If I Could Have One Wish

If I Could Have One Wish
By: Kim
This story is amazing and will leave
you amazed. The plot to break
shuis has succeeded, but can they
really deny their love? Find out what
happens in this riveting story!
E-mail Kim at:

Disclaimer: I don't own the show Passions I have nothing to do with the cast or characters. I'm just a fan that hopes you enjoy the story.

Setting: The story takes place at the exact scene that was last seen in the show. Nothing has changed in any of the character.

Chapter 1: I Want Something More

As Ethan and Theresa slowly exited Sheridan's cottage Sheridan began to drift into her passionate fanasty of finally making love to a person she knew she loved inside and outside. Luis walked to her with concern and asked " Sher, honey, are you okay, do you need me to get Eve?" "Hello..........?" Sheridan finally came back to reality staring into the most amazing eyes she'd ever seen. She whispered, " There's a passion inside of me that is setting me on fire. I need you now more than ever. Please say that you love me the way I love you. I know this may spooke you, but I wanted to tell you and show you how much I love you. I never got the chance to tell you that you were the only means for me to keep on living and that I came back for you. Without you I'm a lost soul drifting deeper in dispair."

" Sher, you know that I love you more than anything and that I felt lost without you, but I want our first time to be perfect." Luis began to slowly nibble on Sheridan's ear and whispered, " But if you say that is a perfect time then I have no complaints." Sheridan decided that she wanted to wait and drive Luis insane for the fun of it. "I'd love to, but first lets spend some more time with each other.I treasure everything second we spend together and I know will be together forever." She whispered as she came closer than possible without kissing Luis. Luis was tempted into kissing her and knew what she was up to, but her perfume was getting to him and her closeness was driving him mad. Luis decided to get her back.

He jerked his head back making it noticable as if he didn't want her lips upon his and slowly tilted his head towards her neck. Sheridan was hurt, but knew he was just getting her back. She felt his presents as he whispered, " sure honey, whatever you want. We've waited for awhile, I can wait all eternity as long as I'm with you." Sheridan could feel his breath on her neck and she couldn't take anymore torture, but she had to. Luis slowly slid his head along her neck gracefully allowing her to feel his silking skin, he pulled away, and slid his hands behind her neck and brought her closer. Sheridan was thinking, " Oh, I can't take this anymore. I've got to have him now. I want us to make love so we can share a stronger connection.

Why? Why did I have to tease him about waiting?" "Sher, earth to my sweetypie, come back to me" Luis asked concern. "Huh, oh, sorry Luis, I'm back." "Good, because don't you dare leaving me again," Luis demanded. Sheridan didn't mind that it seemed a little demanding because she felt the same way. She came back realizing that she zoned out again without noticing him closing the space between them. She began to think, "Finally, after all this torture, I'm going to taste his succulent lips upon mind!" Luis knew what he was doing and he loved every moment although he would like to finish what they had started before Ethan had interrupted them.

He tilted his head as he came closer and as he came close enough he moved and kissed her on the forehead. Luis was thinking, " Yes, she so wanted me and I love making her wait." Sheridan began to get a little impatient, but decided that they had all of their life to finish making love. "I'm going to take a shower," Luis said as he removed his lips from her forehead. " I'll be back in a flash, honey," Sheridan decided enough was enough and she had to have him now. She grabbed a plate full of juicy fresh strawberries, and a can of whip cream. She thought, " Love strawberries, we can manage to add them into making love together, will just have to be creative."

Luis washed the cold water into his hot skin needing to cool himself down. " I wonder what she's up to outside?" "Nothin honey, I'm right here with you," She mumbled. Luis turned around and saw her every curve. "Are you trying to seduce me??" "What do you think?" She placed a strawberry into his mouth and he sucked her fingertips as the cold water showered the both of them. Sheridan removed her fingertips and kissed him with all the passion she had. They continued their kissing as they took turns exploring each others. They were so caught up in the moment they hadn't noticed that the water stopped. "Ow.." "Luis, honey, are you okay?" Sheridan questioned. "I'm fine, but you must of backed me up against the knob."

