Sweet Season - Episode 10
gone are the days of love
Akira being discharged from the hospital
nurse: "hai". are your discharge papers completed?
Akira: ready. thanks for taking care of me
nurse: "iie". let me take this away (breakfast tray)
Akira: "hai"
his keys fall out of his coat pocket, and he picks it up, noticing a strange
key attached (flashback to him giving his bachelor pad key to Mahiro)
Akira leaves his room, still puzzling over the key. a little girl with chimes on her bag walks past. (flashback to him holding the chime against Mahiro's ear in Kyoto)
he drops his bag and opens it to look at the Kyoto magazine
Mahiro plays with her chime in office
manager: Fujitani
Mahiro: "kachou"!
manager: come here for a minute
Mahiro: what?
manager: i have something to ask you
Mahiro: "hai"
Shinya gets ready to go
Yuma (on the stairs in ambush): "hontou" "ni", "koto"?
Shinya continues off
Yuma (runs down): you love her that much? even more than you love us?
Shinya: from the start, daddy has always chosen you all
Yuma: do you regret that?
Shinya: your mother may be having regrets
Yuma: "doushite"? aren't we doing fine until now?
Shinya: i have only just discovered that there is something i must do. your
father and mother cannot carry on like this
manager and Mahiro go and see the boss
manager (to boss): "shitsurei" (excuse me)
maanger (to Mahiro): go in
the boss is with Chikako
boss: come here
boss: when Chika told me about this matter, it really give me a shock
Chikako: i had no choice, but to discuss this matter with you, my uncle. because
you are my dad's only good friend.
boss: i once received much support from her father.
boss (to Mahiro): is it true, this matter between Goto and you?
boss: i have already decided to transfer Goto out to Hongkong
Mahiro: is this a demotion? then let me-
boss: you? what can you do immediately?
Mahiro: immediately?
Shinya on train to Sendai
Mahiro: immediately, i have a bit of problem-
Chikako: "iino"! this is my request. letting the two of you carry
on like this is not the solution
manager: but before this, he needs to come to the company to sign the necessary
documents. i hope you will not come into contact with Goto again
boss: sorry to have to ask you to do this, but it's also for your own good
Mahiro: "hai"
Yayako wakes to the sound of the harbour alarm. i think she didn't have money to stay in a hotel, so she was actually sleeping out in the open. she sees kids playing in the park
mother (calling to her kids): Ken-chan, Ma-chan, i've got "taiyaki"
(sweet red bean paste cakes shaped like fish) for you. come quickly! "onichan"
get the fish tail, Ma-chan gets the fish head.
Ma-chan: may i?
mother: yes, you may eat it now
Yayako recalls the past
Yayako: Mahiro! Masahito!
Masahito: come, Mahiro!
Yayako: "hai". this is the TANBOBGO
shop's "taiyaki". the 2 of you share it and eat.
Masahito: Mahiro, you get the fish tail
Mahiro: "arigato"
evening. Shinya in Sendai, even as Mahiro is going to the bachelor pad, with
Chikako's words ringing in her ears
Chikako: i will return the apartment tomorrow. "yoroshiku"
her mom pops up in front of her
Mahiro: "okasan"!
Shinya enters a restaurant
staff: "irasshai"!
man's voice: please come and sit at the counter
Shinya: i have 2 more persons coming
he sits at a table
Yayako in Akira's bachelor pad with daughter
Yayako: why did you do this sort of thing? (====> not about her affair. referring
to her bringing her dad to see his son)
Yayako: do you hate me that much?
Mahiro: it's not like that
Yayako: then why?
Mahiro: i just wanted to let that child meet his father, that's all
Yayako: Mahiro, you have always been puzzled why your parents didn't divorce,
Yayako: "demo" "ne", you have only one father. no one can
replace him
Yayako sighs
Yayako: this matter, to me, is the same thing. for me, there is only one husband.
no one can replace him
Yayako: this road i've chosen, actually, isn't just for you, Mahiro
Mahiro: "okasan"
Yayako: that's why when your father said he wanted to go to Sendai, i can no
longer stand it
Mahiro: "gomenasai"
in Sendai, Shinya meets his other family
Mahiro: but i think i know how the other person feels. if i was the other woman
in Sendai, to know that father has always remembered me and has therefore come
to see me, i think that would be enough.
