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It Takes a Voyage to Learn

Shot of the exterior of the Widow's Walk. The sound of knocking is heard.

Daniel Cooper (V.O.):
Morning, Alex.

Alex Stone (V.O.): Hi, Daniel.


(looking ill at ease) Can I have a word with you?

Sure. Come on in. (pauses until Daniel enters linen room) What's up?

Daniel: This is really awkward. Um, Jim Peloquin came to see me, and he told me that he and Bob had a fight, and Bob came here last night.

Alex: He came to you about this? (Obviously irritated) That's it. You know, I am so sick of being put in the middle of their dysfunctional relationship.

Is Bob still here?

Alex: Yeah, last time I saw him, he was zonked out on the bed.

Daniel: Alex, obviously Bob is very confused.

Alex: (countering) Jim is the one who's confused.

No, Jim is not spending the night with you every time he has a fight with this...this Bob guy.

Alex: Have you met Bob?

Daniel: No.


(knocking and opening door) Bob? Bob? (addressing Border Collie lying on bed) Reverend Cooper would like to meet you.

Bob barks twice.

Daniel: (embarrassed) How's it going...Bob?

Opening Credits

Commercial Break #1


Bell rings three times.

Nub Flanders: (to Evil Eye and Kid Crawlay) Okay, gentlemen, come to center. Now, you two know the rules. I want a good, clean fight.

Daniel: What's going on? Nub: (in background) I don't want any low blows.

Brian Brewster: It's a fight. I don't want any ear-biting.

Daniel: I can see that, Brian. I want you to shake hands.

Nub: Go to your corners, and when you hear the bell, come out swinging.

Daniel: Who are they?

They're retired boxers from the mainland. They're on my tour.

Daniel: Your tour?

Brian: You sure ask a lot of questions, don't you?

Daniel: (watching Evil Eye and Kid Crawlay box) Aren't you afraid somebody's going to get hurt?

Brian: Look at them. It's more an exercise in futility than an actual fight, Reverend.

Daniel: I see your point.

(yelling) Come on, Evil Eye, give it to him!


Evil Eye socks Kid Crawley. Bell signals end of round.

Brian: (blows whistle) Kid Crawley, Evil Eye-out! (consults clipboard) Moose and the Face-in!

The Face enters the ring. He sees Nub and socks him. Nub appears to be down for the count.



The camera follows Alex and Daniel into the Widow's Walk.

Daniel: Alex, I need a ride. Because apparently, Judge Bradley's house is only accessible by boat.

Alex: Judge Bradley? That's a name I haven't heard in a while. What do you need to go to his house for?

Daniel: His nurse asked me to look in on him. So will you drive me?

Uh...(long pause) Um, why don't I just give you the keys to my boat?

Daniel: That'd be great-- if I knew how to drive a boat.

Alex: Fine. After I finish setting up the bar.

Alex exits, giving Daniel a look. Brian, Nub and the boxers enter the Widow's Walk.

Brian: (to Nub) There you go. You'll be okay. In a couple of days, you'll be fine.

Evil Eye: We'll meet you down here in a half-hour, Brian, and remember, the boys are counting on those cigars.

Brian: Don't worry about it, Evil Eye, Face. It'll be fine. I'll go get them right now, Kid. (pushing Nub toward the dining room) Here, you go pull yourself together.

Kevin Mitchum: (stopping Brian on his way out) Mr. Brewster.

Brian: What do you want?

Kevin tears out a citation from his police book. Brian crumples the citation, and tosses it over his shoulder to Kevin as he leaves. Kevin catches the crumpled citation, and moves to follow Brian, but is pulled back by Molly.

Molly Brewster: Why is my dad upset?

He's mad because I'm making him dismantle the boxing ring. That thing is a public nuisance. Molly, I am telling you, if Brian wasn't your father, I would...I would run him in for, uh, unlawful assembly, blocking traffic,...false advertising!