Luis wanted their first time together to be on the bed, not in the shower so he picked her up feeling her silking skin. He wanted her bad and no matter how cold of a shower he would take after it wouldn't help. As he layed her down she pulled him down forcing him on top of her. "Well, well, I like this forceful part of you," He grinned. As they were making love to each other they didn't noticed the time. It was now turning dark, but they didn't care. They made love threw the night pushing their bodies to the max. Both had never felt or delt with that kind of love making.

They both knew that the end was coming and that they were coming close to the edge. They couldn't control their desires or their bodies no longer, but they knew it felt right. As they climazed they hollared each others name into the dark night. Luis fell into Sheridan and couldn't stop breathing so hard.

They were both hot and sweaty, but they loved every moment. They both turned their heads to each other and spoke, but Luis said, " How about I go first then you." " That was something I've never felt before or experienced. I loved it and I couldn't ask or wish for anything else, but you. I've love you since the day we met and although we had some obstacles in our way we made it threw together." Luis mumbled. " I've loved you since the day I met you and I never will love another man let alone allow another man to come close to me. We were meant to be and I can't help, but love you even more than I already do." Sheridan whispered into his ear. She snuggle into his neck and buried her head in his neck and wraped her arms around him.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 2: The Painful Truth

Sheridan and Luis woke up in the late afternoon to the sounds of birds and the addition help of someone knocking at the door. " Honey, can you get the door, while I get dressed?" she asked "Sure, can you grab my t-shirt on the floor?" he asked grinning. Sheridan went down to grab it, but felt the arms of Luis and began getting lost in the moment until the door bell rang. Luis began kissing her along her neck and she soon began to lose control and slowly she pulled away. " Now, behave, Luis, we have all eternity to spend with each other." She teased. "I'll be back, I"ll be a few minutes," she told Luis.

Luis slowly walked to the door and remember that he needed some boxers and found them on the floor outside the bedroom door. he thought, " Wow, the rooms looks like a disaster in this room." he giggled. Luis opened the door, not expecting this man, but none the least wanted to speak to."This better be good. Oh, sorry, Hi Mr.Crane," Luis said a little embarassed. "Is my daughter here," he said coldly. "Luis, sweety, who is it?" Sheridan asked curisouly. "Well, dearest, it's your father," Alister said mocking her tone. "Father, what brings you here?" she said as she and Luis wrapped each others arm around each other.

" I have some news I want to share with you." Alister said. "Well, you can tell the both of us." She said coldly. "It's your choice, but don't come running to me after when I warned you that want I want is what I get no matter who I hurt in the way." Alister grinned. "Fine. I wouldn't come running to you anyways since I've got the man of dreams arms to run into and to be held and loved in." She said and then showed her father to the door. "Oh, yeah, I forgot, I wanted to tell you this in person, but since you insisted being told with Luis then you both can hear what happened together." Alister told the two as he glared at Luis.

" This is the missing tape recorder that Eve kept of you in your hypnosis. I could tell you more, but I'm busy. If anyone of you would like further details then I'll be in the main mansion." Alister stormed off. Luis and Sheridan closed he door and sat on the couch. "Sher, we don't have to listen together. If you want me to leave so you can listen then I'll be in the other room." Luis said sweetly. "It's okay, something tells me that this is something we both need to here, but i have a strange feeling that it'll be a test for our relationship. Sheridan placed her fingers slowly on the play button, but debated on wether this was good or bad news.

They listened to the recorded hypnosis together and were left in shocked. Sheridan quickly turned to Luis full of tears some how knowing what they had, had just flew out the window. " Please, say you can forgive me?" She pleaded. She waited in silence. " Luis, please........" she broked down and came crashing to the ground crying as she watched Luis get up from the couch and turning. "Don't leave me............. I love..you. Please come back to me." She pleaded. Still there was silence. Luis hadn't spoke a word. Luis was thinking," What am I to do? The one and only women I've loved killed my father.

I love her, but she's the reason why I was left with so much pain as a child. I need to get out of here now." Luis stormed out crying and heart broken. He needed space from her now and that killed him more than anything. He left as he heard her last pled to him. " Oh, god, Luis your the only reason why I live, please don't leave me here without your love and forgiveness." she pleaded through her crying tone. " He left , without saying anything. What am I to do?" she thought. Luis had drove off and was having trouble focusing threw all the tears that were flooding his face.

