Disclaimer: I am no way related to NBC or Passions. I am just borrowing them for my fan fiction so please don't sue me; you won't get anything out of me!
Note: I've wanted to right this story for so long. This story on based on how I would like Luis and Sheridan to reunite. It was actually some one's idea in McKenzie Westmore's chat room. I just wanted to thank her for a great idea (even though I can't remember her name at this moment lol) I really hope you guys like it.
Chapter 1:
Sheridan had forced Brain to go and see his family. Sheridan had also promised him that she would build a future with him but he needs to see his family first. Liz decided to go back to Harmony, and Sheridan decided to go with her. Brain knew it was time he returned where he belonged as well. They were all in the plane about to land in Harmony. Sheridan hoped that maybe someone will recognize her there and tell her who she really was. She wanted so desperately to find out who she was, what her real name was, was she married, engaged, did she have a family she belonged to. There were so many things missing in her life.
Luis came back from the station. He was on his lunch break so he decided to go see Beth. Beth and Luis have been dating for couple of weeks now. Luis knew he would never love anyone the way loved Sheridan. He will always love Sheridan no matter what. There will always be a special place for Sheridan in his heart. No one will ever replace his love for Sheridan, not even Beth. He once told Beth that if some how Sheridan came back to him, and loved him as much as he loved her, he would marry her immediately. Beth was very hurt. She didn't know what it was that everyone loved about Sheridan. Pilar, Theresa, Miguel, Sam, Grace, Charity, Jessica, Whitey, Simone, Kay, Eve, T.C and everyone loved her so much.
Why couldn't they love Beth like that? Why couldn't they see that she was in love with Luis? Why couldn't they stop talking about Sheridan? Why couldn't they just except that Sheridan was dead and was NEVER coming back? What was so special about her? Sure Sheridan was beautiful, so was Beth. Damn it! She was a Crane; she was from a family whom the whole town hated. Luis has always hated the CRANES but why couldn't he hate Sheridan. Why couldn't he stop talking about her, why couldn't he see that Beth loved him? Why couldn't anyone love her the way she loved him or her?
She came back to reality when Luis called her name.
"Hey Luis" She smiled at him.
"Welcome back to Harmony" he teased.
"Oh shut up" she chuckled.
They both leaned into kiss each other.
"Can I get a coffee?"
"Thank you" he said before he laughed softly.
She teasingly hit him on the arm and went to get a cup of coffee for him.
To Be Continued...
Chapter 2:
Brain/Antonio, Sheridan and Liz went to Lopez-Fitzgerald house but no one was home, so Brain decided to go to Book Cafe. He was sure that some one would be there or he can just go there to see Beth. Sheridan and he were talking when Sheridan told him that she’d be in there in a minute, Brain walked in the Book cafe. When the door opened, Beth looked towards the door and was shocked to see who it was. She gasped and whispered “Antonio?” “What are you talking about Beth?” Confused Luis asked,
Beth motioned him to look over at Brain. When Luis saw who it was, he jumped out of his chair and started walking toward Antonio.
”Hello Luis” Antonio greeted.
”Well, look whose here. What the hell are you doing here?” Luis asked furiously
”I’m doing what I should’ve done a long time ago” said Antonio peacefully
”What would that be? Hurt us again?” Luis asked
”Come home, where I belong” said Antonio “Where you belong? I don’t even think you belong in our family anymore.” Luis said angrily.
”What the hell is that suppose to mean?” asked shocked and confused Antonio.
”Do you know every night since you left, mama has lit a candle for you and prayed to God that some how, some day, you’ll come back? Do you know how much mama needed you after Papa disappeared? Do you know she had to send Paloma to Aunt Maria in Spain, just because she couldn’t afford to take care all of us? Do you know I didn’t complete my education because of you? If you hadn’t left Paloma would still be here where she belongs and she wouldn’t blame me for sending her and not caring about her” Luis told his brother
”I’m sorry you guys had to go through all this of because of me, but Luis I never left because I wanted to” Antonio apologized.
”All you can say is your SORRY. Did you leave to enjoy your life, did you not wanted to take care of Miguel and Theresa and Paloma? Were you forced to leave or did you just all of a sudden disappeared?” said Luis who was seconds away from punching his brother.