Daniel: False advertising?

Alex: Oh, yeah, sure. Check this out. (hands advertisement to Daniel) The James J. Braddock Memorial Tour.

Daniel: (reading advertisement) "Come to Hope Island, the site of James J. Braddock's summer training camp." (surprised) What? The 1935 heavyweight champion of the world trained here? That's... That's...(sees Alex shaking her head) ...not true, is it?

Hah! Braddock came to the island once. For lunch! Brian's reinventing history hoping to lure tourists and sell real estate.

Alex: Yeah. I kind of doubt any of those guys want to move out of their retirement homes.

Daniel: (to Alex) Can we go now? Please?


Hang on, Daniel. We're almost there. (Alex drives boat up to a dock.) Hey!

Nurse Salvo: Hi, Alex. Whoa, a bit choppy out there today, huh?

Alex: Yeah.

Nurse Salvo: Hi, Reverend!

Daniel looks like he is seasick.

Alex: He's not feeling too good today.

Nurse Salvo: What's wrong?

Alex: Well, first time on a boat, I think.

Nurse Salvo: Ah! He'll be all right. (to Daniel) You take it easy, there.

Nurse Salvo and Daniel walk up the stairs from the dock.

Nurse Salvo: I don't think he'll be with us much longer, and I've been so concerned about his spiritual well-being.

Daniel: (putting on his white collar) Is he ready to see me?

Nurse Salvo: Oh..oh...he doesn't know you're coming. (quickly slips away)

Daniel appears on the porch, seasick, where Judge Bradley is sitting.

Judge Bradley: I'll tell you what I told Mrs. Salvo. Save your prayers for someone who needs them. (sees Daniel is still seasick) Oh, dear. Here. Have a drink of water. Take some deep breaths and sit down.


Brian: Ruby, I need those cigars now.

Ruby: (looking in filing cabinet) Oh, hold your horses, Brian.

Ruby continues looking in the filing cabinet. Brian pokes at some of the files toward the rear of the drawer.

Brian: Notes to Bonita regarding the weather? Notes to Ruby regarding the economy? You know, it would be a lot easier if you two just spoke to one another.

Ruby: We like it just the way it is, Brian. Ah, here's Bonita's note. It says right here that you need the cigars on Wednesday.
It's only Monday.

No, I distinctly remember telling Bonita I needed them by the 15th.

Wednesday is the 15th, Brian.

Brian: Well, that's great! That's just great. What am I gonna do now?

Ruby: I've got an idea.


Judge Bradley: Feeling any better?

Daniel: (hanging his head, still feeling ill) Oh... I'm getting there.

Judge Bradley: Good. Because I'd like to get back to my book now.

Daniel: (looks up and sees an elaborate chess board) Play chess?

Judge Bradley: Not anymore. Mrs. Salvo's strictly a checkers gal.

Daniel: You know, I'm a pretty good chess player.

Judge Bradley: (interested) Really?

Daniel: Mm-hmm. (moves chessboard closer to Judge Bradley) So, you were a judge?

Judge Bradley: I had to retire when my health got bad. It was a real shame. I looked good in black.

Daniel: And your wife-is she -- she's gone?

Judge Bradley: You make it sound like she just stepped out, like she's gone for a walk. (pause) She's gone. Five years.

Daniel: I'm sorry.

Judge Bradley: So... What should I call you?

Daniel: Daniel. You can call me Daniel. What should I call you?

Judge Bradley: (matter-of-factly) Judge Bradley. Well... Who's going to make the first move, Daniel?

Daniel: If there's anything you'd like to share with me, Judge Bradley, I'm here to listen.

Judge Bradley: I meant the first move of our game.

Daniel: After you.


Brian: No, no, look, guys, these noisemakers -- much better than cigars. These things have got historical significance. You know, Braddock used these during training. Helped build up his lungs. Show them, Nub.

Nub blows the noisemaker really loud. All the boxers begin blowing theirs.

