Week 87 Winner - Karl
Chip Chap - Now just what would he be distracting Chip from...hmm...
Gadget: It should work with no problems... Golly... That wasn't like I expected...
Dale: Well, the servo's and artificial skin are good... but I need better dialog if I'm gonna destract Chip with this thing...
KS - You mean THAT'S what girls fall for? Oh well, guess I'll stay single a few more years...
Dale: Buk-buk-buk...
Gadget: Oh Dale, I LOVE your chicken impression! Of course I'll marry you!
MegaDale - This isn't gonna be pretty...
Dale:You did what!?
Gadget:Isn't it wonderful? Who knew that all your comics were worth the price of a new tool set!
JPesterfield - Things the Rangers Did After the Show #3223: Dale and the Brain...
Dale: Gadget, you wouldn't!
Gadget: I've decided, world domination is for me.
Ronnie Rabbit - I knew it--she's dating Buzz Lightyear...
DALE: So, uh... what's this guy like?
GADGET: Oh, gosh, he's so dreamy! He's got all these muscles - not that he's a jock, he just takes care of himself. We so enjoy talking to each other, and he loves art and - now that I think about it, he's completely unlike you or Chip! Isn't that funny?
wayc - Somehow this is scary, but I can't quite put my finger on the reason why...
Dale: ZOWIE! Foxglove?!? Is that really you?!?
Foxglove: Of course, cutie. Do you like it? Gadget is a really good plastic surgeon! She said I look stunning, but she can't quite put her finger on who I resemble now.
Cyber Daimyo - Somehow I can't believe it either...
Gadget: Dale, I can't believe that you are a legendary Return to Castle Wolfenstein warrior without fear!
Dale: Huh? Are you telling me that I am not a top Half-Life gunner anymore?
Tanka - Nothing will break a silent protest like a chocoholic mouse inventor...
Dale: Gadget, was that you who ate all my sweets?!
Gadget: Golly, Dale started talking again!
Loki - If Gadget was Sears' poster girl, they would probably get a lot more business...
DALE: What's the big deal Gadget?
GADGET: My Craftsman Tools catalog just came in the mail!
CD - Thankyou, thankyouverymuch...now excuse me while I take over the world...
Dale: Gadget, was it really you who fried Norton Nimnul.
Gadget; No, my invention was supposed to turn him into a Elvis Presley look-alike! *sigh* Elvis Presley.
Loneheart - Terminator 4: T-G vs Arnold Mousennegar...
Dale: You have a crush on WHO?
Gadget: Arnold Mouseneggar... He's just Perfect for me!
Mole204 - Ah, so that's why her nose turns pink...and why it's pink most of the time...
Dale- It changed color! How did you do that?
Gadget- Magical Female Powers! (tm)
lotcats - I see Dale's been replacing Gadget's face cream with his monster makeup again...
Gadget: I dreamed that I woke up this morning, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my hair all wiry and frazzled up, my skin was all wrinkled and pasty, my eyes were bloodshot and bugging out, and I had this corpse-like look on my face! Now is that funny or what????
Dale: Well, I can tell you that there's nothing wrong with your eyesight.