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Sweet Season - Episode 7

return to me my youth

night. a motorbike roars in the night. Akira is waiting for the man on the bike under a bridge. it's Yukata. he shows the fax to Akira

Yukata: what's this?
Akira takes it and reads it
Yukata: is it true?
Yukata (shouts): is it really true?
Akira remains silent
Yukata: i am asking you, is it really so?
Akira: it's true. i'm sorry, Chiyohashi
Yukata grabs Akira
Yukata: stop joking! she... she really wanted to have your baby! why? why did you allow her to go for an abortion? oi! say something!
Akira: abortion... i didn't let her abort. she had a miscarriage.
on hearing that, Yukata releases Akira
Akira: but, it's my fault
Yukata: you plan to be together, right?
Akira: i intend to do so
Yukata: you will marry her, right?
Akira: yes

Mahiro eating at home
Fuji: "tadaima"
Mahiro & Yayako: "okaeri nasai"
Fuji: Mahiro, you're back early
Mahiro: "obachan", even you are saying that
Fuji: ah? Shinya-san "to" (and) Yuma?
Yayako: they're not back yet. originally, they said they'd be home early
Fuji: "so"?

they are having dinner out together
Yuma: "ojisan", get me another glass!
stall owner: "hai"
Shinya (to daughter): don't be too much!
Shinya (to owner): "sumimasen", cancel that.
Yuma: "nani"?
Shinya: a young woman should not act like this
Yuma: if it was a man, that would be ok
Shinya: hmmm?

Yuma: if only "onichan" was still alive, that would be great.
Yuma: between men, there is much to talk about. daddy, you are probably most concerned about the matter with "onichan"
Shinya: when Masahito was born, i had once hoped for a day like this, having a drink together.
Yuma: when i heard about your affair, i was really shocked. that you would actually abandon your family. "hontou"?
Shinya: at that time, what was it all about? to be honest, up to now, i am not sure.
Yuma: "so ka"?
Yuma: "demo", "otosan", you will always be my father. i am on your side.