Kevin: That's it! I'm writing you all a ticket for disorderly conduct.

Molly: Not until they've paid Alex's bill.

Kid Crawlay: Look, we were promised cigars, not party favors-- the same kind that Braddock smoked. You haven't delivered on anything that you promised in your brochure.

Evil Eye: This "tour" is like one big real estate pitch, and we ain't paying for something that we didn't get.

Brian: What's that supposed to mean?

Evil Eye: We ain't paying our bill.

Molly: (panicky) Dad! Do something!

Listen, boys, it's not my fault. It's the mother and daughter at the store. They haven't spoken to one another in 17 years.

Kid Crawlay: Haven't spoken in 17 years?

Evil Eye: Why don't they talk? Some kind of fight?

Kid Crawlay: Yeah, what's it all about?

Brian: I don't know.

(maybe she can salvage the situation) I do! I know. It's...uh, it's exactly the kind of story that James Braddock would've loved. In fact, he always said, "I'd rather finish off a meal with a good fight story than a cigar any day."

Evil Eye:
That's true. There's nothing a boxer loves more than a good fight story.

Molly: So you'll pay your hotel bill?

Evil Eye: Well... Fair enough.

Molly: Like my father said, Ruby and Bonita Vasquez haven't spoken to each other in 17 years.

(camera takes on a dreamy, flashback quality) Bonita and her mother, Ruby, pooled their money and bought the General Store. They were getting the store ready for opening when Calvin Douglas arrived on Hope to repair the lighthouse. It's been said that when you swooned over Calvin Douglas, you stayed swooned. He arranged for Bonita to visit him in the afternoons, making her promise to keep their romantic rendezvous a secret-- even from Ruby. They spent their days sharing picnics and walking for hours along the water's edge, and Bonita fell hopelessly in love.

However, his evenings were a different story. Those were spent with Ruby. Just as he had with Bonita, he made Ruby promise to keep their nighttime encounters a secret. They spent their evenings dancing on the beach in the moonlight, and Ruby fell hopelessly in love. Three weeks later, with his lighthouse job completed, it was time to leave. Calvin promised he'd return in a few days, but he never did. It's been 17 years since Calvin left behind two broken hearts.

Ruby and Bonita blamed each other, and they stopped talking. And to this day, not a word has been spoken between them.

All the boxers are weeping.

Evil Eye: (speaking for all the teary-eyed boxers) We'll go pack. Then we'll...we'll settle our bill.

Brian: Be sure to recommend the tour to all your younger, more financially solvent friends at the gym! (to Molly) How do you know what they fought about?

Molly: Mom told me.

Brian: She never told me!

Molly: She thought if you knew, you'd interfere.

Brian: Well... isn't that typical of your mother? Just goes to show how little that woman knew me. I mean, me interfering...

Kevin has put on sunglasses to hide his teary eyes. He sniffles. Molly turns her head to look at him, to see if he's okay.

Kevin: I'm good, I'm good.


Daniel gets out of the cab of Alex's truck.

Alex: You, uh, you sure you want to do this again tomorrow?

Daniel: Maybe it's like a car. The driver never gets sick. All I need is for someone to teach me. Oh, look at it this way, Alex: I learn how to drive a boat, then I won't have to bother you anymore.

Alex drives off.


Brian is walking back and forth in front of the General Store, looking like he is trying to make up his mind.

Brian: Me? Interfere?......Give me a break.......a guy's gotta do... what a guy's gotta do!

He runs up the stairs and enters the store.


It is evening, Kevin chases Molly from the side of the house to the porch. They are about to kiss.

Molly: Ohh...

Kevin: Yeah!

Molly: Ohhh...


They are suddenly interrupted, as they are caught in the glare of a flashlight. Brian then turns the flashlight on his own badly bruised cheek.

Brian: Kevin, I want you to arrest Ruby Vasquez for assault and battery.

