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Untitled Document Hope Island
5. The Whole Kettle Of Fish


The door to the church opens slowly. Dylan enters, carrying a flashlight that is on. Five other young boys slowly enter.

Dylan: Come on, guys. Come on.

Dylan closes the door to the church, and the light in the church is significantly darkened. There are lots of items covered in dropcloths, scattered in disarray around the church. Daniel is upstairs in the balcony where he is painting. He observes the boys. He quietly puts down the paintbrush and the can of paint.

Dylan: Pretty scary, huh?

Boy: Will we really see a ghost?

Dylan: Save your questions for the tour. You got your money ready?

Boy: Here's our dimes.

Dylan: Let's go. (Dylan begins to lead the boys through some of the dropcloth-covered items.) Welcome to the haunted church, where you never know when a ghost will appear. The place is crawling with them.

This is too much for Daniel. He lets out a great peal of diabolical laughter. Dylan stiffens, startled. The other boys turn and run out of the church, yelling in fright. Dylan starts to leave too. Daniel hurries downstairs and stops in front of Dylan.

Daniel: Dylan.

Dylan: (busted) Hey, Reverend Cooper.

Daniel: I hear you're trying to earn money to buy a new bike. This is not the way to do it.

Dylan: Okay.

Daniel: You're quite the salesperson, getting your buddies to believe this church is haunted.

Dylan: It's not like it's a stretch.

Daniel: Yeah. (nods in the direction of the door) Go on.

Dylan: See ya.

Dylan goes down the steps of the church. Daniel follows Dylan outside and down the steps. He then turns to look at the weather-beaten church.

Daniel: I've got to get this church painted.

Daniel goes back up the steps. He backs into the church, slowly pulling the doors closed. He lets out another peal of diabolical laughter as the doors shut.

Opening Credits

Commercial Break #1


Close-up of an old-looking suitcase with a sticker which reads "I Love Smolensk" on it. It belongs to a man in a long coat and tweedy cap who is just getting off the ferry. He heads down the dock. He passes by Brian and Nub, and stops at Callie's newsstand.

Brian: (striding over to a large crate on the dock) Finally. My campaign gimmick has arrived.

Nub: (following Brian, carrying a crowbar) You don't need a gimmick to be elected mayor, Brian.

Brian: (graciously) Nub, I'm moved. Your confidence touches me deeply.

Nub: Well, I mean, your family founded this island. You're a pillar in the community. You've got charisma. And best of all, nobody's running against you.

Brian: (not so graciously for that last remark) Thank you, Nub. (back to business) Come on, hurry up, open the crate. There's a prospective voter over there. (Nub turns to see Callie giving directions to the man with the suitcase) I can't believe it, you know, that after ten terms as mayor, old man Moody's finally stepped aside and opened up the playing field. Just think...Four days from now, people will be calling me Mayor Brewster. Can't you just smell victory in the air, Nub?

Nub: Yeah, I smell something. (He finally gets the lid of the crate to open. He looks inside. The crate is full of fresh fish on ice.) You're giving the voters fish?

Brian: Not just fish, Nub, but fish with a "Vote for Brewster" sticker on them. These things are going to be treasured momentos years from now. Here. (Brian reaches inside his jacket and pulls out a bumper sticker with his picture and the words "Vote for Brewster" on it.) Slap one of these on.

Nub: But, but...

Brian: Come on, come on, do it.

Callie: (as the man with the suitcase is leaving) Welcome to America!

Brian: Hurry up! We've got a prospective voter over here. (Brian steps over to greet the man with the suitcase) Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to Hope Island. Please accept this on behalf of Brian Brewster.

Nub comes over and hands the man a large gutted fish adorned with a "Vote for Brewster" sticker. Brian looks at the fish, surprised.

Man with the Suitcase (Boris Obolenski): America! Is truly land of opportunists.

Brian walks over to look in the crate. Boris strides off with the fish and his suitcase. Nub gives Boris the thumbs up.

Nub: Well, I'm pretty sure you got that guy's vote. (Nub smells his hand, and is overwhelmed by the fishy smell.)


Daniel is tacking a paper to the gazebo as Father Mac walks up.

Father Mac: So, you're finally getting around to getting that church of yours painted, are you?

Daniel: If I can find someone who's willing to work within my budget.

Father Mac: Well, I can highly recommend Joe Doherty. He did my church last year.

Daniel: What did he charge?

Father Mac: Oh, $6,000.

Daniel: I don't think he's my man. I've got exactly $400.

Father Mac: Well, I hope you're good with a paintbrush. (he walks off)


Callie is organizing newspapers. Brian is on a cell phone as Nub watches.

Brian: Listen, I ordered 500 wooden coho. You sent me 500 real coho. What's going on? (listens) What do you mean, you only deal in real fish? What do you want to call your company "Wooden Fish" for then? (listens some more; he can't believe what he's hearing) It's the family name? "Wooden Fish and Produce." Three generations of Woodens.


The man with the suitcase and the fish climbs the steps to the Widow's Walk.


The man with the suitcase and the fish walks into the eating area of the Widow's Walk. It's a busy place, and Molly is seen waiting on a table. The man puts down his suitcase, sits at a table, and picks up the menu. He reads the menu in disbelief. He hails Molly as she rushes by.