Fuji: Ma-chan (affectionate term for Mahiro)
Mahiro: "nani"?
Fuji: what are your plans for the future? you can't remain in this state, and continue the affair
Mahiro: i know
Fuji (bluntly): the wife did not say she's giving up her husband to you, Mahiro
Yayako: "okasan"
Mahiro: "obachan", why did you divorce?
Fuji: hmm?
Mahiro: "okasan", when "obachan" divorced, what were your feelings?
Yayako: i've long forgotten. oh! would you like some strawberries?
Mahiro: don't evade the question.
Mahiro: i've often thought about it since young. why didn't you divorce father? why not be like grandma and kick dad out. wouldn't that be good?
Yayako: i did not wish to see my own father driven out. an affair or two, that's to be expected in every family.
Mahiro: forgiving an affair... that's love? that's being married?
Fuji: not forgiving, that's also a kind of love.
Yayako: but we are a family, that's why we can forgive one another. isn't that so?
Fuji: then you forgive Shinya?
door opens and Shinya makes his dramatic entrance
Shinya: no, not forgiven.
Yayako: "anata"
Yuma enters next. they had heard everything
Yayako: Yuma too?
Yayako (to husband, correct wife protocol): have you eaten yet?
Shinya: Yuma and i went for a drink
Yuma: i'm going to change
as she goes, she can still hear them talking
Shinya (to Yayako): so you and your mother both know about it?
Mahiro leaves. Shinya stops her
Shinya: "matte". sit down
Shinya: come to think about it, the only normal ones in this family are Yuma-
Mahiro: Yuma and dad.
Shinya: having an affair with your superior, that's not normal behaviour, right?
Mahiro: what does it matter if it's proper or not? as for myself, i don't consider it an affair.
Shinya (shouts): when you are with a married man, that's an affair!
Yuma halts at the stairs
Shinya: you're with someone whom you cannot introduce to your parents
Mahiro: you're no better! you were with someone whom you cannot introduce to your children!
Fuji smirks
Shinya (to Fuji): what's so strange?
Fuji: oh, nothing.
Shinya: it's strange, alright. that you can understand Mahiro's feelings. that's a joke
Fuji: what do you mean?
Shinya: nothing.
Mahiro: don't be like this! this has nothing to do with "obachan"
Shinya: you always stand on your grandma's side.
Mahiro: "otosan", you are biased too. between Yuma and i, you've always liked Yuma better.
Shinya (maximum shouting): what are you saying!
Yayako: "anata", "kudasai". Mahiro is just using you to vent her anger
Mahiro (very rude to her mom): don't talk nonsense! the one i hate the most is dad!
Yuma can't take it anymore. she storms back in!
Yuma (shouts at her elder sis): "doushite"? why can't you understand father's feelings? he's always cared for the family
Mahiro: Yuma, you won't understand
Yuma: i understand!
Mahiro: we are having a serious discussion about many issues. that's why you won't understand
Yuma: then leave! go to a place where you can understand. to that filthy place, wouldn't that be great.
Mahiro: filthy? what do you mean by filthy?
Yuma: i don't know
Mahiro: i want to leave this family
she gets up, but Yuma holds her back
Yuma: "onechan"
Mahiro: i love him. i love Goto-san!
Shinya gets up and grabs and shakes her
Shinya: what are you saying? just because of love? does nothing else matters but love?
he pushes her and she falls down
Yayako: Mahiro!
Mahiro: i want to be with him together, even though i know it cannot be. but i love him, i love Goto-san. love... it's love that hurts
at that, Fuji moves towards her and lifts her up
Fuji: then go! the 2 families involved does not matter. it does not matter who gets hurt. let your feelings cast all that aside!
Yayako: "okasan", don't be like this! Mahiro, my child, i do not wish to bring up a child that brings misfortune to others
Fuji (ignores Yayako): if you have these feelings, then go!
Mahiro responses in confidence to her grandma and gets up to go
Yayako: "okasan"!
Shinya stops Mahiro
Shinya: stop! i will not let you go
Mahiro: let me go! i cannot stay here anymore!
Shinya: no!
he pushes her and Mahiro falls once more
Yayako: "anata"!
Mahiro: "okasan", "onegai"!
Mahiro: "okasan", "onegai"!
Yuma: "okasan"
Shinya: Yayako. is this the way a mother should be?
Yayako: what do you all want me to do?
Shinya: don't tell me, you are going to let her to leave like this?
Mahiro: "okasan", "onegai"! "onegai", "okasan"!
Yayako can't take it anymore, she leaves them
Shinya: Yayako!
she goes and wash dishes, trying to pretend nothing's happened, and hoping everything will go back to normal
Mahiro: "gomenasai"
she leaves
Shinya: Mahiro!

Yayako is not really washing anything. the water just runs

Mahiro starts packing

Akira: do you hate me that much?
he shows the fax to his wife
Akira: that you can do these things?
Chikako is silent
Akira: this is to be expected?
Chikako: i only wish to have you return to me
Akira puts the divorce letter down
Akira: please consent
Chikako: "iya"!
she throws the letter back at him, but he picks it up and puts it down again
Akira: we cannot return to the past
Chikako: "ne" (sound for getting attention, like 'hey'!).

she shows off her wedding ring

Chikako: it's been a while since i last took it out to see. when you gave it to me, the ring didn't fit, and we had a big quarrel
Chikako: "kirei" (pretty). people say, diamonds are forever-
Akira (shouts): it's not about this!
Chikako (shouts back): it's so! why not?
Akira: you've gone too far!
Chikako (holds up the fax): this small matter? betrayal of wife, having an affair, leaving your home, that's much worse! there's nothing worse than having an affair!
Chikako (she picks up the letter of divorce): and now, suddenly, this!
she throws it back at a now silent (and very guilty) husband
Chikako: do you know? you have betrayed my whole life! return it to me! give me back my life.
Chikako runs to Akira and he holds her

Chikako (crying): i don't want to part with you. i need you. please don't leave me alone
Akira is impassive

door closed. Mahiro is packed and ready to leave. everyone is waiting at the dining table in silence. Yuma is the first to move
Yuma: "onechan"!
Yuma: "onechan", are you really going to move out?
Mahiro nods
as Mahiro gets her shoes, Yuma runs upstairs, upset.
Fuji goes to Mahiro
Yayako (to Shinya): she's really leaving
Shinya: if she wants to go, then let her leave
Fuji: take care
Mahiro nods
the front door closes behind her.

