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Week 71 Winner - CD

A Hackwrench Hanging Around

wayc - Nice play on words! Hmm, another Hackwrench to speculate on...

Gadget: Dale, I'm glad you're trying to help out more, but this is a monkey wrench. Could you please go all the way back down to the ground and get my aunt Mona Kay Hackwrench?!?!

KS - Yet another reason Gadget never told the boys she was a cyborg...

Gadget: Golly, I hope the boys don't ask how a little mouse can carry all this weight. I just don't think they're ready for the truth...

Karl - Perhaps she's really Mary Poppins. Well, that's no weirder than pulling out 15 wrenches from her pockets! Or wait, maybe it is...

Gadget: 14, 15.. Golly! How many wrenches did I put into these coveralls?!

Obi-Wan Maplewood - Things the Rangers tried after the show #343: Tryouts for the Mario Brothers movie ...

GADGET: Don't worry, Mario, we'll have you out of there in a jiffy!

Ronnie Rabbit - GAAAH! PUN OVERLOAD! Man the lifeboats!

GADGET: It doesn't work! Gosh, it looks like my plumbing-powered wrench was just a pipe dream!

Mole204 - I knew there was a reason the munks didn't include Gadget in their games that often...

Gadget: Dale wants a water gun fight, I'LL give him a water gun fight!

Rennod - "Oh gosh, I hope I find a plumbing emergency today. Just one..."

GADGET: You know, I carry this one for occasions *just* like this one...

Robert Knaus - "Your money or your life", Gadget style. All Jack Benny fans nod wisely...

GADGET: What? 'Drop the wrench and use my other hand to climb up?' Are you MAD?!?

Loki - Gadget and the Three Stooges. Somehow I think that the Stooges would come out on the short end...

GADGET: This house has sure gone crazy!

Cyber Daimyo - Y'know, she might actually would say this one...

Gadget: All right you leaky pipe, prepare to meet Gadget Hackwrench! Part plumber, part samurai!

Psykmoe - Salesmen to the right of her, salesmen to the left of her...

Gadget: I'm sworn to protect this wrench with my life. Failure is not an option!

MegaDale - Sometimes, there are places where Ejection Seats really aren't wanted...

Gadget: Ok this isn't supposed to happen when one flushes, what happened?

Chip Chap - This week's winner of the Best Gadget Moment Award...

Gadget: Hmmm... I can't help but feel I forgot something? Dale (os): Hey Gadget! Do ya think we should build the roof or the foundation now?

RedSwift - Clowns are to Wakko Warner as salesmen are to...

Gadget: 15 Degrees to the west, 10 north. OK Mr. Salesman, bombs away!!!

Nicky - Words to live by...
Gadget: It should have worked.