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Sweet Season - Episode 5

confession of a love that cannot be separated

Akira wakes up on the couch. cat with bell is meowing. he picks up note on dining table. message from wife says: 'magazine submission date due, so today cannot come home. tomorrow, let's discuss last night's issue'. he looks at the breakfast already made.

Yuma: only so few (of us at breakfast)?
Yayako: "otosan" went to Osaka last night
Yuma: that i know. "onechan" "wa"?
Yayako: "onechan"? oh. she went to stay at a friend's place. yesterday was Koma-san's wedding, and she enjoyed herself till it was too late to return, so she told me she's at a friend's house.
Yuma: how can? it's "obachan"'s first morning since she came to stay with us.
Fuji nods and smiles
Yuma: will "onechan" go to work?
Yayako: she will go direct.
Yuma: go direct? just wearing that dress?
Yayako: she might borrow from her friend
Fuji: are you going to wear this dress to work?
Yuma: no. today, i am going to Disneyland with friends.

Akira at work, on the phone
Akira: "wakari mashita". i will immediately find out
he puts down the phone, looks across at Mahiro's desk. empty.
he calls to the lady walking past him
Akira: Kawaruga
Kawaruga: "hai"
Akira: Fujitani. did she say why she's not coming in?
Kawaruga: no, she did not leave a message
Akira: ah. i have to go to New Zealand travel department for a while.
Kawaruga: "itte rasshai"

Mahiro's resting in hospital. door opens
Yayako: waken?
Mahiro: um
Yayako: feeling better?
Mahiro: um
Yayako: there are a change of clothes, and...
Yayako reaches in a paper bag and takes out a large cookie
Mahiro: ah! TANBOBGO biscuit (====> taiyaki - a sweet red bean paste cake shaped like a fish).
Yayako: very nostalgic, right?
Mahiro: although it's very small, (she tears it in half), i want to share it with you
Yayako: Masahito also liked it very much
====> silence as they look at one another in understanding. both lost a child.
Mahiro: he used to say, Mahiro, you don't like the head, so give the tail portion to you. i would say, '"arigato"', then start to eat. it wasn't until i was older that i found out the head portion had more red bean paste.
Mahiro: the taste is still the same
Yayako: the taste will never change

outside the hospital
Yayako: "hontou" (really, truely) "ni", are you alright?
Mahiro: i haven't breathed the outdoor air for a long time.
Yayako: "so"?
Mahiro: "okasan", i like a person. we've been together for half a year now.
Yayako: from the company?
Mahiro: "demo", not thinking of "kekkon" (marriage, wedding) yet. "dakara", i don't want him to feel he has the responsibility to, since i haven't told him of my pregnancy
Yayako: he doesn't know?
Mahiro shakes her head (====> she is trying to share with her mum about her life - some truth, some lies)
Mahiro: if he knew, he would want me to keep it, and say 'let's get married'
Yayako: "kekkon"?
Mahiro: "demo", never thought this (miscarriage) would happen
Mahiro: this must be (divine) punishment
Mahiro: "okasan", what were your feelings when you lost "onichan"?
Yayako: what feelings?
Mahiro: wasn't it because you were pregnant that you got married?
Yayako: yes, that is so
Yayako: "so". because i wanted to bear his child, that's why i love him so much. women are like that. it's always been love as the consideration. even if one isn't thinking of having children, it seems our bodies are ready and willing to produce them.
Yayako: but love and marriage are 2 separate things
Yayako: life is complicated, it's difficult to explain

Mahiro tries to call Akira, but gets the answering machine instead
Akira's voice mail message: Goto "desu" (i am Goto). "doushita"? let's stay in contact, "jaa"
Mahiro does not leave a message, but just turns it off.

Akira returns to the office, just as others are leaving for home.
Yukata: "kachou"!
Yukata runs to intercept Akira with a document
Yukata: just got this. who suggested this plan?
Akira: oh, it's Fujitani's document
Yukata: i can't find her. she didn't leave any message. did something happen the day before? if she caught the flu in her condition...
Akira: "waka ta". i need to check with her on the document. i will also contact her to see how she's doing
colleague: Chiyohachi!
Yukata (to colleague): oh!
Yukata (to Akira): "jaa". i will also try and see if i can contact her. "sumimase", i will take my leave now". "otsukare" (short form of "otsukare sama deshita")
Akira: "otsukare"
now Akira is really worried.

