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Sleep Tight

Parts that are in dark purple have pictures and are below the scene.
Wesley/Fred parts of scenes are italicized , and important specific lines or quotes that show the 'love' are
bolded as well.

We get a shot of Wes and Fred, wearing gloves, bending over a microscope sitting on Cordy's desk.

Kim: "...And they started playing this beyond industrial trash noise funk day and night. And then it happened to me. - You saw it. - Am I gonna turn into that?"

Wes: "No. You're human. They're not. What's happening to you isn't permanent. It's just an infection."

Fred: "Which you can get rid of by taking twenty milligrams of Cylenthium powder twice a day for a month."

Lorne: "Mystical antibiotic. I'll get you some."

Fred holds up a glass slide: "I thought your saliva was suspect. What with being green and all... No offense, Lorne. Under the microscope it showed traces of Penloxia."

Lorne: "Oh - they're Wraith-ers."

Kim: "Wraith-ers?"

Wes: "Demons that can make themselves look human - for a time. (Shows her an entry in one of his books) Ten days, two weeks, then they revert to what they really are."

Gunn: "I wonder why they would wanna look like musicians?"

Angel: "For the chicks. Musicians get the chicks! (Everyone turns to look at him) What? They're gonna appear as dentists? Let's take 'em out. (To Kim) Where are they?"

Kim: "In a rehearsal space. It's an old loading dock behind the shop'n'go in Echo park."

Angel: "Wes?"

Wes: "You'll have to kill them. It's the only thing you can do with Wraith-ers. You, Gunn, Fred can go. Lorne, stay here with the baby. I have some business to take care of."


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