Threw the window Alister looked upon his child and felt pain and remorse, but knew at all cost Luis couldn't get closer to knowing all the truth in the family. A part of him asked him " How could I do that to my child. Look at her. She looks like she's lost her life.?" He left before he did something father like. Sheridan was left in the cottage crying and feeling dead. She waited and waited by the phone still crying and croached in the corner in the dark. She heard a car and ran to the door, but to her surprise it was Hank. "Sheridan, what happened." Hank asked concerned. Although it was raining he remained outside to make sure it didn't look like Sheridan was inviting him inside after Luis had left.

Sheridan told him the story threw tears. " The day you two shead tears for each others love, its' the day when out of a nice and warm day the clouds shead tears with you two. If it is true love, then he'll find his way back to some way." Hank said. Sheridan didn't know what to do. She needed someone to lean on. She rushed into his arm and asked to be held and to help her threw this. " She whispered, " friends forver," Hank at the moment knew that they were only meant to be friends and that if he knew his best friend, " he'd be walking around in the rain talking to himself." Just on cue Luis was walking behind them in the rain. Luis decided things need to be discussed together.

Luis walking into the drive way not noticing the car until he hit the open door. " damn." Luis said. He looked up in the soaking image in front of him. " Is my mind playing tricks on me or is my girlfriend in the arms of another man like she swore she wouldn't do.?" Sheridan looked up and saw Luis and got excited. She stopped crying and rushed to him. " Let me get inside your soaking wet" she pleaded knowing she had to get him inside somehow. She went forward to touch him, but he backed up. " How could you? I thought you said you'd be running into the arms of the man you love and only the man you love? I came back to hope i could talk and find some way to forgive you" Luis screamed and turned around and ran in the rain like a mad man lost.

Sheridan ran after him, screaming, " Luis, your the only man I love, please don't run from me." Luis was to fast of a runner and she couldn't keep up, but she was determined to catch up and get him back. She ran as fast as she could and trip in a pot hole and held her bleeding knee as the rain poured down washing the blood out. " Luis............ owwwwww" Luis turned around and stopped and looked at hurt knowing she was hurting, but she had hurt him and broke his heart. He turned around slowly knowing he was turning his back to her and started to walk off as the rain soaking him allowing Sheridan to see every detail of his body. She was left there on the ground crying.

Suddenly, Hank was behind her lending her a hand. Theresa, Ivy, and Ethan ran out to help her after over hearing a conversation between Julian and Alister knowing that she'd be hurt. The three came up to a crying Sheridan who was now on the gravel crying and holding herself refusing to leave without Luis back in her life. " I won't leave, I'd rather die, then live a day without Luis" she cried. The group know just stared and felt her pain as well. They sat down and stayed with her. Alister was staring above them staring threw a window.

He thought," I'm sorry I had to do this to you, but Luis can't be your soulmate. Look at what you've done to two lovers who now look like depressive bumbs" Sheridan was left thinking, " I've lost the only means of living, he's walking out of my life." she began to weep harder. Luis was now running and stopped at the beach. He sat down and finally let out all his emotions and started crying. " How could she? How can I forgive her?" Through the day and night Harmony's people wept for them and felt Luis and Sheridan's pain. The two lovers were left crying until they could no longer weep. Both wondering how they could live with out the other.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 3: Can Love Conquer?

"Sheridan, please wake up?" Ethan whispered in her ear. " Please, for me, do it for me, aunt Sher." "How long has she been like this?" Alister cried. "Why do you care? You did this to her you ungrateful bastard. She was an angel sent down here for you to take care for, but instead you ruin her life as a child and even when she's grown into a women" Ethan scream. "Don't you dare call me a bad father." Alister yelled back. "Fine, then I'll leave." Ethan stormed off. "She needs Luis, not some unlovable father. Just in case you care it's been about a week. She's been like this the day you separated her from Luis. It's all your fault!" Alister was left alone with his daugther.