Fuji and Yuma in the kitchen. Yuma is learning to cut tofu (beancurd)
Yuma: "hontou" "ni", if i cut it this way, it's ok? i won't cut my hand?
Fuji: if you don't saw (forward and backward movement of the knife) it then you won't be cut
Yuma: "zet tai" (absolutely)?
Fuji: "hai"
door opening sound
Yuma: ah. "okasan"'s back
Yuma: ah. "chotto" "ni"
she passes the buck (tofu) to her grandma (so she didn't have to make the cut!)
Yayako: "tadaima"
Yayako sees the others in the kitchen - she's late for preparing dinner.
Yayako: "gomen" "ni", Yuma
Yuma: where did you go suddenly? it's a good thing "obachan" is here. otherwise, by myself, really wouldn't know what to do (about getting dinner ready)
Fuji: it's alright. i can't just be idle. an idle person is not fit to eat, right, Shinya-san?
yup, even dad's home. mother is really late for her duties. RARE!
Yayako: today is "yo kata" (very good)
Shinya: sorry (====> that i am an idle man)
Yayako: that's not what i mean
Shinya: On Sunday evening, i was held back by a late meeting. things are finally settled.
Yayako moves towards the kitchen
Shinya: why are you so late tonight? where did you go?
Yayako: "sumimase", i went to visit the sick. my friend has been hospitalised.
Shinya: um
Yuma: when's "onechan" coming home?
Yayako: she's still staying with a friend. she called.
Yuma: eh? when?
Yayako: when? "doushite"?
Yuma: On Sunday, my school "senpai" (senior) is getting married. i want to borrow her pearl earrings.

phone rings
Yuma: if it's "onechan" then let me speak to her
Yayako picks up the phone
Yayako: hei. huh? oh! Goto-san
Yayako (to the family): it's from her company, her "kachou"
Yayako: "hai", thanks for looking after Mahiro
Akira: "iie", it's nothing. today, Fujitani-san did not come to work, nor did she leave a message. therefore...
Yayako: "hai", "sumimase mashita" (see "sumimase")
Akira: "iie"
====> so funny, Akira was playing the role of boss while trying to find out where Mahiro is, and Yayako was trying to conceal Mahiro's absence from work from her family, who are listening in.
Akira: so, Mahiro-san is...
Yayako looks around
Yayako: she's not here right now...
Akira: is she resting now?
Yayako: yes...
Akira (relieved there's nothing the matter): "so ka"? then, sorry to have called so late at night.
Yayako: "iie", "so" na "koto" (matter) (====> it means 'it doesn't matter')
Akira: can you please ask her to contact me?
Yayako: "wakari mashita", i will tell her. so sorry about it
phone call ended, but neither side satisfied.
Yuma (came out of the kitchen, having missed the phone conversation): what were you saying?
Yayako: it seems they were looking for Mahiro regarding work matters.
Yuma: that's good. i also wish Goto-san will call me. he's so handsome, tall and capable. and when he laughs he looks so adorable.
Fuji: Yuma, help me with this
dad looks pensive. is he recalling the Kyoto escapade?
Yuma: "hai"

Mahiro has been discharged from the hospital. she is getting off the taxi with her mom outside their home
Mahiro: "okasan", "iroiro", "arigato"
Yayako: Mahiro. last night, Goto "kachou" called.
Mahiro: Goto-san?
Yayako: he said he wants you to contact him.
Mahiro: "so"...
Yayako: give him a call?
Mahiro: um!

in her room, she sits on the edge of the bed, then slowly lies down, turns her head to the left to look at her mobile phone. she picks it up. will she call him? she looks agonized.

Akira is walking towards Sweet Season bar, down the water edge. he sees a sign on the door: Moonlight Party. private party on tonight.

Mahiro is cleaning some books
Yuma: "onechan"
Mahiro: what do you want, this late at night?
Yuma: do you know? it's said that women who clean at night are dissatisfied. sis, you didn't go to work today. even i was kept in the dark, how embarrassing!
Mahiro: "gomen"
Yuma saw that her playful mood wasn't going to work. Mahiro's strangely aloof
Yuma: "kore", for you, from "kachou". i'll just put in down here.
Yuma: this sunday, can i borrow your pearl earrings?
Mahiro: um
Yuma closes the door and leaves.

