If My Heart Had Wings

If My Heart Had Wings
Author : K.Chloë Erwin-Seidel
Rating : A

Disclaimer : No way associated with james e. reilly – nbc or anything passions-official.

Part One : Getting there

“That’s too funny!” Sheridan giggled as she set out the four plates.
“I know.” Theresa smirked as she handed Sheridan the wine glass, “Luis would kill me if he knew I told you…”
“That he would.” Sheridan grinned, “I won’t tell, though…”
“I’m sure he’ll tell you that he was afraid of the dark – one day.” Theresa looked at the clock and turned to Sheridan, “When are Ethan and Luis going to get up here, Sher?”
“Luis told me by dinner. The roads do not look great…they’ll be here in an hour or so.” Sheridan said as she walked in the living room of the cabin. She picked up a picture of the four of them at Theresa and Ethan’s first wedding.
Theresa noticed and walked toward Sheridan, “It was the most amazing wedding – if I were to change it – I wouldn’t. It was perfect for me and Ethan.”
“You and Ethan belong together.” Sheridan sighed, “You can see the love in your eyes – even in this picture…”
“Look at you and Luis!” Theresa grinned, “You guys look completely in love! It took you guys so long to realize it – but y’know…Ethan and I saw it a long time before you.”
“I never thought I’d find a man quite as perfect as Luis.” Sheridan sat down on the sofa and smiled at Theresa, “Then again – I’d never thought I’d have a great friend like you.”
“You and Whitney are the BEST friends anyone could ever ask for.” Theresa’s eyes twinkled as she hugged Sheridan, “When are you and Luis going to be married?”
“When he asks!” Sheridan laughed as she held a pillow close to her chest.
“He loves you so much…I know he wants to marry you…maybe he’ll propose soon?” Theresa pulled out an old bridal magazine out from under the coffee table and flipped through it, “You guys have been together for a year and a half now.”
“I know…it feels so much shorter!” Sheridan moved closer looking through the pictures in the magazine, “Every day seems so new – so fresh…we always discover new things…and it just – it feels so wonderful. We’ve gotten through a lot.”
“I’m glad Julian and Alistar finally let you guys be together. Accepting mine and Ethan’s love was – it was…so difficult. It took eloping – then re-marrying infront of everyone…I’m just glad you and Luis made it with us.”
“I miss him…” Sheridan pouted.
“Awe, you guys are so cute together, too, y’know? Fate knows you guys belong together. It’s your destiny.”
“Thanks Theresa.” Sheridan sighed, “Y’know…even though Ethan isn’t really my nephew – he still is. And I guess Julian felt the same thing – I’ m glad he didn’t care that much. I’m glad he adopted Ethan – I mean, truthfully, Julian’s the only father Ethan’s known.”
“I’m happy that Mr.Crane and Ivy have worked things out…I just feel so bad that she can’t be with Sam…but in a way…I’m pleased with the way things turned out.”
“yeah.” Sheridan nodded.
“yeah.” Theresa smiled, “When are they going to be here?!”
Sheridan shrugged as she got up and turned on the radio, and heard the opening bars of “If My Heart Had Wings” – by Faith Hill. “I love this song…” Sheridan stated as she bounced her head from side to side.
“Luis does too. Go figure.” They laughed as they looked out the window.


“Ethan – can we drive any slower?” Luis said sarcastically as he sipped at his coffee.
“Hey – I’m being safe.” Ethan chuckled, “Seriously – I want to get to my wife in good condition.”
“Well – I want to get to Sheridan as soon as possible! They’ve got to be worrying their pretty little heads off.”
“They probably are.” Ethan paused, “When are you going to ask her to marry you?”
“Keep a secret?”
“Of course.”
“In two weeks – when we head off to Mexico.” Luis sighed, “We’ll get there – I’ll plan us a dinner – take her on a walk – ask her on a beach!”
“Sounds romantic. Sheridan’s going to love it – and love you for it.”
“I’m turning up the radio.” Luis grinned as he heard the opening bars to “if my heart had wings”. “Sheridan and I were in our apartment one day – and we were listening to this – she pulled me off of my feet – shut off the tv – and began to dance. I love this song.”
“you guys are too funny.”

Damn these old wheels
roll’n too slow
I stare down this white line
So far to go
Headlights keep come’n
Lonliness hum’n along
who poured this rain?
who made these clouds?
I stare through this windshield
Think’n aloud

Luis stared out at the falling snow and began thinking about Sheridan. Remembering the times they shared in the snow. Like last winter, last winter – Sheridan dragged him outside and made him roll up a huge snow ball. They spent three hours putting together the best looking snowman Harmony had ever seen. It was so good – It got photographed and put into the paper. That night – Sheridan rewarded him for his efforts. Luis grinned remembering…

Time keeps on crawl’n
Love keeps on call’n me home
I’ll jump all these mountains
And take to the skies
Sail through the heavens
With stars in my eyes

Ethan drove and smiled as he saw snow flakes falling faster. It reminded him of the last winter. Theresa had told Ethan all about how she always dreampt about Ethan being a prince and she a princess in a castle. He wanted to make her fantasy a reality -–and that valentines day he hired six ice sculputers to make a castle out of snow and ice in the backyard of the Crane estate. He brought her out at midnight – right on the dot – and presented to her, as a Valentines day gift – the beautiful ice castle – complete with stairs and a slide coming down. He would never forget the look in her eyes or the smile on her face…

If my heart had wings
I would fly to you
and lie beside you, as you dream
If my heart had wings

Sheridan gazed out the window and remembered last Christmas. She had spent it with the Lopez-Fitzgeralds. Everyone was over at Pilars and it felt so warm and cozy. It was the picture-perfect-warm-tingly Christmas eve. She remembered the walk that she and Luis took outside. They had had the biggest snow ball fight. After, Luis lost – he went back to the apartment and pouted. The next morning, he felt bad about being such a bad loser, he made Sheridan the best breakfast – and served her an even better dessert – topped with the sweetest kisses she’d ever tasted.

We both committed
We both agreed
You do what you have to to get what you need
Feeling you near me with so many miles in between
Lord, it ain't easy out here in the dark
To keep us together so far apart
If my heart had wings
I would fly to you and lie
Beside you as you dream
If my heart had wings

Theresa looked across the room and spotted the pictures of she and Ethan in the photobooth. That night was the first night they had ever made love. She remembered waking up in his arms and having him tell her how wonderful she was. He told her he wanted to make all her wishes come true – but they already had. All she ever wanted, and would want in life was right there…next to her. Wrapped around her.

Stuck on this circle
Spinning around
Cut loose from this rope
That's tying me down
If my heart had wings
I would fly to you and lie

“Luis?” Ethan said as he tapped Luis’s arm. “We’re here!”
“Wha-what?” He jumped lightly in his seat, “Wow – you startled me there.”
“Where were you just now? You were so out of it.”
“Oh – memories. It seems the snow triggers all sorts of memories…”
“These tiny little flakes do a lot, Luis. They bring kids happiness and parents baby sitters. They bright road rage and love. They do a lot.”
“Nicely put…it a weird…morbid…sick kind of way…” Luis said as he opened up his door and stood up.
“I’ve got this one.” Ethan said as he held up a large duffle bag and suitcase, “And This one.”
“I have the rest…” Luis shut the trunk and followed Ethan inside the Cabin.

Part Two : Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

To Be Continued...