For the first time his heart felt warm. He saw how she had grown into a strong and beautiful women. " What have I've missed all these years? I'm a terrible father and I swear I'll make it up to you. I swear if you wake up I won't interfere with your life again. Just wake up please my sweet pea. If you do you can choose to ask me to leave me out of your life." Alistair kissed his daughter on the forehead and whispered, " Your as beautiful as your mother and I'm the luckiest man to have a beautiful wife and daughter walk into my life. Now please come back to daddy." "Huh, daddy, I mean father." Sheridan asked confused. "Please forgive me?" Alistair begged. "I don't know father. You just ruined my life and expect me to forgive you. Please leave for now." She pleaded.

Luis: " Mother, how is she. Please tell me she has awoken?" Luis pleaded. " She hasn't yet, to my knowledge. Why? Why do you do this to yourself. Just go to her. You know you want to in your heart." Pillar asked. " I can't she ran into the arms of Hank a man she told me once was only a friend. She told me she'd only run into the arms of the man she loved and it wasn't me for a fact. Plus, don't forget she did kill papa." Luis said with a tone of sadness. " Luis, your heart belongs to her and hers is yours. Go to her. She needs you." " No, not yet. I have to figure this on my own. I'm going to the cafe. I need to think alone."

Cafe: " Hi, Beth. Can I have a blueberry muffin?" Luis asked. "Sure, it's on the house. I heard what happened. I'm sorry Luis. How about this I take you out for ice cream." "Okay, I need someone to talk to. Your a great friend Beth. I appreciate that you'll willing to listen to me. Hank seems only to want to see and listen to Sheridan." Luis said in a jealous tone. * Back to Sheridan * " Sheridan. Thank the lord your back." Ethan shouted. " Ethan, calm down. How long did I sleep for? Why was father with me?" Sheridan questioned. "Well, you've been out cold for a week every since.........." "It's okay, just say it Luis." Sheridan said crying. "Oh, Sher, please don't cry. If it's true love he'll come back other wise it wasn't meant to be.

Now, let me take my favorite aunt to eat her favorite ice cream, Cookie dough with coloured sprinkles on top." " Okay, let's get out of this cottage, it's not helping me." Sheridan said. ( 10 minutes later) " May I have a cookie dough on a plain cone with coloured sprinkles on top. Wait, make it chocolate sprinkles." Sheridan grinned remembering Luis's favorite was chocolate sprinkles. " Um.........what happend to coloured sprinkles?" Ethan questioned. " It was............. lu..is's favorite." She amitted. " I guess......" Sheridan turned around to the giggles outside that seemed to be coming closer. " Oh, no." Ethan mumbled. Luis and Beth enters as Ethan pays. She needed to get of there before Luis saw her crying again. She promised she wouldn't let him see her cry again not after he left her. Luis was thinking," Oh, look at that beautiful women. It's my Sher, she's awoken. Thank the the lord. I can't be here with her in the same room without running into her arms and kissing her." Sheridan was jealous."

How could he be with her. Man he seems to be okay considering the fact we just broke up a week ago. He's a fast man isn't he." She told Ethan, making sure it was loud enough for Luis to hear. " Let's go Ethan. I can't be here without crying in front of him. Please. I promise I'll get you ice cream next time?" she whispered. " Okay, don't worry about the ice cream. Let's just go before something else dramatic happens." Ethan said low in her ear. They began to storm off, but Sheridan stopped at the begging voice of Luis. " Please, don't go, wait let me explain why Beth is here?" Luis begged and began to speak, but was interrupted. " No, I understand you'r a fast recoverer. I hope your happy with Beth. You didn't want to wait and come back to me and I understand so I'll just leave." Sheridan screamed. She turned around and ran out without Ethan.

"Luis, go after her before she goes and flies off. You know she likes to run from her problems. Your the only one that will keep her here, not Hank." Ethan begged. Before Ethan finished Luis was already gone and it seemed like Ethan was talking to himself or Beth. Luis came back a few minutes and said," she got into a cab. I was too late." he put his face into his hands and sat on the bench. Cottage: " I've got to get out of Harmony away from Luis, my only love that can't love me back. It's impossible and I can't stay and watch him fall for Beth. He didn't even run after me, at least I didn't see him. Who am I kidding why would he?" Sheridan cried. She cried the night and had decided that she would leave.