Boris: Missy? Missy? Has woman called to reserve room for Boris Obolenski?

Customer: (off-screen) Molly! Check, please!

Molly: Yeah. (walks over to some other customers, followed by Boris) Can I get you ladies anything else? (tears their check out of her pad and places it on the table) Okay, there you go. (walks away, followed by Boris)

Another Customer: (off-screen) This isn't what I ordered.

Molly: (to the customer) I'll be right with you. (makes her way back to the bar, followed by Boris)

Boris: I would like to rent my room now. How much is room for night?

Molly: (turns around to Boris) $65.

Boris: Is for just one night.

Another Customer: (off-screen) Molly?

Molly: It's $65 a night.

Boris: I'm forgetting room. I will just have lunch.

Boris places the already frustrated and overworked Molly the fish Brian gave him, laying it on her extended arms. Molly is not happy.

Boris: You will sauté this with a touch of turmeric.

Molly: (barely getting the words out, really bothered by the fish laying on her outstretched arms) Only… taking… orders… off… the menu...

Boris: Yes, but what will I have? I mean, you have no borscht, you have no halushki, you have no pagach... You have nothing. (as something begins to seriously sizzle in the kitchen) Is something burning?

Molly shrieks, and tosses the fish back to Boris, who catches it in his outstretched arms. Molly rushes into the kitchen as the smoke alarm goes off. Alex, with a shriek, rushes to the kitchen door. Molly pops back out of the kitchen, gesturing wildly.

Molly: Everything's under control. (she rushes back into the kitchen)

Alex, reassured that everything really is under control, turns back to the bar. She passes by the man with the large fish in his arms, giving him a look and wide berth. Daniel comes in.

Daniel: Alex... Can I put this up on your bulletin board?

Alex: Uh…(reads sign) "Looking for experienced painter."

Boris: (plops the fish on the bar and steps forward) You need painter? I am most excellent painter in all of Russia!

Daniel: Well, I have to warn you, I'm on a limited budget. How much do you charge?

Boris: 10,000 American dollars.

Daniel: (there's the sound of a cash register ring as Daniel registers surprise) Ten thou- that's a little more than I've got.

Boris: (reconsiders) Okay. For you, special today. $200. But up in front.

Daniel: Maybe you should come see the place first.


Brian: Hi, Max! This is your lucky day. I'm willing to make you a deal, real cheap. (holds up one of his fish) I came into 499 coho just like this, real cheap.

Max: I don't need any more coho, Brian. (walks away)

Brian: (following) Now, look here, Max. You've got to take these off of my hands. It's your fault that I'm stuck with them in the first place.

Max: How do you figure that?

Brian: Well, you gave me the number for Wooden Fish.

Max: And the problem with that was?

Brian: Well, I wanted fish made out of wood.

Max: (disbelieving) Wooden fish?

Brian: Don't ask.

Max: You never said that.

Brian: Now look, Max, this is all your mistake.

Max: I'll tell you the real mistake here. I should never have let you sublet this place for your campaign headquarters. You're making me lose business.

Brian: What's that supposed to mean?

Max: Well, you're constantly haranguing my customers. They don't want to come in anymore.

Brian: It's called campaigning, Max.

Max: It's called annoying.

Brian: About these fish...

Max: No! (walks away)

Nub is standing nearby, holding a plateful of campaign buttons. Brian tosses the fish into Nub's arms as he storms out. The buttons fly all over. Nub spits out the one which landed in his mouth.


Boris: This is, um... church?

Daniel: Yeah, yeah... Is there a problem?

Boris: You have church's permission?

Daniel: I'm the minister.

Boris: Boris never see holy man in leather jacket before.

Daniel: I don't wear it when I'm giving my sermon.

Boris appraises the church. Daniel takes out his wallet, and hands Boris some money.

Boris: Okay. (he gives Daniel the thumbs-up) I come back in morning.

Daniel: Can't we start now? I've got the paint, and --

Boris: Boris must do much work in head before he put brush in hand. I'll go check into hotel now. (walks away)

Daniel puts his wallet away, folds his arms, and looks at the church.


Daniel and Dylan are seated at one of the tables doing schoolwork.

Daniel: You're done! What are you still doing here, Einstein? Get out! Good work.

Dylan: Yeah, thanks. (runs off and heads upstairs)

Alex: (coming in from her office) Oh, bye! Bye, Dylan!

Daniel: He's doing great.

Alex: (her hands full of papers, she steps behind the bar) Daniel, thank you so much for tutoring him. I just do not have enough hours in the day since Charlie quit.

Molly comes out from the kitchen, carrying a tray of clean glassware. She shifts the tray onto the bar, and picks up a tub for dirty dishes. She proceeds to a table to clear it.

Daniel: It's that hard finding a cook, huh?

Alex: For the wages that I'm paying? Yeah. (Alex looks over towards Molly. Daniel follows her glance.) Luckily, Molly is being a total trooper. (They then both look away, missing Molly's exasperated stance.) Oh, how did it work out with the painter?

Daniel: I'll know better tomorrow. Apparently, he's got some work in his head to do first. Whatever. (turns to go) See you later.

Alex: See ya.

Daniel: See ya, Molly.

