Give and Take
by Alexandria
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Part One: What Do You Think?

Spike looked up, suddenly aware that they were all staring at him. He
realized that Buffy had asked him a question.

“What was that again, pet?”, he said, quirking an eyebrow.

“I said, what do you think?” she replied.

"What do I think?", he echoed. His mind began racing furiously. 

*What do I think?*

*I think I want to bathe in your blood*

*I think I want to watch the witches when they do exactly what it is that
makes them glow like that*

*I think I want to see if the Watcher’s knickers are tweed, too*

*I think I want to hear the screams end as I rip soldier boy's throat out*

*I think I want to watch my Sire's face as I kill you all*

*I think I want to sleep and make you all fade away*

*I think I want to go home*

*I think I want to go home with HIM*

*I think I want to whisper his name over and over*

*I think I want to know why it's always Xander - never Alexander*

*I think I want to hold him while I sleep*

*I think I want to know what he tastes like when he wakes*

*I think I want to feel his body curled next to mine*

*I think I want to burn his warmth into me forever*

*I think I want to know why the sound of his heart beating while he sleeps
is the most soothing sound I've ever heard*

*I think I want to trace my hand down the side of his face*

*I think I want to learn the shape of his mouth against mine*

*I think I want to run my hands through that hair*

*I think I want to rip those bloody awful clothes off and reveal the
hardness underneath*

*I think I want to push him down and hear him moan for ME*

*I think I want to lick my way down that chest*

*I think I want to hover just over his cock and breathe and breathe and
not let him thrust into my mouth until I know he wants me more than anyone
he ever has or ever will*

*I think I want to fuck him until he's raw*

*I think I want to be fucked by him until I'm raw*

*I think I want to know if his blood tastes as rich and deep as the pools
of those eyes*

*I think I want to make him mine forever*

*I think I want to be his forever*

*I think I want to think about anything but him*

*I think I want to think about nothing but him*

*I think there is nothing but him*

*I think I've gone insane*

"What do I think?", he repeated, casually reaching over to grab a
cigarette. Languorously he leaned up, lit the cigarette, took a long drag
and blew out the smoke.

"Why, pet, I was just thinking that I wanted to grab the whelp there and
shag him senseless." He smirked as they reacted just as he knew they
would, Xander yelping out "Hey" and turning bright red, Riley just glaring
at him hatefully and fingering a stake, the Watcher sighing, looking
heavenward and polishing his glasses, Red squealing out "Spike!" in a
horrified, squeaky voice while her girlfriend just blushed and stared at
the ground and Buffy just rolled her eyes.

"Seriously, Spike, what do you think?"

"I think I just told you what I think. Why did you ask if you didn't want
to hear?"

"Fine", Buffy snapped as she turned away. "Don't tell us, it's not like
we really wanted to know anyway."

"Fine by me, luv, I'm not the one who asked" Spike leaned back and
watched them through the haze of the smoke. He smiled slightly to
himself, lost in his thoughts again.

*What do I think - I think the best way to be thought a liar is to tell
the truth*


Part Two: Huh?  

