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Week 58 Winner - Loki

Gadget's Got a Point

Painless Doc Johnson - This one was close, I grant you that...

Gadget: It's here because 'Honey I Shrunk The Sphinx' got its budget cut.

KS - Ooh, a Ray Bradbury hit! It was tempting to give you the brass ring just for that...

Gadget: "Why are you just sitting there? Can't you see something wicked this way comes?

CD - From "Things the Rangers Tried After RR" #593--Gadget, leader of the Feminist Inventors Society

Gadget: Women, only cook out of anger! *whispering* Beat it Zipper, I'm giving a speech to my femenist orginaztion, no males!

SomeGhol - From "Things the Rangers Tried After RR" #1175--The Lost Movie

Gadget- Ok Mr. Eisner we did the "Ranger Round the World" bit for the next low budget movie sequel that'll have little or nothing to do with the original classics, so NOW can we have our show back?

Nicky - From "Things The Rangers Tried After RR" #3453--Global on-call monument restorations...

Gadget: I fixed the sphinx's nose and the insurance check should clear within a week, you guys don't have to wear the dresses tonight. Jeez the things we do for money since the show was cancelled.

Loneheart - From "Things the Rangers Tried After RR" #117--Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Musical...waitaminit...

Gadget: I said: Are you auditioning for the musical verison of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" too?

Obi-Wan Maplewood - From "Things the Rangers Tried After RR" #9822--Hiring Mumm-Ra as a hit man...

GADGET: Golly, Zipper, I think our "mummification of Michael Eisner" plan worked. Quick, fly to the animation studios and replace all the "Jungle Book 2" scripts with "copies of "Somemouse to Watch Over Me!"

MegaDale - Gadget, the tour guide...this reminds me of trail distances posted on signs--they're always wrong, and it's ALWAYS longer than they say. Oh yeah, this is supposed to be about captions...

Gadget: C'mon guys, it's not that much farther this time,I know I said that twenty miles ago but I mean it this time I swear it!

Karl - This week's winner of the "We Really Don't Want to Know" award...

Gadget: Just down the hall, second door on the left.

Robert Knaus - Maybe she did drink the motor oil this time...

GADGET: Golly, Nimnul's Giganto-Ray still works! Now to terrorize the countryside, BWA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAA!!!!

J. Pesterfield - Women and heavy objects that need to be moved--bad combination...

Gadget: We just need to move it a few more feet, so push guys!

Mole204 - This week's winner of "The Caption Indy Was Least Likely to Dream Up" award....

Gadget: There's a three-headed hippo with Mepps' hat on and it's demanding that I stamp all our pith helmets with the sign of the Avacado Union! (it's after the sunstroke kicked in)

Kongo - Whether it's for self-preservation or just pulling the boys' chains, this one shows that Gadget's adept at more than inventions...

Gadget: (in a deep voice) "Gadget's over there!" ::whispering to zipper:: "Chip and Dale sure are hard to loose durring mating season, but they are easy to fool."

Zipper - She always was perceptive...

Gadget: Quick guys this way. Indy's coming and I thing he wants another caption with me in it!