Molly: Bye.

Alex continues to do her paperwork at the bar. Molly turns to the bar and clangs the tub of dirty dishes on it. Alex, surprised, looks up. Molly appears exhausted and frustrated.

Molly: Listen, Alex, my days of being a trooper are wearing a little bit thin, and I can't keep up waitressing and cooking--

Alex: (still working at her paperwork, perhaps a little more frantically) I know, I know, I know, I know. It's just…I'm as anxious as you are to find a new cook, but it's not that easy.

Molly: But Charlie's been gone a month.

Nub comes up to the bar.

Nub: Hey, Alex. (Alex turns to Nub) I'm looking for some umbrellas.

Alex: Huh?

Nub: Brian said you had a bunch under the bar.

Alex: He did? I, uh.(as she stops to think about the umbrellas, Molly walks away in disgust).. Molly! (takes down a life-sized umbrella hanging by the phone and shows it to Nub) Is this what you're looking for?

Nub: No, I mean like the kind… like you put in people's drinks.

Alex: Oh…

Nub: He said he gave you a box when he retired the (in a whisper) Tiki Bar.

Alex: Oh, those ones. (Alex searches behind the bar. She comes across a small white box, blows the dust off the lid, and opens the box. She offers it to Nub.) Is this what you're looking for?

Nub: Uh-huh. (He takes out two umbrellas)

Alex: What do you want them for?

Nub: Shade.


Nub leaves the Widow's Walk, carrying the two umbrellas, one in each hand. He opens the side door of the orange van parked nearby. He steps inside. Alex, leaving the Widow's Walk with a hat and "Vote for Brewster" sticker and flyer, walks by.

Alex: Hey, Nub.

Nub: See? (Alex turns back to look inside the van. She sees a model of Brewster Shores Resort. Nub places the two tiny umbrellas into miniature outdoor patio tables.) Shade.

Alex: What is this?

Nub: A first-class hotel, two restaurants and nine shops. Brian says it's going to change the face of the whole island. (seeing Alex's disbelieving expression) Don't worry, Alex. At Brewster Shores Resort, there'll be plenty of jobs for everybody.

Alex: I already have a job! (She walks away, leaving Nub to pout.)


Callie lowers the front closure on her newsstand. Alex is standing by, holding the "Vote for Brewster" sticker and flyer.

Alex: This is why he wants to run for mayor, Callie. So that he can get his development approved by city council.

Callie: Oh, he's tricky, all right.

Alex: If that resort goes through, Callie, that's the end of every family operation on the island!

Callie: Well…the only way to fight City Hall… is to run City Hall! Hmm?

Alex: Oh, no way, not me.

Callie: Yeah, yeah.

Alex: I don't want to be mayor. How about you? You should run against him!

Callie: I can't be mayor and maintain my objectivity as a reporter. What's your excuse?

Alex: I don't have time.

Callie: Alex, if you care about Hope, you will make the time.

Alex: I don't know, Callie. Me, as mayor?

Callie: I, for one, think you would make a great mayor. And…if you just say the word, I will promise to work day and night just to get you elected. (As Alex still hesitates, Callie flaunts the "Vote for Brewster" sticker in front of Alex's face) Unless, of course, you don't mind the idea of working for Brian Brewster.

Alex: (horrified) No...No. How does "Vote for Alex Stone" sound?

Callie: (lukewarm to Alex's suggestion) Oh, oh, oh... How about... how about… "For a Strong Foundation, Vote Stone"?

Alex: That's pretty good. Brian's not going to like this at all.

Callie: I know. Hang onto your seat belt, Alex.

Alex: It's going to be a bumpy four days.

Commercial Break #2


Opening shot is of a larger-than-life portrait of a woman's face, painted on the side of the church.

Daniel: Boris... What is this?

Boris: This is love of life.

Daniel: You're not finished, right?

Boris: Right. (Boris steps forward and signs his name in the bottom right corner of the painting) There... (wipes his hands) …now is finished.

Daniel: Boris, this isn't what I hired you to do.

Boris: You hired Boris to paint, I paint.

Daniel: Maybe I didn't make myself clear. I wanted you to paint the whole church. White. All white. (he pauses) This is not a problem. I can deal with it. We just paint over it.

Boris: No,, you cannot paint over Boris' gift to intended.

Daniel: What are you talking about?

Boris: Let me to explain. You say you need painting. Boris need gift for fiancée. When she come to collect me, I will take her up here, I will show her the painting, then can paint over... but not before my Pamela sees.

Daniel: And when will that be?

Boris: Soon. Very soon.

Daniel: And then you'll paint the rest of my church?

Boris: For $200? (laughs) Are you crazy?

Daniel: All right then, I'm going to paint over the whole thing now. (grabs a paint roller and approaches the painting) Right now.

Boris: (moves to stop Daniel) No, you cannot, you cannot! This is all Boris has to give to Pamela. Is noble family tradition, to give betrothed gift on eve of wedding. If you paint over, you will bring Boris and Pamela many years of bad luck. You can understand this, yes?

Daniel: Yeah, Boris--

Boris: Good, good. Then you will keep picture safe.

Daniel: Boris! (Boris quickly gives Daniel the thumbs-up, and hurries away. Daniel glares after him, resigned to abide by Boris's wishes.)