Commercial Break #2


Nub is taking Instamatic pictures of Brian's face.

Nub: Beautiful. Beautiful. Now give me some attitude, Brian.

Brian: Just take the picture, Nub!

Nub: That's it! Love the anger. (Kevin walks up.)
Oh, hey, Kevin. Here, these are for the trial.


Kevin, Brian and Nub enter the General Store.

Ruby: Oh, Brian, your eye looks awful.


Kevin: About that eye, Ruby. Brian claims you assaulted him yesterday?

Ruby: That's not true, Kevin.

Bonita: My mother did not assault Brian!

Kevin: All right. Why don't you ladies walk me through the alleged assault?

Bonita: Brian stormed in here all upset at his ex-wife.

Kevin: At Susan?

Bonita: He said if Susan had told him why we don't speak, he would have put a stop to it long ago. He got my mother very upset! She started writing something to me on the blackboard --

Brian: -- and she punched me right in the eye!

Ruby: And I accidentally hit him with my elbow.

Kevin: Is this accurate, Brian? Was it Ruby's elbow?

Brian: Elbow, fist-- what does that matter? I was attacked!

Ruby: You had no right butting into our business.

Kevin: She's got a point there, Brian. If Ruby's still mad at Bonita after all these years, you can't expect them to--

Ruby: Oh, I'm not angry at Bonita, Kevin. Well, I was for the first little while-- maybe the first seven years or so, but I got over it.

Kevin: Bonita? How about you? Are you still...mad at your mother?

Bonita: No. Not for years now.

Daniel: It sounds like this is all a blessing.

Brian: Assault and battery is a blessing?

Daniel: If you two aren't still mad at each other, then there's no real reason why you shouldn't start talking again, right?

(stammering) I guess not.

Bonita: If you say so.

Daniel: So... why not start with something easy like, "It's been great weather lately, hasn't it?"

Bonita: (to Daniel, hesitantly) Yeah, it's been beautiful. (Daniel gestures with his head that Bonita should be addresssing her mother. Bonita speaks with great difficulty:) Hasn't it... Mom?

Ruby: Well... I think it's been kind of chilly myself.

Kevin: You're talking! I can't believe it. That's great!

Brian: And you've got me to thank.


Alex: (looking at Daniel's wristbands) Is that for seasickness?

Daniel: Yep, Captain Grundy recommended it.

Alex: Whatever. Okay, lesson number one is sort of a Zen thing.

Daniel: A Zen thing?

Alex: Mm-hmm. You have to become one with your wheel. Go ahead, put your hands on it. Go on. Close your eyes.

Daniel: For how long?

Alex: Well, until you've become one, you know, with your wheel. (spots some people on the dock) Shh!

Daniel: (to the people on the dock) I'm becoming one with my wheel.


Ruby, you know you're down to one box of bunion pads here?

Ruby: Don't look at me. I told Bonita to order it.

Bonita: No, you didn't.

Ruby: Yes, I did. You just forgot.

Bonita: You never told me!

Ruby: (snatches box of bunion pads from Brian) I think I need these more than you do.

Brian: Try telling that to my feet!


Daniel is getting into Alex's boat.

Daniel: He's got so much anger inside of him.

His wife suffered half as much as my mom did. Believe me, it leaves you pretty angry.

Daniel: It's all the more reason for me to help him.

Alex: Did he ask for your help?

Daniel: No. Why else would he ask me back?

To play chess?

Daniel: Maybe he's using the chess game as an excuse to see me.

Alex: Maybe he just wants to play chess.

Alex and Daniel sail off. Judge Bradley watches their trip through binoculars. A slight smile appears on his face.



Molly: (to Bonita, who's looking through a file) What are you doing?

Bonita: Oh, just reminiscing, looking over some old notes. (looks at the one in her hand) Oh, this is great. Listen to this-- "Bonita, please order 15 bags of dried fruit for Mrs. Dawson. Guess we'll be getting fruitcake again this Christmas. (pauses, then says tenderly) Love, Mom."

