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Sweet Season - Episode 3

consequences of the father's love affair

woman walking down to Sweet Season bar
man (fishing): "irrashai"
Mahiro: caught anything?
man: not a thing
Mahiro goes into the bar
Mahiro (making her way to the bar): "sumimase"
barkeep (spots her): "irrashai" (he points out Akira to her)
Akira is drinking by himself, quite down.
Mahiro: you're drinking quite a lot. good! since i didn't drive today, i shall keep you company
Mahiro: "masutai", gin tonic. and give him another glass
masutai: "oyo" (ok)
Mahiro sits down, smiling at Akira. he doesn't smile back, but continues to drink. she takes the glass from him and drinks from it.
Mahiro: let me
she puts the glass down
Mahiro: ok, let's forget about it. about last night, forget it.
Akira: Fujitani
Mahiro: i also don't want it to be like that (ie. for Akira to divorce his wife, cos she can see the parallel in her parents' lives)
Akira is flabbergasted, staring at her (yes, dreams come true, the lucky lucky 2-for-the-price-of-one man)
Mahiro: hateful! don't look at me like a dumb statue. i don't like it when you get too serious, it spoils the mood.
Mahiro: if you continue to avoid me in the office, won't you feel unbearable?
Akira: that's because...
Akira: ...i haven't told my wife, yet. i couldn't find an opportunity. so i don't know the outcome yet
Mahiro: i absolutely don't care about it
Mahiro: don't you need to work up your courage for this sort of thing?
Akira: it's not like that. "ore" (i) "wa"-
Mahiro: forget it. because even if we are together, we would be ashamed. all that finger pointing behind our backs. "as long as we don't turn back, we won't be afraid." this sort of saying is nonsense. besides... i never asked you to break up with your wife. Mrs Goto must still be keeping her marriage vows, that she is still Mrs Goto. please consider my situation.
Akira: what situation?
Mahiro: i'm just 25 years old. i still have a long way to go. if you wish to divorce your wife, that too is possible, between the two of you. it does not concern me.
long silence
Akira: "so ka"? i'm sorry. you are right, i have caused you to suffer. i have never thought about it in this way. "gomen"
barkeeper interrupts with the drinks
barkeep: another glass?
Mahiro: "sayonara"
she gets up and leaves, Akira still sitting and drinking. as she is walking out, the fisherman speaks to her
man: leaving?
Mahiro stops. Akira is drinking at the bar, alone. Mahiro leaves

Shinya gets home
Shinya: "tadaima"
no reply
Shinya: oi! is anyone home?
a voice upstairs
woman: oi!
Shinya: oi!
Yayako: "doku desu" (i am here)
Shinya: where are you?
he climbs upstairs
Yayako: in Masato's room
he stops when he hears where she is (in the taboo room)
Shinya: what are you doing?
Yayako: please come up
Shinya: what are you doing?
Yayako: please come up
Yayako is looking at an old drawing of the family, by Masato, under a tree, as Shinya opens the door and enters the room
Yayako: look here. this is the "sakura" (cherry blossom) tree in the garden
he looks, then turns to look out again. the memories must be very painful for him, but his wife is just enjoying the remembrance of having had a son.
Yayako: "anata" no longer enters this room. the "sakura" also no longer blossoms.
Shinya: no such thing. it's not like i have never stepped in this room
Yayako: haven't you always avoided entering?
Shinya: i cannot freely enter this room
Shinya: we have been married for 30 years, don't you understand this?
Yayako: dinner will soon be ready. Mahiro said she would be home early today
Shinya: you are letting "okasan" sleep here? it's such a small room, how can she sleep here properly?
Yayako: i will arrange
Shinya: how to arrange?
Yayako: there is only here, and besides, it's empty.

