentioned Dru a few times, enough for William to figure
out how Spike felt about her. He hadn’t pried, not wanting to, not
really. He liked Spike, he really liked Spike and it hurt just a little
too much. He hadn’t told Spike the entire truth. He had realized Spike
was a vampire when they kissed that first day. It was the coldness of his
mouth that gave it away. He had done some quiet checking and found out
that Spike and Dru had been together for nearly a century. Not only that,
but everyone he asked had told him the same story. How Spike worshipped
Dru, how she was insane, how he did everything he could for her, how Dru
was constantly running off with some other demon only to have Spike come
crawling after her. It struck a little too close to home. When he saw
Spike sitting in the bar, drunk to the point of incoherence, he couldn’t
just leave him there.

“Yes,” came the quiet reply.

“Want to tell me about it?” William scooted his chair slightly closer,
not enough to break into Spike’s personal space, not really, just enough
to show that he was there.

“Wouldn’t understand, it’s, well, complicated,” Spike muttered, staring at
the ember on the end of the cigarette. His throat tightened. He wasn’t
used to anyone showing any consideration for him and he didn’t really know
how to react.

“I might understand more than you think,” William said, resting his head
in the palm of his hand.

“How’s that, mate, your psychotic vampiress lover go running off into the
night, screaming about how the stars said you would leave her,” Spike
couldn’t stop the bitter words from escaping his lips.

“No, but I do know what it’s like to love someone so much that they can
spit on your face and you’ll just beg for more. I do know what it’s like
to give everything to someone only to have them hate you for it. I do
know what it’s like to beg and beg and beg only to watch them pull away no
matter what you do.” The bitterness in Spike’s words couldn’t hold a
candle to this.

Spike turned, looking William in the eye for the first time. The pain
revealed there was infinite. “Bloody hell, you do understand, who’s the
bint who did you over?”

“Travis. In New York. We were together for eight years. I loved him,
just, so much. He was everything to me. And he used me and he used me
and I just kept coming back for more. I can’t tell you how many times
that I would catch him with someone else and he would tell me it was a
mistake, I was the one he loved, I was the only one who cared, I was the
only one who knew him. Eight fucking years. Then, one day, I came home
and he was gone. Cleaned out the entire apartment. Left me a note under
a magnet on the refrigerator door. Said he found someone else, someone
who could truly understand him. I went out, drank for the next two weeks.
Finally sobered up enough to buy a plane ticket and took off for Paris. 
Stayed there a while, then just wandered, did Spain, Portugal, Italy,
London, Geneva, Hamburg, Bonn, Bern, Berlin. Finally ended up here.” 
William let out a sigh then looked back into Spike’s eyes. “I left three
years ago and haven’t even thought about going back since. Heard the
other day that Travis is still there. Still with his sugar daddy. Happy
as a clam. Heard the guy beats him to a pulp. Heard he likes it. Heard
he needs it. All I ever wanted was to love him and all he wants is pain. 
So, yeah, I might understand a little of what you’ve been through. I know
it’s worse for you. I asked Aunt Silver if she knew who you were and she
told me a little. Can’t even imagine what it’s like for you.” With
William looked back down, afraid of Spike’s reaction.

Spike just stared at the back of William head, unsure of what to say. It
sounded like William did know, did understand exactly how he felt. That
was what burned him about Dru. All he wanted was to love her and all she
craved was Angelus. Angelus, who beat and tortured her. Angelus, who was
never gentle just because she deserved it. No., Angelus was only gentle
to build her up to break her back down. And it sounded like this Travis
person had done the same to William. That explained why they had hit it
off so well, that explained why when they fucked it felt like something
more. They understood each other, knew the other’s pain.

“Pet, I’m sorry, I didn’t know, that must be dreadful,” Spike reached out
a tentative hand and trailed it down William’s cheek.

“Yes, yes it is.” William raised his head, turning his face slightly
into Spike’s touch. “It’s just hard, do you ever get lonely, do you ever
just want to be with someone where you didn’t have to try so hard, didn’t
have to think so much, didn’t have to always worry about how they were
going to react, just be with someone who doesn’t need anything from you,
just wants to be with you?”

Spike just nodded, turning to face the man before him. “Yes, luv, yes, I

William swallowed hard, then inched his chair closer, never losing contact
with Spike’s hand on his face. “So do I.” He leaned forward and caught
Spike’s lips with his own.