Are you okay?

Bonita: I just miss the good old days when Mom didn't speak to me. Now all we do is bicker. Did you need something, Molly?

Molly: Yeah. I was looking for Alex's condiment order.

Bonita: Oh, I told Mom to order it.

Molly: She said she told you to order it.

Bonita: (to Ruby) You did not tell me to order those condiments!

Ruby: I most certainly did.

Bonita: You most certainly didn't! If you want them, order them yourself. I am not ordering them.


Judge Bradley:
What did your father say when you told him you wanted to be a minister?

Daniel: Oh, well, it's... it's the family business.

Judge Bradley: So, you're the son of a minister? He must be very proud.

Daniel: I'll be honest with you. I don't believe he thinks I'll go very far.

Judge Bradley: Oh, fathers and sons. Is that your boat?

Daniel: No. I don't have one.

Judge Bradley: That's mine there in the picture. My pride and joy, that boat.

Daniel: Is that your wife? (pause) She's very beautiful.

Judge Bradley: Emily... never did learn how to drive a boat. I think she just preferred back-seat driving. We had some great arguments in that boat. Every chance we got, we drove it here to this house. Even when she was ill. She loved this house. Toward the end, though, we never made it out of the car. We'd park in the lot at the marina and sit in silence, staring at our boat.

Daniel: She knew she was dying?

Judge Bradley: Yes.

Daniel: It must have been difficult.

Judge Bradley: You have no idea.

Daniel: Still, it must have been a comfort to know that she went to a better place.

Judge Bradley: You know that for sure, do you?

Daniel: I believe it, yes.

Judge Bradley: Do you have any proof? Because if you do, I'd like to see it.

Daniel: No, I don't have proof. I have faith.

Judge Bradley: What you have is a fantasy. Something to help you sleep at night.

Daniel: Do you have trouble sleeping at night, Judge Bradley?

Judge Bradley: (sacrifices chess game) Game's over, Daniel.

Daniel doesn't know how to proceed. Eventually, he gets up to leave, and is almost out the door when Judge Bradley speaks.

Judge Bradley:
She was in agony. Her doctor gave me a supply of morphine for her pain. She kept pleading... "Please, Patrick, please." Finally, I made up a dose of the remaining morphine... And she drank it. I held her in my arms until it was over.

Daniel: Are you saying you killed your wife?

Judge Bradley: Cancer killed my wife. I ended her pain.

Daniel: But taking a life... in God's eyes, that's sacred.

Judge Bradley: Oh, please... spare me your dogma. I'm not looking for forgiveness.

I don't think I can give it. Would you? If this were your courtroom?

Judge Bradley: (pulls himself up) I'd like you to leave.

Commercial Break #3


Alex: You want to drive? What happened back there between you and Judge Bradley?

Daniel: We reached an impasse.

Alex: Weren't you at an impasse from the beginning?


Callie: And suddenly, even the most common items are out of stock.

Nub: Tell me about it. Oh! They're completely out of Pez!

Molly: The reason they're falling behind is because they spend all of their time bickering. They're miserable!

This is all Reverend Cooper's fault. He should never have interfered.

Kevin: You started it, Brian.

Brian: Hey, let's not go blaming anyone here, Kevin.

Kevin: But you just--

Brian: (overrides Kevin) You know, what we've got to do is get them back fighting. Get things back the way they were.

Kevin: Well, that's crazy.

Alex: No, no, wait, wait. For once, I think Brian's idea actually makes sense.

Brian: Well, thank you, Alex, for that qualified vote of support.

As an officer of the law, I am duty bound to keep the peace. What you're suggesting goes against everything that I stand for.

Molly: They're out of animal crackers, Kevin.

Okay... well, who's got a plan?

Nub: I do.

Brian: Please, Nub, Kevin meant a good plan.

Alex: Brian!

Brian: Well, it's a waste of time.

