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Sweet Season - Episode 8

illegitimate child

travel office. Yukata, Mahiro and Akira all at work. the phone rings
staff: "kachou". "denwa" line 5. it's your wife
Akira: "moshi moshi"
Akira: ah
Akira: "waka ta"
Akira: "jaa"

motorbike sound
Yukata: something wrong between the 2 of you?
Mahiro getting a ride from Yukata on his motorbike
Mahiro: "iie"
Mahiro: but it's still not working out. i tell myself that i ought to be calm, but i still mind when i hear about his wife
Mahiro: this movie is "small flying hero"
Akira: "small flying hero"?
Mahiro: "so"

Mahiro: this tragic drama is of my own making. tougher than "small flying hero" who has to use needle and thread to join them together
Mahiro: he and i is just like that movie. although together, we still cannot live a normal life
Yukata: this isn't you. you should know that you have to face many obstacles to stay together
Mahiro: that is so. just met with an obstacle. really hateful. although i want to be stronger, i end up falling apart.
Mahiro: "arigato". i feel much better, talking it out with you, Chiyo.

Akira: if you are really pregnant, that child is definitely not mine
Chikako: why are you saying such hurtful words?
Akira: that, Chika, you know best yourself
Chikako: "doushite"?
Akira: we haven't done it for a very long time
Chikako: that's not my fault
Akira: it's not about that
Chikako: we never had any problems. didn't we always get along well? buying this apartment, each of us working in jobs we like
Akira: but between us, there was a gap. is this what happens after marriage?
Akira: i had originally thought that what we have is happiness. but as time went on, i came to realise there's something not right.
Chikako: so what can be done about it? having an affair? leaving your home? is that the solution?
Akira: "dakara"... you shouldn't have lied about being pregnant!
phone rings
Chikako: "hai", Goto "desu"
Chikako: "otosan" wa, "desu ka"?
Chikako: ah, "hisashiburi" (it's been a long while), "desu"
Chikako: "hai", "genki" (healthy, well), "desu"
Chikako: yes, Akira is fine too
Chikako: "ashita? then, you must come and stay with us
Akira: o. "chotta matte"
Chikako: "hai", "itte kimasu"
Akira: oi
Chikako: ok. bye
Akira: "matte"
Akira: why did you ask him to stay with us?
Chikako: that's better than living in a hotel. his work assignment brings him to tokyo
Akira: why? haven't you always hated this? every time my father came, you always made him stay at a hotel? said you had work, and that you won't be able to handle it
=====> turns out the father is Akira's, not Chikako's.
Chikako: i will take leave tomorrow. clean the room, and shake out the blanket
Chikako: Momotaro, you must come back earlier
Akira: "nani" "kore"?
Chikako: what do you propose then? how are you going to tell your father? or have you told him already?
Chikako: do you want me to tell him everything?
Akira: i will speak my father about this properly
Chikako: well, that's it, then!

Mahiro in defensive posture
Mahiro: and then?
Akira: well, i can't make her go for a checkup
Akira: "demo", "hontou", how to say it? we really haven't done it for a while now
Mahiro: i didn't ask about that
Akira: "gomen"
Akira: i never thought she'd would tell this sort of lie
Akira: "gomen" ne
Mahiro: your wife's feelngs, i can understand a bit, if she's really pregnant
Akira: this can never be!
Mahiro: when i was in kindergarten, i once pretended i was sick. at that time, my father was out of office. i said my tummy hurts. if my father didn't come to fetch me, i'd die. because i was lonely, and wanted to get his attention. my brother was still alive then. although he knew i was lying, yet my father came to pick me up. this really made a different for me. your wife did exactly the same.
Mahiro: "dakara", don't mind me. don't be afraid to go
Mahiro: let me make some coffee
Mahiro: hey! tomorrow's a public holiday. where shall we go and play? lately, we haven't been going out.
Mahiro: Hakkeijima (Sea Paradise), wa? see the dolphins perform?
Akira: "gomen". my father is coming here, from my hometown, on business.
Akira: he will be staying overnight at my apartment. i haven't told him about my current situation.
Mahiro: it's something that can't be shared with your father.
Akira: "iiya". it's just that i haven't found an opportunity to tell him about it.
Akira: if i am not there, i don't know what lies she might tell him
Akira: also, i don't want to let my father worry
Mahiro: you are becoming quite hateful. but that's to be expected, being with a married man
Akira: "gomen"
Mahiro: "daijoubu"
Mahiro: sit down

dad drinking
Yayako: "anata". "kinou" "denwa", who called?
Shinya: it's nothing
Yayako: but you were so angry yesterday
Shinya: you did not teach Mahiro properly
Shinya: has a child
Yayako: eh?
Fuji is in the background
Shinya: the man's wife is pregnant
Shinya: she still refuse to return home. what is wrong with her?