Xander stared over, eyes open so wide he was sure they must be about to pop clean out of his skull. Surely, surely Spike hadn't just said that. He sputtered a little then turned back to the table, resuming packing up some of the spare books that were overwhelming Giles' living room. He slowly felt the heat fade from his cheeks. 
"Why, pet, I was just thinking that I wanted to grab the whelp there and shag him senseless." The words rang in Xander's mind, echoing round and round as he mindlessly sorted the stacks.
*Why does he do that, why does he take such glee in saying just the wrong thing, saying just the thing to make sure that we're all on edge? Oh, chip, right, can't fight us so has to get his kicks somewhere else.* Thoughts raced unbidden through his mind, unable to erase the image of Spike resting perfectly at ease on the couch, wreathed inside the smoke drifting slowly from his hand. *Stupid vampire, has to pick on me, probably figured Buffy would just stake him if he said anything about her or Riley or*
"Huh?" Xander vaguely realized they were all staring at him.
"I wanted to know if you wanted me to take care of the hostile for you," Riley tossed the spike meaningfully in the air a few times. Xander heard the low growl coming from the couch and he quickly shook his head.
"No, no, I'm fine, just ignore him, only saying that to get a reaction, if you ignore him it'll bother him more." Riley nodded and moved back over to Buffy's side, glaring one last time at Spike. Spike just smirked back and slouched lower in the couch, stretching slightly as he did so. 
Xander felt a surge of desire blast through him. *Right, just ignore him. Just ignore that beautiful creature lounging about like he hasn't a care in the world, like he isn't just barely tolerating his existence. Just ignore those hands, those arms, those eyes, that perfect, perfect mouth.* He felt a familiar twinge in his groin and he quickly reached over, uncapping the marker, letting the strong scent fill the air, desperately hoping it would mask the scent of his desire. He watched as Spike's head flinched back.
"Watch it with that thing, whelp. Smells worse than the Slayer." Spike's voice broke through the silence and Xander grinned at him.
"Sorry, didn't know your nose was so delicate." He was rewarded with a small snort. Good, it worked. He carefully marked each box, moving slowly, trying to battle back the images in his mind.
*Yeah, I can taunt too, you cock tease. Not like you though. You have any idea was it was like, lying there so close to you, waiting for you to say something, anything, waiting for you to realize what you did to me. You have any idea what it was like, making sure I woke up early, when I knew you would be asleep, finally able to stare, to trace my eyes across the planes of your body. So close, so far. Heading out, craving just to touch you once, just once, just to trace my fingers through your hair. Coming back when I knew you would be out so that I could sit in the chair and smell you there. Yeah, I can smell you too, vampire mine, hair gel and cigarettes, blood and violence. Better than anything. You have any idea what you do*
"Huh?" Xander rubbed his arm. Damn if Buffy didn't forget that her casual punches really hurt. 
"I wanted to know if I could borrow the marker." Buffy held out her hand and Xander automatically handed the black sharpie over. He wiped his sweaty hands on his thighs, shuddering slightly as the fabric tightened across him. He chanced another look at the couch. Spike was still there, flipping slowly through the pages of an old Rolling Stone. A brief smile flitted across the vampire's face and Xander could just make out the picture of Sid Vicious. 
*A real smile. Thought we weren't watching, didn't ya? Well, I was. I am. Always am. How can you not know, you have to know. Is that why you said it? Do you know, is that it?* He started flipping through the pages of the book in front of him, as if suddenly the engravings of frolicking, naked wood nymphs had all his attention. *Great, he knows. Of course he knows, lived with you, had to smell it on you. Probably heard you calling his name jerking off in the shower.* The flips slowed down as the heat rose to his face again. *No wonder he said that, getting his revenge. Deserve it, what was I thinking*
"Huh?" He started as sparkling laughter caressed his ear.
"Wanted to know what had you so absorbed." Willow grinned as Xander's blush deepened. "They are pretty, what do you think, Tara." Tara just smiled slightly and joined Xander in turning a deep shade of red. "Might have to try that later," Xander faintly heard Willow whisper in Tara's ear as she snagged a book from the pile and settled on the floor. Xander sighed, closed the book and returned to taking the books out of the box next to him.
*Oh, easy for you to say, Wills. Never told you how much I admired you, did I? How much I admire your willingness to just reach out and take what makes you happy, so what if she's female, to hell with what people think. I can't, I won't. Not even when it's offered. If it was offered. Gods, please, let it have been offered. Though that might be worse, knowing he wants me too, pretending there's nothing there, pretending I don't fall asleep each night wishing he were still there, wishing I could take a taste of that mouth, wishing I could trace my hand down that perfect body; wishing I could take that cold length deep in my mouth; wishing I could bend over, wishing I could feel him fill me* Xander sucked in a deep breath, growing hard once again. *Good thing I like my pants baggy, couldn't stand otherwise, wonder how he does it, don't think he wears anything under those jeans, oh, great Xander that'll calm you down. Why don't you just picture the rest of him naked while you're at it?* The image immediately popped into his mind and he just managed to stifle a low moan. *Thanks, brain, thanks so bloody much. Ooh, talking like him to myself, that has to be a sign of insanity. Like wanting a vampire wasn't my first clue. Wonder what he'd do if I made some snotty remark*
"Huh?" This time it was a tap on his shoulder that broke him out of his fantasy.
Giles sighed as he removed his glasses. Why had he ever thought it was a good idea to ask the children to help him with this. Let alone Spike. Spike wasn't even pretending to work. No, the vampire was just sitting on his couch, smoking, reading old issues of Rolling Stone. Buffy and Riley were cooing at one another, looking about a second away from heading off to his spare room. Willow had tried to help, but, sure enough, she had found some volume that interested her and now she and Tara were sitting curled together reading on the floor. And Xander, Giles sighed again. Xander had gone off into some other place. 
"Xander, why don't you go get something to drink from the kitchen? You seem a little distracted." Giles watched as Xander flushed again. Spike's head slowly came up at that.
"No, not distracted. Not me, why would say that? I'm fine, just fine. Focused actually. See me, being all focused." Xander turned back to the box then stopped. He had just completely unpacked the box he had spent the previous hour packing. "Er, on second thought," Xander bolted from the living room, seeking shelter in the dark and quiet of the kitchen. He leaned his head on the refrigerator, the low hum soothing him.
"So, luv. What's say I pick you up around nine or so tomorrow night. Can go to a show, take a drive, play some pool. Whatever you like." The silky voice was right behind him, sending a shiver down his spine.
"Huh?" Xander knew he had to sound like an idiot but that was all he could think to keep saying, afraid of what other words might come out of his mouth.
A low chuckle reached his ears as he felt Spike lean even closer, resting his chin on Xander's shoulder, bringing them cheek to cheek. "Seems to be your favorite word at the moment, pet." 
Xander kept his eyes closed as he focused on the coolness of the freezer door under his forehead, trying to ignore the coolness pressing into his cheek. "Why, Spike? What evil plan are you concocting now? Bait the whelp?" A touch of anger to his tone. He wasn't sure how much more of this he could take, how much longer he could feel Spike pressed so closely into him before he broke. "Whatever it is, just leave me out of it. Hate being mocked." He sucked in a breath as Spike leaned those slim hips into his thigh. He felt Spike's hard length press up the back of his leg. He shuddered again as Spike ran a hand down his arm. 
"Not mocking, pet. Meant what I said. Want to grab you and shag you senseless. But want to do a proper job of it. Don't want just a shag. So, I'll pick you up at your place tomorrow, go out and about and see what comes of it." Spike's voice was trembling slightly, desire plain to hear. The seconds stretched out, the silence painful. Then Xander heard the words, so quiet, spoken directly in his ear. "Xander, please, Xander." 
Xander nodded, unable to speak. Spike slowly moved away and Xander felt the faintest trace of lips on the back of his neck. 
"See you tomorrow then." Spike stepped back, then stalked back through the apartment and out the door, slamming it as he left. Xander smiled slowly, an entirely different kind of flush crossing his face. He knew just where the vampire was going and what he was going to do when he got there. He would give it a half hour or so then head out himself. 
*Huh, what do you know, wants me too. Better stop and pick up some supplies on the way home tonight.* Xander pushed himself off the refrigerator and downed a quick glass of water, a grin stretching across his face. *Wonder if he tops or bottoms* Xander lost himself in the image as he settled onto the couch, taking Spike's place, breathing in the scent of his soon to be lover. An evil smile slid across his face. *Betcha he bottoms* A quiet laugh escaped him as he watched the seconds tick by. 

Part Three: So Now What?  

Xander let the water stream over his face, luxuriating in the warmth. He
was determined to enjoy every single moment of this day and evening,
determined to wring every second of joy he could get out of it. After
all, how many times did a dead sexy vampire ask HIM out on a date?

He hummed in pleasure at the thought. He and Spike were going out on a
date. An actual date. And Spike had asked him out. He still was a
little shocked. He had imagined nearly every possible scenario for
hooking up with Spike, but never once had he pictured them out on a date. 
Sure, maybe he could see them going out for a beer or maybe, just maybe
making a fast food run after sex. But not an actual date.

Nevertheless, here he was, getting showered, getting dressed, getting
ready for a date with Spike. He grinned then started sputtering as the
water filled his mouth. He quickly rinsed, feeling the first dip in the
water temperature, stepped out of the shower and dried himself off. 
Wrapping a towel around his waist, he stood in front of the mirror, just
staring for a second. Thank the gods he no longer had to worry about
acne. He picked up his razor and carefully shaved, taking care not to
nick himself. No point in inciting Spike. At least, not like that. He
carefully brushed his hair, knowing just how it would fall as it dried. 
He stepped back and looked in the mirror again. As good as it was going
to get. He automatically stretched his hand out for the bottle of
cologne, then stopped as he opened it. His forehead crinkled as he
thought back to Spike’s reaction to the marker the night before. 
Apparently, it was true that all a vampire’s senses were sharpened. 
Including smell. Slowly, he put the bottle back down. Just have to smell
like himself then. Didn’t want Spike flinching away all night. Would
kind of defeat the purpose of the date now wouldn’t it.