Alex: Nub, go ahead. What's your plan?

Nub: Well, what'd they fight over the first time?

Molly: A man.

Nub: But not just any man.


A few minutes later

(speaking on a wireless phone) Hi. Uh, is this Calvin Douglas? This is Alex Stone. I live on Hope Island. Hi. Um, we seem to be having a little problem with our lighthouse. Um... well, it...(looks to Callie for inspiration)

Callie: (whispering) Dims, it dims.

Alex: (continuing the phone conversation) Dims. It dims sporadically and it could be dangerous. Friday? Uh, Friday's great. Um....there's a noon ferry. Okay, you'll be wearing a gray hat. I'll be watching for it. All right. Okay, bye-bye. (hangs up)

Molly: Let's hope Calvin Douglas has still got it.


Alex: Hey! What's up? Aren't you going to Bradley's today?

Daniel: No, I don't think I'll be going back there again, but I do want to talk to you, though. Nub told me there's a plan to get Ruby and Bonita fighting again. Is that true?

Alex: (amused by the craziness of the plan) Yeah.

Daniel: Why would you want to do that? I mean, everything's back to normal.

Alex: That's your idea of normal, Daniel.

Daniel: Alex, there is nothing normal about a mother and a daughter not speaking for 16 years.

Alex: 17 years.

Daniel: Whatever.

Alex: 17 years, Ruby and Bonita have worked and lived side by side, and they were happy! How many mother/daughter relationships do you think could survive that much togetherness?

Daniel: Still, making them fight again, it doesn't seem right.

Alex: You think you know what's best for everybody before you even know who they are. Need I remind you about Bob?

Daniel: Jim never mentioned Bob was a dog.

Alex: This...This just drives me crazy when people from the mainland come over here and think that they can change us. You know, not everybody has to conform to your set of values.

Daniel: That's not fair.

Alex: No, what is not fair is that as soon as you realized you couldn't fix Judge Bradley, you just walked out. And now, now you have totally screwed up Ruby and Bonita's relationship, and you refuse to believe it. You know, you might want to stop by there and, uh, check out your handiwork.


Nurse Salvo: I brought you some tea.

Judge Bradley: Thank you.

Nurse Salvo: He's late today.

Judge Bradley: He's not coming back.

Nurse Salvo: Did you finish your game?

Judge Bradley: Yes, we're finished.

Nurse Salvo: Who won?

Judge Bradley: It was a stalemate.


Daniel: Hey, Ruby, what's with all the boxes?

Ruby: Well, I told Bonita to unpack them, but she just won't listen.

Daniel: Why not?

Ruby: How should I know? She doesn't confide in me anymore. Oh! Cigars.

Daniel: But you two are happier now you're talking, right?

Ruby: Sure. (snappishly to Bonita) Bonita, when are you planning to unpack these boxes?

Bonita: I'm busy!

Ruby: Well, so am I!

Bonita: I'll get to it when I get to it!

Ruby: If she thinks I'm going to unpack these boxes, she's got another thing coming. Bonita? (No response from Bonita. Practically screaming) Bonita! (Still no response from Bonita. Back to Daniel.) So... what did you want? (Daniel just smiles ruefully.)


Daniel: That's another thing that makes no sense to me. Boats sit in water all day long, why would you need to hose it down with water?

Alex: You came all the way here to talk to me about boat washing?

Daniel: No. I came down here to eat crow. You were right about Ruby and Bonita. I don't have all the answers. I'm not even sure of the questions.

Alex: It's not a quiz show, Daniel. It's life. Nobody has all of the answers. So what happened with Judge Bradley? Was I right about that, too?

Daniel: I didn't walk away from him. He threw me out.

Alex: Really?

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Alex: Why?

Daniel: Because I can't give him what he wants from me.

Alex: Then meet him halfway. Look, Daniel, I just think if you start something, you should see it through.

Daniel: I'll need a ride.