Akira opens the door
Akira: hi dad. if you would call me, i could have gone to meet you
Akira's dad: i think i mustn't impose on you all too much.
Chikako: "otosan" wa. so sorry that lately we haven't kept in touch
Akira's dad: you look very well. Chikako, you've put on a little weight
Chikako just smiles
Akira's dad: "nanda"?
Chikako: oh, nothing. i've just gained a little weight lately. please come in
Akira's dad: "onegaishimasu"

Mahiro returns home to the apartment alone. she has a cough

Yuma is walking home alone too. a man approaches her
man: "ano"... "sumimasen"
he asks for directions to a street
Yuma: "kochira" (this way), "desu"
man: ah, "so desu ka"?
man: "arigato gozaimasu"
Yuma: "ne"
Yuma: my house is there, let me lead the way
man: "sumimasen"
Yuma: "atchi" (over there)
man: thanks for your help
Yuma: um

Yayako preparing dinner. thinking about something, suddenly stops chopping
Fuji: Yayako
Fuji: Mahiro's situation. what you are going to do about it?
Shinya: "tadaima"
Fuji: "okaerinasai"
Yayako: "okaerinasai"

Mahiro eating dinner alone. spaghetti.
Mahiro: "itadakimasu"

elsewhere, the Gotos are also having dinner at home
Akira's dad: um... Chikako's cooking is really not bad. really like to let mom try it.
Chikako: next time, please bring mother along
Akira's dad: "so ka", "so ka". if i tell her, she will be so happy, she'd be here tomorrow. ha ha ha
Akira reaches for a sauce, Chikako helps him
Chikako: "hai"
Akira puts tabasco sauce on his food
Akira's dad: why are you adding this?
Chikako is hurt but makes an excuse
Chikako: Akira likes it this way. i didn't use to add this either
Akira's dad: this way it's even more tasty.
Akira's dad: then it slowly changes the face. until the 2 of you look as alike as an old couple.
Chikako: then this couple will wear similar clothes, drinking tea together
Akira's dad (to Akira): that's me and your mom
Akira: oh
Akira's dad: but this is really delicious. it's great

Yuma chats with the young man
Yuma: so, how old are you?
man: twenty
Yuma: eh? uso (lie)! so am i!
man: are you working?
Yuma: no, i'm studying at Tandai (university). but will be graduating this year and finding work. "anata" wa?
man: "boku" (i, masculine form) wa, currently working in my hometown. but i am thinking of quitting, to come to work in tokyo
Yuma: er, where do you come from?
man: Sendai
Yuma: hummm. ah! this way
man: but i wasn't born there. i have moved around a bit.
Yuma: because of your father's work?
man (hesitates awhile): um
Yuma: that's nice, can visit different places. i have always lived here in Yokohama. that's my house. so your house should be nearby
Yuma: "jaa"
man: "hontou" ni, "arigato"
Yuma: um
the man was about to turn away and look for his place, when he doublechecked the address written on his paper. he saw the sign "Fujitani"

Mahiro comes out of the bath, still coughing. it's cold, and the heater isn't working
Mahiro: it's all burned up
fuel gauge is at empty