Akira leaves Sweet Season, drunk.
Akira: "gochisousama" (thank you for a good meal)
proprietor (fishing): oh. Akira-san
Akira: "ano" (well, er...)?
proprietor: Mahiro left this for you
Akira takes the piece of paper and leaves. he stops to read it
Mahiro's voice (even as she is eating a bowl of noodles at home and he is outside Sweet Season, reading her note by the light from the bar): earlier on, i said many inappropriate things. "gomen nasai". it's because i am very afraid. seeing the anguish on your face, i felt very anxious, because i was afraid you were going to tell me that you cannot leave your wife and that you want to call off our affair. i hate myself for being in this love affair, but i am not in pain over it. losing you would be the most painful thing.
Akira has finished reading, deep in thought, and Mahiro has just finished her dinner. he smiles to himself, glad she's not saying sayonara

Shinya turns on the light in his son's room, and he walks in, one of those rare times he has done so since Masato's death. he looks at the old photos of the family, and touches one of Masato. he is very sad

Mahiro is walking to a table at a japanese restaurant. Mahiro is having dinner with Yukata.
Yukata: is everything ok?
Mahiro: everything's fine. after throwing up, i felt much better.
====> she's having morning sickness.
Yukata: you haven't touched anything. you're not anorexic, are you?
Mahiro: no such thing. i'm just feeling a little tired, maybe coming down with the flu
Yukata: "so da na"
Yukata: "so da" (he stops eating and reaches into his coat's inside pocket, and takes out some tickets) let's go see a movie. bruce willis is in it
Mahiro: "hontou"? "nani"? didn't you say you were better than bruce willis and didn't want to see it?
Yukata: you're a real nag
Yukata stops eating.
Yukata: i will get rid of everything you don't like about me. what i mean is... i would like to start afresh with you
Mahiro is shocked at the revelation.
Yukata: i know you've not thought of this before, but i-
Mahiro: "kore", give it to me.
Yukata (happy): oh!
Mahiro: i want to go with my darling.
now it's Yukata's turn to be shocked.
Mahiro: i already have someone i love
Yukata: you already have a lover?
Mahiro: um
Yukata resumes eating to hide his confusion and embarrassment
Yukata: who is it? is it someone i know?
Mahiro: older than me, by 10 years
Yukata: 35 years old! that's an "ojisan" (uncle; middle aged gentleman), isn't it?
Mahiro: please say "oto" (man), ok? "issho ni" (together), we are very happy.
====> have been DYING to hear this word spoken in japanese, "issho ni", cos it's the title of my favourite song by MAX.
Mahiro: "demo ne"...
Mahiro hesitates
Mahiro: he's been divorced once.
Yukata: "so ka"? ah... i should be happy for you. my heart is too narrow. really hopeless
Yukata has finished eating. doubt he can continue to eat, his heart broken and all. instead, he resorts to smoking
Yukata: you... mustn't let that guy ditch you. you are too strong-willed
Mahiro: Chiyo
Yukata: if you ever quarrel with him, you can always come to me for a listening ear.

Goto's apartment, Akira is cleaning something when the door opens
Chikako: "tadaima"
Akira: "okaeri". Chika
Chikako: hmm?
he shows her a clock. he carries his cat and is ringing it's bell. sorry, Mahiro's bell.
Chikako: ah! where did you find it?
Akira: in this paper carton
Chikako: so it was in the house all along.
Akira: um.
Chikako: how nostalgic
Akira: how long ago?
Chikako: right when we first knew one another. 14 years ago- no! 15 years ago. no wonder we are both old now. 'Momotaro', you haven't heard it ring, and even said this clock has never rung. have you had your dinner?
Akira: "iya" (no) , not yet
Chikako: let me cook something up
Akira: um. Chika. i'm sorry, i have something to tell you
a crash in the kitchen, then silence
Akira: Chika? Chika!
he gets up, the cat jumps off his lap, as he goes to check on his wife
Akira: Chika!