Yuma (in her bed): "onechan", "baka"

another door closes. Akira leaves Chikako in tears

glass breaks. Chikako vents her anger and Akira hears it, but chooses to continue walking away.

Shinya: our family is really divided
Yayako: that's Mahiro's fault
Shinya: it's not like that. it's my fault. it's because i was... that's why she would get into an affair
Yayako: it's Mahiro's fault for not understanding your heart. actually, the one you love the most is Mahiro, right?
Shinya: is that what you think?
Shinya: but, this is the price i am paying for my past actions

the 2 lovers are walking in the night, away from their homes, towards each other. meeting up in front of his bachelor pad apartment. Mahiro spots Akira
Mahiro: Goto-san!
Akira: "doushita"?
Mahiro runs to him and hugs him
Mahiro: i've come. i've left everything and come

in the flat. Mahiro looking out the window
Mahiro: i've made things difficult for you, haven't i?
Akira: eh?
Mahiro: you haven't said a word since we met
Akira: oh. "iya"
Mahiro: are you feeling uneasy?
Akira: what are you saying?
Mahiro: i feel uneasy. honestly, i never thought we'd end up like this.
Akira: do you regret it?
Mahiro: no. but ending up like this, it seems like i'm the cause
Akira: no such thing!

he raises his hand. no ring on his ring finger
Akira: i've already given her the divorce papers
Mahiro: is that right? can it really be like this?
Akira (smiles and nods): um.
Akira: it would not do, not to go to your home. consider it a social visit
Mahiro: my family does not matter
Akira: you should not think that way
Mahiro: if you go, what will you say?
Akira: say that i love you, and that we want to be together
Akira: "ashita" (tomorrow), let's buy some stuff
Mahiro: eh?
Akira: now that we are living together, we need to get lots of stuff
Akira: there's not much kitchenware here. but, that would suit you, since you don't cook.
Mahiro: ah! too much!

Chikako stands outside their apartment block. looks very evil (or tries to). she makes a call in the night, even as dawn approaches

Shinya wakes up in the morning, and looks at his daughter's empty room. the damaged lock. he looks out the window. his wife and Yuma are out on the balcony
Yayako: "anata"
Yuma: "otosan"
Shinya: it's very cold. what are you doing?
Yuma: wondering where "onechan" is
Shinya is quiet
Yuma: "gomen" "ne"
Shinya: hmmm?
Yuma: you wanted "onechan" to stay, yet i drove her out
Yuma: "ne". let's call her on her mobile
Shinya: forget it
Yuma: "doushite"?
Shinya: daughters will one day leave home. it's just a matter of time
Yayako: it's late
Yayako: "anata", do you want to eat noodles for lunch?
Shinya: "iya". i want to go out
Yuma: "otosan", you have to work?
Shinya: mmm. "chotto"

Shinya goes out, even as the lovers are out too
Mahiro: this feels like the first time
Akira: hmmm?
Mahiro: under the sun, walking hand-in-hand on the street. the sky is very high. "issho ni", everything looks more beautiful. let's go
Akira: um

Shinya: excuse me, may i ask, who are you?
Shinya was called out in the morning by Chikako
Chikako: i am the elder sister
Shinya: huh?
Chikako: Goto is my sister's husband. my brother-in-law is incorrigible. my sister is more reserved, and is afraid to speak out for fear of being detested. Goto and your daughter's relationship began last spring. at the company, it seems people are aware of the affair
Shinya: "so desuka"?
Chikako: if this goes on, both of them will be dismissed. Goto is too much. actually, he is very serious, and is not a womanizer.
Shinya: my daughter is not a flirt either
Chikako: that's not what i mean. but, it's hard to understand why they would commit adultery.
Shinya (speaking from personal experience): when a married man has an affair, for sure, there's some problems between husband and wife.
Chikako: what?
she nearly gives herself away. is Shinya giving her the benefit of doubt?
Chikako: that pair could never have any problems
Shinya: not true. there's many things a bystander cannot perceive.

address of Akira's bachelor pad

Chikako: nevertheless, your daughter and Goto are now in this place. as a father, you ought to know what you have to do. goodbye
Chikako leaves. he picks up the address.

