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Love Generation 98 Special

(page last updated on: September 6, 2002 )

IMPORTANT LINK: CJ Morikai's English synopsis


Actor Character Relationship
Kimura Takuya (SMAP) Katagiri Teppei younger brother of Soichiro; loved Sanae; loves Riko
Matsu Takako Uesugi Riko loves Teppei
Uchino Masaaki Katagiri Soichiro older brother of Teppei; loves Sanae
Junna Risa Mizuhara Sanae loves both Teppei and Soichiro

takako not in a drama, she looks nice when she's natural

love that first office meeting between the leads, where she says "hajimete" to him as if it's their first meeting

in this drama, the cutie is junna

fujiwara turning on her charm

kimutaku's flying lessons have paid off

junna is really cute when she's sad

shiina keppei from "Sweet Season" doing a cameo as a rich man's son. His script is a real gas.

it's just so romantic when they finally go for one another. the fireworks are just extra

scenes you won't see in the censored version of Love Generation

junna is really cute when she is sad. oops! i did it again!

takako shows us a thing or two to do to liven up the matchmakinging process

so romantic! kimutaku storms the local castle in mid-winter

a good closeup of riko - i mean, takako

nagano looks great. i will definitely visit it one day, cos i like snow. and they have the oldest castle in Japan there too

rather anticlimatic ending to a lovely 2 hour special. but i enjoyed kimutaku's new look