When Antonio didn’t say anything, Luis just punched right into his face. When Beth saw what he did, she quickly ran to Antonio and helped him stand up.
”Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald, would you mind listening to what your brother has to say before you go punching him?” Beth said to Luis
”I don’t want to hear any of his explanations, he can go to HELL” said Luis
Beth couldn’t believe it.
”You know what he will tell you whether you like it or not.” Beth said irately
”I was forced to leave by Julian Crane” said Antonio
Luis was shocked. All this time his brother was away because of those damn crane. All this time he held them responsible for Martin’s disappearance.
”Did you just say Crane?” Luis asked who was still shocked.
”Yeah, they made me leave because I heard their conversation with Papa.”
”Oh my God Antonio, I’m so sorry you had to leave. I’ve always suspected that Crane were responsible for Papa’s disappearance. I never thought they would make you leave too.”
”Yeah but I never meant to hurt anyone especially mama.” Antonio said miserably.
”Now I know you didn’t leave on purpose, but if had left on purpose I would’ve killed you by now.” Luis said laughing
Antonio joined in the laughter and then the brothers hugged.
”Welcome back Bro”
Luis welcomed his older brother home.
”Thanks, I’m so glad to be back”
”So are you married or dating anyone?” Luis asked curiously
”No, I love a woman, but she doesn’t love me back. She is so beautiful. “I’ve never seen some one so beautiful in my life. Anyways what about you? Are you and Beth married?”
”No, I’m not married to Beth. I broke up with her ten years ago, right after you left. I didn’t think I had time and I didn’t want to hurt Beth. I had to help mama” Luis told Antonio
”I’m so sorry”
”Don’t be sorry because I am not.
Four years ago, I met some one so beautiful, sexy, caring, loving and stubborn as well. We fought all the time. She crashed in to my car twice, got me arrest in Spain and that was because I saved her. Can you believe this? We never got along but then I was hired to be her 24/7 bodyguard, we still fought but also started to get along, we went on a date, we fell in love. I was suppose to marry her two months ago.”
Luis explained to Antonio who was curious to find out what happened next.
”So you’re married to her right?” Antonio asked
”No, because she died, we were in Bermuda when she died in a Boat Explosion.”
”Ohh Luis, I’m so sorry. How are you holding up?”
”I’m trying my best. I feel like killing my self, she was the love of my life. She was my best friend, my soul mate and most importantly my life.”
”What was her name Luis?”
”Sheridan- Sheridan Crane”
To Be Continued…
Chapter 3:
When Antonio heard the name Crane, he flipped. He couldn't believe it, how could Luis fell in love with a Crane. The Crane who forced him to leave.
"You fell in love with a Crane?" He asked in disbelief
"I know what you are thinking, but Tony you don't know Sheridan. Sheridan was nothing like the Crane. She hated being the Crane, Alistair and Julian never loved her. She was used because of her last name and her money. She hated it when people judged her by her last name. (He chuckled cause he did the same) She was against her own family. She loved Mama like her own mother.
All she ever wanted was some one to love her for whom she was not what she had. When I lost her, I didn't think I had anything to live for. I wanted to die with her." Luis explained to Antonio who couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"You really loved her, didn't you?" Antonio asked though he knew the answer by just looking in his brothers' eyes.
" Yeah, she was everything I've ever wanted from a woman I love. I still love her with all of my heart.
She was my best friend, my best friend, my soul mate and most importantly my life. I will always love her no matter what. Our love was something very special. She will always hold a special place in my heart. No one will ever replace my love for Sheridan. She never cared about money, all she wanted was a family who she trusted, loved and who loved her back. She didn't deserve me, she deserved some one better than me but all she ever asked me was to love her that's it. She loved mama so much, and mama loved her one of her own children. Sheridan was some one who was loved by so many people.
She was a wonderful person. Theresa and Miguel adored her. They both couldn't wait till we both got married. Theresa was so excited to be getting a new older sister. Theresa actually designed her wedding dress. Sheridan spoiled Theresa more than she already was. I wish she was alive today, I'm sure you would've loved her."