Akira's dad: seeing that the two of you are alright, i can rest easy. your mom is also very worried
Akira's dad: oh yes! are you planning to have kids?
Akira: actually, dad-
Akira's dad: got a light? a lighter?
Akira: oh. "chotto"
Akira's dad: you ought to know that we hope to be able to see our grandchildren
Akira: "hai"
Chikako: "otosan" wa. actually, we have something to tell you
Akira's dad: all serious all of a sudden? what is it?
Chikako: actually, we are going to have a baby
Akira's dad: eh? "hontou" "ga"?
Akira: eh... "chigau"
Akira's dad: "chigau"? "nani"?
Chikako: sorry, i spoke too soon
Akira's dad: why? are you embarressed? ha ha ha. "so ka", "so ka". your mother has been very worried that the two of you cannot. right. i have to tell your mum. let me use for your phone for a while.
Akira: "iyo"
Akira's dad: she will surely want to know it as soon as possible
Akira: it's already so late, mother must be asleep
Akira's dad: "so ka"? oh. "so da ne" ha ha. yes, Chikako-san, "omedeto". "yo kata", now i will get to see my grandchild. your mom will definitely be thrilled. ha ha ha ha

Mahiro tries to keep warm with a blanket. coughing away. she hears footsteps along the corridor. runs to open the door with a smile. but it's not for her.

Yayako enters Mahiro's room. Fuji watches from behind, unnoticed
Fuji: Shinya-san is asleep?
Yayako: yes
Fuji: why were you so nice?
Yayako: i wasn't-
Fuji: Mahiro is your daughter. yet, you were still so nice to your husband. instead, you came here all alone to endure.
Yayako: there's nothing to endure
Fuji: like this, aren't you? you are concerned
Yayako: that child has already left
Fuji: please bring her back
Yayako looks at her mom in astonishment. after all, she had urged Mahiro to follow her love instinct and leave in the first place.
Fuji: the man's wife is with child. that's not your child's fault. nevertheless, i feel that if he really loves her, then let them be together. but now the man's wife is pregnant. when the man is with her, how can his wife become pregnant? she can never find happiness living with this sort of person. if you can't even protect your own child, then how?

Chikako: dad's sleeping
no response from Akira
Chikako: would you like some tea?
Akira: you made him so happy. for what? while he hasn't told my mother yet, i must tell him the truth. they really look forward to seeing their grandchildren.
Akira: hey. your pregnancy is fake, right?
Chikako: it's not fake
Akira: then go to the hospital for a checkup. now! let's go to the hospital
Chikako: no! no! that hurts!
Akira: how can you tell this kind of lie?
Chikako: i never lied. i didn't lie. i thought i was pregnant, because my body is acting strange. i do want children.
Akira's dad hears everything.

Chikako: if we had a child, your parents at home-
Akira: that is impossible. no matter what, we cannot go back to the past
Chikako: no such thing! it's not impossible to return
Akira: it is
Chikako: why?
Akira: feelings. our mutual trust. i have betrayed you. can you forgive a man who has betrayed you in this way?
Chikako nods
Akira: can never forgive, isn't that so? with regards to this womanizing me, there is no way you can forgive.
Chikako cries. the truth is she cannot forgive.

Mahiro coughing in bed. door knocks.
Mahiro: Goto-san?
Yayako: Mahiro? "okasan"
Mahiro: "okasan", "doushita" "no"?
Yayako: Goto-san "wa"?
Mahiro: he's gone home. "nani"?
Yayako: because his wife is pregnant? i came here today because i want to discuss with Goto-san about this matter.
Mahiro coughs in reply
Yayako: your cold, are you ok?
Mahiro: "chotto"
Yayako: "chotto"?
feels her forehead
Yayako: feels very hot. will Goto-san be back today?
Mahiro: he said he had to stay overnight
Yayako: overnight?
Mahiro: because his father is visiting from their hometown
Yayako: "doushite"? leaving you, Mahiro, all alone here?
Mahiro: cos he didn't want his father to worry
Yayako: and it's ok to let Mahiro worry? i will not allow Mahiro to be abandoned, nor will i let Goto-san abandon Mahiro
Mahiro: "okasan" *cough*
Yayako: Mahiro, "daijoubu"?
she can only cough in reply