Mahiro: i think daddy has that feeling, and therefore went. he is not going
to abandon us nor mother. therefore, now, just trust daddy. together, let's
wait for his return.
Shinya (to his son): please drink
mother and daugher return home, as the Sendai family quits the restaurant.
Shinya: "jaa"
he turns and walks off, never hesitating nor turning back to look or wave
Shinya's son: "otosan"
Shinya's son (shouting): "otosan"!
he stops and turns to look back at him. the son runs up.
Shinya's son: "otosan". you came. "arigato"
they hug
Shinya looks at his lover and nods in acknowledgement for giving him a son
Yuma waits at the bus station for her dad
Mahiro: "tadaima"
Fuji: "okaeri"
Fuji is surprised to see Yayako back
Fuji: Yayako
Mahiro: "otosan" "wa"?
Fuji shakes her head in the negative
Yuma continues to wait sadly. then she spots him walking out
Yuma: "otosan"!
Shinya: Yuma
Yuma: "okaeri"
she holds his arm tightly as they head home
the other 3 are home waiting for Yuma (not so sure about dad, ha ha)
Yuma: "tadaima"
in walks Shinya
Mahiro: "otosan"
Shinya: "tadaima"
Shinya: "iroiro", very sorry
cigarette burning (====> ok, so this show is not for people against smoking)
Shinya: it's was a hard life. i really want to take care of them. i had let
them suffer so much, being despised by others. i really feel i am an evil person.
i wanted to recognise my child. he resembles Masahito. if Masahito were grown
up, i guess he would be like this
Yayako: don't say that! no one can replace him. Masahito has died. i will not
allow anyone to replace him!
Yuma: "otosan". do you intend to shuttle between Sendai and here?
Shinya: i don't have such intentions. your father just wants to take him his
responsibility. as for other-
Yayako: i cannot believe this!
Yayako: want to be responsible, want to acknowledge, these things i cannot agree!
Yayako: isn't this your home?
Shinya: i won't add to your problems
Yayako: how much more must we endure, before it's enough? please don't share
your love for your family and i with others
Shinya: i am sorry i said such stubborn words
Yuma: don't be like this! why has it become like this? why can't everyone be
in harmony?
Yuma (to mom): if you want to divorce, then divorce.
Yuma (to dad): if you want to go to Sendai then go
Yuma: everyone just go ahead and do what they want to do
she runs to her room.
Fuji: Yuma!
Fuji runs after her
Fuji: Yuma!
Shinya gets up and goes to his room
Yayako: "ashita", i will take the divorce papers back
Mahiro: "okasan"!
Shinya: must you do this?
Yayako: you too, must go to Sendai, no matter what, right?
Shinya cannot reply
Mahiro: "okasan", why must it be a divorce? dad was just telling us
about the problems faced by the other side
phone rings
Mahiro: "hai". Fujitani, "desu"
Mahiro: yes, just a moment.
Mahiro (to father): "otosan", it's from your company
Shinya comes out to take the call
Shinya: "hai", "moshi moshi"
Shinya: ah?
Shinya: eh.
Yayako: Mahiro, can you lend me your room?
Yayako goes to her daughter's room
Shinya: when did it happen? tomorrow at 11? "wakarimashita". "shitsurei"
Shinya puts down the phone
Mahiro: what's wrong?
Shinya: oh. "iiyo". "betsuni" (it's nothing)
Mahiro: "otosan"?
Shinya: Mahiro. "iroiro", i'm sorry
she shakes her head (it's ok)
Shinya: what will you do now? i have just heard about Goto-san's situation.
you can return anytime. this is your home
Mahiro: "arigato". but there are still a lot of things. i must go
back there.
