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Jeanster's Fan Fiction Blog
Saturday, 4 September 2004
The Kissing Cousins From Krypton
Mood:  cheeky
Disclaimer: I do not own Supergirl, Superboy or any DC Comic Book characters.

Author's Note: This takes place before Supergirl is adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Danvers and before Superman reveals his cousin's existence to the world.

Chapter One

Supergirl watched her cousin fly away as he headed back to patrol Metropolis.

"I wonder what Superman was like when he was about my age," wondered Supergirl. He had told her of his teen years spent in Smallville growing up with Ma and Pa Kent.

Her curiosity got the better of her. Supergirl decided to fly back in time to see for herself.

So off she went flying at super speed far back into the past.

"I'm here," she said to herself as she looked around. "What a charming and beautiful place Smallville is."

She changed into her Linda Lee disguise as she did not want anyone in Smallville to see her as Supergirl. After all, how could she explain herself? The ripple effect could be disastrous and change the future.

She strolled through the streets of Smallville. A pair of teenagers approached. One was a pretty girl with red hair. The other was a handsome boy with blond hair and freckles.

Linda smiled and nodded.

"Hello," said the red-haired girl smiling back. "My name is Lana Lang. This is Pete Ross. Are you new here? I don't remember seeing you in Smallville."

"Hi. I'm Linda Lee. Just passing through Smallville. You have a lovely town here. So clean and friendly-looking."

"Thank you. We like it here," said Lana.

"And it helps to have Superboy around," said Pete. "If you're lucky you might catch a glimpse of him on patrol."

"Superboy? Who's that?" asked Linda feigning ignorance.

"You're kidding, right?" asked Lana. "You've never heard of Superboy? The Kryptonian who performs good deeds by saving people with his super powers?"

"Sorry," said Linda. "Like I said, I'm just passing through Smallville. Tell me about this 'Superboy' and his 'super powers'. Is he for real?"

"He's for real, all right," said Pete. "Believe it. Hey, Lana, why don't you fall out of an upper story window and see if Superboy catches you in time?"

"Har-dee-har-har-har," said Lana. "Not that Superboy couldn't do it, but I'm not going to risk my neck being that foolhardy."

"Speak of the devil," said Pete pointing upward. Linda and Lana turned to see where Pete was pointing.

Superboy was flying toward them. He slowed down and floated gracefully down to the sidewalk.

"Hi, Lana. Hi, Pete. Who's your friend?" smiled Superboy.

"This is Linda Lee. She's new. Said she's just passing through town," said Pete.

"Hi, Linda. Welcome to Smallville. It's nice to meet you," said Superboy.

"Wow!" said Linda, her eyes as big as saucers. She was not feigning anything this time. The sight of her cousin as a teenage boy took her breath away. She felt a strange tingling sensation.

Superboy smiled. He was used to seeing surprised first reactions from people when they met him. He, like Linda, felt a strange tingling sensation. She's very pretty, thought Superboy.

"I hope you'll enjoy your time here, Linda," said Superboy. A sixth sense told him there was something odd about Linda. He didn't know why. He used his x-ray vision to quickly scan her.

Superboy wondered to himself, "Why is she wearing that brown wig to hide her blonde hair? And more importantly, why is she wearing a costume almost like mine under her clothes? I'd better get to the bottom of this."

He's really cute, thought Linda. Then she caught herself. Oh, no, this won't do. Linda blushed. Why was she suddenly feeling excited and flustered at the sight of Superboy?

He's my cousin, thought Linda. But he looks so adorable! Why am I feeling like this?

Linda fought the strange urge she had to throw her arms around Superboy and plant a big kiss on his lips.

"Linda, how would you like a personal guided tour of Smallville by yours truly?" Superboy suddenly asked.

Before she could answer Superboy lifted her in his arms and flew upward.

Lana and Pete stared in surprise as Superboy flew away carrying Linda.

"Uh, 'bye," said Pete as he and Lana watched the pair disappear from view.

"Boy. He certainly took a shine to that new girl," said Lana feeling a little jealous.

What Superboy and Linda did not know was that a chunk of red Kryptonite was nearby partially buried in the ground. That was what had caused that strange tingling sensation they both felt a moment ago. It boosted up their raging teenage hormones.

They arrived in a lovely spot near a lake. Superboy gently placed Linda down on the ground. They smiled at each other.

"I have a confession to make," said Superboy. "I peeked."

"Peeked?" asked Linda. "What do you mean?"

"I used my x-ray vision on you. Why are you hiding that beautiful blonde hair beneath that pig-tailed brown wig? And what's with the superhero costume almost like mine?"

"You peeked through my clothes?! Do you do that to all the girls you meet?"

"Of course not," said Superboy. "There was just something about you. I can't explain it. And you haven't answered my questions."

"Well, I guess there's no use pretending anymore." She looked around to make sure there was no one else around to see them. Satisfied that they were alone, she used her super speed to quickly remove her Linda Lee disguise.

To blazes with ripple effects and changing the future, she thought. He may as well see me as I am.

"Call me Supergirl," she said. "I'm from the future. I traveled back in time because I wanted so much to meet you. Like you, I'm a Kryptonian. In fact, I'm your cousin Kara."

"My cousin? Wow!" said Superboy. "You're beautiful!"

Indeed she was. Her soft silky blonde hair flowed gently in the breeze as it framed her lovely face. Her super costume accentuated her flawless figure.