Yayako: you're not sleeping yet?
Shinya: Mahiro, "doushita"?
Yayako: she has a fever, but i have got her to sleep
Shinya: why did you go?
Yayako: i wanted to have a talk with Goto-san
Shinya: don't need to concern yourself
Yayako: "anata"
Shinya: when she is awake, tell her to leave.
Mahiro behind the glass door
Shinya: it's she who didn't want this family first.
Yayako: Mahiro is now ill
Shinya: it's due to her own selfishness that she's sick!
Mahiro: i am going now
Yayako: it's ok. Mahiro, you cannot leave without resting for a while
Shinya: leave! i've already said you can never enter this family
s door again!
Yayako: "anata"!
Mahiro: "ii no". it should be as dad said
Shinya: right. get out!
Mahiro: "okasan", "arigato"
Yayako: Mahiro!
Yayako (to husband): you don't know anything, that's why this happens. Mahiro is really having a difficult time. very tough
Shinya: you think i don't know? i am her father! what's there not to know? it's because you've always spoiled the children, that's why these things are happening now!
Mahiro: don't blame mother! i have been through a miscarriage. it was Goto-san's. i felt very sad, very painful. it was then i decided i will be happy together with Goto-san. "dakara" *cough*
Yayako: Mahiro, "daijoubu"?

Akira makes a call. the phone rings in his bachelor pad. Mahiro's keitai. no answer.
Chikako: Momotaro
Akira: hmmm?
Chikako: are you sleeping here?
Akira: ah.
Chikako: sleep in here (indicating bedroom). you will make father worry. it's ok. we don't have to sleep together. i have prepared a mattress
no reply from Akira

Yayako: you're not cold?
Mahiro nods
knocking on door
Mahiro: "obachan" "wa"
Fuji: "dou" (short for "doushite")
Yayako: although there's still a slight fever, she's much better now
Fuji: "so"? "yo kata". then, quickly go to sleep
Mahiro: sorry to make everyone worry. Goto-san's father is visiting from his hometown, that's why he had to go back to his apartment.
Fuji just nods
Fuji: what will you do?
Mahiro: what to do?
Yayako: "okasan", Mahiro's body hasn't completely recovered.
Fuji: just because Mahiro's body is still not well, we can ignore her problem? (to Mahiro) come back home.
Yayako: mother, please don't force your will on her
Fuji: what about you? didn't you go and bring her back?
Yayako: i didn't bring her back
Mahiro: don't be like this
Mahiro: between husband and wife, there are some connections that i don't understand. that's why mother, you didn't divorce, right? or is it because of brother and i? when grandma divorced, what were your feelings?
Yayako: haven't i said before, i'd forgotten?
Fuji: must have been full of bitter resentment. she adored her father
Fuji: Ma-chan, actually, it was me who drove my husband away, but i gave him up to the other woman

Fuji: i loved my husband dearly, but yet he fell in love with another woman. it wasn't a short term affair, but true love on both sides. therefore, i could not forgive. i really hated him, non-stop resentment. as a result, i gave up. i had hoped that my husband and i could resume a normal relationship as spouses and as a family.
Fuji (laughs to herself): i can't believe i am saying all this, at this age. really!
Fuji: but, i think, after fighting and screaming at each other, to pretend nothing happened the next day, and just sit down to eat together, that i cannot do.
Mahiro: i am likewise. often times, i will be unable to endure
Fuji: you and i are alike
Yayako: after divorce, does that mean the children will not need to be taken care of?
Yayako: whatever happens, the family must continue to be cared for. that is what i think, to put children first.
Fuji: i don't think so. if we continue to stay together, but in bitter resentment, you would have hurt even more.
Yayako: then, what would have happened to Mahiro and Yuma? was i wrong? if i didn't forgive his affair, if i had divorced, Masahito (her son) wouldn't have died. i thought time can change everything, maybe even more happiness, as the family makes a fresh start.
Yayako: seems like this sort of family (now), would be better off without.

Shinya alone on his futon, looking at the pic of his son.

Chikako: are you still awake?
Akira (on the floor with a mattress): um
Chikako: are you cold?
Akira: "daijoubu"
Chikako: can you hold my hand? (the one with the wedding band)
Chikako: i want to fall asleep with you holding my hand. "onegai"
Akira holds her hand
Chikako: we haven't done that for a while
Akira: ah.
Chikako: "atashi" ne. may have been too selfish. cos i was being loved, and being married, took it for granted. didn't work on our relationship at all, thinking this is what i deserve. never thought about your feelings. is it too late? can you come back to me? we can continue to be happy
Akira: no use
he lets go of her hand