scene switches to Yuma entering her sister's room. Mahiro is lying in bed, talking on the phone
Yuma: "onechan", you've been on the "denwa" (telephone) too long!
Mahiro (to phone): "chotto matte"
Mahiro (to sister): i know, i'll get off soon
Yuma sits on her bed and helps herself to the snacks.
Mahiro (back to phone): "gomen" (sorry), Saki.
Mahiro: um. i will call you again. "jaa ne"
Mahiro switches off the phone and chucks it at Yuma
Mahiro: take it
Yuma: ah!
Yuma: why are you eating this stuff?
Mahiro: because i only like to eat sour things
Yuma scrunches up her face. too sour for her!
Yuma: just like an old woman
Mahiro: since when did eating makes one like an old woman?
Yuma: since you started eating sour plums at midnight and chatting on the phone with friends who are still single. really strange
Yuma gets up with the phone to go chat in HER room.
Mahiro: don't bother with me
Yuma: get a new boyfriend
Mahiro feeling indignant, then feeling nauseous. she runs for the bathroom

ambulance rushes Chikako to the hospital
Akira: we're here. we're here, Chika! we're at the hospital. are you alright?
ambulance staff wheel her out as Akira runs beside
Akira: are you ok? ok?
Akira (to the staff): hurry
doctor: is Mrs Goto's relation here?
Akira: i am, i am here
doctor: did she hit her head or any specific parts?
Akira: when i got there, she had already fallen. how she fell, i did not see. "sumimase"
doctor: is she currently on any medication?
Akira: medicine? i think not. vitamins, yes
nurse: is there a possibility your wife is pregnant?
Akira: pregnant? i think not
doctor (to nurse): check it immediately.
nurse: "hai"!

Mahiro is the one who's preggy, of course, and she's just washing up in the bathroom. the water is running off the tap, as she looks at herself in the mirror, clutching her abdomen, the reality hits her.

Akira is at the hospital, waiting anxiously, biting his thumb. the doctor opens the door.
Akira: how is she?
doctor: she sleeping now. not to worry, she's just fatigued
Akira: just fatigued?
doctor: don't think it's a small thing, overwork. there's been people, only 35 years of age, who have died from overwork. especially for editorial staff and the like, because they did not consider the amount of time spent working. women should not work themselves to death. as a husband, you should take good care of her.
Akira: "hai"

Mahiro is ringing her bell, sitting on the floor next to her bed. she is very troubled.

morning comes. Mahiro bought a pregnancy test kit from a pharmacy

Akira is dozing upright in the hospital room, waiting for his wife to wake up

Mahiro has gone and done the test, flushed the results down the toilet. she comes out and closes the bathroom door, then leans against it, slowly sliding to the floor. you can see the packaging "Check One". she hears heavy footsteps (who else in this house but her dad?) and quickly gets up, packaging hidden behind her as she faces him. he stops and looks at her.
Shinya: what are you up to?
Mahiro: nothing
Shinya: going to start soon
====> good thing her dad is preoccupied with the purging of his son's room.
Mahiro breathes a sigh of relief.