Akira is still hanging around Sweet Season.

Mahiro opens the envelope and takes out the HIS catalog. inside, there's a slip of paper.
Akira's voiceover of the words of the letter: i became very worried when i could not contact you. my wife and i have decided to separate. i have got an apartment on my own. i want to see you face to face to discuss this. i will wait for you at Sweet Season at 8 pm.

Akira is smoking away. it's past 10 pm. he has been chain smoking all that time.
a woman's voice: "kore"!
he turns to see Mahiro walking towards him
Mahiro: how can you litter the ground with your cigarette butts?
Akira: "doushita"?
Mahiro looks down, not saying a word
Akira: i was very worried. have you read the letter?
she nods her head
Akira: i will be moving out this weekend, but i won't be able to let you stay with me immediately, as the divorce has not yet been completed. i want to separate for a start, so i have rented an apartment. but, you are pregnant, so i will do it quickly. i will also speak to your parents-
Mahiro: no need!
Akira: no need? what do you mean?
Mahiro: there's no need... because there's no more
Mahiro: there's no reason anymore for you to divorce your wife
Mahiro: no more
Mahiro: baby
Akira, formerly puzzled, is now stunned
Akira: "so na" (short for "so dena")
Mahiro: miscarriage
Mahiro: this is punishment for stealing other people's belongings.
Mahiro: there's really a god on earth
Mahiro: Fujitani Mahiro!
Mahiro (she is pretending she's being scolded by the god): you have been surrounded. give up. stop right there! if you don't stop now, just you watch and see!
Mahiro: "watashi" have been thinking about it a lot.
Mahiro: in the "byouin" (hospital), looking up at the ceiling, i think this is a good time for the two of us to start afresh. about the baby, i am very sad, i think nothing is more painful than this.
Akira: Fujitani
Mahiro: it's ironic, isn't it? getting upset when i got pregnant, and now, feeling pain at losing the baby in these circumstances.
Mahiro: i'm really too selfish
Akira: "chigau" (different or not like that). the one who is really selfish-
Mahiro: really, it must be that it felt it wasn't wanted, so it left the womb. that is what i think. i killed it.
Akira (shouts): "baka"! it isn't so!
Mahiro: i have decided to put the blame on myself. only this way, can i break up with you. this (affair) has caused the loss of one life.
Akira: what should i do? do you really want us to break up? to forget me? will it be better without me? if you do this, will your pain... at least... at least can recover a little?
Mahiro: under the moonlight, it is very painful. because we always meet at night. before the sun is up, you always have to go home. i often thought, how nice it would be if the night never ends. Goto-san, lying in your arms, i can see the light slanting in through the window. each time i see it, my heart will beat faster, wondering, how much more time do we have together?
Mahiro: i used to think, how nice it would be if the moonlight would stay still, even thought of chasing after the moonlight.
Akira: let's go
Akira: let's go chase the moonlight


a forlorn Chikako is walking home to her apartment

Akira and Mahiro are driving in his car

Chikako enters her house as Mahiro leaves the convenience shop and enters the car

Mahiro (throws a can to Mahiro): catch!
Akira: it's cold!
Mahiro: so that you can stay awake
Mahiro rummages in her shopping bag
Mahiro (gives him another can): alright, this one's for you
Akira: it's hot, that's great
Mahiro: let's go, the moonlight's almost gone
Akira: um

Chikako is looking at a fax (====> about a property for rent - Mr Goto's going to be single again...)

Mahiro is sleeping, as Akira is driving. he slowly reaches down for the cold can, and puts it against her cheek. startled, she wakes
Mahiro: it's cold!
Akira: woke you up, right?
Mahiro looks at Akira with puppy dog eyes, knowing it's her last time with him