Shinya changes her headcloth. Mahiro rouses
Shinya: woken you up
Mahiro (slight shake of head): ummm
Mahiro: "otosan"
Shinya: hmmm?
Mahiro: "gomen" "ne". for my affair, miscarriage, leaving home, and then coming back, in this state.
Mahiro: it's quite pitiful to be a father of such a daughter
Shinya: what are you saying?
Shinya: Mahiro. "otosan" "wa"
Mahiro: "nanda"
Shinya: "iiya"
Shinya: rest well. when you have recovered, i will send you back
Mahiro: "otosan"
Shinya: don't get me wrong. i am not recognising your relationship, but... *sigh* i can understand your feelings, Mahiro
Shinya goes out, Yayako waiting for him, and takes the cloth from him.
Shinya: sleep for a bit more.
she smiles tenderly as he walks off

Akira wakes up, as does Chikako
Akira's dad: son?
Akira: dad
Akira's dad: when you get old, you tend to wake earlier
Akira: dad, actually, about the child, what Chikako said wasn't true
Akira's dad: possibly so. last night, i heard everything. is it a woman?
Akira does not reply
Akira's dad: is it a woman? (repeats the question, but not in a questioning tone anymore)
Akira: i will have a proper talk with Chikako, on what's the best thing i can do for her-
Akira's dad: of course, the best thing is for you to return to her
Akira: i cannot turn back
Akira's dad: cannot turn back? can you not consider for those around you? all this thing about liking a person.
Akira: i can no longer extricate myself. i have considered it for a long time, before making my decision.
Akira's dad: how are you going to tell your mom?
Akira: i will tell mum properly-
Akira's dad: your mother is now ill!
Akira is surprised! he didn't know
Akira's dad: she just had an operation for breast cancer a month ago. good thing the operation was a success. up to now, there's been no more spreading of the cancer cells
Akira: how did this happen? Dad! why? why didn't you tell me?
Akira's dad: your mother told me to keep it from you. she said the both of you are already working so hard.
Akira's dad: both of you have been having it too smooth. hosted a beautiful wedding ceremony, and both being able to continue to work, to purchase this sort of good apartment.
Akira's dad: isn't this just your first trial in life together?
Akira's dad: because you have never tasted suffering, you don't know how to get up after you fall. now is the time for the both of you to help one another go through this. as a couple, this is the way to continue on together, isn't it?
Akira's dad: endurance, what you both lack is endurance! quick! wake up!
Akira's dad: now listen. you cannot let your mother know about this matter. go and think about it clearly. got it?
Akira doesn't answer, and Chikako is silent too in the room.

breakfast at Fujitani's
Yuma: oh! "onechan" might have awoken. let me go and see.
Yayako: don't go. you will wake her up
Yuma: oh, alright. but she hadn't eaten, so she might be hungry
Yayako: Yuma
Yuma: um! "otosan", let's go out for a meal today, everyone. that's settled!
Shinya: might be a bit difficult
Yuma: why? let's settle it like this. let's go, let's go. now, here shall we go?

Chikako is up and about in the bedroom. Akira enters
Akira: ah. i am sending my father off
Chikako: ah. i will go too
Akira: no, Chika, no need. i have already told father. when i am free, i will also pay a visit to your parents to tell them. "jaa"

Yuma and Fuji watching tv
Fuji: not one bit interesting
Yuma: "nani"? next episode, next episode will be very exciting
Fuji: it is completely boring
Mahiro: what are you watching?
Yuma: "onechan"! "daijoubu"? has your fever left?
Mahiro: where's daddy and mummy?
Fuji: marketing. it wouldn't do not to feed Ma-chan properly, to restore her to health. so tonight, we are having hot pot.
Yuma: "so"
Mahiro: "otosan" "wa"?
Yuma: this is really rare. he usually doesn't go marketing. ah... i felt that i should have gone along.
Fuji: i think, Yuma, you'd just be a bother.
Yuma: i don't think so, i won't be a bother.