Nub is reading a poster which reads "All You Can Eat $3.99". Callie puts some final staples into a banner she has hung over the walkway. The banner reads "Alex Stone for Mayor".

Callie: (proud of her accomplishment, she steps down and walks over to Molly) What do you think, Molly?

Molly: (taking in the banner, stunned) Alex is running for mayor? Since when?

Callie: She didn't want to tell anyone until she made sure it was okay with Dylan. What do you think?

Molly: I think it looks like a lot of work for me.

Callie: Alex can't do this without your help, Molly.

Molly: (to Alex, as she walks in from her office) could have warned me about the buffet.

Alex: (taking in the banner, surprised) Oh...I had no idea. Uh, Callie, you think this is really going to get the voters' attention?

Callie: (like it's obvious) Unlimited food always gets attention.

Molly: (getting a little frustrated) I'm not good enough to carry off a buffet.

Callie: Well…Don't think quality, think quantity. (Shrugs it off) (to Alex:) Now, we don't have a lot of time here. We've got to think big and we've got to think fast. (she heads out, expecting Alex to follow)

Alex: (doesn't know what to do) Ohhh, Molly, do you think you could handle this?

Molly: (holds up three fingers) Be back by three.

Alex: Three. Great. Oh, thank you. Thank you, thank you.

Molly: (forcefully to Alex's retreating back, emphasizing with the three fingers) Three! Three!

Molly walks around the room, wondering how she is going to manage. A relatively large group of tourists enter the Widow's Walk.

Mrs. Silver: We'd like to check in.

Molly: (taking in the whole group) All of you?

Mrs. Silver: Well, yes. We made reservations with Alex. We're the Feathered Friends Bird Watching Society.

Molly: (in a voice that also says "Alex, I'm going to kill you for this…") Ohhh….She never mentioned you to me.

Mrs. Silver: Look, everyone, a buffet. What time do you start serving?

Molly stands there, frozen. She can't believe this is happening.


Callie has placed a large banner across the front of the Widow's Walk. The banner reads, in two lines, "Alex Stone for Mayor -- All You Can Eat $3.99".


Brian: (looking across at the Widow's Walk banner) I might have known Alex would find a way to ruin this for me. (as Nub starts to leave for the Widow's Walk) Where are you going?

Nub: To the buffet.

Brian: Oh, no, you're not.

Nub: I'm not?

Brian: Eating at Alex's buffet is like saying you're going to vote for her.

Nub: Isn't it just saying I'm hungry?

Brian: Sit down. We've got work to do.

Max can be heard in the background, talking to a customer about fish. Brian sees the newspaper-wrapped fish in the customer's hands. A bell goes off…

Brian: All right. She thinks she's so smart? We're going to fight fire with fire.


Boris walks into the Widow's Walk, and makes his way through all the people waiting in line for the buffet.

Boris: Missy? Excuse me, please. Missy? Missy? (He makes his way to the kitchen. Something crashes to the floor in the kitchen. He sees Molly frantically tossing a giant salad.) Has phone call come for Boris?

Molly: Nope. (she quickly grabs some oil from the refrigerator and pours it on the salad)

Boris: (pointing to a mess on the kitchen floor) What is that?

Molly: Well, it was lasagna. Now it's garbage.

Boris: What has happened in here?

Molly: You know what? (grabs a bottle of bacon bits and frantically sprinkles them over the salad) I just can't do it all, all right? Do you know what? I can't do everything. (slams down the bottle of bacon bits) Hah! (dumps a full container of croutons on the salad)

Boris: Molly, Molly, you will tell me what pickle you are in.

Molly: (frantically tossing the salad again) Oh, well, the problem is that someone around here seems to think I'm three people. But I'm not. I'm one. So I can't do the buffet and then go upstairs and clean the rooms, and after that, be the waitress, and at the same time, answer the phone. (hurriedly squirting lemon juice over the salad) Nope, can't do that...uh-uh.

Boris: (who has taken off his coat and put on a chef's apron) You leave cooking to Boris. (he moves Molly out of the way)

Molly: Wait...What? You're a chef?

Boris: Chef. Artist. Plumber. Sword swallower. Now, to finish salad, I will need garlic, dill and vodka.

Molly: Okay. (turns to leave, but comes right back) Oh…Wait. (a bit nervous and surprised) You put the vodka in the salad?

Boris: I put vodka in Boris. (turns Molly around and pushes her out of the kitchen) Now, moosh. Moosh, moosh, moosh!


Daniel is painting the outside of the church…white. He puts down the roller and picks up a paintbrush and can of paint. He walks by Boris's portrait, and finishes off the area around the portrait.

Alex: Hey, Daniel.

Daniel: Hey, Alex.

Alex: (seeing the portrait) I had no idea that you were an artist. Wow, um... I'm really impressed.

Daniel: You're almost making me wish like I had painted it... but I didn't. Boris did.

Alex: Boris? House painter Boris?

Daniel: Apparently, he's not a house painter. He's a painter painter... He's an artist.

Alex: Wow...(stepping around to get a better look at the portrait) I really like it.

Daniel: So do I... But not here. I've been trying to paint over it all morning, but my conscience won't allow me to do it. Apparently, it's a gift for his fiancée.

