Rennod - What the Pi-Rats did after the Rangers were cancelled--1995, Ginsu knife commercials...
Jolly Rogers: Arr, and if ye act now, along with this fine Ginsu cutlass, we'll throw in the Ronco Power Plank free! Why, it can serve up twenty landlubbers at once to Davy Jones' locker!
Mole204 - What the Pi-Rats did after the Rangers were cancelled--1996, "The H.M.S. Pi-Rat-a-Fore"...
Jolly Rogers: We sail the ocean blue and our saucy ship's a beauty!
Karl - What the Pi-Rats did after the Rangers were cancelled--1998, the Disney Store complaints department...
Jolly Rogers: Ye've got a complaint? I've got me answer!
Cyber Daimyo - You're getting closer...
Jolly Rogers:Hey, matey, have you been smellin' the scent of a sword-slashin' samurai gal before, eh?
Stormy: No, but I have been seein' some of yer piratey moves that are way better than a samurai.
MegaDale - A sandwich just isn't a sandwich...
Jolly Rogers:You found the Miracle Whip? Good work Stormy, now I can make my sandwich, I have my breadknife all ready.
8-Bit Star - Obviously, he grew up in the Howdy Doody era...
RedSwift - Pirates--always picky about how they're animated...
Jolly Rogers: Hey, I'm not a human, so why don't we go shanghai our animators until they fix my nose.
CD - Oh, that explains it. It's rank, not paint...
Jolly Rogers: When you're captain, your nose will be the same color as your fur as well matey.
John Pesterfield - Why Jolly Rogers never made it as Captain Hook...
Jolly Rogers: No, I don't hear a croc with a clock in its belly.
Obi-Wan Maplewood - trusting...
Jolly Rogers: Don't worry, me mateys. That there pretty blonde mouse told us our here weapons "should work with no problems," so takin' out 'er friends is gonna be a piece o'cake!
Charity - Day one of Pirate Training School...
Jolly Rogers: Lesson number 1 - now repeat after me - "Arrr!"
Danbole Ronin - Hmm...must be from a show I don't watch...
Jolly Rogers: *holds hand up in the air pinching thump and forefinger together* Ha, I got you! I crush your head!