Chikako home alone, recalling the recent events (Akira: can never forgive, isn't that so? with regards to this womanizing me, there is no way you can forgive.)
Mr and Mrs Fujitani at the supermarket
Shinya: use this meat


Yayako: it's too expensive
Shinya: no problem. let me pay
Shinya: Mahiro looks much thinner. it won't do not to build her up.
Shinya: if she has to come back again, that's too troublesome.
Yayako smiles at her husband's thoughtfulness.
Shinya: here, let me (takes the basket)
Yayako: "daijoubu"
Shinya: ok. now, what else do we need? "tamago" (eggs)

Akira: "tadaima" (to an empty bachelor pad)
he finds her keitai but no person

Chikako walking the streets of chinatown in a daze
that young man Yuma showed directions to the other night is walking up the Fujitani street again

Akira goes to Sweet Season to find Mahiro
Akira (to barkeep): mister, did she come today?
barkeep: no, not today

Fujitanis walking home from marketing.
Yayako: "anata", about Mahiro...
Shinya: i haven't recognised their relationship yet. Goto-san's wife is with child, but i will let Mahiro handle it herself. because it's Mahiro, what others cannot do, she surely can.
Yayako: "arigato gozaimasu"
Shinya: "nani"

Yukata leaving work with some colleagues
as he turns to leave, he bumps into Chikako and knocks her down
Yukata: are you alright?
Yukata: "sumimasen", you aren't hurt, right?
but she sees his envelope with the HIS logo, and cries.

Yayako: oh, Yuma, "chotto". please bring the big bowl down for me
Yuma: "hai", "chotto matte" (she brings a chair to climb on)
Yayako: over there (points to bowl in overhead cabinet). that one.
Mahiro returns home
Mahiro: "nani"? let me help
Yuma: ai! "iiyo", "onechan", you're not well, so you should be resting there
Mahiro: it's ok
phone rings, Mahiro goes to answer it
Mahiro: "hai", Fujitani, "desu"
Mahiro: Goto-san!
Akira: "yappari". you're at home
Mahiro: "gomenasai", there was a little issue
Akira: "daijoubu"?
Mahiro: umm
she sees everyone listening in
Mahiro: "chotto matte", i will call you shortly

Chikako: how should i tell you?
Yukata: "iie". even if you were to return home, there's nothing you can do.
Chikako: "so"?
Yukata: yes. better for you to take care of yourself
Chikako: no one cares for me

Yukata: eh?
Chikako: i am now separated from my husband. he's not coming back, but i am still waiting for him.
Yukata: we are in the same boat. i still love my ex-girlfriend and can't forget her.
Chikako: trapped in love, how to forget?

Akira: don't worry. she's only not well, so she thinks she is pregnant
Mahiro: so that's it
Mahiro: "otosan" "wa"?
Akira: um. i just saw him get on the train.
Akira: i've already told my father
Mahiro: "so"?
Akira: about your father, i must also explain it to him clearly. is he home today?
Mahiro: he seems to have just gone out
Akira: "so ka"? "jaa", i will wait a while before going to your home.
Mahiro: ummm. don't come today. i think it's better another time
Akira: "waka ta". made you worry, "gomen" ne
Mahiro "ummmm

door bell rings
Mahiro: oh! he's back. i will go over after dinner. you must wait for me. "jaa" ne

rings again
Mahiro: "hai"!

rings again
Mahiro: "hai"!
Yuma: "hai"! (and get to the door first)
Yuma: "okaerinasai"

she opens the door to the young man
Yuma: oh!

man: is Fujitani Shinya-san in?
Mahiro: Shinya... father?
Fuji comes to look too. just then he returns
Shinya: "tadaima"
Yayako: "tadaima" (they were shopping together)
Shinya: "doushita"?
Shinya looks at the young man
Shinya: Yuma "no", "tomodachi" (friend)?
man: "doushite", "desuka"?
Shinya: huh?
man: "doushite"! why did you abandon us?
man: why did you abandon my mother and i?

