Rangerphile Story Ratings Guide, by Title
This guide is comprehensive, but not complete. The ratings are solely the expressed opinion of the rater (Indy) and do not necessarily represent the views of the Rangerphile community or anyone else. The ratings are meant to be used as an aid to the reader or prospective writer, but by no means are they meant as a judgment of any writer or any particular story. Each story was considered separately from all others. No comparisons to other stories were considered in the rating process, except in the case where an author presented a lighter version of an original story.
Explanation of ratings
To make it clearer how a story was rated, I included the terms low, middle and high as well as explanatory material. Low means that the story came close (in some cases very close) to the next-lower rating but one or two things prevented the story from receiving that rating. Middle means I had no problems assigning the rating to that story. High means that the story pushed the rating ceiling for that particular rating, but I found sufficient reason to not give it the next-higher rating. In the explanations (particular where a high or low appears) I attempted to specify what merited the rating and what didnt.
Note: In several cases, I use the term in keeping with the episodes. This is meant to let the prospective reader know that in the raters opinion, the Rangers were for the most part in character as theyd expect to see them in the episodes. This was not a consideration in giving the rating, rather a note to the reader. If a G-rated story only has this phrase, then I considered everything in it acceptable.
To make it easier to pick out individual authors, I have highlighted their first appearance in the list in blue.
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Snow Dance by Vlad Abricoten
Its written in the spirit of the show, and the romantic portions are handled in a decent fashion.
Ghost Dance by Vlad Abricoten Low PG
A little mild language, includes a flashback describing a characters death.
Married With Chipmunks by B&M Middle PG-13
Includes adult themes and descriptions inappropriate for a PG rating.
Into the Eye of Oblivion by Eddie Baird Low PG-13
Includes graphic violence too intense for a PG rating, some language in the PG level.
A Force Reborn, by Eddie Baird Low PG-13
Includes graphic violence too intense for a PG rating, some language in the PG level, suggestive themes in the PG level.
A Force Reborn by Eddie Baird (Lite version) Middle PG
Includes some violence, suggestive themes.
The Atlantis Incident by Eddie Baird High PG
More language than normal for PG, but not excessive, some violence in the PG level, some suggestive themes in the PG level.
The Atlantis Incident by Eddie Baird (Lite version) Middle PG
Some violence in the PG level, some suggestive themes in the PG level.
Forever Your Squirrel by Eddie Baird Middle PG-13
Excessive language and use of language beyond common profanity, some suggestive themes in the PG level.
Forever Your Squirrel by Eddie Baird (Lite version) Middle PG
Some suggestive themes and violence in the PG level.
Down and Out in the Outback by Eddie Baird Low PG-13
Excessive language and use of language beyond common profanity, some intense situations in the PG level.
Lights Out Tokyo by Eddie Baird High PG-13
Excessive language and use of language beyond common profanity, intense situations beyond PG level, gratuitous violence, suggestive themes beyond PG level.
A Fighting Chance by Julie Bihn Middle PG
Some violence in the PG level.
Doubt of a Shadow by Julie Bihn - Low PG
A few intense situations at the PG level.
Realization by Julie Bihn G
In itself, a G-rated short sequel to Doubt of a Shadow.
Foxys Special Day by Julie Bihn G
Even with a married couple, still generally acceptable.
The Tin Mouse by Julie Bihn G
In keeping with the episodes.
Lovebirds by Meghan Brunner G
Much like a regular episode
Catch a Rainbow by Meghan Brunner G
Like a regular episode
Culinary Disaster by Meghan Brunner G
Much like a regular episode.
Final Curtain by Meghan Brunner Middle PG
Intense situations in the PG range.
Rainbows Gold by Meghan Brunner Middle PG-13
Suggestive themes not present at PG level, intense situations not present at PG level.
Little Ranger Blue by Meghan Brunner - Middle PG-13
Suggestive themes not present at PG level, intense situations not present at PG level.
Interview With the Mouse by Candy Courtnier Low PG
Mildly suggestive themes.
Sailor Mouse by Candy Courtnier Middle PG
Some violence and suggestive themes in the PG level.
A Twits Ransom by Candy Courtnier - Middle PG
Some violence and suggestive themes in the PG level.