Akira: "ne"
Mahiro: "nani"?
Akira: where shall we go for dinner?
Mahiro: "daijoubu". i will cook
Akira: eh? is that so?
Mahiro: what would you like to eat?
Akira: "so da ne". the weather's very cold. it would be nice to eat oysters, don't you think?
Mahiro is lost in her thoughts, looking at a photo
Akira: hmmm? what is it?
Mahiro: photograph of me when i was a child
Akira: "onisan" (elder brother)?
Mahiro: um
Akira: he's passed away, right?
Mahiro is surprised he knows
Akira: i have met with your mother

walking along chinatown
Akira: she came to ask me to break up with you
Mahiro: this is a surprise to me
Akira: eh?
Mahiro: my mother is one who does not like to confront others. she hardly ever expresses her thoughts or feelings. and yet she came to look for you
Akira: she must care for you a lot.

Yayako is doing gardening, and sees Shinya sitting on the ground, in front of the sakura tree. she watches him take out a photo from his pocket. same photo as that which Mahiro showed Akira

Akira: when was that photo taken?
Mahiro: 4 years old. did you notice, there's a sakura tree beside my brother and i?
Akira: um.
Mahiro: when spring arrives, it will blossom with very beautiful flowers. we will collect the flowers on the ground, put them in bowls and play games.
Akira: how did your brother die?
Mahiro: accident
Akira: accident?
Mahiro: that was the last photo taken of him. it's strange, but ever since he passed away, that tree never blossomed again. when spring came, it would only grow green leaves. but no one has ever mentioned cutting down the tree.

Yayako: "okaeri nasai". what is the matter? you'll catch a cold like this.
Shinya: Yayako. aren't you concerned about Mahiro? why didn't you object? why did you let her go?
Yayako: they love each other so deeply. there's nothing we can do.
Shinya: this is not just about whether they love one another. in real life, it's a different matter. getting married is not easy, so it's not that simple. besides, who knows when the other party may have a change of heart? when that happens, what will become of Mahiro?
Yayako: that does not matter
Shinya: Yayako

Akira: it seems like when i was still in school
Mahiro: eh?
Akira: the apartment i was living in then also had a single bed
Mahiro: days of youth?
Akira: we really have to buy a proper bed
Mahiro: you've spent quite a bit already, right?
Akira: it's nothing
Mahiro: liar. you are very strong
Akira: well, just a bit. but now we have to be strong. it's just that there's not much money for you to spend. do you mind?
the phone rings
Mahiro: let me get it
Mahiro: "hai". "okasan"!
Mahiro (repeats her mum's words to Akira): may i speak with Goto-san?
Akira takes the call
Akira: "moshi moshi"
Yayako: "ano"
Akira: "hai"
Yayako: "ano", "sumimasen". my daughter suddenly going over to you
Akira: "iie", don't say that
Yayako: "yoroshiku" "onegaishimasu"
Akira: "hai"
Mahiro: hey. let me speak
Akira: ah. now i will hand you over to Mahiro
Mahiro: "okasan"?
Yayako: hmm?
Mahiro: "otosan" "wa"?
Yayako: he's having his bath
Mahiro: "okasan", "watashi"...
Shinya (calling for home service): oi! Yayako! come here!
Yayako (to husband): "hai"! i will attend to you now
Yayako (to daughter): Mahiro, take care of yourself. "jaa ne"
Mahiro: ah! "chotte matte", "okasan"
too late, she's hung up
Mahiro: what did my mom say?
Akira: "yoroshiku" "onegai" "mashita". it wouldn't do, not to pay a visit, soon. we have caused them quite a bit of anxiety. that's to be expected
Mahiro: cannot
Akira: eh?
Mahiro: now, cannot
Akira (reflecting on his current situation ====> still married): you are right

Chikako takes out the divorce papers and tears them up

Shinya is looking at the address

next day at the office
Mahiro: "ohayo"!
colleague: you have a visitor
Mahiro spots Yukata
Mahiro: "ohayo"
Yukata: "kachou" has told me everything. i have something to tell you. see you 8 o'clock at POLE STAR.