"And you, Kal-El, are the cutest and most adorable boy I've ever met."

She knows my Kryptonian name, thought Superboy.

They embraced and kissed. It was a long and lingering kiss. Neither of them wanted it to end.

She's bringing out feelings in me I've never felt before, thought Superboy.

I want him so much, thought Supergirl.

They were on the verge of removing each other's super costumes when suddenly a voice said, "Okay, break it up, you two."

They quickly turned to see who was there.

"Saturn Girl?" said Superboy. "What are you doing here?"

"Sorry to interfere in your fun, but I'm here to stop you from making a very big mistake. Superboy, you're not supposed to know about your cousin Supergirl's existence until years from now when you're a grown man," said Saturn Girl.

She continued. "You've both been exposed to a chunk of red Kryptonite that is making you behave this way. Before it gets out of hand, I'd better put a stop to it and use my powers to erase the memory of your cousin from your mind, Superboy. Ditto for you, Supergirl."

Superboy and Supergirl glanced at each other and winked. Then they both quickly flew off at super speed.

"You'll have to catch us first!" shouted Superboy as they flew off.

Saturn Girl stared upward. Why didn't I see that coming? Shame on me, she thought. I'm going to need help from the other members of the Legion of Super-Heroes.

"Come on," said Supergirl to her cousin as they flew away. "Let's go somewhere private where we can be alone."

Superboy smiled and nodded in agreement.

Chapter Two

"Martha, dear, what is it?"

"Jonathan, have you had that talk with Clark about the birds and bees yet?"

"Uh, no. I've been putting it off, actually. Why?"

"Well, dear, I think you should. And very soon. Do it today when he comes home. In fact, it might be better if we speak with him together."

Martha showed Jonathan what she was holding in her hands.

"Good heavens, Martha! Are those Clark's bedsheets?"

"Yes, dear. I can wash these sheets and mend the holes, but we'll need to speak with him about the holes made in his dresser."

"I never thought of just how powerful Clark's wet dreams could be."

"Oh, Jonathan, how will he ever be able to settle down with a nice girl one day to get married and have children?"

The Kents shuddered in horror at the thought of how Clark could unintentionally kill his bride on their wedding night with the strength of his Kryptonian ejaculations.

"He can never do it with an Earth woman, Jonathan! He mustn't!"

Chapter Three

Superman was very surprised when young Brainiac 5 in a time machine appeared suddenly before him.

The descendant of the first Brainiac quickly explained to Superman the reason for his visit.

" -- so you see, Superman, we need your help. Between Supergirl and your younger self both affected by red Kryptonite, the Legion of Super-Heroes is no match against their super-strength. They are literally kicking our butts back in that time period."

"Of course I'll help."

"One more thing, Superman. Did you ever have a talk with your cousin about the birds and the bees?"

Superman stared at Brainiac 5. He suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Um, no. I assumed her parents did."

"Maybe there wasn't time for them to do that before they had to send her away in that rocket ship. And as her older cousin, you should have that talk with her. She looks up to you for guidance."

"Well, maybe the people who work at the Midvale Orphanage already had that talk with her," said Superman, a bit flustered.

Brainiac 5 rolled his eyes.

"You can have that talk with her after you get her back in this time period. Right now we have to stop her and Superboy from making a terrible mistake."

"Wait. We're going to need help, and I know just the person. Be right back."

Superman flew off at super-speed.

Chapter Four

The fallen members of the Legion of Super-Heroes were sprawled on the ground, each groaning and almost unconscious.

"That should teach you to stay out of our business," Supergirl said to them. She turned to Superboy. "Now where were we?" she asked smiling seductively.

"Right about here," he said as he brought his lips to hers and kissed his beautiful cousin.

"Okay, break it up, you two," said a female voice.

Not again, thought Superboy. The kissing cousins from Krypton turned to see who it was.

Superboy stared at the beautiful vision standing before him. She was tall, statuesque and her long dark hair flowed behind her in the breeze. She wore silver bracelets, a golden tiara and a colorful costume that did not hide her gorgeous limbs. She carried a golden lasso which she quickly threw around him.

"It's a magic lasso, Superboy. Your Kryptonian strength can't break it."

All thoughts of blonde lovely Kara disappeared from Superboy's mind as he stared at this incredibly beautiful woman.

"I don't want to fight you, whoever you are. What's your name?" he asked.

"Diana," she said smiling.

Supergirl was being restrained by her older cousin.

Superman held Supergirl firmly in his grip and said to her sternly, "If that red Kryptonite wasn't to blame for your actions, I'd put you right over my knee, young lady. You're not too big for me to do that, I'll have you know."

Supergirl smiled up at him. "Would you? Please? I've been such a bad girl. And I can be even badder. Just let me show you just how bad I can be, you gorgeous hunk!" She leaned forward and kissed him.

Superman gasped. Be cool, he thought. She's not herself.

"We have to keep these two restrained until the effect of the red Kryptonite wears off," he said to Wonder Woman.

"Come with me, dear boy," said Diana. He certainly is a very handsome youth, she thought. "Let's sit underneath this tree and chat for a bit."

"I'd go anywhere with you," said Superboy as he stared at her with a dreamy look on his face.


Posted by tv2/jeanster at 12:28 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 26 September 2004 9:39 AM PDT
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