mobile phone ringing. Goto's house, you can see the cat on the floor
autoanswer voice message: "tadaima", ...
Mahiro: "moshi moshi" (hello, use for phone calls), Fujitani "desu". i have something to tell you. "Hachi" (eight) o'clock at "Sweet Season", "kudasai". i will be there. "kudasai", "jaa"
she switches off the phone as the door opens
Yuma: "onechan"! what are you doing, hiding here?
Mahiro: "gomen"
housecleaning in progress
Yayako: can we put this here?
Shinya: ok, put it here
Yayako gives a box to Mahiro
Yayako: Mahiro, these were your study books and homework. if you want them, please put them in your own room
Yayako: Yuma, throw these away
Yuma: "hai"
Shinya: Mahiro, help me move this
Shinya points to the desk
Mahiro: "onichan"'s desk, what are you going to do with it?
Shinya: do what?
Yayako: i have arranged for the disposal truck to come and collect it
Mahiro: "so", "dai gomi" (big rubbish truck)?
Yayako: there's no place to put it
Mahiro goes rummaging in the 'trash'
Mahiro: "kore", what are you going to do?
Yayako: keeping it is not the solution. the cupboards are all full
Mahiro: "otosan"'s study? you can put it there. there's no need to get rid of it. it can be placed there. why throw it all away?
Shinya goes rummaging in the 'trash' too. Mahiro appeals to her dad
Mahiro: is it so that you don't have to be reminded of him?
Shinya grabs for the photo album Mahiro is holding tightly to her chest. they struggle for possesion. she loses
Mahiro: "iya" (no)!
Mahiro gets up and goes after her father, who has gone to his study
Mahiro: why are you running away?
she takes the album from him
Mahiro: let's throw it all away. "drown the evidence"! (====> references to how her brother died)
Yayako: Mahiro!
Mahiro: this is too much! because "onichan" died (quick flashback to the drowning) because he died-
Yayako: wasn't it just an accident?
Mahiro: it was not an accident!
another quick flashback of the drowning
Mahiro: "onichan" was murdered
longer flashback, you can see the face. everyone is now silent, remembering the past
Yuma comes in from disposing of some rubbish, and has overhead the last words of Mahiro
Yuma: murdered? who are you talking about?
Yuma: "otosan"? "otosan"!
she shakes her silent dad
Yuma: "nani"? "onichan" was murdered. what happened? didn't he die in an accident? "otosan", speak up. tell me
getting no reply from that source, as usual, she turns to her sister
Yuma: "onechan". "onichan" was murdered. what happened? tell me! "nani"?
Mahiro: it's time to tell Yuma the truth
Yayako: i forbid!
Yayako is powerless to stop Mahiro, cos Shinya is too down to react.
Mahiro: it was before you were born, Yuma. but i remembered everything
Mahiro: Yuma, "onichan"'s death was because "otosan"-
Yayako: say no more!
she comes between the sisters, to stop Mahiro
Mahiro: isn't that so?
Mahiro: "otosan" failed to keep his appointment to bring us to the beach, isn't that so? and wasn't that so, because he was with another woman?
Yuma: woman?
Mahiro: lover. "otosan" had an affair. he and that woman-
Yayako: don't say anymore!
Mahiro: "okasan", you can really take it. you know it all, yet, pretend that you don't know. can you really continue to live with this sort of husband?
Yayako drops to the ground in kneeling position.
Mahiro: because of that... because of that, i told "onichan", let's help coverup for "otosan" and go to the seaside by ourselves, and won't return home till dark or else "okasan" will find out, which will give her pain, and they will fight
Yuma is shocked and saddened. she too sits on the floor. only Mahiro is still standing
Mahiro: i was crying... brother said, 'never mind if we don't have father here'
Mahiro: "onichan" said 'i can swim, even in the adult pool. just you wait and see. follow me'. and so he drowned in the sea
Mahiro: he said 'even if "otosan" never came back, as long as he (the brother) is here, that will be enough. so don't cry anymore'
Yayako: you shouldn't have said it all out. should not have let Yuma know
Mahiro: should this not be told? this should not be told! this should not be told! does it not matter? our family is always like this, isn't it? what sort of family is this?
everyone is quietly reflecting
Shinya: "nani", do you hate me that much?
Shinya: is there no way to forgive?
Yuma: enough!
Yuma: i don't like this at all! i don't like this at all!
Yuma gets up and runs off
Yayako: Yuma!
the family is left in shreds once again.

it's evening now. Shinya is sitting quietly as Yayako is on the phone with her mom
Yayako: Yuma is quite a handful. "okasan", can you delay till next week? "waka ta" (short for "wakari mashita"). "jaa"
Yayako puts the phone down. Shinya gets up
Shinya: i will go and fetch her
Yayako: it's ok. bringing her home by force won't solve anything.
Shinya: "okasan", "nante" (how)?
Yayako: nothing
Shinya: you are also like that
Yayako: like what?
Shinya: never forgave me
Shinya: you and your mom have never forgiven me, that's why the children are also like that
Yayako: what are you saying?
Shinya: don't pretend anymore!
Yayako: "anata"
Shinya: i don't want to bring up the past anymore. yes, i was at fault. but am i never to be forgiven? never to be trusted?
Yayako: it's not like that
Shinya: it's just as Mahiro said... sometimes, i don't know what's on your mind