car's empty. stopped at the seaside.
Mahiro: daylight
Akira: ah. the night was long.
Mahiro: um
Akira: but no matter how long the night is, dawn will come
Akira: morning has finally come
Akira: i do not want this to be our last dawn
he still wants to persuade Mahiro to stay together with him
Mahiro: don't talk about it
Akira: maybe, i cannot heal your pain totally, but i want to share in your sorrows.
Mahiro: don't say anymore.
Akira (====> major commitment now): i will never let you suffer again. i will protect you with all my strength. please believe me!
Akira hugs her tightly
Mahiro: let go! let go of me!
Akira: "aishiteru". Mahiro, "aishiteru"
Mahiro: "so da na" (similar to "so desuka")
Mahiro: after what you have said, how can i break up?
Akira: then let's not break up. "zutto" (always, forever) "issho ni"

he returns home. his wife has been sitting on the bedroom/study floor, notes his return. he sees the fax on the table. Chikako enters the living room
Chikako: so you've decided to move out? really want to leave? you didn't even want to discuss this with me, your wife?
Akira: "suma" (short for "sumimase") "ne"
Akira: Chika... Chika. i am really sorry for what i did. i was thinking of discussing it with you when things are a little more settled.
Chikako: "ii no" (no need). there's nothing more to say
Chikako: since college, we've been together. maybe it's good we decide to take a break from each other. a separation may be a good thing. let us think things over. there's much we need to understand about each other. an opportunity to start afresh. that's not so bad. "ne".
no response from hubby. probably data overload. ha ha. not likely, with a sensitive man like Akira
Chikako: "ne"?
Akira responds by getting up and going towards her.
Akira: Chika
Akira stops in his tracks
Akira: "ore"... am past the point of no return
Chikako (gets up and walks past him): i want to take a bath
Chikako escapes from facing up to the facts

Mahiro is in her bedroom. she takes the chime from her purse looks at it, and puts it near her heart.

Akira is looking through his stuff, packing his bag. he walks out of the bedroom
Akira: Chika
Chikako: are you packed?
Akira: um
Chikako: "so"?
Akira: "kagi" (key), may i hold on to it? because i can only take some of my things for now.
Chikako: "doushite"? this is your home
Akira: i haven't installed a "denwa" yet, so if there's anything, please contact me via my "keitai" (mobile phone)
Chikako keeps silence
Akira: i am going
Chikako listens to sound of the door shutting behind him

view of harbour, camera pans, then switches to the interior of an apartment
Mahiro: hey, there's even a sofa
Akira: ah. that's left by the previous tenant, who was using this apartment as an office. the owner said i could use it.
Mahiro: it's quite luxurious (====> she's kidding here, folks)
Akira: um. "demo ne".
Akira points to the window
Akira: um!
Mahiro opens the windows, which looks out to the harbour
Mahiro: "hontou da"
Mahiro: how do you feel right now?
Akira: "so da na". like the first day on vacation
Mahiro: what is the purpose of your holiday?
Akira: "bouken" (adventure)
Mahiro: "bouken"? if that's the case, then the customs (====> that's her) won't let you go
Akira: well, that's adventure
Mahiro: "bouken"?
Akira: ah. "bouken da"
they kiss, and as he rummages her hair, her earring (====> which her sis wants to borrow for an outing on Sunday) falls

Chikako is home alone, shading out the boxes in a crossword. her pencil tip breaks, and she comes out of her reverie. she takes out her penknife to sharpen the pencil. at first, slowly and carefully, then faster and faster. and nicks her finger. she stops, and looks at the blood on her finger. she sucks it. she gets up and rummages through a cabinet. and then a few more cupboards, then crumples onto the floor when she realises Akira has taken all his stuff. then she notices a matchbox on the floor - "Sweet Season"

Lovers at Sweet Season that night.
Mahiro: it seems like a different bar tonight - so quiet. feels rather strange.
bartender: the night's still early. oh! you can pick out some tunes on the jukebox
Akira: um

car stopping. it's a taxi. some one gets out. from the shoes, it's a lady. camera pans to the face. it's Chikako
bartender: oh! Mahiro-chan, it's missing on this side
Mahiro: eh?
Mahiro realises he's looking at her ear, and her hand goes up to feel for the earring.
Mahiro (is dismayed): oh... what to do? Yuma will surely nag. where did i drop it?
Akira: probably at the apartment. when we leave, we can stop by there.