Well, as it turns out, you're in luck, because my boat is clean and available. Come to think of it, now would be the perfect time for you to practice those driving lessons.

Daniel: No, I don't think I'm ready for that.

Alex: Well, you're going to have to be, because I...(pushes boat away from dock)... have a ferry to meet.

Daniel: (making a desperate grab for the mooring line) Alex!

Alex: That's it, you're floating. One with the wheel.


Judge Bradley:
(in a hoarse, weak voice) I told that woman not to let anybody in here.

Daniel: We have a game to finish.

Judge Bradley: I thought we were done.

Daniel: Not quite.

Judge Bradley: I can't play.

Daniel: Why not?

Judge Bradley: I can't get out of bed.

Daniel: If Mohammed won't come to the mountain... (brings chess board over to Judge Bradley)

Judge Bradley: As I recall, was your move, Daniel.


There! There's a guy with a gray hat. That must be him.

Alex and Molly follow a man they believe to be Calvin Douglas.

Alex: (trying to get the man's attention) Hi!

Molly: (also trying to get his attention) Hi there!

Alex: Um, um,...uh...Mr. Douglas?

A slightly dumpy, nondescript man further up the walkway hears his name and turns around.

Calvin Douglas: I'm Calvin Douglas. (he notices something subtle changes in their eyes) Is something wrong?

Molly: No. (embarrassed pause) I'm Molly Brewster, and this is Alex Stone.

Calvin: Nice to meet you. You know, I haven't been on this island, must be--

Alex: 17 years. (Calvin looks surprised that they knew) It was just a wild guess.

Calvin: Well, shall we check out the lighthouse?

Alex: Whatever.

Commercial Break #4


Molly is waiting while Calvin Douglas, humming to himself, checks out the workings of the lighthouse.

Molly: I think I'll go check on Alex.

Calvin: Tell her everything looks fine here.

Molly: (with a touch of sarcasm) Oh, she will be so relieved.


Alex: Okay, as soon as he's done in there, we just take him and we stick him back on the ferry.

But what about the plan?

Alex: Face it, Molly. It's like a Lucy and Ethel plan. It's never going to work. Not with the way that he looks now.

Molly: (hopeful) Maybe they won't notice.

Alex: Did you look at him?

Molly: (accepting reality) Yes.

Alex: The years have not been kind to Calvin Douglas, Molly. (Calvin Douglas joins them and hands Alex a paper.) What's this?

Calvin: My bill.

Alex: For $200! There was nothing wrong!

Calvin: I charge by the hour, including traveling time.

Alex: Great! This is just great! Everything's working out just great!

Calvin: This island sure holds a lot of wonderful memories for me. You know, do Ruby and Bonita Vasquez still live on the island?

Molly: Yeah. Do you know them?

Calvin: Well, I haven't seen them in a long time, but I...I still think of them.

Alex: You do?

Calvin: You never forget true love, do you?

Alex: Did...did you j-just say "love?"

Calvin: Crazy in love.

Alex: With which-- I mean, who?

Calvin: It's a long story

Molly: We have time. Don't we, Alex?

Alex: Oh...yeah.

Calvin: Really?

Alex: Yeah.

(camera takes on a dreamy, flashback quality) Well, I used to think of myself as quite the Don Juan. At first, Ruby and Bonita were just two more conquests, but much to my surprise, I fell in love. (he pauses) With both of them. Two angels plucked down from heaven and set here on Hope Island: the beautiful Bonita, the equally beautiful Ruby. I couldn't bring myself to hurt one and choose the other, so I left, hoping in time we'd all forget. Eventually, I got married, but I still think of them, and I've often wondered if, well, maybe they think of me from time to time.

Molly: Do you want to go see them and find out?

Calvin: You think I should?

Molly: Yes, absolutely. Right, Alex? Yes.

Alex: Whatever you say...Ethel.


Molly, Alex and Calvin are climbing the steps to the General Store. Suddenly, Calvin turns around to head back down.