Spike reached out and gently framed William’s face in his hands. He
couldn’t remember the last time he had been kissed like this, so gently,
so tenderly, so cautiously. Nothing desperate, nothing frantic, just
long, slow waves of motion. He started to run his fingers in William’s
hair, luxuriating in the feel of the strands beneath his fingers. It felt
like all the previous times he had done this had been a dream and this,
this was real. Nothing they had ever done before the cameras counted,
those were some other people, not them. Spike pulled back and began to
rain kisses down William’s neck, testing him, seeing how far he could go. 
He carefully let his fangs descend, then just pressed them to William’s
skin, enough so that he would know they were there, but not enough to
break the skin. William just went still for a moment, then resumed his
hands leisurely exploration of Spike’s back. Spike pulled back, slipping
back into human form. So, William trusted him. Or didn’t care if he
killed him. Either way, Spike knew that he would not drain this man, not
when he had finally found someone who understood. He resumed his
exploration of William’s neck, tracing cool designs with his tongue. He
was glad now that this wasn’t truly their first time. Otherwise, how
would he know that if he just nipped, just a little, there, right behind
William’s ear, then he would get to hear,

“Spike, Jesus, Spike, please,” William groaned out, so hard, so ready. 
With that, Spike’s control snapped and he threw himself into William’s
arms, flipping them both down hard onto the kitchen floor as the chair
went toppling over. Clothes flew everywhere, Spike swearing profusely as
for one humiliating second he couldn’t get his boot off. Then William had
reached up, grabbed a knife off the counter and simply cut the laces free.
The fell on each other, rolling over and over on the floor, desperate for
contact, for the slide of skin on skin. Panting, Spike felt himself be
drawn onto his hands and knees. He spread his legs wide, longing for that
hard length to thrust inside him. He waited, the anticipation eating him.

“Fuck, Spike, nothing to use, lube’s in the bathroom, be right back, oh
shit, want to touch you, come on,” William’s hoarse voice in his ear as he
was pulled to his feet. Spike looked up into those dark eyes, then leaned
forward for another kiss, craving the contact, trying to meld into that
flesh. Someone who knew, someone who understood, after all these decades
alone, someone who cared.

They stumbled into the bathroom blindly, William frantically groping in
the medicine cabinet. Shaving cream, razor, mouthwash all went tumbling
everywhere as he desperately searched. With a triumphant cry, he felt the
shape he was searching for. Spike yanked the tube from his hands then
dropped to his knees in front of William. He quickly pulled William’s
length into his mouth, sucking frantically, while he opened the tube. As
soon as it was open, he slicked his fingers and thoroughly coated
William’s shaft. Spike spun back around, dropping to all fours once

“Now, now, please, now, need it, please,” Spike chanted shamelessly, not
caring that he was submitting himself to William, needing to submit
himself to William.

“Not ready, haven’t, don’t want to hurt,” William hissed from clenched
teeth, trying to stop from just pounding into Spike.

“Do you forget what I am, I LIKE pain, just do it NOW,” Spike’s head flew
back as William slammed into him. The pain ripped through him as William
stopped, firmly locked inside Spike, not moving, just feeling the velvet

“Spike, Spike, Spike,” William whispered over and over. He felt Spike
slowly begin to relax around him, slowly grow accustomed to his shape. He
began to move, gently, carefully, until he heard Spike’s gasps change from
pain to pleasure. William wrapped a warm hand around Spike’s shaft and
began to pump in time to the thrusts of his hips. The pace quickened as
they both grew harder and harder, until with matching screams they came,
William collapsing onto Spike’s back. They remained like that for several
minutes, until William pulled free and settled back on the bathroom floor.
Spike turned and curled into his arms as they fell back into a deep
sleep, both feeling at peace for the first time since either could

“I don’t see why HE has to come,” Dru pouted as they waited for William
in front of the restaurant.

Spike just sighed, tired of explaining. Over the last four months he and
William had grown closer and closer until one day, about a month before,
Spike had finally admitted to himself that he loved the man. Hadn’t told
him yet, but he had asked William to move in with he and Dru after
extracting a promise from Dru that she wouldn’t drain William. She had
promised on Miss Edith, so Spike knew that she meant it. . William had
moved in without hesitation and the three of them were actually getting
along well. Dru was somewhat jealous of William, but had, in the last
week or so, started to relent, being somewhat nicer to him. Spike was
content for the first time since Angelus had left them. It felt like he
had a family again. He hadn’t realized just how much he had missed that
connection until he had at least a facsimile of it back. Now, he and Dru
were waiting for William to get back from a meeting some friends in order
to grab a drink.

William grinned as he saw Spike and Dru standing in front of the
restaurant. He had never told Spike, but the one thing he had inherited
from his mother’s side of the family was perfect vision and hearing. He
could see and hear almost as well as Spike himself. He approached the
curb, concentrating on hearing the fight between Spike and Dru. Dru had
shocked him by allowing Spike to invite him to live with them and then not
attempting to bite him. She still viewed him as a threat, he knew, but at
least she was no longer being openly hostile.

“I still don’t know why HE has to come, I want to go play with some
people, please Spike, can we go play, HE’s no fun, HE doesn’t like it, I
do, Miss Edith says that you are to come with me, Spike, let’s just leave,
why does HE have to be with us all the time?” William could clearly hear
the whine in her voice. He started to make his way through the crowd when
he heard Spike’s response.