Mahiro: um!
Mahiro has selected a song on the jukebox
Chikako enters as the song starts to play, and is a bit lost (====> first time there, i suppose)
Mahiro: "masutai"!
bartender: yes!
Mahiro: give me a fresh salad
Chikako now has her bearings, recognizing Mahiro's voice
bartender: yes
Chikako: Fujitani-san?
Mahiro looks up in surprise (not the good type of surprise)

Akira is in the gents and missed all the fun

Chikako (smiles at a familiar face): what a coincidence. i really want to thank you for your help the last time. you were a great help. the article will be in this month's magazine, so it won't be long before i will send you a copy.
Mahiro: "hai"
Chikako: with your boyfriend?
Mahiro: "gomenasai" "chotto". i forgot something...
she gets up to leave, even as Akira comes out (he does not see Chikako)
Akira: what's up? hmm?
Chikako looks to the source of her husband's voice, even as he looks at the source of Mahiro's distraction. their eyes meet. ====> fireworks time!
Chikako: 'Momotaro'?
Chikako looks at Mahiro
Chikako: eh?
Akira: Chiko
Chikako: it couldn't be (====> remember Mahiro's contribution to the mag article)
silence all round
Chikako: "nanda"? so this is it... it's you (Mahiro, the 3rd party who caused her marriage to break up)
Chikako (to Akira): have the two of you been meeting here? when did you start?
Mahiro: i... would like to go home
Chikako: why? don't go!
Mahiro: "jaa"
she leaves, and has nowhere to go. so she sits by the harbour. then it starts to rain.

Akira and Chikako also run from the rain towards a building
Akira: my "aparto" (apartment) is just here
Chikako: so it's that girl
Akira: i will fetch the car now
Chikako: which apartment? i would like to see where Momotaro's staying.
Akira: "iie"
Chikako: why not?
Chikako: "atashi" "anata" "nyo" (wife, woman). you won't even let me see your place?
then she understands
Chikako: because this is yours and her house.
then she gets angry
Chikako: you want to live with her, is it not?
Akira: "iie" this is just a temporary place.
Chikako: then why can't i (see your place)?
she storms off to the building
Akira: Chika, no! Chika!
he grabs her to stop her, but she pushes him away
Chikako: "iie"! i want to see your room! it's my right as a wife. i want to see it

Mahiro is running in the rain, and takes shelter under a building's porch. as she arranges her hair, she remembers the missing earring
Mahiro: "piasu"! (pierced earrings)

Akira starts up a little fire, as Chikako shivers in his apartment
Akira: i will get you some coffee
Chikako: how can you be comfortable in this kind of place? there's nothing. so long as i am not there, you will find comfort, isn't it?
Akira: it's not like that
Chikako: tell me... in what ways am i not good enough? (====> too many, honey)
Akira: i'm the one that's not good
Chikako: then why?
Akira: i've fallen in love with her
Chikako: don't mention her
he goes away. she spots Mahiro's earring on the floor
Akira: you'll catch a cold (he puts a blanket round her)
Chikako: "iie"! "doushite"? what have i done wrong?
she gets up and hugs him, but he doesn't hug back
Akira: Chika, it's not your fault. the one who's wrong is-
she kisses him on the mouth, stopping him from talking, but he pulls off
Akira: eh! Chika!
Chikako: hug me.
he doesn't. it's she who's clinging onto him
Chikako: it's been a long time since we did it. hug me. hug me here and now! (====> this is where we separate the men from the boys, ok?)

Mahiro's still under the building porch. she starts to walk to his apartment in the rain
Chikako pulls Akira to the floor, but he's not a willing partner
Akira: Chika!

Mahiro walks up to his room, and presses the buzzer, knocks on the door, but no one's home. and it's 11:24 pm already.

Akira has just sent Chikako home. his cat welcomes him with a meow
Akira: Ki (cat's name), i've come to pick you up

Mahiro tries to get Akira on his mobile. no answer
Akira (carrying cat out): "jaa"
Chikako: "ikanaide" (don't go)
she holds onto him
Chikako: "ikanaide"! "onegai" (short for "onegaishimasu") don't go there. Momotaro!
in the struggle, he drops the cat, which scuttles off.
Akira: oh! Kiji
Chikako: Momotaro
cat with bell chime runs off

Mahiro's watch time is now 2:39 am. she's been sitting outside the apartment, too long and too cold. Akira should have been back a long time ago.

