Student Directory
Welcome to the Student Diectory. We are devoted to providing you with in depth facts about the students at Hellmouth High.
Name: Buffy Anne Summers
Born: Los Angeles, 1981-1998 1998-2001 2001-?
Address: 1630 Revello Drive
Siblings: Dawn (15)
Favorite Movie: Thelma and Louise
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Drink: Orange Juice
Favorite Thing from Childhood: Mr Gordo
Fear: Her coffin
Favorite Memories: Skating shows with dad, Bronzin with the gang, Angel kisses
Past Loves: Tyler, Pike, Owen, Cameron, Ford, Angel, Scott, Parker, Riley, Spike
Hobbies: Slaying vampires, going Bronzin’, skating, cheerleading
Job/s: Slayer
Episodes: All
Name: Xander LaVelle Harris
Born: Sunnydale 1981-?
Address:17619 Whiteoak Drive (Where his parents house is.)
Siblings: None
Favorite Food: cookies
Favorite Movie: Apocalypse Now
Favorite Music Band: Backstreet Boys
Fear: people finding out he likes the Backstreet Boys
Worst Memories: Parents fighting, living with Spike in the basement, male stripper
Best Memories: Blowing up the high school
Past Loves: Natalie, Cordelia, Willow, Anya
Hobbies: bowling, mini golf
Jobs: Starbucks Employee, Donut Getter, Busboy, Ice Cream Man, Male Stripper, Construction worker
Car: Uncle Rory’s 1957 Chevy Belier
Episodes: Teacher’s Pet, Bewitched, Bothered, Bewildered, The Zeppo, The Replacement
Name: Willow Rosenberg
Born: Sunnydale 1981-?
Address: 6305 Westminster Palce. (Where ehr parents live now.)
Siblings: None
Favorite TV Show: Sponge Bob Squarepants
Fear: Tadpoles, being on stage
Worst Memories: Tryign to end the world, Tara's death
Best Memories: Meeting Oz, meeting Tara, learning magic
Past Loves: Moloch, Xander, Oz, Tara
Hobbies: hacking and magic
Pets: Use4d to have fish, cat
Jobs: witch, retail at the Magic Box
Episodes: I Robot, You Jane, Dopplegangland, Tough Love, Tabula Rasa, Wrecked, Villains, Two to Go, Grave, Same Time, Same Place
Name: Rupert Giles
Born: England 1947-?
Address: It used to be 523 Oakpark Street Apt. B
Siblings: ?
Fear: Ripper, Ethan Rayne, Angelus
Worst Memories: Finding Jenny’s body, being a demon
Best Memories: Being Buffy’s watcher, band candy
Past Loves: Jenny, Olivia
Hobbies: invoking bad demons, being a punk, researching, making tea
Jobs: Watcher, Store Owner
Cars: 1979 Citroen, Mustang convertible
Episodes: The Dark Age, Band Candy
Name: Spike aka William the Bloody
Born: England 1857-1880 1880-?
Colors: red and black
Movie: Sid and Nancy
Music: The Clash, the Ramones
Shows: Passions and Dawson’s Creek
Food: little marshmellows
Drink: Blood
Lovers: Cecily, Drusilla, Buffy
Car: 1958 Dodge Desoto
Job: Poet and vampire
Worst Memory: Getting dissed by Cecily
Best Memories: Killing Slayer and getting a kiss from Buffy
Fear: Bears
Hobbies: Doing bad evil things, hanging with Buffy
Episodes: Lover's Walk, Something Blue, Fool for Love, Intervention, Beneath You
Name: Dawn Summers
Born: Los Angeles 1985-?
Music: *N Sync
Favorite Color: Purple
Food: Sugar Bombs cereal
Hobbies: Art, hanging with friends
Worst Memories: losing Buffy, Glory, the tower
Best Memory: Getting Buffy back
Episodes: Real Me, All the Way, Older and Far Away, Lessons
Name: Tara Maclay
Born: East Coast? The South? 1981-?
Love: Willow
Worst Memory: Losing mom, dying
Best Memory: Meeting Willow
TV Show: Spongebob Squarepants
Pet: Kitty Fantastico, (Ms Kitty)
Fear: Not being part of the gang, Willow’s magic
Hobbies: Magic
Allergies: Shellfish
Episodes: Family
Name: Daniel Osbourne
Born: Sunnydale 1981-?
Love: Willow, Veruca
Job: Musician
Fear: The wolf inside
Hobbies: Slaying, music
Best Memories: Willow Kissage
Worst Memories: Leaving Willow, betrayed by Willow
Episodes: Phases, Beauty and The Beasts, Wild at Heart, New Moon Rising
Name: Liam, Angel, Angelus
Born: Galway 1729-1753 1753-?
Food: Double Fudge Mint Chip Mint Ice Cream and O negative Blood
Love: Darla, Buffy, Drusilla, Kate, Rebecca, Jihara, Fred, Cordelia
Job: Private eye
Hobbies: Reading and doing good
Fear: Angelus, Drusilla, Buffy’s death
Worst Memories: The lost day, losing Buffy, dying
Best Memories: Being with Buffy, being human again
Car: 1952 Plymouth Belvedere GTX
Episodes: Angel, Passion, Becoming 1& 2, Beauty and The Beasts, Consequences, Enemies
Name: Cordelia Chase
Born: Sunnydale 1981-?
Movie: Clueless
Car: Red Convertible with license plate Queen C, some other car
Jobs: Boutique worker, receptionist
Fears: Being unpopular, being infested with demon spawn of any kind
Pet: Dennis the ghost
Worst Memory: Losing her money, being impaled
Best Memory: Almost every day before Buffy came
Love: Population of SHS, including Devon, Xander, Kevin, also Groo, Angel, Wesley
Episodes: Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered, The Wish
Name: Riley Finn
Born: Iowa 1978-?
Movie: Any war movie
Car: A Jeep
Jobs: Initiative Agent, Teacher’s Assistant, Soldier
Fears: Not knowing the truth, losing Buffy
Worst Memory: Losing Buffy, losing Professor Watlsh, Losing Forest
Best Memory: Meeting Buffy
Love: Buffy Summers
Episodes: Where the Wild things Are, The Initiative, Yoko Factor, Primeval, As You Were
Name: Anya Christina Emmanuella Emerson
Born: Europe cc 900
Car: Toyota
Movie: Wall Street, Boiler Room
Job: Vengeance Demon, Store keeper
Fears: Getting old, losing Xander
Worst Memory: Losing her power, the wedding
Best Memory: Seeing Xander
Loves: Lots of men before she was evil, Xander
Episodes: The Wish, Triangle, Hell's Bells, Entropy