Jeanster's Fan Fiction

Welcome to my fan fiction page. The Manga image of me you see here was drawn by Elena Mata, a.k.a. Neret. Elena has graciously given me permission to use her artwork here as the main image on this page. Thank you, Elena!

Please be aware that some of my stories are slash, so if you prefer not to read stories that are of a homosexual nature, please do not click on my slash fan fiction link. If you do click on it, you are acknowledging that you are mature enough to handle the material you find there.



Graphics provided by Animation Factory.


Slash (Male/Male Homosexual Fan Fiction)
Jeeves & Wooster
DC Superheroes
The Lord of the Rings
Captain Scarlet
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century
Jeanster's Fan Fiction Blog
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Fan Fiction - a User's Guide (BBC)