He moved back to the bedroom, looking at the clothes he had laid out on
the bed. Didn’t want to be too dressed up, but didn’t want to look too
shabby either. Dark khakis, dark green shirt. He heard Willow’s voice as
he started to get dressed. “But Xander, it brings out the hazel in your
eyes.” And that’s why he bought it, because his best friend said
something made him look nice. And he wanted to look nice. He slipped on
his Timberlands and stood, looking in the mirror again. A wry grin. 
Nothing compared to the icy perfection of Spike. But not bad either. He
glanced around the bedroom. Everything in perfect order. The supplies he
had picked up at the Wal-Mart on the other side of town were safely tucked
away in the bedside drawer. He didn’t want to seem pushy.

He moved back out to the living room, checking to see that all was neat
there. It looked fine. Not anal-retentive neat like Giles but not messy
like the normal single guy apartment either. He snorted at that. Wasn’t
that a typical sign of queerness? A neat single guy apartment? Well, the
only reason it was neat now was because he had spent the first two hours
after work cleaning and airing out the place. Three bags full of pizza
boxes and take out containers had found their way into the dumpster. At
least the refrigerator was passably clean. And stocked with beer. And a
couple of bags of blood were in the freezer. Just in case. Everything was
in order. He felt his stomach start to flutter, but not in a bad way. 
Not scared. Not really nervous. Just excited. Like he felt at Christmas
right before he opened Willow’s present, knowing that inside would be
something just perfect for him. The quiet knock broke him out the spell. 
Clearing his throat he opened the door.

“Hey, Spike,” Xander smiled. Spike had made a concession to the occasion.
He was wearing a white t-shirt instead of black under the red silk shirt.

“’Lo, Xander.” Spike quickly looked Xander over, liking what he saw,
wondering who managed to get the man into a decent looking outfit. Xander
took a step back and Spike looked at him meaningfully. “Haven’t been in
your new place, pet.” His eyes narrowed slightly, wondering if Xander
realized that this was a test of sorts.

“Spike, sorry. Please come in. You are always welcome in my home.” 
Xander locked eyes with Spike, smiling slightly. The words had been
chosen carefully. He knew full well that Spike had never been here, he
knew full well that this was a test.

Spike smiled back, seeing the amusement in Xander’s eyes. Damn, it was so
easy to underestimate this dark eyed man, so easy to accept the image he
projected, slighting him as he slighted himself. But Spike had been
watching him carefully for months and he knew that very little went
unnoticed by those deep eyes.

“So, want a beer,” Xander moved back to the kitchen as Spike followed him

“Well,” Spike glanced at the clock on the wall. “Thought we might go out
for a bit first.” He wanted that, wanted to have everyone see them
together, even if no one realized why. Let them think what they liked, he
and Xander knew they were out together and that’s all that mattered. 
“What would you like to do?”

Xander tilted his head at that. Spike was deferring to him, well, wasn’t
that odd. “Spike, are you trying to be gallant? Because if you are, I
think I like it.” He batted his lashes and Spike grinned.

“Just trying to be polite. I did ask you out, you know. As I remember,
the invitee usually has the honor of choosing the activity. So, what
would like to do?” Spike watched Xander’s eyes dilate suddenly, causing
Spike to suck in a quick breath.

“Hmm,” Xander openly looked Spike over. “I think we should,” he moved
forward, invading Spike’s space. Spike just stared at him, mouth open
slightly in shock. He had anticipated having to overcome much, much more
resistance than this. But, at the moment, it seemed that he was no longer
the predator. No, it seemed that he was the prey. Xander leaned forward
slightly, just barely too far out of reach. Xander licked his lips, then
started again. “I think we should go,” a hand traced down Spike’s leather
clad arm. Spike just stared into Xander’s eyes, transfixed. “I think we
should go line dancing.”

Spike burst out laughing as Xander stepped back, grinning wickedly. “Very
clever, whelp. So, just who taught you how to flirt. Did a proper job of
it, they did.”

Xander grabbed his jacket and led Spike out the door. “That’s for me to
know.” Spike followed him out the door, waiting for the rest. Xander
didn’t say a word as he locked up then headed down the hall. The silence
continued, neither wanting to be the first to break. Xander stopped at
Spike’s car, realizing that this was a round he wouldn’t win. Spike slid
in the driver’s side and Xander dropped in the other side. “And I have a
feeling you’ll definitely find out.”

Xander watched the corner of Spike’s mouth curl as Spike backed out. “So,
where to, luv?” Spike wondered just where it would be. Somewhere dark
and private he figured. Somewhere they wouldn’t be seen.

“The Bronze. Shoot some pool. Listen to some tunes. Drink some beer.” 
Xander watched as an eyebrow raised.

“You sure, pet. Might run into some of those friends of yours.” Not that
he cared, but it would put a huge crimp into his plans if it bothered

“Well, thought about that. Less problems if we’re seen doing something we
usually do.” The words were quiet and Xander looked out the window as he
spoke. Spike shot a quick glance over, respect growing in him. That made
sense. It would be odder if they were seen at the cinema or out for a
quiet drink. But The Bronze. They would all just assume that he and
Xander had simply run into one another there.

“Good thinking, Xander.” Spike saw the quick nod, could feel the flush of
pleasure that always accompanied his use of Xander’s name. He pushed away
the craving for a cigarette, not wanting to lose the heady scent of pure
Xander that was filling the car. The scent that had driven him mad with
desire during the time he had lived with the man. Boy, then, really. But
he had grown up, grown into himself, was growing more everyday. But the
scent was still the same. Still intoxicating.

Xander leaned on the cue, watching as Spike lined up the shot. There had
been an ulterior motive to wanting to play pool of course. All those
chances to watch Spike bend over. The duster had been shed long before
and the white t-shirt was clinging ever so nicely to the muscles
underneath. He knew that Spike was perfectly aware of just how he looked
in those clothes, knew just how the fabric stretched along those perfect
abs. It touched him to know that Spike had wanted to look good for him as
well. The click of the balls and Xander let out a groan. Another ten
bucks down the drain. When was he going to learn. He slapped the bill on
the table and Spike took it with a cocky smirk.

“Been hustling since before your granddaddy was born, mate. Might want to
remember that.” Spike grinned as Xander shot him a nasty look and then
flipped him off, turning around for his beer. Xander raised the bottle to
his mouth and took a quick drink, catching Spike’s eye as Spike did the
same. The gaze held as they slowly lowered the bottles, the heat between
them abruptly flaring to life.