Akira in a phone booth
Akira: "moshi moshi", Chika
Chikako: Momotaro. what is it? why are you calling me at this time?
Akira: Chika. have you signed the divorce papers?

she hangs up, lost in her thoughts
her colleague: Ebihara-san! Ebihara-san!
she snaps out
her colleague: let's change another place
Chikako: "onegaishimasu"
her colleague: "daijoubu", "desu ka"? lately, you don't look alright. are you on a diet? or down with the flu?
Chikako: um (no)
her colleague: "so desuka". it's not the flu. then could it be... that, that
Chikako gets new inspiration!

it's night, and Shinya has decided to pay a visit to the lovers

at the same time, Mahiro is at POLE STAR
Mahiro: "gomen nasai". i originally wanted to tell you everything. "hontou ni", "gomen nasai"
Yukata: forget it. yesterday, i slept the whole day. i've forgotten it all
Mahiro: Chiyo
Yukata: irregardless of the grevious hurt you may suffer, you still choose "kachou"?
Mahiro: there are many people around who have been hurt
Yukata: you are one of those who are hurting the most, right?
Mahiro: i really don't know what to do
Yukata: there's only the road ahead. even if it's just a little road, it's the only way to happiness. however, you must not abandon your own family
Mahiro: "doushite"?
Yukata: in the end, you can only depend on your own family members.

Mahiro walking back to her new home
Shinya: Mahiro!
Mahiro: "otosan"?
Akira: actually, i have thought of going to visit you to explain everything. i'm really sorry
Shinya: what are your plans for the future?
Mahiro: right now, we don't know
Shinya (to his daughter): don't interrupt
Akira: actually, my divorce has not gone through yet. but it is currently progressing
Shinya: so what do you intend to do?
Mahiro: that should be enough
Shinya: although you are both adults, daughters, however old, will cause her parents to worry
Mahiro: liar!
Shinya: if not, i wouldn't come to a place like this
Mahiro: please don't say "this sort of place"
Shinya: then what sort of place is this?
Mahiro: that's enough, please leave
Shinya: i'm here to take you home
Mahiro: i'm not going!
Shinya: i will not allow you to do this irresponsible thing! also, you need to consider the feelings of Goto-san and his wife. Goto-san's way of life up to now
Shinya: if the company found out about his situation-
Akira: regarding my situation-
Mahiro: "otosan", you were the same
Shinya: that's why i have since broken up with that woman. because of you all, and losing Masahito. that's why i broke up with the other party!
Shinya: that's the way it goes with illicit love affairs. although there's talk of leaving your spouse, until the end, it's never clear. it's not easy to abandon one's family. if you want to be together, then wait until he has formally divorced his wife!
Akira: this i fully understand. actually, circumstances have been moved ahead of time. but my feelings have not changed. when my divorce is completed, i hope to marry Mahiro at once. fortunately, i do not have children.
Akira: please, will you give me your permission to take Mahiro as mine?

Akira (stands up and bows): "onegaishimasu"!

the father rejects him as suitor, but he didn't take Mahiro home either. he leaves. akira escorts him out
Shinya: as parents, we really can't understand everything our children does
Shinya: from long ago, we have heard people talk of various affairs. never thought my own daughter would now be...
Akira: "sumimasen"
Shinya: for you to really fall in love with her, it's just a matter of time, right?
Akira: "hai"
Shinya: from the viewpoint of a parent, i cannot forgive, nor can i accept it.
Shinya: *sigh* i am confused. i have once considered leaving my family too.
Shinya (turns to face Akira): turn back now. we can adapt. although this has happened, it is still possible to learn to live with your family. although, it wasn't easy for me.
Shinya: Goto-san, if you are a man, please decide quickly. give me your answer
Akira: "wakarimashita"
Shinya: "jaa"