Alex: Well, it's kind of...(sighs) romantic.

Daniel: It's kind of big. I've got to put up with it until he shows it to her.

Alex: Um, Daniel, listen, I…I actually came up here to bring you one of these. (hands Daniel a flyer) It's for my campaign.

Daniel: Are you running for mayor? (Alex nods.) Really? Must be pretty hard on Molly.

Alex: What do you mean?

Daniel: Alex, her best friend and her father are now adversaries? I mean, Molly's caught in the middle.


Boris refills one of the buffet trays. The background conversation consists of compliments on Boris's cooking. Boris walks over to Nub.

Boris: How is everything?

Nub: Oh, Boris, this is good!

Boris: Excellent! (gives Nub the thumbs-up and hurries back to the kitchen)

Brian: (Enters carrying a milk crate full of fish wrapped in "Vote for Brewster" stickers) (to Nub:) We'll talk about this later, Benedict Arnold. Here... start handing these out. (he dumps the fish on the table) Come on. (He surreptitiously tries one of Boris's dishes) (to himself:) Mmm, these are good.

(As Nub starts to hand out fish, Alex comes into the room)

Brian: (to Alex) How come you've suddenly decided to start running for mayor?

Alex: To stop you from ruining the island.

Brian: (talking around a full mouth) Well, you are wasting your time. That resort is going to be built, and I am going to be mayor.

Alex: What's the matter, Brian? Are you afraid of a little bit of competition?

Brian: (still talking around a full mouth) You are not competition, Alex. You're not qualified to be mayor. You're just an innkeeper.

(Daniel enters the room)

Alex: Really? Well, I actually grew up here, Brian, and I brought this place from the brink of ruin to being a successful business that happens to employ your daughter. (behind Alex, Molly comes out of the kitchen carrying more food)

Brian: At least we know who she's going to vote for!

Alex: Oh, do we?

Brian: Molly! (Alex turns around, surprised) Tell Alex who you're going to vote for.

Molly: Oh, I'm not voting. I'm too busy to vote! (storms back into the kitchen)

Brian: Now look what you've done!

Alex: What I've done?

Daniel: Hey, hey, you two, I don't think this is the best place to engage in a debate.

Brian: (snaps his fingers) That's a brilliant idea, Reverend! Alex Stone, I challenge you to a public debate on election eve. (to the restaurant patrons) Hunh? How about it, folks? Do you want to see your candidates go toe-to-toe?

(cries of "Yeah!" and "You bet!" from the restaurant patrons)

Brian: (as he leaves, to the patrons) Thank you very much. A vote for Brewster is a vote for progress.

Alex: (to Daniel) Do you have any idea what my biggest fear would be?

Daniel: Public speaking?

Alex gives Daniel a look, then heads for the kitchen.


Alex: Okay, if I have to talk to one more person about the state of the sewer system, I'm just know, lose it. Okay, I need to make sure that Dylan is doing his homework, and then I need to go out again, so could you, uh... could you take care of that, Mol? Mol?

Molly: You were supposed to be back by three.

Alex: Oh, I forgot. I'm sorry. Did you have plans?

Molly: Yeah, Kevin and I had tickets to the Van Gogh exhibit in Seattle.

Alex: (her mind elsewhere) Oh, sorry, Mol. Well, you know what? On the upside, you did an amazing job out there today. I cannot believe that you did all of this on your own.

Molly: (giving Alex a look of disbelief) You have absolutely no idea what's going on here, do you? No, Boris did all the cooking, and if he hadn't have, I don't know what would I have done.

Alex: You would have been fine! You could have handled it! You're heads above anybody who's ever worked for me before.

Molly: (taken aback) Well, that's just great. Is that what you think of me? Huh? An employee? (she takes off the apron she has on) Well, I'll tell you something, Alex. An employee would have quit a long time ago, but your friend...waited until now. (she throws the apron at Alex and abruptly leaves the kitchen)

Alex: Molly!

Commercial Break #3


Boris walks down the hallway upstairs. He smells something and stops by the storage room, where Alex is lost in thought by the window. Boris smelled the iron burning a hole in the sheet. He rushes in and picks up the iron.

Boris: What are you thinking, turning back on hot iron? Is dangerous!

Alex: (turns the iron off) I was looking for Molly.

Boris: She is late today?

Alex: She's not coming, I guess. (heads downstairs, followed by Boris)

Boris: You lucky Boris came along. I was fireman in Russia, saved many tablecloths. Any phone calls for Boris Obolenski?

Alex: Uh, no, Boris, not yet. So, you're still waiting for your fiancée to call?

Boris: Island where she lives has no ferry. I come to Hope and wait for her call. So until then, I need to earn my keep. I could run buffet for you again today.

Alex: How much?

Boris: Ten thousand dollars. (there's the sound of a cash register ringing…)

Alex: I'll give you fifty. Dollars.

Boris: You have deal. (shakes hands with Alex)

Alex: Great, okay. Now I just need to find somebody to clean the rooms and tend to the bar, and I can get back to my campaign.

Boris: Go ahead and shake your lucky tree. Boris run disco in Siberia. This place is nothing compared with what Boris do at disco.