“But he’s not even touching me” shot across both their minds as Xander
rubbed his palms down his legs.

“So, what now, Spike.” Xander’s voice cracked as he wrenched his eyes
away before it became too difficult to walk.

“Think it’s time to go, Xander.” Spike fought to keep his voice steady,
but lost miserably.

Xander nodded, grabbed his jacket and tore out the door, Spike right
behind him.
They made it to the car only by not touching, both carefully looking away
during the short walk. It was only around 11:00 and the crowd was just
starting to pick up. Wouldn’t do to start anything there. Spike managed
to get the key in the ignition on the third try, the shaking of his hands
making the normally sure task much harder than usual. Xander simply
rested his head on the passenger’s side window, trying to gather his
control. He wasn’t just going to jump Spike, not in front of everyone. 
They made it about three blocks before Spike suddenly pulled over and
slammed on the brakes.

“Fuck this, can’t wait. Sorry, Xander, wanted to do the whole romantic
thing, but,” Spike grabbed the back of Xander’s head and yanked him across
the front seat. Xander fisted his hands into Spike’s hair and yanked down
just as hard. Their lips slammed together, slightly bruising them both,
but neither noticed. They were lost, intent on exploring the shape and
taste of one another, intent on finally, finally giving in and letting go
to their desire. Frantic sounds filled the car as they grew more and more
desperate, hands trying to move, but unable to find the space.

Xander finally pulled free, gulping in air. “Let’s take this back to my
place. More room. Less public. Bed.” Spike reluctantly let Xander pull
free and wordlessly started the car, racing into the night.

They fell through the door, kissing madly, stripping their coats off as
they did so. Spike felt himself propelled through the apartment, strong
arms steering him around the couch and endtable and into the bedroom. 
Xander’s confidence stunned him and he managed to wrench his mouth apart
enough to gasp out an observation.

“Done this before, I see.” He hissed as Xander began to run a hot tongue
around his earlobe.

“Mmm, spent a summer away. Wanted a growth experience, learned all kinds
of things about myself. Now shut up. Have better ideas for that mouth of
yours.” Xander pushed Spike flat onto the bed. He had learned a lot
about himself indeed. Like just how to touch another man to make him
moan. He put all his lessons to use on the white flesh beneath him.

Shirts disappeared in seconds, pants soon following. A brief pause as
they realized that neither was wearing underwear. Another pause, longer,
while they each drank in the sight of their naked flesh. Then sight was
not enough and they dove back at one another, rolling over and over,
rubbing together. They quickly fell into a firm rhythm and Xander managed
to open his eyes, wanting to see this miracle for himself. Spike was
sprawled beneath him, Xander easily covering the pale flesh with his own. 
Spike’s head was thrown back, throat completely exposed. Xander felt
strong arms around his shoulders, legs tangled in his. He realized that
he was setting the pace, that he was in charge, that Spike was giving this
all to him. He picked up the tempo, never taking his eyes off Spike. 
Spike’s eyes were still closed and Xander could feel the tension building.
He held back, wanting to witness it, to see Spike pushed over first,
needing to see it to make it real.

“Xander,” his name called out as Spike arched beneath him, the cold, cold
splash coating them both. “Xander,” quietly as Spike’s eyes opened,
watching as Xander shuddered over him.

Xander collapsed on top of the vampire and they rested there, neither
quite knowing what to say. A cool hand ran through Xander’s sweaty hair
and Xander sighed his pleasure at the touch.

“Always wanted to do that, used to watch you sleep and almost couldn’t
help myself.” The confession was drawn from him and Spike turned his head
slightly, wary of Xander’s reaction.

Xander smiled into Spike’s neck. “Yeah, well, I used to get up early just
to watch you sleep. We’re idiots you know, could have been having a lot
more fun with you, that chair and those ropes.”

They started laughing as Xander rolled over. He reached under the bed and
pulled out a towel. “Hey, pays to be prepared,” he replied as he looked
up to see an arched eyebrow. They quickly cleaned up and then settled
back on the bed, each curling on a side to face the other. A comfortable
silence fell as they relaxed, fingers gently meeting in the center of the

“You can stay if you want,” Xander’s voice was low, hesitant. He didn’t
want Spike to feel he had to stay, didn’t want Spike to feel the weight of
any expectations.

“Like that, Xander.” Spike’s voice was just as quiet. He hadn’t wanted
to ask, unsure of the response. They scooted closer, their scent filling
the room, sinking into their flesh.