(1 day later) Sheridan had packed secretly except for Pilar knowing since she walked in. Pilar had tried and tried to tell Sheridan, Luis, did love her and that all day for the week he'd been asking about her condition and that he came home and cried last night. " Pilar, no need to lie and try to shield me from pain. I'll be leaving, but I haven't told anyone where. I love you Pilar and tell Luis that I love him and please give this letter to Luis and the other to my father Alistar."said Sheridan. She gave Pilar a kiss and walked away into a white limo. ( 2 hr's later) Alistar: Alistar wondered, " what could be in this letter that would be important?" Alistar opened it and was surprised to see his daughters writing, but none-the-less he read it with excitement, but seemed to become pale towards the end of the letter.

He read " Father, I forgive you for what you did. I appreciate the comments you said when I was sleeping and I love tou for that. Fare well father, I will miss you and please tell Ethan I love him and that I will phone him in about a week or so. I have decided to leave for now and maybe forever. Love Sheridan P.s If you bumb into Luis, don't give him a hard time for me. Please. Alistar was no longer standing, but leaning against the wall and seeming to fall towards the ground. Alistar crashed down to the floor asking himself, " How could I have done that to her? She forgives me even after it and shares her love with me. She was an angel sent down for me and I can't bare to know I ruined her only true love." Luis: " Mother, why do you look so pale and sad?" Luis asked worried. Pilar and his family was the only reason he would wake up anymore since Sheridan was no longer in his life.

" This is for you Luis, I haven't read it, but I suggest you sit on the couch to read this. It's from Sheridan." Pilar said. Luis grabbed it with excitement and sat like his mother told him. He turned around to find his mother no where in site. Luis thought, " she must of wanted to give me privacy, I guess she's in the kitchen. Now, let's get this baby open." Luis read: To my only love forever, I know you could never love me after the truth. I wanted to tell you that Hank was only helping me, it wasn't what it looked like. You ran off before I could tell you. It's okay, it's all in the past and it seems like you don't want to look into the past. I wanted to thank you for loving me for that period of time and understanding that you can't and won't love me anymore. I wanted to tell you, your the only reason why I came back to life, but I know you can't love me anymore.

You may not, but I love you with all my heart and soul so that is why I'm leaving. I have only told you and Alister. By the time you finished the letter I'll be off in a plane somewhere. I thought I'd decide where to go when I got there. Anyways, I hope althought it kills me, that you enjoy your time with Beth. I want you to know you weren't just a boytoy, you were my life and still are, but I can't be here with you if you can't love me. I haven't decided how long I'll go, but it may be permanent. I came crashing into your life and I'd never change it and your the only love i could ask for. Will be friends forever at least if you'd like to be friends at least. I'll always love you and you'll always own my heart. I'm sorry that I caused you pain, but I can't take back what I did since I was so little as much as I want to. I'll love you forever.

Fare well my love! Sheridan. xoxoxoxox Luis was crying and Pilar ran into comfort him. She couldn't stand to see him like this, but she had told him that Sheridan was sensative and emotional. Pilar released him and told him, " She loved you and always will. She was an angel sent here and she graced all of our lives with her presence. She may of killed your father, but you don't have any proof besides a speech and I would of thought you'd fight for love and have search for the real truth."

Pilar said with disappointment. "Luis, where are you going?" she asked. "I can't let her go? I've got to find her before she leaves. Please don't let her go!" Luis screamed and stormed off to the airport. Sheridan: " I can't believe I'm leaving my love." she cried through more tears. " Ma'am are you okay?" the pilot asked. " Pardon, yeah, I'm fine. Let's get the Crane jet moving." she said. " We're ready for take off. Here we go to Spain." the pilot whispered. Luis: Luis ran into the airport and ran to the front desk. " Please tell me where Sheridan Crane left to?" "Sorry, sir, but she left awhile ago on her private jet. That kind of information is kept a secret and she's asked that we make sure nobody knows where she's leaving to." the clerk answered. Luis started to run to the ports and found nothing. She must of left already. Luis looked through the windows and fell to the ground weeping. " How could love be like this? How could I have been so stupid?" he yelled. Sheridan: " Goodbye Luis. You'll always have my heart. Always......" she whispered as she wept until she fell asleep.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 4: I Wanna Be With You!

