Week 75 Winner - KS
Karl - Did you ever have the feeling you were in the wrong profession...
Queenie: That never-ending buzz, BuZz, BUZZ is driving me CRAZY!!!
Cyber Daimyo - Must be rogue hair stylists...
Queenie: Yikes! I'm the one and only victim of the Yellow Jacket Clan!
Mole204 - This week's winner of the Best In-Character Dialogue award...
Queenie: Now my antenna dosen't match my shoes. Phooey.
CD - This week's winner of the Surest Sign the Captioneer's Been Watching Too Many Eastwood Movies Lately award...
Queenie: Oh no, now people are going to call me "Dirty Hairy".
lotacats - Something I'm sure Aliwicious asks at times...
Queenie: I cannot believe I'm stuck being me sometimes.
RedSwift - Maybe she should try to hire on the Yellow Jacket Clan and reform them...
Queenie: And how do they expect me to keep my hair nice when I have to fly everywhere! People expect way too much of me!
wayc - Well, that's what you get for not hiring a professional..
Honey: Oh my goodness! Next time I permit Zipper to be my personal bodyguard, I must remind him not to get so excited valiantly and protectively flying around my head.
SomeGhol - The things one-shot characters will do to get recognized...
Queenie- Ohhh... those fanfic writers *can't* ignore me anymore now that I've had, The Mega-Perm!
The J.A.M. - I don't know about you, but I suspect a certain red-nosed chipmunk...
Queenie: WHO changed Gadget's conditioner with mine!!??
MegaDale - Will a Queen's woes never end...
Queenie: Oh no, first I break a nail and now I think I have split ends! When will this torment end?
Jazz - This week's winner of the Caption Surest to Leave Indy Clueless award...
Queenie: Ladies and Gentlemen... Sharon Osbourne!
Danbole Ronin - A week late, a perm short...
Queenie: Is it on straight? Last week's artifacts said this hairstyle was all the rage
Obi-Wan Maplewood - Hmm...a preview of part ten, perhaps...
QUEENIE: Thanks for the compliment, Gadget, but I just CAN'T marry Zipper looking like this!
Zipper - Gotta give this one points, just for effort...
Queenie: Indy has been taken in by the Star Wars method of naming things. The New Hope has gone, destoyed by the Phantom Menice, under the guid of the Empire, as it Strikes back at anything good, using Gadget Clone to Attack the inosent. Only the Return of the Jedi, or the Captioneer, can save him!
Loneheart - Uh, oh. I sense another Animaniacs crossover coming...
Queenie: At last, with Gadget on holiday in France, I can ask the question I have waited so long to ask. Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest in the land?