Part Four: Well, see  

Xander stretched, humming contentedly as he felt Spike's hand fall from his chest. It felt so right to wake up to find the vampire curled into his side, a white blond head cradled on his shoulder and a cold arm draped across his chest. Oh yeah, this was exactly what he wanted. He slowly turned on his side, not wanting to wake Spike. So, this was what Spike looked like when he was still. The anger was gone, the tension and what he now recognized as pain all were faded away. Just Spike. Those amazing eyes were closed and his mouth was open just a little. That made Xander smile. Why would Spike's mouth be open, it wasn't like he needed to breathe. But open it was, nonetheless. Maybe it was just something left over from when he was human.
He ran his hand through Spike's hair. It was tacky from the gel and a little stiff. And it smelled like cigarettes. And parts of it were sticking straight up. But still, it was Spike's hair that he was running his fingers through, and, after all, it wasn't like his was in any better shape. He knew there were knots in it without even needing to check. And besides, if you went to bed with someone and woke up with perfect hair, well, how much fun could you have had?
Xander moved his hand down to stroke Spike's ear. Right there was the spot that drove Spike insane when he sucked it. He twirled his finger around the spot, grinning when Spike started to stir under the touch. So, it was a very sensitive spot indeed. He was tempted from a moment to lean down and suck on it, that should wake his lover quite nicely. But no, not quite yet. He was enjoying having Spike's body completely at his mercy entirely too much. He caught his breath as the sudden image of Spike chained to his bed and absolutely helpless overwhelmed him. To do this and to see Spike's face at the same time, well now. That was a possibility that would absolutely have to be explored. 
His fingers trailed along Spike's face, skimming over the sharp edge of cheekbone and down the firm jaw. Along the white, white skin of the vampire's neck, and then down to the collarbones. He had a thing for collarbones, always had. There was just something about licking from one side to the other that really, really made him hot. And Spike's were so defined they looked like they would cut his tongue. He licked his lips, desperate to find out if that was true. He let out a frustrated sigh. Worshipping Spike while the vampire was asleep was all well and good, but he wanted to worship that perfect body for real now. But Spike was still asleep. And Xander wasn't too sure that just shaking a vampire awake was the safest proposition in the world. Well then, have to do it the old fashioned way.
He carefully turned Spike onto his back, then began kissing down Spike's chest. Xander twirled his tongue around one nipple and then the other, licking up the faint traces of their sweat that remained there. Spike started to stir under his ministrations and he took that as a sign that his plan was working. Good. It was about damn time. He licked his way lower, running his hands up and down Spike's sides, pressing firmly. Spike was remarkably sensitive and he didn't want to tickle. It would be just his luck that Spike would sudden jerk up and break his nose and just how would he explain that one. Spike started to slowly writhe under his hands. Xander just kept moving lower. He felt Spike's hands grab his hair just as he took the tip of Spike's erection between his lips. 
"Oh good, you're awake," he said, never removing his lips from Spike's flesh.
"Uh huh," Spike panted above him. Xander resumed his leisurely licking of Spike's cock.
"Glad you stayed, I wondered whether or not you would. I sorta expected you to leave to get out of here before sunrise." Xander slowly raised his head, wanting to see Spike's face. The vampire was flushed, actually flushed and longing was plain to see.
"Oh please, like I would do such a thing." Spike forced himself to calm down. He thought he was dreaming again when he felt the trace of the hand in his hair. It felt exactly the same as one of his sweetest fantasies and he didn't want to open his eyes and find himself alone again. But then the sweet aroma of their sex filled his senses and he remembered exactly where he was and exactly who was with him and exactly what they had done. He didn't want to open his eyes and come up from the state of bliss he was floating in. And with Xander exploring his body so nicely, there was no real incentive to do so. Until Xander reached his cock. Then he had to grab Xander before he embarrassed himself. 
"Well, I, for one, am glad you stayed, I meant to do this last night, but, frankly I got a little distracted." Xander lowered his head and took Spike full into his mouth, moving down as far as he could before starting to gag, wishing yet again that he could deep throat. But he could never quite manage to get the hang of it. Spike moaned above him and he pressed his hands firmly on Spike's hips. There was no way he was going to let Spike thrust. Oh no, this was going to take a nice long time. Spike stilled under him and Xander set to work, quickly settling into a smooth rhythm of suck and stroke, enthralled by the feel of Spike's foreskin. It had been quite some time since he gave a blowjob to someone uncircumcised. His own hips were thrusting into the bed in time with his mouth. They started to move in unison, the sensation exquisite. Xander started to pick up the pace just as they heard the pounding on the door.
"Fuck," Spike's voice a little clearer than Xander's. "You expecting company?" Spike panted out, trying to still his hips.
"No," Xander pulled back, just a little, keeping one hand wrapped around Spike's shaft. "You?"
"Funny, pet." They waited, hoping whoever it was would simply go away. No such luck as the knocking started again.
"If we ignore it, whoever it is will go away." Xander confidently stated, then lowered his head. Maybe this was a good thing to be interrupted, they were both too close before. Now he could build them back up again. Yes, definitely a good thing.
"Shit," Spike hissed out, sliding off the bed and reaching for clothes, his, Xander's, any clothes as they heard the door open.
"Fuck, must be Willow, she has a key," Xander joined Spike in a mad dash to get dressed. He yanked on a t-shirt and a loose pair of sweats, tossing another pair to Spike. "Stay here, I'll get rid of her, don't worry, things will be fine." He smoothed his palm down Spike's cheek, seeing the desperate fear. "Things will be fine." He kissed Spike quickly, then headed down the hall.
"Willow, gods, you scared the shit out of me, what are you doing here?" He leaned against the wall in the living room, crossing his arms on his chest and generally trying to project an air of having just stumbled out of bed. Just stumbled out of sleeping in bed, not anything else.
"Oh, I was out shopping and I picked up some blueberries and I know how much you love blueberry pancakes and so I picked up some pancake batter too and Tara has this group project to work on all day and so I figured you and I could just spend some good bonding time," Willow bustled around the kitchen, holding up the pint of blueberries as she did so.
"Well, see, that's really sweet, and it's not that I don't want to spend some time doing the bondage thing, I mean the bonding thing," Xander stopped, kicking himself mentally for the Freudian slip. "It's just, that, well, see,"
"Oh, and Riley said that one of the guys in one of his classes saw you at the Bronze last night, why didn't you call, Tara and I would have gone with you. And were you really betting on pool with Spike, goddess Xander, you have to know better than that. He was probably hustling pool before our grandparents were born." Her head disappeared into the refrigerator as she rummaged for eggs. 
"Well, see, umm, I kind of was hoping to hook up and I didn't want to run into everybody." There, that wasn't exactly a lie. He hated lying to Willow. 