Luis was seen by all of harmony weeping on the floor of the airport and later on Sam had to come and drag him away before he made all of Harmony weep for his love for Sheridan. "Luis, please, your making a fool out of yourself. Was she really worth it? I mean she did kill your father!" Sam questioned Luis. "Don't you dare accuse her of murdering my father when all we have is a tape recorder. Sheridan is my life and I'm not going to lose her again because I've lived a life without her for a week and that was so painful I thought I'd rather die so I can't image a life without her. I thought you were my friend Sam!

How could you say that about her when you know she makes me happy. You don't understand how it feels to know you love someone and have to lose them because you were to afraid to get over yourself and make your move before it was to late!" Luis screamed through the thousands of tears running down his face. "Sorry, Luis, trust me I know how your feeling and even if you do move on it won't be the same without that person. Go after her, I'll cover at work for as long as you need. I've got duty so please Luis get up for her and find her. Don' t let her go when you find her because your soul mate is all you need in this world."

"Thanks for the advice Sam. I promise I'll return back to the force as soon as I find her and make sure she's back with me by my side." Sam walked away waving. "This time I'm not letting you go!" Luis thought. *Sheridan* "Oh, Luis, what am I going to do without you?" Sheridan thought.

"10 minutes before landing Miss. Crane" the pilot shouted. "Thanks" Sheridan started to wonder of into space, " he might of not have had all the money in the world, but he was the brightest star in the sky. He has the biggest heart in the world and it was because of him that I'm so strong because it was his love that kept me going. You're the only one for me and you're the fire I need to keep me burning. How is one to live without their heart? Luis, you have my heart and this time I don't want it back. If I had one wish it would be for you to propose to me and for me to become his wife. Now look who's dreaming, Luis, could never love me and I don't know how to live without you, but I'll have to try.

"Hello..............Miss. Crane we've landed." *Alistar* "Have all the airport shutdown, Sheridan must be stop, I have to tell her the truth" Alistar roared. He started walking again, but he bumped into something so muscular and tall. "Excuse, me..........Luis!" "Pardon, do I know you? Wait, your Sheridan's father!" Luis questioned. "Before you kill me, I want you to know I've had all the planes stop, but it looks like the Crane Jet has taken off for awhile. I'm sorry about what I did because Sheridan was such an angel to me and I forgot what it was like to be a father. She did love you Luis. What you heard on the tape recorder wasn't true, but in order for me to tell you Sheridan must be in the same room.

Please, say you'll join me in finding her. I know you don't own me anything, but please, if you really love her you'll join and help find her." "Okay, I have this hutch were she might have gone if I meant anything to her she's in Spain. My gut is telling me she's there. If she did love me she's there only because if was were we were suppose to be.

I need to stop at a store before I leave. Your welcome to go with me to Spain. I have only a few days to get her because someone's got to support my family. We don't live like the all mighty Cranes." Luis said. "I'd love to go and since you've agreed to help I'll pay for the plane tickets and the bills. Don't refuse for Sheridan's sake." Alistar commanded. " Here get into the limo it'll give us a lift to where you've got to go."

(Later) "I'd like that one. Can you box it up nicely? And can I get a dozen of white roses?" Sure, sir, that it'll be $20,000 and we know of your situation with Miss.Crane so we'll though in the roses for free." "Thanks, he's my visa" Luis said nicely. "Luis, let me pay!" commanded Alistar. "No, this if from me to Sheridan and she deserve the best and I plan on giving her the best!"Luis said. "Where did you get the money?" Alistar questioned. "Well, I was saving up to pay off the rest of the house, but that can wait. As long as Sheridan says yes and were together it'll be worth it. I hope she's not interested in another guy."