Alex: Oh, Boris, um, I don't know...uh…

Boris: Buffet yesterday - big hit, no?

Callie: (comes running in, carrying a "Vote for Stone" poster) Alex! (to Boris) Hi. (to Alex) Great news! I've got someone lined up to help you with your speech. But first, we've got to plaster the town with your posters. Come on! We've got to hurry! (grabs Alex by the arm)

Alex: (being pulled by Callie, she speaks to Boris) Do you think you can handle it?

Boris: You are in good arms with Boris.

Alex: (grabs her hat off the wall) All right, just don't burn my place down!

Boris: Look who's talking, Miss Tablecloth Scorcher.


Callie and Alex finish putting up a poster. Callie turns around.

Callie: Here's your speech coach.

Alex: Daniel?

Callie: Yeah. It's perfect. Daniel gets up in front of people every Sunday. Who better to help you with your fear of public speaking?

Daniel: Yeah, just think of me as your Professor Higgins.

Alex: (in a mock British accent) The rain in Hope falls mainly on the slope.

Daniel: (to Callie) I think she's got it.


Boris walks out into the hallway, with a clipboard, followed by Mrs. Silver. The other guests look out from their rooms.

Mrs. Silver: You want us to clean our own rooms?

Boris: You are guests here. Be good guests. You make your beds, you clean your rooms.

Mrs. Silver: I want to talk to Alex.

Boris: You don't be bothering Alex. Boris in charge. Now, get yourself to hopping, Boris must go cook. Moosh! Moosh!

He pushes Mrs. Silver back down the hall. She waves for the other guests to get back in their rooms.


Daniel: Have you ever given a speech before?

Alex: Yeah... Sort of. In college.

Daniel: What was it about?

Alex: The stock market. I wrote this paper, and I was asked to…to read it in front of an economic forum... and I figured, you know, sure, no big deal, and then I started reading it, and I just froze. I just stood there with this blank look on my face, and it was so humiliating. I just... There's a knack to public speaking, Daniel, and obviously, you know, you have it and I don't.

Daniel: Alex, all I do is I speak from the heart. My heart.

Alex: Fine, what if you were running for mayor? I mean, what would you say?

Daniel: I guess I'd talk about what Hope has come to mean to me. I remember the first day I arrived here on the ferry and walked through town. Hope is like no place I'd ever been to, and I've been to a lot of places. It's like I belong.

Alex: You should be running for mayor. No, seriously, you should.

Daniel: No, Alex. Alex, don't just give them the facts and the figures. Tell them what Hope means to you. That's what they want to hear (points to his heart) here.


Brian: (hands Nub a brown paper bag) Here. Just get me a whole bunch of those little turnover things, okay?

Nub: Why don't you just come in with me?

Brian: Nub, it's bad enough that you're participating in our opponent's buffet, without me….Just hurry up!

Molly and Kevin walk up. Kevin is carrying a picnic basket.

Molly: (to her father) What are you up to?

Brian: Uh, me? I'm just, you know...taking in the beautiful island of Hope here.

Mrs. Silver and the other guests walk out of the Widow's Walk with their luggage.

Molly: Mrs. Silver, are you leaving so soon? I thought you were with us for a few days.

Mrs. Silver: We came here to observe the male western tanager, but instead, Boris has us spending all our time cleaning our rooms. This is not working out.

Molly: Oh., please, don't leave. Why don't we…we…we go back inside, and I'll speak to Boris. (she starts to herd the guests back inside)

Kevin: Molly, I thought you quit.

Molly: I did. I'm just going to go in for a minute and speak to Boris and then I'll come back out and we're going on our picnic. We are going on our picnic, I swear. (she follows the guests inside)

Brian: Kevin, is there any chance you could go in and bring out a few of those little, you know, turnover things? Please, Kevin? (Kevin just shakes his head)


Molly: I can get this sorted out for you, ladies, I'm sure of it. (Molly walks past the guests into the dining area. She stops short.) "Bar closed?" (she turns back to the guests) I'll be right with you. (she goes up to Boris and whispers) Boris, what are you doing?

Boris: Alex leave me in charge, so I make sure everything run top-tip. (gives Molly the thumbs-up)

Molly: By closing the bar and making the guests all clean their rooms?

Boris: Is brilliant, no? This way, all Boris have to do is cook.

A telephone rings. Boris tracks the rings out to the lobby, and Molly follows. Boris pushes aside a yellow raincoat which is concealing the phone, and picks up the receiver.

Boris: Hello? Yes? (joyously) Is Boris! Pamela! What? What? (much more subdued) The mailman? I...I... Oh, oh... No, no. (he hangs up the phone and walks away, stunned)

Molly: Are you okay, Boris? Boris? (Boris takes off his apron, hands it to Molly, and walks away. Molly calls after him.) Uh, Boris...

Nub: (seated at a table in the dining area) Molly, you're out of borscht.

Kevin: (in the lobby, holding up the picnic basket) Come on, Molly, let's go.

Mrs. Silver: (to Molly, exasperated) Either someone cleans our room right now or we leave.


Boris, broken-hearted, is standing a little ways off from his painting of Pamela. He turns and approaches the portrait. He kisses his hand and transfers the kiss to Pamela's painted lips. Boris then picks up the paintbrush, and paints over the lips with white paint. He continues to paint over Pamela's features with white paint: the chin, the nose, the left eye, then the right eye, painting more aggressively as his grief is released.