"Ohh," Willow turned back around, eggs in hand. "I see, well, that makes sense. We would certainly have cramped your style." She let out a small giggle. "Such as it is. Anyway, where are your mixing bowls? So did you have any luck, did you hook up with a hot blonde or something?" She opened and closed cabinets, shaking her head at their emptiness. 
"Well, see, that's kind of the thing, Wills, I did sorta hook up with a hot blond and well, said hot blond is still here." There, that should get rid of her. "And I'm not up for breakfast time meetings, kind of awkward, you know."
"Wow, Xander," Willow turned back to face him, eyes large. "That's really not like you, you were careful, right?"
"Yes, of course I was." Sure he was careful. After all, he didn't have to worry about catching anything from Spike. He didn't have to worry about giving anything to Spike. He just had to worry about being killed by Spike. Much better than just worrying about disease. 
"Okay," Xander grinned as Willow started whispering. "I'll just go, I'm sorry, I should have called first, but I didn't, I mean, I never even thought,"
"Willow, don't worry about it, it's fine. Thanks for the blueberries, I'll call you this afternoon." He ushered her out the door, locking it behind her. He put the latch on the door this time for good measure. He always set the latch as well. He guessed he must have been too distracted to do it last night.
He made it back to the bedroom just in time to find Spike lacing up his boots. Spike was fully dressed and he was concentrating just a little too much on tying the knots. "Right then, the witch is gone. Give it a few minutes, then I'll just be off." 
"Spike, you can't go, it's the middle of the day." Xander felt his stomach clench. He didn't want Spike to go, not when he finally got him here. 
"Well, I'll just nick one of your blankets then, mate. Shouldn't be a problem." Spike looked over at the wall, not meeting Xander's eyes. He didn't want to go, but he didn't really see any other choice. Damn but he wanted to stay. "Look, Xander, we both know," 
"Spike, shut up, don't even start." Xander moved to stand in front of Spike, forcing the vampire to look up at him. "Okay, maybe we should have discussed this last night, but now is as good a time as any." He settled onto the bed next to Spike, taking the vampire's hands in his. He took in a deep breath and then let it out. "Here goes, you said you didn't want just a shag, neither do I. I have no idea what the fuck we're thinking getting into this, but here we are. I want this and you want this and we want this, and, I'm really hoping you want there to be a we. I'm not asking for some huge commitment or anything. Just, well, I guess I wanted you to know that this wasn't just about sex." He let go of Spike's hands and moved slightly away, waiting to hear the response. He started when Spike reached over and took his hand again.
"Glad to know we're on the same page, mate." Spike ran a thumb along the back of Xander's hand. 
"Good, then it's settled. We're an us." He couldn't help the grin, no matter how foolish it made him look.
"Guess so, pet." A familiar smirk crossed Spike's face. "How exactly are we going to break this to your little gang, I don't think they are going to be very pleased." Xander laughed as Spike stood, shrugging out of the duster as he did so. 
"Oh, don't worry, I've got that all planned out." Xander ran his eyes possessively over the vampire. His vampire. Definitely his vampire. "Here's what I thought, since you already made your position known, I figured you could start trying to seduce me in front of them. You know, standing a little too close, casual touches that aren't so casual. I can act all flustered and shy, like you're putting me under your thrall. See, I never bothered to tell any of them that I like boys as much as girls. So, I can play the sweet little virgin." He batted his eyes at Spike who was standing perfectly still.
"That," Spike cleared his throat, trying not to sound so hoarse. "That seems like a plan." He sat back down on the bed, leaning back slightly, trying to keep for simply grabbing Xander and pinning him to the mattress. "It sounds like quite a good plan."
"Oh, I think so. Especially since we'll both know the entire time that I'll just be waiting for the second we're alone to grab you and kiss you so deeply that it's a good thing you don't need to breathe. That I'll be counting the seconds until I can drag you off to the woods or behind some crypt and run my hands under your shirt, up your spine, down your chest, across your stomach." Xander crept his hand up Spike's thigh as he spoke, his voice low and husky. "You can make the rest of them believe that you're in charge but we'll both know the truth. That I want this just as much as you do. Maybe more. After all, I'll be the one who can barely control myself from simply throwing you to the ground and fucking you then and there, right in front of anyone who can see. I want them all to see, to see what you do to me, to see how hard you make me, to see what just the thought of pressing myself into your perfect, perfect ass does to me."
Spike let out a hiss as Xander's hand caressed him through his jeans. His eyes were closed and he was panting, seeing it clearly in his mind. His jeans were slowly opened, and then warm fingers were stroking him.
"But I'll wait, I'll control myself, I'll make us both wait until we're here or at your crypt. I'll make us both wait until you're sobbing for it, begging for it, desperate to feel me inside you. We won't even make it to the bed, I'll just pounce the second we lock the door." Xander reached down and began stroking himself in the same rhythm he was using on Spike. "Only then will I bend you over and start to get you ready. How do you like it, Spike, do you like it one finger at a time or do you like to start with two at once? Not that it'll matter, I'm going to do it slowly, so slowly, because otherwise it'll be over too soon. It's only when I have you wide open that I'll press into you. You're going to think I'll be slow, as slow as my hands, but I won't. I'll just slide right in all the way in one move. It'll be so perfect, so tight that I won't want to move. But I will, I'll start to move and each stroke with hit your prostate and you'll start to scream. That's what I want to hear, I want to hear you scream, I want to know that I did that to you."
Spike shuddered under Xander's touch, seeing it all in razor sharp clarity. It would be good, so very, very good. The stroking grew faster and faster as Xander started speaking again.
"I'm going to ride you and ride you and it'll be so good. So incredibly good. I'll scream your name and shoot so deep you'll think I've coated your entire insides. That'll set you off and we'll finally collapse as your legs give out. Once we get some strength back we'll stagger to the bed. We'll sleep, and when we wake up, I'll let you fuck me. Because as much as I'm dying to be in your ass, I'm dying to feel you in mine even more."
"Jesus, Xan," Spike panted, right on the edge. "Xander, please, please." The hands pulled firm on them both and they came together, unable to even scream the intensity too much. Spike pulled Xander over next to him as they both gathered themselves. 
"Shower, pet? Think we need it." Coherency wasn't quite within Spike's grasp at the moment, but he was definitely too sticky for just a towel.
"Sounds like I'm not the only one with a plan." Xander forced himself to sit up, pulling Spike with him. "No more trying to run away, deal?" He locked eyes with Spike.
"Deal, Xander. Although I will have to go back tonight to get some new clothes," Spike's voice was muffled a little as he pulled his shirt over his head.
"Fine, but I come with you." Xander stripped his own shirt off just in time to hear Spike's chuckle.
"That is the goal after all," Spike arched as eyebrow as Xander groaned. 
"That's not what I meant," Xander started only to be immediately interrupted by an amused voice.
"Could have fooled me." Xander just shot a dirty look over as they headed towards the bathroom, Xander's hands firmly on Spike's shoulders, guiding him down the hall. He wasn't about to let Spike go, not now, not ever again if he could help it.

