Stitch - Things the Rangers Did After the Series #105: The Unaired TV Special...
Dale: "Well, don't get mad at me, I'm not the one who set the budget for this 'Rescue Rangers' tv special. *sigh* Come on, we better give the Ranger Edsel a push..."
JPesterfield - "Gillimunk, you ATE the Professor's beacon she made out of chocolate!?!"...
Dale: I know skipper, I ruined our chance again.
Tanka - "GILLI--MUUUUNK!"...
Chip: We could sink!
Dale: But I only made a little hole to feed fishes...
Wauregan - Things the Rangers Did After the Series #9993: The edited-out cameo in Jurassic Park IV...
DALE: OOhhhkay, so I talked you into letting me fly the Ranger Wing, got us lost, and landed on an island that turns out to be Jurassic Park! What’s the big deal? We’ve worked with dinosaurs before...
Ronnie Rabbit - What a Smurfy caption! I'm Smurfing over the Smurfiness of its Smurfection!
GARGAMEL (CHIP): You've turned us both into chipmunks, you vile creature!
BRAINY (DALE): Hellllp! Papa Smurf!
GARGAMEL: Smuuuurfs! Wretched SMURRRRFS!
Zipper - Now we know what Dale was watching on that portable DVD player...
Dale: You can see me Chip?
Chip: For the last time Dale, just because you have that hat does not make you a hobbit!
Rennod - Chip would never have the patience to make it to Mount Doom...
Dale: Ah'm sorry Mistah Frodo, suh, but this shirt Gollum 'ad look'd so pritty I just 'AD to trade 'im the Ring for it...
CD - A D+L fan? Maybe "Paris and Paradise" was more popular than I thought...
Dale: I told you, watch your mouth. Lawhiney is pretty sensitive, especially toward her hen-pecked husband.
wayc - Never let it be said that Dale can't be bought for a gold hat that the aliens turned green...
Dale: But Chip, that mouse back in the alley said he'd pay me 25% interest per day if I traded him your jacket for this gold hat that the aliens turned green.
Cyber Daimyo - Are you sure you want Chip to answer that Dale...
Dale: Hey, Chip, why are you staring at me like that?! Why, why?! Did I just go out on an important date with Gadget last night?
Loneheart - Well, that's another chore he got himself out of...
Dale: But Chip, you're always complaining when I DON'T do the laundry!
Mole204 - Chip and Dale's early work: The Depression Days...
Dale: Don't be angry but I think you should know, actually I've agreed to work as Dopey and, well, I signed your name as well under "Grumpy".
Karl - Uh, I don't get it...
Dale: But Chip! They said it was a Foo bird!
SomeGhol - Sorry, the Soulless Minions of Orthodoxy got it...