Mahiro: "otosan", what is this all about?
Shinya brings Yayako in from the cold
Shinya: what are you doing?
man: i...
man: i...
====> Fuji acts immediately to deflect suspicion. which means she might know something about this.
Fuji: you! if you do this again, i will call the police!
man looks around, sees all the hostile looks, and runs off.
Shinya: what is wrong with that fellow?

he stops in the middle of the street, and looks at a family heirloom

<PIC> 01:19 heirloom

family is restored, having dinner
Fuji: Yuma, this piece of meat is ready
Yuma: um. i will take it. eating it now
Mahiro: ne, Yuma. how did you know that person?
Yuma: he came to me to ask for directions
Mahiro: just that?
Yuma: um. just that
Shinya: "nanda"? what are you trying to say? although i once had an affair, but i definitely did not have a child. absolutely not!
Fuji: ah... Shinya-san has said it, i'm sure it must be so.
Mahiro looks at Fuji, surprised to see her on her dad's side.
Fuji: oh. quick, let's eat. it's rare to get a treat from him
Fuji (to Mahiro): you have to build up your body.
Yuma: yes indeed. and sister has finally recovered. let's all happily eat
Shinya: that's right
Yuma: don't think so much

Mahiro prepares to return to Akira
Mahiro: "iroiro","arigato". i am going
Yayako: leaving already?
Mahiro: um
Mahiro: sorry to have made everyone worry. "gomen" ne
Mahiro: Goto-san's wife's pregnancy has been confirmed to be a mistake. everything's fine.
Yayako: "so"
Mahiro: "jaa"
Yayako: "kiwotsukete" (take care, be careful)
Mahiro: um! "arigato"
dad drinks in silence

Sweet Season. Akira drinking
Akira: another glass
barkeep: "hai"

Yukata: are you ok? you seem to have drunk too much
Chikako: "daijoubu"
Chikako: "ne", "ashita", do you have to go early?
Yukata: ah. yes
Chikako: "atashi", alone, feels scared

barkeep: sorry to keep you waiting
Akira: um
he senses her presence, and turns to find her standing there. they dance
Mahiro: haven't done this for a long time
Akira: why did you suddenly say you want to dance?
Mahiro: because you had gone back to your wife's side. i just want to always be by your side
Akira: i am sorry to have made you worried.
Mahiro shakes her head
Mahiro: will this feeling disappear after marriage? this sort of "dokidoki" (throb, beat) feelings?
Mahiro: i know we will be together. yet it still made me very jealous
she rings her chime
Mahiro: "kore" "ne"? i had forgotten it at home, but i've brought it now. to never forget those feelings of when we first met
Akira: "so da na". i too will never forget

<PIC> 05:12 i too will never forget

Yukata and Chikako make out
Chikako: ah. "chotto matte". let me shower first
Yukata: "gomen". "yappari"...
Chikako: you still cannot forget your ex-girlfriend?
Chikako: i want to forget him. if i did this, perhaps i can experience a little of my husband's feelings. how it feels to have an affair with a young female employee, and have a child. yet, have nothing to do with me.
Yukata is now getting the picture, but isn't completely sure yet
Yukata: does these things happen often?
Chikako: "so". it's very common. really funny, right? i totally didn't sense it, and we live together. where was i looking at my husband?
Chikako: he and you are similar, working at HIS. that's why i invited you in.
Yukata: you wouldn't happen to be Goto-san's wife?

Yayako drying glass, stops and looks at silent husband
Shinya: oh yes
Yayako: "hai"?
Shinya: it's a good thing Goto-san's wife is not pregnant
Yayako: um. yes
Shinya: but Mahiro's character, who does she take after?
Yayako is silent
Shinya: "doushita"?
Yayako: "iie". would you like some tea?
he nods and she goes.

Mahiro is also making tea for Akira, as he makes a call. Chikako answers
Chikako: "hai", Ebihara, "desu"
Akira: "moshi moshi"
Chikako: Momotaro?
Akira: it's very late, is it work?
Chikako: do you still care about me?
Akira: have you signed the divorce papers?
Chikako: i am going to die
Akira: what are you saying?
Chikako: because i don't know how to carry on living
Akira: Chika
Chikako: can i see you tomorrow? i want to see you. i will bring along the divorce papers
=====> deceives him again. we saw her tear up those papers earlier
Akira: "waka ta"."jaa", tomorrow, 7 pm, at PAIMA Garden.
Akira: "jaa"
Akira: "ashita", i will see her. she is bringing the divorce papers

Akira: "daijoubu", don't worry
he looks at the tea
Akira: oh! the kettle
she tries to lift it off the burner and spills hot water
Akira: really careless. are you alright?

*** End of eighth episode ***