The Rod Squad in Color by D.B. Cooper G
Certainly unique, but handled in a tasteful fashion.
Rhyme and Reason by Michael Demcio High PG
More intense situations, violence than regularly occurs in PG stories, however it was not done gratuitously but in keeping with the plotline. Some suggestive scenes in the PG level. The upper limit for PG material.
Soul Searching by Michael Demcio Middle PG
Some intense situations and descriptions in the PG level.
Honey, I Shrunk the Cops by Michael Gibby G
In keeping with the episodes.
Love Is a Many Splendored Thing by Michael Gibby G
Mildly suggestive, but handled decently in the spirit of the show.
I Dream of Fat Cat by Michael Gibby G
In keeping with the episodes.
Invasion of the Body Switchers by Michael Gibby G
In keeping with the episodes.
A Matter of Life and Death by Michael Gibby Middle PG
Deals with intense scenes in a PG fashion.
The little Anterrean by Paltiel Goldstein (all stories considered together) Middle PG
Some violence in the PG level but not excessive.
The Rangers of NIMH by Paul Lapansee & David Gonterman Low PG-13
Suggestive situations higher than PG level, language in the PG level.
Home is Where You Hang Upside Down by Roy Neal Grissom Low PG
Mildly suggestive situations.
A Syllabus of Comedies by Roy Neal Grissom Low PG-13
More suggestive situations than in a normal PG level story even though handled in a humorous fashion, a little graphic violence beyond the PG level.
Consummation by Roy Neal Grissom Middle PG
Minor language in the PG level, some violence in the PG level, mildly suggestive situations.
Gadget Hackwrench Eyes by Roy Neal Grissom Middle PG
Suggestive language in the PG level.
The Princess Thing by Gadget Hackwrench G
There is some light humorous suggestiveness in the story, but its handled tastefully.
The Times of Their Lives by Indy Middle PG
Some violence, intense situations in the PG level.
Texas Rangers by Chris Silva and Indy G
In keeping with the episodes.
The Spy Who Loved Monty by Chris Silva and Indy Middle PG
Some violence, intense situations, suggestive situations in the PG level.
The Day Dale Became Smart by Chris Silva and Indy High PG
More intense situations and violence than normal at the PG level.
Daring To Dream (Part 1 of the Untold Ranger Tales) by Chris Silva and Indy High PG
More intense situations and violence than normal at the PG level.
Living The Dream (Part 2 of the Untold Ranger Tales) by Chris Silva and Indy Middle PG
Some suggestive and intense scenes in the PG level.
Under Threat by James Hart Low PG
Some language, intense situation in the PG level.
Newspaper by James Hart Low PG
Some suggestiveness in the PG level.
Hurricane Season by James Hart G
In keeping with the episodes.
All I Need To Know In Life I Learned From Being A Gadgephile by Robert Hollingshead G
Very G, and very informative.
The Chipmunk Crossover Collaboration by Stacey Hunt Low PG
Some suggestiveness, mildly intense situations.
Dale & Foxy A Rescue Ranger Christmas by David Junker G
In keeping with the episodes.
Switch by Matthew Kirby (Parts I and II) Low PG
Mildly suggestive situations in the PG level.
Nosferatu or Not by Matthew Kirby Low PG-13
Suggestive situations beyond the PG level, intense situations in the PG level.
Little Fangs by Morgan Kohl Middle PG-13
Suggestive scenes beyond the PG level, intense situations in the PG level.
Double Criss-Crossed by Morgan Kohl Low PG-13
Language references beyond the PG level, suggestive scenes, intense scenes and violence in the PG level.
The RR-Files by Robert Knaus, Chris Silva, John Pesterfield and Karl Schenk Middle PG
Language, violence and intense scenes in the PG level.
Star Trekkin by Karen Mollett Low PG
Mild language references.
A Hitch in Time (all parts) by Karen Mollett G
Mild language, but handled tastefully.
Under the Bridge by John Nowak Middle PG
Some violence, intense situations in the PG level.
MySTing of Under the Bridge by John Nowak and Matt Plotecher Middle PG-13
Suggestiveness above the PG level.
Monterey Jacks Flying Circus by Charity Oliver G
Very unique, but definitely G.