Alex: Whoa. Whoa. What's wrong?

Calvin: I look a little different than the last time we met. And if they do remember me, I just hope they're not too disappointed.

Well, it's been 17 years, Calvin. My guess is that you'll find they've changed, too.

Alex: Yeah!


Bonita: Here.

Ruby: That's not it.

Bonita: (frustrated) Aargh!

Ruby: Did you order it?

Bonita: (gritting teeth) Yes!

Calvin walks into the Hope Island General Store. The bell over the door rings. Ruby and Bonita both turn around to see who has entered the store.

Ruby and Bonita: (awed) Calvin.

Calvin: (music begins) The beautiful Bonita. The equally beautiful Ruby. Two angels plucked down from heaven and set here on Hope Island. But it seems you've both changed. (music stops abruptly) You're even more beautiful than I remember. (music resumes)

Calvin takes Bonita's hand and kisses it. He then takes Ruby's hand and kisses it.

Ruby: Oh!

Bonita: All these years... You haven't changed a bit.


Alex: (looking through window at Calvin, Ruby and Bonita) He's still got it.

Nub: (joining Alex at the window) Who's that?

Molly: Don Juan.

Daniel climbs the steps to the Hope Island General Store. He notices crowds around the windows. He opens the door to enter the store just as Calvin is leaving.

Calvin: Excuse me.

Daniel: (to Alex, who stands beside Daniel) What's going on?

Alex: That was him.

Daniel: That's Calvin Douglas?


Bonita: (looking dreamily after Calvin) It was me he loved.

Ruby: You? It was me he loved!


Daniel: How'd it go?

Alex: I don't know. Let's go see.


Bonita: You?! In your dreams! It was me!

Ruby and Bonita both pull out their chalkboards and begin writing messages to each other.

Daniel: (seen through store window) Back to normal.


Molly: Did you see the way he looked at Ruby and Bonita? Like they were the most beautiful women in the world.

Alex: Yeah, he did, didn't he?

Yeah. And in the end, that's more important than a full head of hair and great abs.

Alex: I don't know. It'd be nice to have that, too.

Molly: Right. And I thought I was the dreamer.

Alex: (laughs) Good night, Ethel.

Molly: Good night, Lucy.


It's 2:19 AM, and Daniel is sleeping. The phone rings. Daniel groggily answers it.

Daniel: Hello?...Mrs. Salvo?...What?...I'll be right there. (hangs up, and begins to dial another number)


Daniel is at Judge Bradley's bedside. Judge Bradley speaks slowly, and can barely be heard.

Judge Bradley: You're not wearing your seasickness thing.

Daniel: (pleasantly surprised) You're right.

Judge Bradley: I'll miss our game, Daniel.

I...I've been doing a lot of soul-searching since we last spoke. About forgiveness. The answer's not in me. It's in you. It's in the kind of courage it must have taken for you to let her go. To put her needs above your own. To have loved someone that much. I'm glad you finally told someone, and I'm grateful that someone was me. You enabled me to put aside my judgments of the act... and see the man. I'm honored and proud to know you, Judge Bradley.

Judge Bradley:

The scene changes. It is morning. Nurse Salvo wakes Daniel, who slept in the chair next to Judge Bradley's bed. Nurse Salvo opens the blinds, and glances sadly at Judge Bradley's bed. Daniel takes Judge Bradley's hand and presses it to his own forehead, saying his final good-bye.


Nurse Salvo: Daniel, there's something I want to show you.


Nurse Salvo and Daniel remove the cover from a boat moored at the dock.

Nurse Salvo: Judge Bradley wanted me to give you this.

She hands him an envelope. Daniel takes out keys and a note. Daniel reads the note.

Judge Bradley: (V.O.) Daniel, your father was wrong. You'll go far. Take Emily with you.

Daniel starts up his new boat "Emily" and drives off into the horizon.

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