Part Five: Don’t Move

“Don’t move.”

Xander went completely still as the hand was suddenly clamped over his
mouth. Eyes wide, he concentrated on breathing through his nose. Spike’s
face was inches from his, eyes glittering yellow as Spike stared at the
wooden door behind Xander’s back. Spike was quivering, pressed tightly to
Xander’s side, every muscle tense and ready to fight. Xander
concentrated, trying to hear whatever it was that upset his lover so. He
closed his eyes as he shut all his other senses down, trying to ignore the
almost overwhelming temptation to start licking between Spike’s fingers. 
No, that would not be good. Whatever it was, it was upsetting the vampire
deeply. If that was the case, distracting him would probably be a
life-ending proposition. Xander strained harder, wishing faintly as
always that he had some measure of enhanced skills. There, he could
finally hear the faint whispers of voices drifting through the night.

“Slayer,” Spike hissed out, dragging Xander away from the door and
thrusting him down the tunnels. Xander moved as silently as possible,
anxious to get away. Looked like Buffy was finally coming to have it out
with Spike. Apparently, their masquerade was going a little too well. It
had been so much fun these last two weeks, toying with them all. The
slow, slow building of the heat in their insults, bringing the underlying
subtext closer and closer to the surface. The standing too close and
leaning into one another and whispering. All the classic techniques. 
Spike played his part to the hilt, swaggering and leering and taunting. 
The whole gang was on edge, watching Spike carefully. Xander snickered
slightly, they were so easy. Buffy and Riley thought all they had to do
was scowl and threaten and Spike would back off. Hells, if it weren’t for
the fact that Spike was now their best weapon he would have been dusted
long before. But ever since the night Spike ripped the heads off five
demons in one unimaginably bloody minute, well, his usefulness suddenly
outweighed any other little concerns. At least for now. Xander stayed
just out of sight, still able to hear the voices and see just the edge of
Spike’s duster. He wasn’t going to miss this, it should be fun.

The door slammed open and Buffy strode in, Riley trailing in her wake. 
“Look, Spike, I want to know what the hell you’re doing,” Buffy hissed
out, a stake raised as she stalked towards Spike.

“Why hello, Slayer, to what do I owe the honor.” Spike lit a cigarette,
blowing the smoke directly into her face. He smirked as she waved it

“What are you trying to pull with Xander, what is all that shit, huh? 
Whatever it is, it better stop.” Buffy tossed the spike meaningfully as
Riley moved to stand beside her.

“I have no idea what you mean, pet.” Spike continued to smoke slowly. 
Oh, this was just lovely, just perfect. He was shocked it took them this
long to try this.

“Don’t even try to pretend you don’t know what we’re talking about,” Riley
leaned forward menacingly. “You know exactly how you’ve been acting.”

“Seriously, what are you two babbling on and on about. I haven’t done
anything to the whelp. Quite the contrary, as I seem to recall it was
yours truly who yanked him out of the reach of those fledglings tonight. 
Not to mention what happened with those damn demons.” The ceiling
suddenly occupied the vampire’s attention as he closed his eyes, battling
back the sick wave of nausea as he pictured that night. When he looked up
and saw Xander surrounded like that. . . He dropped the cigarette,
crushing it under his heel. His actions that night were instinctive and
animal. A threat to what was his. They must die. And so they had.

Buffy just let out a huge sigh and then pressed the stake into his chest. 
He turned a weary gaze to her. “Oh, let’s just cut to the chase, Slayer. 
Either stake me or don’t. Don’t play with it, it isn’t a toy, you know.” 
He watched the temptation flit across her features, then she stepped back,
contempt on her face.

“Look, we all know what’s been going on. For some reason you’ve decided
to start pursuing Xander. Well, he’s off limits. Whatever mindgame
you’re playing, stop it. Now.” Her eyes blazed as she and Riley leaned

“I have no idea what you’re babbling about, Slayer.” Spike just stared
them both down, eyebrows arching heavenward. “I’m certainly not pursuing

“Spike, you’ve been, been flirting with him,” Buffy ground out.

“Flirting. With the whelp? Are you out of your mind, Slayer? I have
been doing no such thing.” Spike pushed them away then turned and fell
into the chair. “Flirting with him? Now, Slayer, have you seen me touch
him, hmm. Have I asked him out on a date? Have I been mooning under his
window like some lovestruck git? Have I been bringing him candy and
flowers?” Spike battled back the smirk longing to cross his face. They
were looking confused now, exactly as he wanted them to look. “Besides,
I didn’t know that he’s light in the loafers. Now that you mention it,
though, he is a nice piece of. . .”

“Spike,” Riley yelped out before the vampire could finish. This was not
going how they planned. “Do you honestly expect us to believe that you
haven’t been flirting with him?”

“Bloody hell, is that what you think I’ve been doing? Trust me, if I were
flirting with him, you would know it. Cors, you two are something else. 
First you want me to stop threatening to kill you all. Then you accuse
me off getting all fresh with one of your groupies when I try to be
decent. What’s wrong, soldier boy, jealous? Slayer there not quite
enough for you?” Spike tilted his head, appraising Riley openly. “Are
you sure you aren’t just seeing what you want to see? Must be hard,
missing all your little army buddies. I hear it can get quite cozy in
those barracks.” He ducked as the fist came swinging. “Seem to have
struck a nerve, Slayer. Perhaps you and lover boy should have a little

“Riley, let’s go. Spike, I’m warning you, if you do anything to Xander.” 
Buffy tugged Riley away. “Riley, ignore him, he’s not worth it.” They
stomped out, slamming the door shut for good measure.

Spike held up his hand, halting Xander in his approach. “Just a minute,
pet. Want to make sure they’re gone.” They both paused, silent as the
minutes passed. Finally satisfied that they wouldn’t be interrupted,
Spike pulled Xander to him. Xander tossed his backpack over to the foot
of the bed, then settled into Spike’s grasp.

“So,” Xander muttered as Spike began steadily kissing up and down his
neck. “We seem to have rattled them.”

“Hmmm,” Spike sighed, not really paying attention, focused more on
unbuttoning Xander’s shirt.

“Spike,” Xander tugged on the vampire’s hair, trying to get his attention.
“Listen to me, we better lay off, at least in front of them, for a little
while. Let things calm down.” Xander grinned evilly as he began stroking
his fingers through Spike’s hair. “That way it’ll really shock them when
they walking in on us kissing.” Spike just mumbled a reply, not really
paying attention. Xander’s eyes narrowed and he tightened his grip in
Spike’s hair. “Spike, what did I just say?”

Spike was so distracted by wrapping his tongue around Xander’s nipple that
he missed the dangerous edge to Xander’s voice. “Um, something about
kissing,” he started, only to stop as he was shoved into the wall.

“You weren’t listening to me.” Xander’s voice was razor sharp, fury
dancing in his eyes. “You know better than to ignore me.”

Spike dropped his head, not wanting to meet those cold, cold eyes. “I
wasn’t ignoring you, I was just, well, distracted.” He leaned forward,
trying to kiss Xander. “You’re bloody distracting, you know that, Xan. 
All that golden flesh.” His head snapped back as Xander nipped at his

“Nice try. But it’s not going to work this time. How many times have I
told you, don’t ignore me. Don’t ever ignore me. I think it’s time I
taught you a little lesson.” Xander whirled Spike around, shoving him
down on the bed. He quickly flipped the vampire over, knees on either
side of the thin body, hands pressing Spike’s shoulder’s tightly to the
bed. “Oh, I definitely think it’s time you learned a lesson.” Xander
leaned back, ripping off his shirt.

“Don’t move. Don’t move an inch. If you move, I’ll walk right out that
door. And if I walk out, I won’t be back for a week. And so help me if
you come to my place I’ll get Willow to uninvite you.”