"I bet, she looked like a wonderful person. What about Beth Luis? Are you dating her now?" Antonio asked curiously since he had missed so much of his family's life.
"I just started dating Beth again. I couldn't move on after Sheridan died.
Everyone suggested that I go out with Beth and it might help. I love Beth, but I can't love anyone the way I loved Sheridan. Beth is my best friend, I once loved her, but I don't want to hurt her again. The love I have to Sheridan is way too strong comparing for the love I have for Beth. No one can replace ever replace my love for Sheridan not even - Beth. I really do love Beth, but not the way she wants me too." Luis told his brother, even though he never thought he would forgive Antonio for what he had done to the family.
Luis didn't know but Beth had heard everything he just said. She had tears in her eyes. She knew Luis loved Sheridan but she never knew that Luis will never love her the way he loved Sheridan.
Antonio could see all the love in Luis's eyes as he talked about the love of his life. He could tell that Sheridan was someone very special to his family and mostly to Luis. When Antonio saw Beth standing in the back and had tears in her eyes, he didn't know what to do.
"Um Luis I think you've already hurt Beth."
"What do you mean?" Luis asked
"Turn around and see for your self."
Luis turned around and was stunned to see Beth standing there crying. He never meant to hurt her. 'Ughh now she won't even want to look at me. I hurt her once again with my stupid feelings.' Luis thought to him self.
"Beth, I'm so sorry, I didn't meant it, I'm so sorry." Luis apologized. He didn't know what else to say.
"No Luis, your right. I've always loved you even when you broke up with me. I never thought you'd fall in love with someone else since you broke up with me to help your mother. But I was wrong; you fell in love with Sheridan. Sheridan who was a Crane, a family who you've always hated. I never in million years thought you'd fall in love with her. She meant everything to you, I was never in your heart anymore. I waited for ten years for you to come back to me. We were supposed to get married." She said in tears.
"I never asked you to wait for me Beth" said Luis sadly.
"Yeah you never did, but it was silly of me to think that you'd come back to me and marry me, that you'd still love me"
"I still love you" Luis whispered
"I know you do, but as a friend. Not the way I thought you did. Not the way you love Sheridan, I was so stupid not to go out with people because I have always loved you and only you. And I always will but now I know that you love Sheridan and only Sheridan. I was crushed, I was very hurt when I saw how much you and Sheridan loved each other and had so much in common. I hated her for stealing you from me. But the truth is that she never stole you from me because we were never together anymore. I've always dreamed of becoming the Mrs. Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald. I've always dreamed of wearing the ring your grandmother gave it to you. I've always dreamed of having children with you but all that was destroyed in matter of seconds.
I was stupid to think that you would love me more than Sheridan or anyone else. I've known you since we were children, I always knew you loved me but never really thought that you only loved me as a friend. My dreams were only dreams, they never came true, and probably never will since you love Sheridan. I hated seeing you with Sheridan, I hated it when everyone talked about you and Sheridan of how much you loved each other and couldn't live with out each other. I hated hearing Sheridans name. I still hate her for hurting you like this. I hate her for loving you so much. I hate you for loving her so much but I need to move with my life. I've wasted a lot of time in my life just because I waited for you to come back into my life.
You still love Sheridan and probably always will. I am sorry Luis but I can't be with you. I am not trying to hurt you but I think it would be better if we both moved on with our lives separately. I'm truly very sorry, I really am. I would still like us to be friend though and I am sorry I hurt you." Beth said crying even harder. She knew she made the right decision. Luis was still in shock of what she had just said. He couldn't believe it. He has hurt her once again even when he tried not to. He couldn't help talking about Sheridan. She was his life. He took a step closer to Beth and hugged her. He didn't know what else to do. At least they were still friends.
To Be Continued…
Chapter 4:
Luis saw Ethan and Theresa coming in the Book cafe and decided to tease her a bit. He told Antonio about his plan, went to Ethan, and tells him about his plan.
”Hey Luis” Ethan and Theresa greeted Luis.