“He’s coming because I said so. He’s coming because I want him there. 
He’s coming because I love him and you just have to accept that.” William
stopped in his tracks. Love him. Spike loved him. A huge grin crossed
his face when he looked up and caught Spike’s eye from across the road. 
Spike hadn’t been expecting to see him there and William saw the truth of
it written there, on the happy smile that lit up Spike’s face. He broke
into a jog, desperate to get across the street and pull Spike to him, to
whisper the words in Spike’s ear, to shout it from the rooftops. He loved
Spike. Spike loved him.

“NO, NO, NO,” Spike screamed as he heard the screeching of the brakes, the
terrible crack of William’s bones breaking as the bus slammed into him. 
He raced across the street, throwing aside all who dared to get in his
way, Dru a heartbeat behind him. Spike dropped to his knees besides the
battered body, hands desperately running over William, knowing he was
dying, there was blood so much blood.

“Spike, sorry, love you, Spike,” William managed to pant out, the pain
washing over him.

Spike leaned down, brushing a cool kiss on his lips. “William, I love
you, William,” Spike raised his arm to his mouth and tore open the vein,
desperate to get William to drink before his heart stopped. It was only
moments away now, Spike could hear the beat growing fainter and fainter. 
Spike was totally unprepared for Dru to pick him up and throw him aside.

“Dru, fuck, Dru what are you doing, have to get to him, dying, have to,”
Spike struggled in her grasp, the blood pouring down his arm.

“No pets, too much bother remember. The evil boy has to go, you’re mine,
not his, mine, all mine, no one else can have you, mine, evil boy, coming
between us, taking you away. Making Miss Edith unhappy, no, he doesn’t
get you, you’re mine, mine,” Dru whispered over and over into his ear as
she held him back. “Over soon, he’ll be gone and then it will just be us
again, only us, only us, we are family, not the human, never him, only

Spike struggled, but Dru held fast. He watched as the world seemed to
move in slow motion. The people gathering around the broken body, the
driver crying, saying he didn’t see, he just ran in front of the bus, the
sound of sirens in the distance. All of it so far, far away as he
listened to William’s heart. Beat. Beat. Beat. Beat. Then nothing. 
Silence. Spike strained in Dru’s arms, desperately trying to break free,
to reach William, to pour his blood down his lover’s throat. Silence. Dru
abruptly let go and it was at that moment that he knew that William was
truly gone. He began to howl, the unearthly sound breaking through the

With one long stride he grabbed the driver of the bus by the throat,
holding him high in the air before dropping him, then leaning down and
ripping out his throat. The screams around him grew louder and more
frantic as he heard Dru’s mad laughter, saw her snap someone’s neck, then
turn and grab yet someone else to drain. Spike simply reached out at
random, destroying whatever he touched. The crowd ran, the bodies falling
in their wake, as Spike heard nothing but the pounding of blood in his
ears, the purity of the bloodlust washing all else aside. They tore
through the streets, laying waste to all before them. Men, women,
children, nothing was safe. Spike began looking for tall, dark haired
men, singling them out for special care. He would grab them by the
shoulder, throw them into the wall, then rip open their chests, yanking
out their hearts. For hours they roamed, until they were blood drenched
and sated.

Spike finally looked up, the rage having burnt away, leaving only pain in
its wake. They had ended up back at the pier where they first lived,
their bolt hole, their safe place. The moon was still in the sky, but it
was apparent that dawn was not far off. Dru was dancing on the pier,
spinning round and round, holding Miss Edith high in the air.

“They told me, the stars told me, they said the evil man was going to take
you away, was going to make you love him, make you love him more than me,
make you leave me, they sang to me, they sang to me. So I made a wish, a
wish, I wished that he would go away, that he would leave, that the stars
would take him away and they did, they did, they took him away, just us,
just me and my Spikey, my precious, my only, my love, took the evil man
away, they sang to me, they sang to me.”

Spike just watched her dance, the moon shining in her hair as it spun
around her. Even now, when the grief was so desperate he wanted to wait
for the sun to rise, even now, even hearing the words descending from her
lips, even now she was beautiful. She was his, he was hers. Spike
lowered his head, letting the pain rip through him. Then his head snapped
up and he walked over to grab his dark princess, his face set in stone.

“C’mon, luv, have to get inside, need to sleep, have a lot to do tomorrow
night, need to rest now,” Spike said keeping his voice even, his words

“They sang to me, Spike, the stars,” Dru looked at him with wide, innocent

“I know they did, Dru, I know. Please, come inside, we need to rest.” 
Spike pulled her into the rooms.

“Why, are we going somewhere,” Dru asked, following quietly.

“Yes, pet, we are.” 

“Where, Spike, where?”

“Anywhere but here, just, anywhere but here.” With that, he slammed the
shutters closed, barring the world out and them inside.