Spike sucked in a sharp breath as the command came down. Xander meant
that. Spike had no doubt about it. He forced himself to lie perfectly
still, even as his erection grew. Xander’s chest was no longer pressed
into his back, but Xander’s thighs were pressed next to his. And he knew
the promise contained under Xander’s harsh tone. If he moved, Xander
would leave. And punish them both. Ahh, but if he stayed still. He
closed his eyes and forced his body to obey.

Xander reached down and slowly, slowly began peeling the tight shirt off
Spike’s body. It was difficult without Spike’s help, but then again, that
was part of the thrill. To have such a dangerous creature completely at
his mercy. He could do anything, anything to Spike right now. Hells, he
could stake him before Spike knew what was happening. Xander’s hands
started to shake slightly at the trust this displayed. How had they
gotten here so fast? Two weeks, two weeks and three days since that first
kiss. Now he had Spike obeying his every command.

“Stand up. Strip.” The shirt was caught on Spike’s shoulders and Xander
couldn’t wait much longer. Spike instantly obeyed, the clothes flying
across the room as he yanked them off. He stared straight ahead as Xander
slowly peeled off his own shirt.

“Back on the bed. Face down. Hands above your head.” Spike lay back
down, taking care to arrange himself so that his erection was pressed flat
beneath him and his head was turned to the left, leaving one side of his
face exposed, arms stretched straight above his head. He saw Xander
rummage in the backpack, then grin as he dropped several items on the bed.
Spike started when the cuffs snapped around his wrists.

“Now, that’s better.” Xander purred as he knelt by the bed. “That’ll
keep those busy hands to themselves.” He quickly looped a long length of
rope through the small space between the cuffs and Spike’s wrist, dropping
a length down the side of the bed. He reached under and grabbed the end,
efficiently knotting the rope to the frame. He leaned back up, then gave
a firm tug. There, nice and tight. Xander had no illusions, if Spike
truly wanted to be free, then the rope wasn’t tight enough to stop him. 
But otherwise, Spike’s arms were trapped to the bed.

Spike battled back the urge to struggle. No, he was told not to move. So
he wouldn’t. Gods, it felt so good, so right to give way like this. To
simply sit back and let Xander take charge. To place himself at Xander’s
mercy. And mercy it was. For Xander never pushed him too far, never did
anything that Spike didn’t want him to do, at least on some level. Never
left him without an out. Take the rope. Yes, yes he was trapped to the
bed. But he could break the rope if he wanted to. He knew it. Xander
knew it. The cuffs might be a different matter, but even those could be
yanked apart. Besides, his legs were still free. He felt his arousal
grow as he heard Xander’s jeans hit the floor. A warm weight settled
across his body as Xander came to rest directly on top of him.

“Now, this is nice. A warm night like tonight, to have my very own
vampire to keep me cool,” Xander whispered in Spike’s ear as he slowly ran
his hands up and down Spike’s sides. “Oh yes, very nice.” He moved his
mouth to the back of Spike’s neck and began kissing his way down Spike’s

“Don’t move. Remember that, no matter how much you want to, no matter how
much your cock aches, no matter how much you need to rub into the blanket.
Don’t move. Not until I tell you.” Xander murmured the words into
Spike’s skin, moving inexorably down Spike’s body. “Don’t move.” He
leaned back, then dipped his tongue into the crease of Spike’s ass.

Spike’s hissed, desperate. How could he not move, how could he stop
himself from reacting? How the fuck was he supposed to stop his body from
arching up as Xander’s hands spread his ass, as Xander’s tongue traced his
opening. Just how the fuck was he supposed to lie there and take it as
Xander fucked him with his tongue, slicking him, opening him. He began to
whimper, knowing that was his only outlet now.

Xander drank in the sounds of Spike’s suffering, his own body aching in
sympathy. Three was no way he could have done it. If he were the one
tied to the bed and Spike was rimming him, there was no way he could stay
still. But Spike could. Spike did. Spike was. Xander picked up the
lube and slicked his fingers. He wanted to drag it out some more, but he
wasn’t that cruel. He pressed two fingers forward, sliding them in
easily, Spike already open from the touch of his tongue. He heard Spike
sob as the fingers slid home.

“That better now, is that what you want? Oh, yeah, I think it is.” 
Xander scissored his fingers, spreading Spike wide. “That’s just what you
want.” Xander slicked himself, his own breathing becoming erratic. Spike
was so fucking beautiful like this.

“On your knees, head down.” 

Spike slid up, grateful for the movement. His shoulders strained under
the tug of the rope as he slid his thighs open wide. He heard Xander move
behind him on the bed, then felt the familiar burn as Xander pushed
slowly, slowly into his body.

“Spike, fuck, so good,” Xander slowly eased back and forth, hands on
Spike’s hips, pulling them back just enough to strain the rope. He picked
up the pace, eyes fluttering shut as the unbelievable tightness gripped
him. “So good, so tight, mine, you’re mine, no one else’s, mine.”

Spike growled as the cuffs cut into his wrists, the scent of his own blood
inciting his passion. He grew harder and harder as Xander moved in him,
the heat of Xander’s flesh rippling through his body. He was close, so
close, so very, very close now. “Yes, please,” he panted out as he felt
Xander’s hand slowly stroke him.

“That’s right, mine, all of you, mine, mine.” Xander tugged hard, pumping
in time to the thrust of his hips. “Mine, come for me, Spike, please, for
me, for me, you’re mine, mine.” The strokes were relentless, demanding
and fierce. “Please, Spike, please,” Xander’s voice cracked as he dropped
his head on Spike’s back, biting down as hard as he could. “Please.”

Spike shuddered under the bite and then came, coating Xander’s hand. It
was the please that got him, the desperate want contained in the words. 
Want and need for him. He felt Xander pour into him, then collapse on his
back. They collapsed as Spike’s legs gave out, and they lay there, sated
until Xander finally stirred. Leaning over, he picked up the knife and
key from where he placed them on the floor. He cut the rope free, then
unlocked the cuffs.

Spike immediately turned and gathered Xander close, stroking the dark hair
back from Xander’s face. He nuzzled into Xander’s neck, letting out a
happy sigh. Gods, he loved this, loved to offer himself up, loved to give
everything he had to his lover, loved to be completely at this man’s
command. This man who would only hurt him just enough and never more.

“Spike,” Xander yawned as he snuggled closer. “Next time can I tie you
legs down too?”

“Sure thing, luv.” Spike stirred, growing hard again at the mere thought.
“Sure thing.”