”Hey Sis, Ethan Can I talk to you for a second, alone?” He said looking at Theresa, basically telling her to go away so he can talk to Ethan.
”Ohh why, what are you hiding Luis? Tell me your little secret!” Theresa asked Luis wanting to know what he was going to talk to Ethan about.
”Theresa, I’ll tell you later, let me talk to Luis now. It could be important.” Ethan said before kissing Theresa softly on the lips.
Theresa decided to leave both men so they can talk but she was determined to find out what Luis said to Ethan later.
A few minutes later Luis and Ethan came back to where Theresa was sitting and decided to start working on their plan. The plan that Luis had told Ethan. Ethan thought it was going to be fun, especially with Theresa since she never knows what is really going on.
”Hey honey” Ethan kissed Theresa.
Luis walked to Ethan and Theresa with Antonio and said
”Theresa, this man here says you are his wife”
”WHAT?!?” She was shocked. It can’t be true. She has always loved Ethan.
”Hi Sweetie, do you not recognize me?” Antonio asked laughing inside, he couldn’t believe his sister didn’t recognize him, though he knew how could she, he left the house when she was about 3. “Look, I have no idea who you are, I have always loved Ethan and only Ethan. I don’t know you, I don’t love you and I certainly don’t need you” She almost screamed at him.
“Theresa, I can not believe you’ve cheated on me, how could you be engaged to me if you have a husband?” Ethan asked Theresa, who was in tears now, not believing that she was ever married to anyone else. “Ethan, I swear, I never married anyone else, I don’t remember marrying anyone or loving anyone else but you. I would never lie to you Ethan. I love you, you have to believe me. Please Ethan!” She begged him
Luis just looked at the trio; he was trying so hard to control his laughter. He knew his sister was obsessed over Ethan, and she couldn’t even see that they were playing with her. “I’m sorry Theresa, I don’t think I can be with you when you are married to someone else. How could you betray me Theresa? You know what, I’m leaving and you come back to me when you are done with your HUSBAND!” Ethan said as he left but before he left he looked at Luis and who smiling and winked at Ethan.
”No Ethan!!! Please don’t leave; I swear I don’t have a husband. I am only in love with you! Please give me a chance to explain everything please Ethan!!!” she yelled and cried but Ethan didn’t turn back. “My life is over! The man I love just left me, I am going to die, how can I live with out Ethan.” She said to her self as she cried harder and harder.
When Luis saw Theresa, he felt bad, he didn’t mean to hurt her or make her cry. He was just playing with her.
Luis called Ethan back and Both Ethan, Luis and Antonio started laughing. Theresa looked at them and thought they were nuts, what she couldn’t believe was how could Ethan be laughing if he just left her. “Why are you laughing? What’s so funny?” A confused Theresa asked.
”I’m laughing at you honey” Ethan replied still laughing.
”Me?” “Yeah, Honey we were just joking, you are not married to this man” “I can’t believe this, do you know I almost had a heart attack knowing that I have a husband, I swear I never cheated on you. I would never do that, not to you” Theresa explained as Ethan wiped the tears away from her beautiful eyes.
Theresa then looked at Luis who was laughing at his baby sister who he thought just looked so cute. Theresa went over to him and punched him right in the stomach and said, “Don’t you ever do that again!”
That made Luis and Ethan laugh even harder.
”You know what, you two are way to much.” She turned to Antonio and said “You do look familiar, do I know you from somewhere?” Before Antonio can answer Ethan said “Theresa, doesn’t this guy looks like your brother Antonio?”
Theresa laughed and said “Ethan are you crazy, Luis would kill Antonio by now I he ever came back and I don’t think he would come back for Luis’s lecture and fighting. I mean come on my brother hates Antonio way too much to forgive me in a second.
Luis chuckled at what Theresa said, and Theresa knew something was up with him. Because every time someone mentioned Antonio’s name Luis gets really mad. He blames Antonio for leaving their family and hurting their mother. Theresa looked at Ethan; Ethan looked at Luis and said “Luis are you ok?” “Yeah I’m fine, why?” Luis asked smiling.
