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Jennifer Fuentes

Performed: 2-11-03

Age: 19 yrs old

Hometown: Homestead, FL

Favorite Song: “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston

Idol: Mariah Carey

What songs has Jennifer performed on the show?
"I Want To Dance With Somebody" - 2/11/03

Do you have a job? Server at Ruby Tuesday's. We are waitresses, but we serve you here, not wait on tables. Best restaurant service you'd get anywhere.

Do you have any formal singing training? Two years with Anthony S. and Angel Marchese, two months with Elinee Duffy.

Where have you performed before? Choirs since elementary school, vocal performance competitions, pageants, talent competitions, baseball games, elementary school visits.

When did you first start to sing? At a very young age, where I was taught music and began appreciating it. And singing my heart out since I was a baby.

What is your favorite song to sing? As much as everyone has heard this song, I love to sing and perform Etta James' "At Last."

What is the first concert you went to? A Christian rock concert.

What is the last concert you went to? Incubus! Yeah! They rock!

What other talents do you have? Be Miss Homestead and represent in Miss Florida. I have been trained as a certified scuba diver. Also, interview trained for Miss Florida.

If you don't make it on AMERICAN IDOL, what will you do? Go very far towards what I know my music career has to offer. Somehow or another, I feel American Idol is an extraordinary open door.

What are your goals in life? To have a Greatest Hits album one day! To succeed and eventually to have a career in the music industry being a role model to all my peers and children all over the world.

What album would your friends be surprised you own? As much as I love alternative and punk rock, I've got it all in my case.

What is the first CD you ever bought? "Jagged Little Pill" by Alanis Morissette.

What is in your CD player right now? "Ray of Light" by Madonna.

Who is your AMERICAN IDOL? Mariah Carey has been able to get through the pain and hard times and I love her for that.

What is your favorite type of music? I don't have a favorite type of music because I am very versatile with my selections. Top of the list would be jazz and oldies.

What is your favorite song? "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston.

Favorite male pop artist? Justin Timberlake, Michael Jackson.

Favorite female pop artist? Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey.

Favorite album? Madonna's "Ray of Light," City of Angels soundtrack, Great Expectations soundtrack.

Who in the music world do you think your style is most like? I think I'm unique with my own style, but I would definitely identify with Mariah Carey.

Most embarrassing moment? A wet and wild park experience that was very unforgettable! Also something very personal. I had to break it to my boyfriend.

If you couldn't sing, which talent would you most like to have? A professional dancer!

What has been your proudest moment in life so far? Winning Miss Homestead, receiving "Jennifer Fuentes Day" proclamations for December 6, 2002, and now top 32 on American Idol.

What is your definition of an AMERICAN IDOL? Purebred American soul and feel for music where you command a stage for an audience all over the country to appreciate and idolize you for your gift!

Why do you want to be an AMERICAN IDOL? To have the exposure I have been waiting to share the gift God gave me to an audience and pass this feeling and rush of excitement to another.

Do you think the audition process was fair? Yes, great show with the elimination process!

Who is your favorite judge and why? Simon, because he's honest and he tells it like it is!

Who is your least favorite judge and why? They are all great judges!

What advice do you have for other hopefuls? Never give up on your dreams. Stay positive always. Smile!

What would people be surprised to learn about you? How easygoing I really am! I could tell you all about being a farmgirl too!

Who did you think was going to win last season? Tamyra. Totally!

If you could be a performer from any era, which would you choose and why? '70s-'80s era. I love '80s music. It was fun and loose!