dawn at the harbour

Yuma: "obachan", you can really eat
Fuji: maybe it's because i'm old
Mahiro sneezes
Fuji: "daijoubu" (all right, ok)? have you caught a cold?
Yuma is reading the papers, and comes across something interesting
Yuma: ah! look to this! it's an advertisement from a travel agency. it's much cheaper than our company's.
Fuji: you have no manners. it's mealtime.
Yuma: our family should also go for a family vacation, all of us.
dad appears
all: "ohayo"
Mahiro: "itte kimasu"
daughter gets up to go even as dad comes in
Yuma: "onechan" has definitely caught a cold
Yayako: it's better to request for medical leave from the company
Mahiro: "daijoubu"
Shinya: at night, doing things that cannot be seen by others, that's why you caught a cold
Mahiro: "kyou" (today), i will be late home
Shinya: you take your breakfast and off you go, and don't return home till it's late. this is not a hotel!
Mahiro: i am considering moving out
everyone is surprised
Shinya: whatever for?
Mahiro: "itte kimasu"
Shinya: is there someone? Mahiro!
Yuma: it's time for me to leave too
Yuma: "itte kimasu"
Yayako: "itte rasshai"
Yuma: um
Yayako (to hubby): "anata", "asa" (morning) and you already start-
Shinya: "asa" or "yoru" (night) it's still the same. it's possible she has an illicit boyfriend
Fuji: there's also the type of "kodomo" (child) that has parents whom they cannot communicate with
Fuji: people say daughters are like their fathers
Shinya: what do you mean?
Fuji: "iie". you are too harsh on Mahiro
Shinya: i can worry about my own daughter, can i not? you wish to say that i am not qualified, isn't it?
Fuji: i have no such intention
Shinya: "okasan". "okasan", what about yourself?
Fuji: what about me? i have not done anything shameful
Shinya: that's true. you've not done anything, yet you've caused Yayako quite a bit of suffering. that's because of your single-parent family.
====> Yayako's mother left her husband, and in those days, single parent families had a hard time cos divorce was frowned on
Yayako (usual passive style): "anata"
Shinya (angry with her passivity): tea! get me some tea!
Yayako: "hai"

the Fujitani sisters are walking down the hillside, and Mahiro is still sneezing
Yuma: better to take leave
Mahiro: i can't rest
Yuma: "doushite"?
Mahiro: "doushite" "demo"
Yuma: ah! return me my pearl earrings. i need them for Saturday. quick, give it to me
no response (====> note: now she wants the earrings for Saturday instead of Sunday)
Yuma: what's wrong?
Mahiro: i lost one of them
Yuma screams in dismay
Yuma: did you look for it? you have to search properly!
Mahiro: i had wanted to look for it
Yuma: you can't just think about it

Chikako is looking at the earring. she drops it. there is a magazine opened with Mahiro's photo. she makes a phone call.

Yayako: "hai". Fujitani home here
Chikako: excuse me, is Mahiro there?
Shinya: "itte kimasu"
Fuji: "itte rasshai"
Yayako: "ano"...
Chikako: 'Kou Shinbum' ('Red' magazine), Goto "desu"
Yayako: Goto-san?
Chikako: "hai"
Yayako: i'm sorry, Mahiro's left for work. when she's back, shall i ask her to return your call? can i have your contact?
Chikako: she has it
Yayako: oh?
Chikako: my husband and her are colleagues. my husband is the "kachou" of the planning department
Yayako: planning department?
Chikako: Goto "desu"
Chikako: "sumimase". i was hoping to get in touch with her today. "itte kimasu"
she hangs up the phone. Yayako is still trying to figure out why the wife of Mahiro's boss would call up early in the morning
Fuji: what is it?
Yayako: "iie"

Chikako picks up the earring again, then drops it again. she puts the magazine in her bag and goes out. stops at the door, where the calendar is marked 19th
Chikako: it's today. i'd forgotten it
====> from a lousy guess, i'd say it's Akira's birthday. that's why even Mahiro won't miss work despite a heavy cold

colleague: "ohayo"
Mahiro: "ohayo"
Mahiro (to Akira): "ohayo gozaimasu"
Akira: "ohayo"
then both sneeze at the same time :)
together: last night...
Akira: Fujitani!
Mahiro: "hai"
Akira: move it , we have to visit a client
Mahiro: "hai"
she follows behind him

*** End of fifth episode ***