Sweet Season bar
fisherman (carrying fish): "mashita"!
proprietor/bar keep: oh! that's pretty big !
fisherman: to be shared with the staff
person: let's go in together
another: you enter first
Mahiro's at the bar, waiting for Akira. her mobile phone rings
Mahiro: "hai"!
it's Akira, still in the hospital, calling from a green public phone
Akira: "gomen". i cannot come. my wife has taken ill and is now in hospital. for fatigue
Mahiro: "so"?
Mahiro: i have something i must tell you
Akira: sorry, it's a little inconvenient now. what is it you wish to tell me?
Mahiro: this is not a good place to talk. can we meet tomorrow?
Akira: um. i will call you
Mahiro: "waka ta". "jaa". take care
Akira: um. "jaa"

Akira returns to his wife, who is awakened by him entering the room
Chikako: Momotaro?
Akira: "gomen", i've woken you up
Chikako (shakes her head): uum (no)
Akira: do you want to eat something? shall i peel an apple?
Chikako: umm (yes). turn on the radio, i would like to listen to the news
Akira: um
Akira: in a while, i will go home and bring the insurance card and get you a change of clothes.
Chikako: 'thank you'
Akira: do you need anything else?
Chikako: umm...
radio dj: let's listen to this song...
====> it's their song being played. this must be some oldies channel
Chikako: how nostalgic
Akira: ah.
Chikako: at that time, Momotaro, i never thought i'd marry you
Akira: hard to believe, eh?
Chikako: "demo", it's been wonderful, married to you. because you knew me when i was at my youngest, most beautiful period of my life. i think that must be enough, to have this person by my side. it would be worth it to return the love. you have to take care of me in this way from this day onwards
====> somewhere along the way, even the chinese translation got lost. the rest of the love declaration doesn't make sense. gomen.

Akira gets home and looks for his mobile phone, and finds it next to his cat. he also sees an envelope that's fallen from his briefcase (he had knocked over his briefcase when he rushed to check on his wife). he takes the paper out of the envelope, halfway, because he knows the contents well. it's the divorce papers.

the next day at the Fujitani house, the disposal truck has come and gone with a whole load of stuff. Yayako then goes to check on her daughter. knocks on her bedroom door. Mahiro is still in bed but awake (probably even before the disposal truck arrived)
Yayako: Mahiro?
Mahiro: "hai"
Yayako enters
Yayako: time to get up. you're going to be late
Mahiro is still facing away, and keeping quiet. she's sulking and taking it out on her mom.
Yayako: "onichan"'s desk...
Mahiro's interest is piqued, she turns to look at her mom
Yayako: i've put it in "otosan"'s study
Mahiro: "arigato"
Yayako smiles and leaves
Mahiro: "okasan"
Yayako stops and turns back
Yayako: "nani"?
Mahiro: nothing
Yayako closes the door as she leaves. Mahiro sinks back into the bed, playing with her bell

abortion clinic, Mahiro walking towards it.

HIS office, Yukata is busy walking around
Yukata: Kamura-san
lady: "hai"
Yukata: where's Fujitani?
lady: should be arriving soon
Yukata: eh?
lady: she called in the morning, said she'd be coming to work only in the afternoon. she applied for leave. just when we are so busy... "jaa ne"
lady sees Mahiro coming in
lady: "ohayo"
Mahiro: "gomen", i am late
Yukata: oi! why are you only coming to work at this time?
Mahiro did not answer
Yukata: what happened?
Mahiro: had a little trouble
Yukata (hands over the papers he was carrying): this is the materials that you asked me to find for you
Mahiro: "arigato"
Yukata catches hold of Mahiro
Yukata: "doushite"? the colour on your face is very poor
Mahiro: i...
Yukata: what?
Mahiro: umm (no)
Yukata persists and follows her to her desk
Yukata: what i said to you the other day, still stands. you can ask me of anything. if you have something on your mind, just tell me.
Yukata: "ganbatte"
Mahiro sits down, looks across at Akira's empty desk