Commercial Break #4


Daniel walks around the side of the church. He sees Boris, hat in hand, sitting against the side of the church where he has finished painting over Pamela's portrait.

Daniel: Boris?

Boris: She is not coming. Not ever.

Daniel: I am sorry to hear that.

Boris: (smiles ruefully) I never even get to meet her.

Daniel: (sits down) You were engaged to someone that you haven't met?

Boris: Boris was mail-order husband. My no-more-bride-to-be, Pamela, pick me out of catalog. Boris, number six-one-eight, top right-hand corner - is excellent positioning. We write letters, we exchange pictures. Finally, she sends me ticket to come to America. Has always been my dream to come here. Now America just place where Boris' heart got broken. My cats and squirrels, but love of each other's life. They marry one time and forever. This is what Boris hope for with Pamela, someone to love forever. But now...dream is over because she married the mailman. The same man who delivered my letters. Such a betrayal.

Daniel: Give it some time, Boris. My guess is you'll learn to dream again.

Boris: (scoffs) I am not so sure. I never had heart broken before.

Daniel: You know, but the funny thing about the heart is...(stands up) Eventually, it heals on its own when you're not even looking. (He offers Boris a hand. Boris takes it, stands up, and shakes with Daniel. Boris puts on his hat, and leaves. There are three strips of white paint across his back, from where he was sitting against the wall. Daniel, seeing it, smiles slightly.)


Alex walks into the kitchen. There is someone behind the open refrigerator door.

Alex: Oh, Boris, you did such a great...(the refrigerator door is slammed shut, to reveal Molly with an armful of rolls) …oh, Molly. I'm sorry, I thought that Boris was--

Molly: (puts down the rolls and picks up two canisters) He had to leave suddenly. (puts down the canisters and begins washing down the counter)

Kevin: (coming into the kitchen by a back entrance, wielding rubber gloves and a toilet brush) Molly, room eight needs extra towels. Are they allowed to have more towels?

Molly: Yeah, they can have more towels, Kevin. (Kevin leaves.)

Alex: (speechless) Wait...what...what's he doing?

Molly: I asked Kevin to help me upstairs.

Alex: How long have you two been here?

Molly: (not looking at Alex) A while.

Alex: Ever since Charlie quit, I have just been so overwhelmed, and with this mayoral thing, I just... I didn't stop to think how this was affecting you, Molly. And I don't mean as my employee, I mean as my best friend. Listen, I am...(moves around to face Molly, her voice getting teary) I am so sorry...and if you want to quit, I understand, okay? And I just... I couldn't handle losing you as my friend.

Molly: Me neither...and I take back quitting. I mean, you know that I love working here with you. (smiles wryly) Most of the time.

Alex: I'm so sorry, Mol. (They hug.) I'll make this up to you. I swear that I will. I don't know how, but I--

Kevin: (popping in again) Molly, do the sheets have to be tucked in according to military regulation?

Molly: (to Kevin) Nope. (to Alex, with a twinkle in her eye) Good help is so hard to find.


Alex is seated at a table. Her handmade campaign posters are hung around her. Father Mac puts down a large hourglass near Alex, and goes to the lectern.

Father Mac: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the mayoral debate. Are the candidates ready? (He looks to Alex, then to Brian.)

Brian: Candidate Brewster is ready.

Father Mac: Brian Brewster lost the coin toss, so he'll be speaking first. Brian?

There is applause from the audience. Nub stands to applaud. Somebody yells "Brian, you've got my vote!" Father Mac turns the hourglass over.

Brian: Greetings, fine citizens of Hope. Oh, come on. (Brian shuts his portfolio and tosses it on the table near the hourglass and Alex. He takes off his jacket. An unknown businessman takes a seat in the front row next to Boris.) You know me, I know you. Many of you out there are business-owners just like myself. Out there 365 days a year, struggling to bring in your living from the sea...and one bad bad morning, you lose a day's pay. Am I right, or am I right?

Nub: That's right! (general agreement from the audience)

Brian: How would you like all that to change? (time lapse to end of his speech) You vote for me, and I will work tirelessly to bring economic renewal to all you good people of Hope Island. Thank you. (applause from the audience)

Father Mac: (approaches the lectern) Thank you, Brian. (Brian gives a knowing wink to the businessman.) And now we'll hear from Alex Stone.

Dylan: (stands to applaud enthusiastically) Yeah, mom!

Father Mac: Alex?

Alex: Um...I wish that I could offer you all jobs at the Widow's Walk, but what Brian is actually referring to when he says "economic renewal" is a monstrosity known as Brewster Shores Resort, and, sure... I mean, maybe his resort would provide easier jobs, but what's the point if in the process we lose what we have here? I don't think, if we do this, that there will be a Widow's Walk anymore. There won't be a lot of things that we love about Hope anymore.

Brian: (standing up to protest) Now look here, Alex--

Father Mac: Brian, you'll have your chance to rebut. Thank you. Please continue, Alex.