Shinya: "so ka"? even though it's very difficult, but you must work
Shinya: "ganbatte"
Akira: Hongkong?
Chikako: you don't like?
Akira: hmmm? just feel it's a bit too fast
Chikako: what does it matter? i've always wanted to try, for once, the life
of an expat wife.
Akira: "hontou ni"? what about your work?
Chikako: there's always fax. for my work, i just need a pen. i can do it any
where in the world
Akira: "so ka"?
Chikako: "ne". "ashita", can you come home early? i want
to make sushi, which i haven't done for a while. when we are in Hongkong, we
won't be able to eat real Japanese food.
Akira: um. ah! then let us go to Kyoto
Chikako: Kyoto?
Akira: last spring, we went there together, to a Japanese restaurant.
Chikako didn't go. so of course she's now quiet
Akira: "nanda"? have you forgotten already?
Chikako pretends
Chikako: ah! there? is it? ok!
Akira: right. it's settled. let's go to bed
as he jangles his keys, he remembers the odd key
Akira: say, what's this key for? i can't recall
Chikako: that's the key to our large suitcase
Akira: oh, "so ka"
Chikako: yes, tomorrow i need to use it, please lend it to me
Akira: oh. okay
Mahiro walking through chinatown
Akira: Chika, i'm sorry to have caused you to worry
Chikako shakes her head. they kiss, and she cries
Akira: Chika
she jumps him (ok. you don't want to know this)
Mahiro in the apartment, alone. she picks up his wedding ring, and looks through stuff as the Gotos make love
office next morning. she cannot find him, just a briefcase. then she hears
his voice
Akira: don't have this...
colleague: hai"
they look at each other, for the first time since the brain damage
Mahiro: "ohayo gozaimasu"
Akira: "ohayo"
Mahiro: "ano"-
Akira: i want to tell you this: please be punctual. you have been working here
for 3 years already. please examine yourself.
Akira walks off, leaving Mahiro stunned
staff: "kachou"
Akira: hmmm?
Shinya's company emergency meeting
man: our company is now under receivership, heading for bankruptcy. our main
bank, Tosai Bank, has reject our loan proposal. before the 8th of this month,
we need to come up with 47 million yen. but the company is no longer solvent
Yayako checking that barren sakura tree in her garden.
Yuma: "okasan". checking again?
Yayako: "okaeri"
Yuma: it's no use looking. it won't blossom
Yuma: our family, has always looked like it will breakup. "onichan"
must be very sad
Yayako: Yuma!
Yuma: because this tree is brother's tree
Yuma: ah.... i also wish to see brother
Mahiro meets up with Akira again in office, near the lift
Akira (to man): just give me a call in my office anytime
man: "hai". "wakarimashita"
he smiles at her and they pass each other. but her chime wakes something in
him and he pauses, then continues
Mahiro: "kachou"!
now he really stops and turns around
Mahiro: Goto-san
Chikako returns home, and sees cat outside the apartment
Chikako: Kiji! you've returned! and
even brought your girlfriend along
Akira and Mahiro revisit Sweet Season
Akira: 'Sweet Season'. you know this place?
Chikako making sushi at home
Akira: what do you want to tell me?
Mahiro: can you not recall anything?
Akira: what?
bartender: o! "hisashiburi", "futari"-san (two of us/you)!
i was worried, you haven't come here recently. thought you had a fight. really,
this matter is not nice.
Mahiro: please come with me
they head for the jukebox, and a man rush past them, to the proprietor, with
a fish
man: "masutai"! "kore"
bartender: idiot! how much longer will you be fishing? get to work! work!
then the music plays
Akira: ah! that song... very nostalgic
Mahiro is glad he remembers
Mahiro: shall we dance?
Akira: ah? "iiyo"! i can't
Mahiro: then let's guess fingers
Akira: no. i've never danced before
Mahiro: please, dance with me
she pulls him onto the dance floor and just slow dances
Chikako plays with the chime on the cat's neck
Chikako: Momotaro is really late tonight
she looks at the sushi dinner all prepared.