Alistar patted Luis on the back, " Trust me, it takes her along time to get over someone. It'll take her longer to get over someone she loves." Alistar thought, " I hope she hasn't for her sake because Luis is meant for you and he isn't so bad when it comes to morals and values. He's an honorable man." "He's not so bad, he just needs to be taught how to be a father," Luis thought.

(Later) "Well he's the plane let's get out of here and let's go to Spain." The both of them shouted. *Sheridan* Sheridan was in her hotel room crying on the bed trying to let out all her emotion. It didn't help being so far away from him she thought. Sheridan dug into her purse and kissed the compact. This is all I have left of you. If only we had spent more time together. I had it all planned. Sheridan pulled out a little black box and pulled out a ring.

She walked over to the garbage can and slowly as she wept it tumbled out from her fingers and into the bin. She dropped beside the bin and she started trembling. She knew that every night would be a lonely night for as long as she was away from Luis' arms and body. *Knock ......knock....knock* She didn't feel like opening the door, but something told her it would bring her closer to Luis.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 5: Please say you'll be mine!

Sheridan decided to get up, but not for the door because there was no chance that Luis was behind it. She needed to get out, but where and how? " How can I go out without Luis by my side, he's my better half, he completes me?" " I know, I'll head over to the local gym, better yet the recreation centre for teens where I'll volunteer, maybe it'll help." During the walk she could of sworn that she had seen Luis, but it was probably just her imagination, yet she couldn't shake the feeling she was being followed. Before she made it she had to stop for some ice cream. She went in to get her favourite chocolate chip cookie dough, but when she entered the server just smiled and told her they had run out of it, but if she walked to the nearest restaurant they would probably have it.

Sheridan decided she's go out for some lunch and desert so she went Sally's restaurant. Sally's was just a local dinner, but for some reason all they were serving today was Chinese, the most bizarre thing was that all they would serve was the stuff she had gotten for lunch for her and Luis. " Will you be dining alone?" the server asked. " Yup, do you see anyone else." She said a little coldly. "Sorry, I apologize for that rude comment, it's just......never mine. If I could have one wish it would be that I was here with Luis and that nothing had happened and that we were together." "Your wish is my commend," the server said while winking. "Pardon," Sheridan was confused. "Now, come on sweety, don't pretend you don't know who it is," Luis said while taking off the mask.

"Luis?????????????????????" " What are you doing here, I think you should leave before you hurt both of us again." "I'm sorry, please Sheridan, trust me I'll never hurt you again, but first you have to do me a favour." "What would that be?" She asked curiously. "Have lunch with me and then take a nice walk with me to the park. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!" Luis begged. They ate during lunch and they discussed their issue. Luis explained that Alistar had helped bring them back together. Sheridan could help but smile, her life was complete, but her question to herself was for how long. They walked hand in hand and Luis pulled out a rose and stuck in her hair while smelling it. "It almost smells as nice as you, but it pales in comparison to you." "Sheridan, I've watched you from the moment you came to Harmony. I fell in love with you and will never stop loving you....."

"Wait, let me guess, you came all this way to break up with me so you can go laugh with your friends." "Sheridan, are you kidding, if anything you are a prize just to have in my life. Now, if you let me explain I want you to come back to Harmony where I've bought a little house with little white fences just like we've wished. There's stills something missing." Luis winked. All of a sudden fire crackers went off into the air. "What's all this? Luis where are you? What do you want?" Sheridan asked puzzled. "I'm hear honey, if you look down a bit. Sheridan, I've waited all my life to meet someone like you, baby, I've been dreaming about the perfect life all my life and it would only be complete with you in it. Luis was now bending down on one knee while the fire crackers were still going.

"Sheridan, please, say you'll make the happiest man alive, by marrying me." ‘Oh, Luis, I don't know. Joking. Of course, I'll marry you, but what's with the fire crackers." She asked puzzled. "You'll see, just read them as they start to spell out words." Sheridan read them and started crying. " Oh, Luis, that's so sweet." "Tell me what you would wish for if you had one wish, I told you." Luis asked puzzled. "It be the same as your just to live a life with you where we know we'll always be happily married."