Antonio who felt left out decided to speak now “Who is this Antonio person?” “He is. Or should I say was our older brother, who left right after my father disappeared. My brother Luis hates him with all of his heart, because he blames him for abandoning them.” Theresa explained to the guy who she didn’t even know. “Do you hate him?” Antonio asked
”Well, I don’t really even know him because I was only three years old when he left. But if I do see him I would be pretty mad at him for leaving us but also happy because he will be back, which I don’t think will happen anytime soon. But I think I would like to slap him for leaving him and never calling or writing me.” Said Theresa who thought she loved Antonio and she knew deep in her heart she loved him but she hated him for leaving her, and never caring about her.
”Well then you should slap me!” said Antonio at that Luis laughed. He knew the secret was out.
”Pardon me?” She turned to Ethan and said “Ethan, wasn’t he saying that he is my husband and now he wants me to slap him, that’s weird huh?” “Well, Theresa in which world do you marry your brother?”
”WHAT?” “He is Antonio, your brother, we were just playing around with you”
Theresa was shocked, she couldn’t believe it, and her older brother was back. The brother who Luis hated, the brother who had hurt her mother, his younger sister, his younger brother and now he was standing right in front of her laughing and talking to Luis.
She looked at Luis and asked, “Is this true Luis?” “Yeah sis, this is Antonio” “But didn’t you hate him?” “Well, I would if he left us for no reason, but he had a very good reason why he left and I think that we should welcome him back since he went through so much” Luis told his sister.
Theresa walked over to Antonio, hugged him, and said “Welcome back Tony!” “Thanks sis, I’m glad you didn’t slap me” he said chuckling
”Yeah well, I changed my mind. I never slapped Luis, so I don’t think I would slap you”
”And you wouldn’t dare slap me sis” said Luis smirking. “Ohh yeah I would, and you know I would, come on if Sheridan could slap you then so can I. As soon as she said Sheridan’s name she could see sadness and love in his eye. She knew she was so stupid, she shouldn’t have said Sheridan’s name.
”Ohh.. Luis I’m so sorry I didn’t mean it to come out that way”
”Hey, its ok. And I know that she will not come back but my gut say that she will and she is some how, some where near here.” Luis said with all the love he had. He still loved Sheridan and always will no matter what.
To Be Continued...
Chapter 5:
Antonio decided to go look for Diana because she was supposed to come in soon and she didn’t. He was hoping she wasn’t lost or anything. He knew she still wanted to find about her past and she said maybe someone would recognize her there. He didn’t know what to say to her because when they came to Harmony during Christmas no one recognized her there but he still cared about her and loved her and was hoping that one day that love will be returned. Some how his guts told him that he wouldn’t have Diana to him for long. He tried to ignore it since he knew nothing and no one can take Diana away from him and she didn’t remember anything or anyone in her life except her dead lover.
Antonio came outside and saw her looking at the roses and knew she was having a flash back with her lover. He hoped that some day she would forget about her lover and move on with her life- with him.
”Diana” Sheridan heard her name from behind and knew who it was.
”Are you ok?” Antonio asked concerned.
”Yeah I’m fine, so how did it go with your brother?” She asked him nicely.
”A lot better than I expected and he wants to meet you. Are you ready?” He asked her knowing how much she wanted to meet Luis too.
”Yeah of course” She replied and went to meet Brain’s brother in Book Cafe.
A few seconds later Antonio and Sheridan opened the door to the Book cafe and as soon as the door opened Luis looked towards it and was shocked to see who it was.
Sheridan was also shocked. She couldn’t believe it. It was he. She knew it was him, she could never forget his face. All of a sudden, she remembered crashing into his car, he putting her in jail, drug cartel, Mexico, their first date, the imposter, Ethan and Theresa’s engagement party, Pilar’s birthday Party, their second date, their Basket ball game in Youth center, the day he proposed to her. She was getting all the flashbacks. Her head was spinning so fast, she was remembering her past. As soon as her flashes were over, she remembered everything; she knew who she was now. She knew his name. The next second she screamed “LUISSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
To Be Continued…
Chapter 6:
A few seconds later Antonio and Sheridan opened the door to the Book cafe and as soon as the door opened Luis looked towards it and was shocked to see who it was.
