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Chip Days

Performed: 2-25-03 and 3-04-03 (Wildcard)

Age: 22 yrs old

Hometown: Hartsville, SC

Favorite Song: “Ribbon in the Sky”

Idol: I am my American Idol

What songs has Chip performed on the show?
"Rock With You" - 3/4/03
"Song For You" - 2/25/03

Do you have a job? I work part-time at an afterschool program with inner city kids.

Do you have any formal singing training? I received vocal training in college briefly.

Where have you performed before? I did numerous talent shows and karaokes in town.

When did you first start to sing? I started singing when I was about 5 years old.

What is your favorite song to sing? My favorite song to sing is "A Ribbon in the Sky" by Stevie Wonder.

What is the first concert you went to? The first concert I attended is Keith Sweat live.

What is the last concert you went to? The last concert I've been to is some local talent shows.

What other talents do you have? I like to write songs and screenplays and draw.

If you don't make it on AMERICAN IDOL, what will you do? I will continue to work and pursue my dreams at hand.

What are your goals in life? My goals in life are to become a person that shares light to all others.

What album would your friends be surprised you own? They would probably be surprised about "Tamal the Album."

What is the first CD you ever bought? R. Kelly's "R".

What is in your CD player right now? Justin Timberlake.

Who is your AMERICAN IDOL? I am my American Idol.

What is your favorite type of music? Pop and R&B.

What is your favorite song? "Ribbon in the Sky"

Favorite male pop artist? R. Kelly.

Favorite female pop artist? Paula Abdul.

Favorite album? "R" by R. Kelly.

Who in the music world do you think your style is most like? n/a

Most embarrassing moment? My most embarrassing moment was singing at a wedding and the piano fell.

If you couldn't sing, which talent would you most like to have? I probably would work on my art more.

What has been your proudest moment in life so far? The thought of making it to the top 32 in the 2nd American Idol series.

What is your definition of an AMERICAN IDOL? Someone who has character and could be a great spokesperson for the people, a superstar.

Why do you want to be an AMERICAN IDOL? I want to be the next American Idol because it is a goal of mine that I need to achieve.

Do you think the audition process was fair? I think the audition process was fair enough.

Who is your favorite judge and why? My favorite judge is Paula, because she is a great dancer and has a totally different view on things.

Who is your least favorite judge and why? My least favorite judge is Simon, because he is brutally honest and critiques you harshly.

What advice do you have for other hopefuls? To just always work on your craft and be consistent with performances.

What would people be surprised to learn about you? That I like to spend time to myself a lot.

Who did you think was going to win last season? No favorites.

If you could be a performer from any era, which would you choose and why? I would like to be a part of the 70s.