a mobile phone rings. it's night
Akira: "moshi moshi"
Mahiro: Goto-san?
Mahiro's at Sweet Season again
Akira: "gomen". i'm still in the hospital. the doctor has recommended a longer stay in the hospital under her condition is stable
Mahiro: am i not important?
Akira: what's the matter?
Mahiro: i have something i must tell you today. it's most important!
Akira: i also want to have a proper discussion with you. it's just that i can't leave now. sorry
Mahiro: no matter how. no matter how, you must come
Akira: you still don't get it? how can i abandon my sick wife now? don't be so stubborn. it's not you
Mahiro: when am i like me?
Akira saved by flat battery. phone is beeping
Akira: "gomen", battery is flat. i will call-
the conversation is cut off, and Mahiro has to decided on the abortion by herself.

same night. motorcycle stops at POLESTAR bar. it's Yukata, meeting Mahiro
Yukata: "doushita" (similar to "doushite")?
Mahiro: "gomen", so late in the evening
Yukata: it's alright. "waka ta" (what happened)?
Mahiro: i have a request for you
Mahiro takes a paper from an envelope and hands it over to Yukata
Yukata: Mizunuma "fusanka" (obstetrics and gynaecology)? "nanda" (what)?
Mahiro: i need to find a person to help me sign
Yukata: find a person?
Mahiro: for the operation tomorrow. i only need a signature
Yukata: Mahiro
Mahiro: i beg you
Yukata: you are begging me?

the sun rises
Mahiro quietly making her way downstairs, even as the Gotos are returning home
Shinya: going out?
Mahiro: "chotto"
Shinya: to a unsavoury place?
Mahiro: that's the sort of place that only "otosan" would go

Akira: Chika, do you have any regrets marrying me?
Chikako: why do you suddenly ask this question?
Akira: lately, i've been thinking about it, is this the way we are to go on?
flashes of Yukata and Mahiro on the way to the abortion clinic on his motorbike
Akira: husband and wife at work all day, i feel that we're just living in the same house, without much of a home to it
Chikako: are you lonely?
Akira: it's not that, no.
Chikako: then let's become a family. let's have a baby
====> it's too late, baby, now, it's too late. too bad, this is my translation, and i'll be as corny as i like. so there!