Mahiro washing up, holds up a mug

Shinya returns home
Yayako: "okaerinasai". you're home later than usual tonight. a person, Ebihara-san, tried to call you many times.
Shinya: Ebihara?
Yayako: seems to be something urgent
phone rings
Shinya: i'll take it
Shinya: "hai". Fujitani, "desu"
Shinya: o. "doumo"
Shinya: ah?
Chikako hangs up with a smile. Shinya is angry. he gets ready to go out again
Yayako: "anata", what is it?
Yayako: "anata"?
Yayako: "anata", where are you going?
he leaves without giving her a reply

that night, the lovers sleep as Shinya rushes through chinatown. Chikako is quietly reading in her study

furious knocking on lovers' door, waking them up
Akira: it's ok, let me check
Akira (shouts): "hai"!
Akira: who is it?
Shinya: Fujitani, "desu"
Mahiro: "otosan"?
Shinya (looks and finds his daughter): Mahiro! let's go!
Mahiro: "nani"?
Akira: "chotto matte kudasai"
Akira is pushed down by the angry father, Mahiro goes to him, but is dragged off
Mahiro: Goto-san!
Shinya: you! you trickster! the sooner you return home, the better
Shinya: let's go home
Akira: what is going on?
Shinya pushes Akira down again
Mahiro: Goto-san!
Shinya: your wife is pregnant, is she not?
Akira: pregnant?
Shinya: your wife's sister called to tell me. if you didn't have children, i would have let you two get married. but you do!
Akira: how can that be?
Shinya: let's go
Mahiro: no
Shinya: you still insist on staying? what's the point? now that Goto-san has a child, he cannot divorce.
Mahiro: what is going on?
Shinya: come with me
Mahiro: let go of me. i will not leave
Shinya: what about Goto's child?
Akira: how can there be a pregnancy? and there's this thing about the sister of my wife-
Shinya: stop pretending! a long-haired lady, called Ebihara
Akira: Chika. i will go and find her.
Mahiro: "matte"!
Akira: no. i have to make things clear to her
Mahiro: don't go!
Mahiro: "ikanaide"!
Shinya: how can you not let him go?
Akira: "doijoubu". wait for my return
Mahiro: no! Goto-san, please stay!
Shinya holds Mahiro back, as Akira leaves
Mahiro: let go of me!
Shinya: you are too much
Mahiro: "ikanaide"!

next morning. Mahiro is waiting for Akira to return to her. flashback to the previous night
Akira: no. i have to make things clear to her
Mahiro: don't go!
Mahiro: "ikanaide"!
Shinya: how can you not let him go?
Akira: "doijoubu". wait for my return
Mahiro: no! Goto-san, please stay!
Shinya holds Mahiro back, as Akira leaves
Mahiro: let go of me!
Shinya: you are too much
Mahiro: "ikanaide"!Shinya: let's go back
Mahiro: let me go. i already belong to Goto-san. i will never go back!
Shinya: as you wish! never return home!
Shinya storms off
Akira: are you ok
Mahiro: don't go. don't go today. stay with me

Mahiro recalls all that
Akira: what are you doing?
Mahiro: i woke up early today
Akira: you'll catch a cold
Mahiro: um.
she closes the window

Yuma having breakfast at home
Yuma: "onechan" is really not coming back?
Yayako: she'll be back
Yuma: but she's really left home
Yayako: this doesn't concern you, Yuma
dad lost his appetite, gets up to go
Yayako: "anata", your food...

the lovers leave for work too
Akira: o! "ohayo gozaimasu"
Mahiro: "ohayo gozaimasu"
neighbour: "ohayo gozaimasu"
neighbour looks at Mahiro

walking on the street
Akira: now that we are living together, i think it's best that i pay your parents a visit.
Mahiro: i am already living with you, does it matter?
Mahiro: shall we continue to live together like this?
Akira: this is what you have decided, isn't it?
Mahiro: will you be going to meet your wife today?
Mahiro: go, i won't mind
Akira: can i?
Mahiro: you are very considerate
Akira: "suma"
Mahiro: "kinou" (yesterday), "gomen" ne. i don't know why it happened.
Mahiro: we are just in the middle, the middle of our journey
Akira: journey
Mahiro: the middle of our journey is also the middle of our dream


*** End of seventh episode ***