Sheridan was also shocked. She couldn't believe it. It was he. She knew it was him, she could never forget his face. All of a sudden, she remembered crashing into his car, he putting her in jail, drug cartel, Mexico, their first date, the imposter, Ethan and Theresa's engagement party, Pilars birthday Party, their second date, their Basket ball game in Youth center, the day he proposed to her. She was getting all the flashbacks. Her head was spinning so fast, she was remembering her past. As soon as her flashes were over, she remembered everything; she knew who she was now. She knew his name. The next second she screamed "LUISSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Luis who was still shocked, he couldn't believe his eyes; it had to be a dream. He thought he was going crazy. How can Sheridan be back if she had died a few months ago, especially it couldn't be her when Luis had her ashes and he saw her dead body? Luis slowly walked up to Sheridan and stop.
Sheridan touched his jaws to make sure he was real and Luis did the same. At the same time, they said, "Is it really you?"
"Yeah Luis, Its me I'm alive. I can't believe I finally found you, I never thought I'd be able to find you again"
Said Sheridan in tears, the happy tears. She was so happy she finally found the man she had loved and still loved, and she got her memory back, she knew who she was now.
"I can't believe your alive Sheridan, I never though I'd see you again. The day you "died", I thought my life was over. I couldn't live without you. My life was incomplete. I'm so happy you're alive. I still can't believe it. I still don't know how you're alive, I mean I saw your dead body." Said Luis in tears himself. Of course, the happy tears, the love of his life was back.
"Right now all that matters is that I am alive and right here with you" said Sheridan before they kissed passionately. Not wanting to lose each other again they kissed for a long time.
On the other, hand Antonio who was still shocked. He couldn't believe it, the woman he had fallen in love with was his brothers' fiance, and she was a CRANE! He knew Luis had fallen in love with a Crane but he also said that Sheridan was different from all the others. She was kind, sweet, loving, caring, and so much more. He had seen some of it while they were on the Island. He didn't know how he was going to get over her. How could he fall in love with his brothers' fiance? He couldn't just let Sheridan go. He had to fight for her, even if it meant fighting with his brother.
His one true love was his brothers' fiance but he could care less. He loved Sheridan and he didn't care who her fiance was and who she had loved. The fact that she had promised him that if he goes back to his family she was goes out with him and stuff but… he just didn't care anymore. He loved Sheridan and that's it. He walked over to his brother and Diana… he meant Sheridan. It was going to take him a while to start calling her Sheridan.
He coughed and broke up Luis and Sheridan kissing. He could see in both of their eyes how happy they looked.
Before he could say anything, Sheridan spoke and said "Brian! Oh my god, Brian I got my memory back. Brian I can't thank you enough for everything you did for me. I got everything I ever wanted, my memory, my fiance and my real life." She said excitedly not even noticing the pain in his eyes. How could she forget him so fast? How could she not see the tears and hurt in his eyes?
"Sheridan, how do you know my brother?" Luis asked.
"Luis, this is your brother?" Sheridan asked Shocked! It was Luis' long lost brother Antonio, but why would he go by the name Brian?
"Yeah he is."
"Oh my god Luis, he is the one who saved me from the ocean, he was the one who I've been living on the St. Lisa's Island for months now, I had no memory, I didn't know who I was, where I belong, who my family was and Brian I mean Antonio took me in; he took really good care of me, if it wasn't for him, and then I wouldn't be here." Sheridan told Luis, who was shocked to hear that his brother Antonio was his hero, and even probably Sheridan's hero too.
Luis thanked Antonio; he didn't even see the hurt in his brothers' eyes.
Sheridan then said, "Antonio, this is my "dead" lover, the love of my life" as soon as Sheridan said that it was like someone had just tore his heart in two pieces. When Sheridan looked into Antonio's eyes she saw something, that something was hurt, something that she had put in his eyes. She then realized that she had promised him if he went to his family, she would date him. How could she do that? She loved Luis so much, and Antonio, he was her hero, she had begun to love him. Why did she have to get herself into so much trouble? How could she choose between two brothers, her two favorite people?
She had no idea what she was going to do!
To Be Continued...