Chikako: where did he run off to?
as she plays with the chime, she suddenly realises
Mahiro hugs him tight, but he doesn't recall
Akira: Fujitani, what have i forgotten?
Mahiro: "hontou ni", really forgotten?
she lets go of him now
Akira: what happened? please tell me. between you and i, what went on?
HIS office phone rings
staff: "hai". HIS office
Chikako: "ano"... may i speak with Goto?
staff: ah. he's already left the office
Chikako: "so desu ka"?
Chikako: Fujitani-san "wa"?
staff: Fujitani? oh. ah! they seemed to have gone off together
Chikako is stunned
staff: "moshi moshi"? "moshi moshi"?
Chikako: what about Chiyohachi-san?
Chikako's voice, as Yukata takes off: you must get over there quickly, if you
want to get Fujitani back as before. if you really love her, then do all you
can to snatch her back!
Akira and Mahiro walking along the road, as the phone rings in the Fujitani
Fuji: Fujitani, "desu"
Fuji: Goto-san?
Chikako (out of her apartment, on her keitai): may i speak with your husband?
Fuji: please wait awhile
Fuji: it's Goto-san's wife
Shinya: "moshi moshi". may i ask, what's the matter?
he slams down the phone
Fuji: what's happening?
Shinya: Mahiro and Goto-san have disappeared. if they cannot be found by tonight,
she will report it to the police
Chikako: "zet tai", i cannot forgive. i won't forgive! i will never
she runs in rage
Yayako: i will go to Goto-san's rented room and check
Shinya: let her go
Yayako: but if she really reports it to the police-
Shinya: whatever Mahiro wants to do, let her do it
Yayako: you really understand Mahiro's feelings
Shinya: it's not that. i only think it's best that we wait here for her to contact
Mahiro brings him to their rented apartment
Akira: did you and i once lived here?
she nods her head
he opens the window and hears the port sounds
Akira: it's the sea
Mahiro: you have said you absolutely wanted to live by the sea
he sees his ring on the table. picks it up, and his passport, and a birthday
cake photo of him and Mahiro. it was taken in this room
Chikako racing in the night
Mahiro turns out the lights in the room and turns on the projector
Akira: "kore" "wa"?
Mahiro: forever map. in order that the two of us can go on this adventure together
Akira: "bouken"?
Mahiro: "so". "bouken". that was your favourite phrase
Akira: i wrote this?
Mahiro: "so". this was the note you wrote to ask me to go on our first
trip together
she hands her chime over to him
Mahiro: this is the keepsake we bought
his memory flashes back to the ringing of the chime, of him putting it on her
ear, and walking in Kyoto
Akira: uhh! Kyoto! "gojuunotou" (5-story pagoda)
Mahiro: "so"! it was bought in front of the pagoda
Akira: Kyoto... i feel like i can remember something
Mahiro: let's go.
Akira is puzzled
Mahiro: to Kyoto
Akira: "ima"?
Mahiro nods, smiling happily
Mahiro: must go now. it will be too late tomorrow. go, "onegai"
Mahiro: if this doesn't work, i will give up
Mahiro: let's go to Kyoto
as Chikako approaches the flat, they are leaving it. Yukata is riding his bike. as they drive off, Chikako blocks the road
Akira: watch out!
Mahiro jams brakes.
Chikako still alive. rats. Mahiro managed to stop in time
Akira: are you alright?
Chikako: what are you up to?
Akira: Kyoto. if i went to Kyoto, i will be able to remember again
Chikako: "so"? Momotaro, "chotto matte"
she opens the driver door
Chikako: you are determined to take him away. what is this? don't you care that
Akira's changed? to what extent are you going to continue to hurt others?
Chikako: get down! get down! (pulls her out) get down!
Akira: Chika. Chika! don't be like this! it's not Fujitani's fault
Chikako cries
Akira: Chika
Chikako: if you continue like this, i will not forgive you
Chikako (to husband): let's go
Yukata arrives to see them drive off, leaving Mahiro behind crying
Yukata: Fujitani
nearing home
Akira: Chika, about Fujitani and i, is that true?