Mahiro arrives at the abortion clinic
Mahiro: 'thank you'
Mahiro: this is very nostalgic. haven't done this for a while (riding a bike together)
Mahiro: i really miss the past. "hai" (passes the helmut back to Yukata)
Yukata: Mahiro...
Mahiro: sending me here is enough. "hontou" 'thank you'
Yukata: i will wait for you
Mahiro shakes her head
Mahiro: i will be fine
Yukata hands the abortion papers to Mahiro
Yukata: i have completed the forms
Mahiro: "arigato". "jaa"
Yukata: just like that? no regrets? Mahiro!
Mahiro stops. she pauses, then turns to Yukata
Mahiro: it doesn't matter to me
Yukata can't believe what he heard, he runs to stop her
Yukata: how can it not matter? don't you want to see him? don't you want to keep the baby?
Mahiro just shakes her head (but that's not a real commitment)
Yukata: i don't want matters to come to this.
he takes the form from her hands
Yukata: who is he? call him to come here. i will bring him here!
Mahiro tries to get the form from him
Mahiro: give it back to me!
Yukata: don't you want to keep the baby? tell me truthfully!
Mahiro cannot tell him
Yukata: don't lie to me
Mahiro (in a whisper): i want to keep the baby.
Mahiro: it's my lover's baby. of course i want to keep the baby! why do you need to ask?
Yukata is finally satisfied he got the truth from her
Yukata: "waka ta". keep the baby. i will take care of you and the baby. keep the baby.
Mahiro: Chiyo
Yukata: my salary may not be much, but it's enough to live by. i will find a way
Mahiro: what are you saying?
Yukata: this thing that you are doing is against your nature.
Yukata grabs her hand and pulls her back to the bike
Yukata: let's go
Mahiro: "chotto matte", oh!
Mahiro: it's not that simple to decide... not so easily decided.
Yukata: do you think i am saying such serious words without having given it due consideration?
Mahiro: Chiyo!
Yukata: i want to marry you
her phone rings at that point in time. it's Akira, calling from his balcony
Yukata: answer it
Mahiro looks the who is calling
Yukata: is it him?
Mahiro puts the phone on hold, but Yukata grabs the phone from her and answers it
Yukata: "moshi moshi"
====> Akira does not answer, cos he probably thinks it's her dad. ha ha
Yukata (angry now, shouts into the phone): "moshi moshi" oi!
Akira: ah. is this Fujitani's mobile
Yukata: yes. who are you?
Mahiro: "chotto"
Mahiro tries to get her phone, to no avail. Akira stops responding to Yukata
Yukata: who are you?
Mahiro: Chiyo!
Yukata: speak up! who are you?
Mahiro: give it back to me!
Yukata: i am asking who you are!
Mahiro: "iie"!
Yukata: oi! can you hear me? don't keep quiet. speak up! who are you?

Mahiro is in the bathroom, brushing her teeth, when she suddenly gets nauseous.
flashback to when she was in Sweet Season, calling Akira, telling him "i have something i must tell you today" only to find he is with his wife at the hospital: "how can i dump my wife when she has just taken ill?". Yukata shouts to her "don't you have any regrets?"
she left the water running, which attracted her mother over
Yayako: Mahiro, what's wrong with you?
Yayako turns off the tap
Yayako: you've left the water running
Mahiro: where's the toothpaste?
Yayako: here... (she goes and takes it out of the drawer)
Mahiro: it's finished. "gomen"
Yayako: it's here.
Mahiro can't hold back the nausea, she runs out, surprising her mom
Yayako: what's wrong? are you ok?

Akira just had his breakfast at home. he leaves some for his wife on the table. he enters the bedroom to check on his wife, and puts the blanket on her, and checks her forehead for fever. then he prepares to leave quietly.
Chikako: don't go
Akira: how can i not go? i have to go to work. today, i must go to work. why?
Chikako: i had a dream. dreamt that you were gone and i didn't know where you went, leaving me all alone
Akira: "baka" (fool) it's just a dream
Chikako: nevertheless, i felt really sad
Akira: what are you saying? your fever has gone down. you're going to be fine.
she smiles and nods.

Mahiro looking at her family photo in her bedroom
Yayako: Mahiro! if you don't leave soon you're going to be late!
Mahiro: "hai"
Shinya is having breakfast all by himself
Shinya: without Yuma, the place has become really quiet. has she contacted any member of the family yet?
Yayako: "iie", "demo", "okasan" will be moving in this Sunday, so she should be coming back before then
Shinya: you're too indifferent. don't you worry about your child's situation?
Mahiro: "jaa" "itte kimasu" (i'm leaving. see you later)
Yayako: Mahiro. breakfast?
Mahiro: i'm not eating
Yayako: are you ok? do eat some first
Mahiro: i'm alright
Shinya: what's wrong? your face looks pale
Mahiro: "itte kimasu"
Yayako: "itte rasshai" (see you later)
Yayako: looks like she caught the flu

she is walking along the road, when she heard some one call out "onechan". she turns to look
small girl: "matte", "onechan".
Mahiro smiles at the remembrance, then walks on

Akira is running to get to work.
Mahiro has to stand in the train, and she's not feeling too good

*** End of third episode ***