Alex: Thank you, Father Mac. (Alex looks over to Daniel. He gestures to his heart.) Okay, look...I...I grew up here and I left when I was 17, and when I came back ten years later, I expected to find the island overrun with coffee franchises and ATMs and mini-malls. So imagine my surprise when I came back to find everything exactly as I'd remembered it. The same downtown businesses-- Ruby and Bonita's General Store, Jo's Bakery, (Boris sits up, becoming very interested) Connery's Fish Market...the Widow's Walk-- a place that I inherited from my mom, and I hope to one day leave to my son...maybe he'll leave to his son or his daughter. I feel sorry for people who live in places where life rushes by them so fast that they can barely keep up. I've, uh... I've experienced a little bit of that lately, and, um... it reminded me how much I don't want to live that way. At least here, I can go fishing with my son, or sit by the water and watch the sun set, and share a pizza-- half anchovy and half pineapple. I'll, uh...I'll let you guess who likes which. (laughter from the audience) But the reason...the reason that we can do these things here is because there are no time clocks to punch and (Alex looks over to Molly) because we have friends who will pitch in when we need them, and we count our blessings for them every day. We're more...we are so much more than just jobs. We're a community...and that's why we're so special. And that's why I came back. And that's why I stay. And that's why we all work hard, every day-- to protect that...and if you vote for me, I promise never to forget that. (The unknown business shakes his head in Brian's direction, gets up, and leaves.) Thank you. (Boris is the first to stand and applaud. Soon, it seems everyone in the audience but Nub is standing and applauding. Alex looks over to Daniel, smiles, and quietly says:) Thank you.


Brian removes a tiny umbrella from his model of Brewster Shore Resorts. He gives a sigh of resignation. Molly comes in, and sits next to her father, and looks over at him.

Brian: I was wrong about Alex. She'll make a great mayor. (Molly smiles, surprised by the admission.) And if you ever tell her I said that, I'll deny it.

Molly: You would have made a great mayor, too.

Brian: Well, now I've lost the election and my resort.

Molly: What?

Brian: The investor was in the audience tonight. He didn't like what he heard, so he dropped out.

Molly: Oh, I'm sorry, Dad.

Brian: Yeah, another crowning achievement.

Molly: Hey, you're a Brewster, you'll bounce back.

Brian: It's just I always dreamed of being mayor, Molly. You know, to have that kind of respect.

Molly: I respect you. You drive me crazy sometimes, but I respect you.

Brian: Thank you, Molly, that means a lot. Well, I guess I'd better start my concession speech.

Molly gets up, kisses her father on the head, pats him on the head, and leaves. Brian watches her go.


Boris is in the hallway, outside room 16 (marked "Private"). He knocks. Alex opens the door.

Alex: Oh, Boris. (Alex closes up her robe a little more.) Good morning. What's up?

Boris: Boris come to America with dream of wife, but your speech last night made me see bigger dream of new home.

Alex: Oh, Boris.

Boris: But to have home, Boris must have job.

Alex: (ponders this for a few seconds) You're hired.

Boris: Is excellent. But we must have a talk about your menu. (He leaves. Alex resignedly shuts her door.)


Molly enters carrying two cups of coffee.

Molly: (cheerily) Good morning.

Alex: (looking tired, standing by her file cabinet with one drawer open; she barely gets the word out) Morning. (shuts the drawer)

Molly: What?

Alex: I was up all last night thinking about what it's going to be like if I actually become mayor.

Molly: Right…?

Alex: I would have so much less time for Dylan… and for my business… and for my friends… and all the things that I love about my life.

Molly: Well...(casually goes to take a seat) Would it make any difference to you if I told you that my father lost his financing and Brewster Shores Resort isn't happening?

Alex: (stunned) Molly, are you kidding?

Molly shakes her head no. Alex takes in the implications.


Alex and Callie are by the bar. Brian and Nub walk in.

Brian: Okay, what is it - you want to gloat?

Alex: No, We have a proposition for you.

Callie: Alex will give over her complete support to you, if you give up the resort.

Brian: (not a second is spared in thinking this over) All right.

Alex: But there is, um, one thing that I want from you. (Brian looks a little worried) Coho?


A celebration dance. An Irish band is playing. Boris, carrying a white baker's box tied with red ribbon, taps Brian on the shoulder.

Boris: When Boris applies for citizenship, it would be very helpful if Mayor of Hope Island were to sponsor him.

Brian: What is this for? (unties the ribbon and looks inside)

Boris: Is bribe. Russian way.

Brian: Oh...and what exactly does it mean, to "sponsor" you?

Boris: Oh, is nothing at all...all you have to do is...(fades as camera follows Alex)

Alex passes by Boris talking to Brian, and approaches Molly.

Alex: Molly? (she hands over two tickets) Thank you.

Molly: (taking the tickets and turning them over to look at them) Oh, Van Gogh? Alex, they must have cost you a fortune!

Alex: No, actually, I didn't pay anything. I traded for them.

Molly: Traded what?

Alex: About 500 coho.

Kevin: (coming up to take Molly dancing) Excuse me, Alex.

Molly: (to Alex, as Kevin takes her away) Thank you.

Daniel steps over to Alex.

Daniel: Care to dance?

Alex: Why, Professor Higgins, I thought you'd never ask!

The Hope Islanders continue to dance to a slow Irish planxty.

Closing Credits

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