Chikako: "so"?
Akira: what do you mean by that?
Chikako: how would i know? the wife is always kept in the dark about a love
Chikako: oh yes, i have a huge surprise for you
they enter the apartment
Chikako: look!
the 2 cats are at home
Chikako: he brought his girlfriend home
Akira: Kiji. where did you run off to? hmm?
he lifts the cat, ringing the chime in the process, and recognises the chime as identical with Mahiro's
Chikako, from smiling, to fear, as she sees her husband recall his memories
Akira takes Mahiro's chime out to compare, the red one of hers with his blue one.
flashback to him putting the chime against Mahiro, hearing the bells of the Kyoto pagoda, recalling the train journey to Kyoto, at the onsen, in the office, at Sweet Season, everything (====> another of my favourite words, from Yamato Nadeshiko's theme song. Nadeshiko is my all-time favourite drama, which i will do a synopsis as soon as i finish this one!).
Chikako: Momotaro
Akira shakes his head: what have i done?
he moves
Mahiro: i am really stupid. he's already forgotten about me. "hontou".
too foolish
Yukata: you should forget it too. since there's no way, forget it
Mahiro: how can i forget?
Akira is racing out of his apartment
Mahiro: i want to forget too, this pain
Yukata: don't cry, don't cry anymore
he hugs her
Yukata: i'm here
Akira running, Chikako sitting alone in the apartment. Yukata and Mahiro embracing and kissing
Mahiro: i am really stupid. he's already forgotten about me. "hontou".
too foolish
Yukata: you should forget it too. since there's no way, forget it
Mahiro: how can i forget?
flashback to him putting the chime against Mahiro, hearing the bells of the Kyoto pagoda, recalling the train journey to Kyoto, at the onsen, in the office, at Sweet Season, everything (====> another of my favourite words, from Yamato Nadeshiko's theme song. Nadeshiko is my all-time favourite drama, which i will do a synopsis as soon as i finish this one!).
Akira shakes his head: what have i done?
Mahiro: i want to forget too, this pain
Yukata hugs her
Akira running, Yukata and Mahiro embracing and kissing
Akira sees Yukata's motorbike outside his rented apartment, goes in quietly
and sees them kissing, and stands rooted to listen in
Yukata: let's get married
Mahiro looks at him in surprise
Yukata: "waka ta". you can't forget so soon. "demo ne",
if you are willing, i will do whatever it takes
Mahiro: but i... i cannot forget Goto-san
Yukata: you must stop saying this sort of thing. he will be going to Hongkong.
between you and him, he has forgotten it completely
Yukata: i, don't want to see you worry about him, in pain
Mahiro: i also don't want to be hurt. i also don't want to continue like this,
hurting everyone around me
Mahiro: "demo"... without Goto-san, i cannot live
Akira walks off slowly
he hangs out, outside Sweet Season, instead. looking at the moon, as is Mahiro
Akira returns to his proper apartment. Chikako is surprised
Akira: "tadaima"
Chikako: why did you come back?
Akira fakes a smile: this is my home. coming home is the natural thing to do.
cat meows
Akira: oh, Kiji, you've gotten a lot fatter. time for a bath!
Chikako: you've remembered it, haven't you?
Akira: um. although i have recalled, but halfway through i lost it again
Akira: eh, Kiji
Chikako doesn't know whether to believe him or not
next morning, moving truck drives off. Mahiro takes one last look around the empty apartment, and then closes the door behind her
Yayako is finalizing her divorce papers in her daughter's room
Shinya is up and about, and looks out the window at the barren sakura tree. recalls when he first dug the hole for the tree sapling, and his wife carried his son out to see it
Yayako: Masahito, "otosan" is planting a beautiful tree for you
Shinya smiles in remembrance, then the moment is gone, as Yayako enters with
the divorce papers.
Yayako: "onegaishimasu"
Mahiro carries her luggage back home
*** End of tenth episode ***