Count Dracula by John Pesterfield and Karl Low PG
Mildly intense situations in the PG level.
The Hooded Menace by Jeff Pierce Middle PG
Intense and violent situations in the PG level.
Bedbugs by Matt Plotecher Middle PG
Intense and violent situations in the PG level.
Chariots of fur by Matt Plotecher G
Reads like an episode.
Chip n Dales Rescue Rangers: the movie Some Mouse to Watch Over Me Low PG
Mild violence, intense situations in the PG level.
Fly To The Light by Matt Plotecher Middle PG
Some suggestive, intense and violent situations in the PG level.
Plots by Matt Plotecher Middle PG
Some intense situations in the PG level.
There and Back AGAIN? by Matt Plotecher G
In keeping with the episodes.
Trite Fright Night by Matt Plotecher G
In keeping with the episodes.
Swarm by Matt Plotecher Middle PG-13
Intense scenes beyond the PG level.
Color Me Confused by Matt Plotecher Low PG
Mildly suggestive, intense scenes.
Wedding Bells Will Chime; Death Knells Shall Clang by Matt Plotecher Middle PG
Some language and intense, suggestive situations in the PG level.
My Dinner With Monty by Matt Plotecher G
Tastefully handled.
Dark Paradox by ProtoMouse Low PG
Some mild violence in the PG level, mild language.
Ducking Responsibilities by Karl Schenk G
In keeping with the episodes.
Reservation Dogs by Kevin Sharbaugh Middle PG13
Intense situations, language beyond the PG level, suggestive situations in the PG level.
The Dark Savior Saga by Stephen T. Stone Low PG13
Intense situations beyond the PG level.
The Dark Saviors Past by Stephen T. Stone Low PG13
Intense situations beyond the PG level.
The Memory Remains by Stephen T. Stone Low PG
Mildly intense situations.
One Strange Case by Stephen T. Stone G
In keeping with the episodes.
The Choices We Make by Stephen T. Stone Middle PG
Some intense situations in the PG level.
Flashback: The Dark Savior Saga by Stephen T. Stone G
Handled well, but be aware the root story is PG-13.
CDRR Monday Nitro by Stephen T. Stone MiddlePG
Intense situations and suggestiveness in the PG level.
CDRR Raw by Stephen T. Stone Middle PG-13
Intense and suggestive situations beyond the PG level.
Mighty Morphin Rescue Rangers by Stephen T. Stone Middle PG
Some intense situations in the PG level.
The Truth Revealed by Stephen T. Stone Middle PG
Some violent, intense situations in the PG level.
Final Mission by Stephen T. Stone High PG-13
Some highly intense, violent scenes and descriptions in the PG-13 level.
The One-Year Vacation by Stephen T. Stone et al:
Chip Maplewood section by Stephen T. Stone Middle PG
Suggestive scenes in the PG level.
Chip Maplewood section by Karl Schenk G
In keeping with the episodes, even with the bit of romance.
Dale Oakmont section (Wolfsbane) by B&M Low PG-13
Includes adult themes and descriptions too suggestive for a PG rating.
Gadget Hackwrench section (The Gift of Thundera) by Indy - Middle PG
Some violent, intense situations in the PG level.
Rescue Rovers by Trey Tackett Middle PG
Some suggestive, violent scenes in the PG level.
Miami Munks by David Walker G
In keeping with the episodes.
Gadget and Goliath by Don Weatherwax Low PG
Mildly intense situations.
Dreams of the Rarebit Rangers by Don Weatherwax Middle PG
Suggestive, intense situations in the PG level.
Food Fight by Jill D. Weber G
In keeping with the episodes.
The Mole by Jeff Wikstrom Low PG
Mildly intense situations.
Rat, Bat, Alligator-God by Jeff Wikstrom Middle PG-13
Intense, violent scenes beyond the PG level.
Visitor by Richard T. Williams G
In keeping with the episodes.
Little Problems by Richard T. Williams G
In keeping with the episodes.
After Effects by Richard T. Williams Middle PG
Intense scenes in the PG range.
Ranger, Ranger on the Wall by Zachary A. Zulkowski Middle PG-13
Suggestive, intense scenes beyond the PG level. Language in the PG level.