SomeGhol - What the Rangers did after the Rescue Rangers. The first year--entrepeneurship.
Gadget: ...and not only will it filter annoying telimarketers, the new Ranger Driver Distraction Device will hold voice mail, and track your Stock Porfolio!
Q - What the Rangers did after the Rescue Rangers: the second year. commercials with William Shatner
Gadet: Golly Chip, all I can hear is a man yelling
"KKKKKKHHHHHHAAAAANNNNNNNN" over and over again. You hear the same thing?
CD - What the Rangers did after the Rescue Rangers: the third year. Their stint with the armed forces...
Gadget: Do you believe me now that eavesdropping on the military is fun?
Kongo - What the Rangers did after the Rescue Rangers: the fourth year. Eisner's prank calls.
Gadget: You got Eisner on the phone, and he wants to give us a new series?!
Nicky - This week's winner of the "Best Reason For Gadget to Make Notes About Her Inventions" award...
Gadget: It is either a sonic earwax remover or a Weapon of Mass Destruction, so try it out and see which it is.
Loneheart - I think I'd be wary, wearing that red shirt of yours in this one, Dale...
Dale: (from out of picture) Did I walk in on you two role playing Captain Kirk and the Alien Princess again?
Zipper - This week's winner of "The Best Reason to Listen to Gadget's Long-Winded Explanations All the Way Through Before Picking Up Her Invention" award...
Gadget: My new fusion frying pan should work. The radiation has been with in tolerable ranges, but I wouldn't suggest placing it next to your head. It could fry brain cells and give you a silly, blank expresion.
Painless Doc Johnson - Ships in the night that keep missing each other. C'est dommage...
Gadget: ...and so I've loved you all this time but waited until now to tell you.
Chip: (putting down earpiece) I'm sorry, what?
The J.A.M. - Mmm, Pizza...
Gadget: "No, a large pizza is THIS big!"
KS - The price these days just for a smooch...
Gadget: "Why should you try my latest invention? Provided you survive whatever it is it does... I'll give you a great big kiss!"
Robet Knaus - Ah, so that's how Barry Bonds was doing it...
GADGET: It's my new magnetic baseball bat! You can't miss the ball with this!
MegaDale - No truer words were ever spoken. This week, anyway...
Gadget: Who needs a telezapper when you have me around?
Winston - "We filled your brain all the way up with starcharts." / "What happened?" / "It leaked..."
Chip: What if it fries my brain?
Gadget: Oh, Golly, it will NOT fry your brain!
Karl - Um, don't you think you should've tested that thing first, Gadget...
Gadget: "See? My Pop-O-Matic brain-plunger unclogs your mind with NO problems! ..Hello?"
Mole204 - I just decided to include this one because I like alliteration...
Gadget: It's like the Happy Helmet! But Handheld! Hurrah!
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Chalk up one for the Tammyphiles...
GADGET: Tammy is going out with Gary Stu? Golly, Chip, both our stalker problems are solved!
Rennod - VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!!...
GADGET: It's great you got our limo reserved for the Golden Acorn Awards ceremony this far ahead of time, but we haven't even VOTED yet, Chip!